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Helmet Cam For Personal Use, Does It Make Me A Nobber?


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I enjoy airsoft, I like playing it with my son, I'm an "average" player who has lucky days now and again, I like seeing photo's that the site may have uploaded of the day as they bring back good memories. However, I'd quite like to see back what I personally saw on the day, was the epic shot I thought I made actually terrible and the "movement" in the bush was just a pigeon, see where the sneaky person who shot me in the head was hiding etc.


So, as I'm no Carlos the Jackal, would people think I'm a bit of a nobber if I put the smallest camera I could on my helmet to record video for my own personal use? I'm old enough to rarely give a shit about what people think about me anymore, however I don't want to embarrass my son or have others at a site point and laugh 😢

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It's common place enough at this point that I rarely even notice if folks are running around with camera equipment on, so I wouldn't overthink it. As for the potential of your son finding it embarrassing... well there's only one person that knows the answer to that so I dare say you should ask him.

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That, really. There are enough cameras out there that it won't attract much attention now.


I filmed a few games, but the thrill of scraping through hours of footage to find the few seconds of actual interest quickly wore thin.  The other cardinal sin is posting "OMG CHEETAR!" videos, unless you've already provided the footage to the site and given them time to respond.


Oh, and you will need a lens protector.  BBs always seek out an unprotected lens, no matter how small it is.

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What’s the point? 
In most cases the footage will be 1+ hour of your life you’ll never get back watching it.

name a decent YouTube channel and you will see an iceberg of ten minutes footage that has had hours of crappy footage edited out plus hours of time making a story out of it. Unless you really want to waste your life learning a niche skill that provides zero income for the time limit/money you put into it then why bother.

aside from a very few (yes and I include kicking mustang as love or hate the videos are well scripted/edited whatever) all the rest are not worth wasting your life viewing.

if you were 15 at least you would have your parents patting you on the back for your new skill. 
I liken it to filming a concert, you are missing the moment poorly filming something others are experiencing  to obtain footage that no one will ever want to watch.


Or maybe you are the next Stanley Kubrick and I await your first YouTube masterpiece.

Cynical comments aside, you won’t be considered a nob for having cameras on your toy gats in answer to your question.


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23 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

That, really. There are enough cameras out there that it won't attract much attention now.


I filmed a few games, but the thrill of scraping through hours of footage to find the few seconds of actual interest quickly wore thin.  The other cardinal sin is posting "OMG CHEETAR!" videos, unless you've already provided the footage to the site and given them time to respond.


Oh, and you will need a lens protector.  BBs always seek out an unprotected lens, no matter how small it is.

Ain't that the truth! Two reflex sights later☹

Protected now👍

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Like other people have said it's quite common to find people using camera's so you're not going to be out of place with recording your gameplay.


Unless your site is filled with a bunch of wee fuds then you're not going to embarrass yourself or your son so there's nothing to worry about there.

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I tried a cam once, but on a shoulder mount, it was crap, however it did manage to capture me doing quite an loud and aggressive fart to which a nearby team member turned around and was like "WTF was that?!"


I'm in the same boat, I don't plan on uploading it anywhere or starting a youtube channel, just to capture some memories, so will probably try a head mount next time, I just don't fancy wearing a helmet 😂

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9 minutes ago, Brophy said:

I'm in the same boat, I don't plan on uploading it anywhere or starting a youtube channel, just to capture some memories, so will probably try a head mount next time, I just don't fancy wearing a helmet 😂


@Brophy I'll always be wearing a helmet now that I'm 100% committed to using an ExFog as it works perfectly for me, so I think I'm going to give it a go, and have a few video memories for when I'm old and dribbly.

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5 hours ago, Fatboy40 said:

I enjoy airsoft, I like playing it with my son, I'm an "average" player who has lucky days now and again, I like seeing photo's that the site may have uploaded of the day as they bring back good memories. However, I'd quite like to see back what I personally saw on the day, was the epic shot I thought I made actually terrible and the "movement" in the bush was just a pigeon, see where the sneaky person who shot me in the head was hiding etc.


So, as I'm no Carlos the Jackal, would people think I'm a bit of a nobber if I put the smallest camera I could on my helmet to record video for my own personal use? I'm old enough to rarely give a shit about what people think about me anymore, however I don't want to embarrass my son or have others at a site point and laugh 😢

im mid 30's and run bout with cam on my head and my rif bud nobody pays one blind bit to it,and if they do tell em to jog on

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6 hours ago, Fatboy40 said:

don't want to embarrass my son

I thought one of the unwritten rules of parenting is that you must embarrass your kids at every opportunity possible

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1 hour ago, Cannonfodder said:

I thought one of the unwritten rules of parenting is that you must embarrass your kids at every opportunity possible

this is a written rule not an unwritten one thats why we have em XD

7 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

For personal use no. What would make you a nob would be acting like you think you're the next Stanley Kubrick and starting a shitty youtube channel, then spamming social media begging for likes and subscribers 

tbf not everyone does that ill upload my fuck ups or pretty much non edited full game play footage other than walks bk to respawns XD no hit markers etc

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2 hours ago, Misery said:

im mid 30's and run bout with cam on my head and my rif bud nobody pays one blind bit to it,and if they do tell em to jog on

Exactly the same here. If any players ask why I have it I might start telling them I'm the "god mode police" or that I enjoy recording people that ask pointless questions. 


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I started a using a gopro and never looked back. At first it was for my youtube channel.and being able to show friends ds and family what it is like and what I get up to.

Nowadays, I havent uploaded a video for a few years due to not having the time to sift through all of the footage and edit it all.

A quick tip for sifting; switch off the camera when you know there is little or no chance of engagements. I also use a media editor that shows the sound as a visual track so I can see the moments where there is a lot of noise.


I do, however, use them for my own protection. I had an incident once where I shot somebody on a flight of stairs from a sneaky and concealed location where the angles were in my favour. The person I shot was adamant that I blind fired them.

He made a big deal about it....until he noticed the gopro and then decided that he must have not seen me. I offered footage to the Marshall's but luckily they had seen it all and confirmed no blind fire.


I have also caught other instances of cheating and unfair play. I almost caught someone breaking onto our site once but batteries had ran out.

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I had a gopro 2 gun mounted at the nae. Fully charged battery and I put the settings down to 960 and 25 frames.it only lasted 30 mins lol. 

Sound was awful as well. Don't think I'm gonna be posting vids anytime soon.lol


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4 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

I thought one of the unwritten rules of parenting is that you must embarrass your kids at every opportunity possible


My wife has banned me from wearing my "Tactical Dad" patch when skirmishing with him 😔 :lol:

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10 minutes ago, Fatboy40 said:


My wife has banned me from wearing my "Tactical Dad" patch when skirmishing with him 😔 :lol:

Haha I've got that patch.👍

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Personally, filming during a skirmish is fine. However, I take exception to filming in the safe zone (off-field) when players are unmasked and relaxing.

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While I'd never bother using a cam myself, if someone wants use 'em, fill yer boots, it's your money & time after all............


Be careful in your editing, if you do it in a piecemeal fashion, as seems to be the pattern for most of the self obsessed YouTube knob-jockey so called celebrities, don't be surprised if you receive a lot of stick from players and a poor reception in the future from some sites.

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  • 1 month later...

If you want to use it crack on! Don't let other people stop you!

You never know you might catch some funny moments of you or your son. 👍


I see people running GoPros and don't even bat an eyelid at them. It's just the norm these days.

I wouldn't worry or overthink it - just go have fun with it! :D

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I've started wearing one and I must admit, it's quite nice to re-watch clips when you've had a good day!


I played last Sunday and the last game was a free for all, I did rather well! The game ended with me and the other remaining player trading shots and doing a 1 Vs 1 to settle the outcome.


I won, but not after shooting him in his dump pouch 6 or 7 times. When I get some time to edit this I'll upload it to YouTube. It will not be a cheater shaming video because he clearly didn't feel the hits!


Plus it's also nice to send my mates videos of me shooting them!

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On 01/09/2021 at 10:46, Brophy said:

it did manage to capture me doing quite an loud and aggressive fart to which a nearby team member turned around and was like "WTF was that?!"

😂 we neeed to see this!!


Didn't think anyone gave a monkeys about cameras nowadays. Filming's even made it into a few briefings to check if people have objections, there are potential safeguarding issues with under 18's and the occasional random that thinks that by videoing them you're destroying their soul.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do what you want, it is your loadout and gear.


Just be prepared if (when) I smash the camera with my DMR...it does happen..

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