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Night Games?

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Just seen my local (woodland)) site is advertising a night game next wednesday - I'm quite tempted if I can get out of work a couple of hours early as it sounds fun, but as someone who currently owns neither NV or weapon light (maybe I could bodge or buy a weapon light by next week), would I just be getting rinsed?

Anyone play these kinds of games? What should I expect from them?

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Night games are some of my favourite games. I don't run nvg, d never manage to get the funds together to purchase some. 

I do run weapon lights on all my rifs and they are all currently setup to run red light as it effects your eyes less when compared to white light.


As a basic light find something with a momentary tail switch and gaffer tape it to the rif in a position where you can active the switch with your chosen digit.


As to what to expect, that depends on the players and the site but I'd suggest that you be prepared to listen more and rely on your ears much more than a standard game day.

Concerning getting rinsed, that will depend on how you play.

Like I mentioned I don't have nods, but I have played a lot of night games successfully.

Set you kit up to make as little noise as possible, work on your movements and poise, and you can be extremely effective.

As good as nvg are they often have a narrow field if view and if they don't hear you they aren't like to look your way until you open fire.


Have fun.


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night games can be fun, although a few things to consider:


1. think about warmth, it'll get colder than you'd think.

2. any light system you're going to use should ideally have a momentary activation, you'll be wanting to have the torch on for the bare minimum of time needed to aim and fire.

2.1 having extra lights is handy, wedging a torch in a tree branch to cover an area whilst you hide elsewhere is an effective tactic, although expect said torch to be shot a lot....

3. you'll want to be very, very sure of your gun's hop and sight settings, you'll be relying on your gun hitting where your sight says it is and if isn't then you're gonna have a bad time.

4. be prepared for close encounters, even if it's outdoors, you can be practically tripping over someone before you notice them.

5. think about some kind of head protection against tree branches and the night, they'll sneak up on ye.

6. tracers are cool, but they work both ways.


a good defensive game at night, smoke grenades being lobbed everywhere, beams of torches lasers and rounds flying through the air as shadowy figures shift around while you wait for someone to spark up some pyro on the other side revealing their position that's the stuff so atmospheric....

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Be prepared to fall over a lot!




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Keep lights to a minimum.


Monentary switches, red filters etc


And absolutely do not light up full beam behind your faction general wearing black Angel wings as he sneaks into enemy HQ


…. but as noted above there are night games and night games


Some night games are full on night battles, others are summer evenings with a sunset

  On 04/07/2022 at 18:36, Shamal said:

Be prepared to fall over a lot!





Been there, done that

(Day and night)

  On 04/07/2022 at 17:23, Adolf Hamster said:


6. tracers are cool, but they work both ways.




And those both ways are:

1) ooh pretty 

2) I can see exactly where you’re shooting from

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We only play at night during summer.


You don't need a torch nor an expensive set of NVs. Yes they make life easier in some situations but for the most part you won't use them (too many retards flashing powerful torches everywhere and there is a high risk of damaging the image intensifier tube, at the same time so many retards flashing powerful torches and giving away their position).


As others have said, it's a completely different game, you see with your ears, not with your eyes.

So every movement is amplified by 100, a piece of kit that is loose and rattles is like running around with a bright neon sign over your head, so is stepping on a twig.


You will learn how to properly walk in the woods, heel first and then the external part of your foot, this to minimise the chances of breaking twigs and leaves.


Close encounters are the norm, if someone's staying still you won't notice him/her.


Make sure your gear is tight, straps are tucked in and taped, silence any metal bit like a sling mount with tape, boot laces tucked in, any cable firmly secured. Also know your kit, routing through all your pouches to find a magazine isn't a good idea in general, more so when you can't see shit.


If using a torch, it's good practice to move as soon as you turn it off, your opponent will be blind for a couple of seconds and will most likely fire in the direction of the light, but if you aren't there anymore, he won't hit you.


Don't be tempted to use your torch against a close range bush, it'll only blind you and you won't see shit anyway.


Don't be like me, use clear lenses!!


Don't wear black, it's super obvious unless you are in a pitch black area, and even then green is much better. Tan/fde stands out a lot too.


Don't look directly at things, the way the eye works makes it easier to spot things while not looking directly at them (cones and sticks, something something, I'm not a medic).


Speaking of NV: having a set won't make you able to see everything as if you were in full daylight, you need to learn how to use them.

It's very far from the perfect picture you see in movies, depending on the generation. You still look for disturbances in skylines, patches of different colours, humanoid shaped blobs.

Having an IR illuminator does wonders, but only if nobody on the opposing team has nods, otherwise he'll just see the beam and know where you are.

Built-in illuminators suck.

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  On 04/07/2022 at 19:23, Skara said:

We only play at night during summer.


You don't need a torch nor an expensive set of NVs. Yes they make life easier in some situations but for the most part you won't use them (too many retards flashing powerful torches everywhere and there is a high risk of damaging the image intensifier tube, at the same time so many retards flashing powerful torches and giving away their position).


As others have said, it's a completely different game, you see with your ears, not with your eyes.

So every movement is amplified by 100, a piece of kit that is loose and rattles is like running around with a bright neon sign over your head, so is stepping on a twig.


You will learn how to properly walk in the woods, heel first and then the external part of your foot, this to minimise the chances of breaking twigs and leaves.


Close encounters are the norm, if someone's staying still you won't notice him/her.


Make sure your gear is tight, straps are tucked in and taped, silence any metal bit like a sling mount with tape, boot laces tucked in, any cable firmly secured. Also know your kit, routing through all your pouches to find a magazine isn't a good idea in general, more so when you can't see shit.


If using a torch, it's good practice to move as soon as you turn it off, your opponent will be blind for a couple of seconds and will most likely fire in the direction of the light, but if you aren't there anymore, he won't hit you.


Don't be tempted to use your torch against a close range bush, it'll only blind you and you won't see shit anyway.


Don't be like me, use clear lenses!!


Don't wear black, it's super obvious unless you are in a pitch black area, and even then green is much better. Tan/fde stands out a lot too.




Speaking of NV: having a set won't make you able to see everything as if you were in full daylight, you need to learn how to use them.

It's very far from the perfect picture you see in movies, depending on the generation. You still look for disturbances in skylines, patches of different colours, humanoid shaped blobs.

Having an IR illuminator does wonders, but only if nobody on the opposing team has nods, otherwise he'll just see the beam and know where you are.

Built-in illuminators suck.


Don't look directly at things, the way the eye works makes it easier to spot things while not looking directly at them (cones and sticks, something something, I'm not a medic).




That's true. It's the same principal when using a telescope or stargazing. 

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Do not wear mesh or any type. It's like wearing sunglasses. Depending on what the game is you will be shooting less than a regular game day so you won't need uber ammo. If you normally wear trainers (not a dig) wear proper high boots as you won't see rabbit holes very easily. Slow and steady movement. Take a decent torch to break times if you are eating in the woods. A small torch for actual game play. And yes camouflage works exactly the same at night as it does in the day. Black does not make you a predator all of a sudden. 


Have fun! 

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Don't go crazy on a torch.  You can get a decent red led with a 25mm body on evil bay for around a tenner.  You can buy the same thing with a logo for a lot more.  https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/233903015570  Don't bother with the mount, just use a one inch scope ring. 

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  On 04/07/2022 at 22:33, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Don't go crazy on a torch.  You can get a decent red led with a 25mm body on evil bay for around a tenner.  You can buy the same thing with a logo for a lot more.  https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/233903015570  Don't bother with the mount, just use a one inch scope ring. 



Thanks for the link, might just get me one of them!

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Night games are great fun.


Just be prepared for the unexpected to happen, more so at night than during a day game.



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No, & the fact that its no longer available probably indicates that it wasn't that good 🤔

  On 05/07/2022 at 11:01, Floperator said:


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  On 05/07/2022 at 12:16, Tackle said:

No, & the fact that its no longer available probably indicates that it wasn't that good 🤔



Can never tell these days, so much stuff is out of stock for months at a time

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Won’t lie I’ve NEVER seen a night game work , wether it was the ones at the NAE , at my home site wknd’er or other wknd events I’ve been too none of them have worked to some degree(from this is just silly ! all the way up to this is a total clusterfuck !) the ones I’ve been involved with have had every player imaginable from guys wandering around with million candle power torches permanently switched on lighting up the entire site , players with weapon lights blipping off and on as they try to move all tacticool through the undergrowth to guys with ridiculously expensive NVG’s and every thing in between . The main reason I think they never really worked is the same reason I avoid ‘Milsim’ games as well , ‘Discipline’ or more precisely LACK of Discipline . For events like these to work you need people who will follow the rules to the letter , but if a player drops a big wedge of beer tokens on an event and is then told “wait over there we’ll be back for you in 8hrs” there not going to do it and I don’t blame them either ! For any plan heavy event to really work you need the people taking part to be prepared to sit around for hrs on end doing absolutely F*** all for just a few minutes of frantic activity and most just won’t do it .

So endeth the sermon ! 😉


  On 05/07/2022 at 11:01, Floperator said:

Seen one a good while ago , it was shite . Went off , wouldn’t go off , wouldn’t stop , was loud and bright then quiet and weak . You get what you pay for sprung too mind ?

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It's not just night games though is it, some cqb sites are pretty dark in places, half a dozen of you might be tiptoeing along a dark corridor in single file, employing all your ninja tactics, when the guy bringing up the rear turns on his super bright taclites, silhouetting the rest of you like the spice girls coming on stage at wembley🤣.............. BRAAAAP, your all dead.......... Thanks "Carl" you twat🤬

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I love night games, seen them work just as well as most day games to be honest. Cheaters do think it's easier to be a bastard though. 


I remember doing a 4 hour round journey to do a 3.5-4 hour night game at urban assault every 4 weeks for about 18 months. The good old days!


Regarding that LED flashbang thing......it looks awful, been discontinued and it's the first time I have seen it which I think shows how popular it was and how well it took off. Reckon it wouldn't last many throws at all. I'd strongly recommend a standard bfg or disposable pyro if you're allowed (some sites allow them during the day, but not the evening). 


Torch wise, I'd recommend one of the surefire clones, you're looking at around £40-£50 all in, it mounts nicely to rifs, looks good, provide a decent amount of light, have the momentary on function etc. Think it'd serve better than a more short term version. Torches are great for CQB in the day too, dark corners etc. Bright is great, but sometimes not having the brightest torch is useful, super bright and your torch can be seen from miles away or even a few rooms away, bright enough but not the full power of the sun and it's a bit more discreet. 



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So I got my torch through the post today. Has pic mount, tail switch, rechargeable battery, is very respectably bright indeed. God it doesn't seem that long ago that Maglites were as good as it got and they cost a fortune, this cost 15 quid and it could burn yer retinas out. White LEDs are amazing.


However, after looking high and low for my red torch filter it looks like it's MIA. Never mind I thought, I'll just dig out the lighting gels my gf got me from her work, stick one behind the lens.

Unfortunately I have three shades of blue, a green, and a, er, pin-MAGENTA.


Not sure how tactical this is but it may have to do for now 😆 


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