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do You Play Well With Others?

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Hello all,


Having amassed a staggering 2 games under my battle belt. It left me wondering, do you guys generally stick to the objective of that particular game or just scream "Kiiiiiiiill frenzy" and go all team death match?


The reason I ask is because I've chosen the rocky road of sniping as my entry into the sport and I'm absolutely loving it. I've been getting some good long ranges shots off and some super sneaky flank and ambush kills with my MK23. But I am just wondering off into the woods by myself while everyone charges off in the direction of the objective.


Once back in the safe zone and I meet up with my mates, I'm buzzing because I got a 5 kill streak with my pistol and their arguing about who stole more laptops from the enemy or who stormed the last building to push the baddies back.


My kills and efforts are obviously having some negative effects on the enemy, but I don't feel like I'm perhaps having an input towards the objective in certain scenarios.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not particularly bothered and I'm having plenty of fun! A friend of a friend has just built a sniper as well so ill have a fwend to run off into the woods with soon!

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Do what you enjoy within the rules of the game 😉

It may or may not contribute to winning but if you just want kills...


Personally I like the team aspect and get a buzz completing an objective with a group even if I don't fire a shot.

Though I'll also go sneakin to attack from different angles sometimes.

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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco

Depends on the game itself really.


If there's a well defined objective like "Escort VIP from A to B" then it's really fun playing for that objective - acting as close protection for the VIP etc. and it's the same for attack/defend - it's the most fun when you're staying focused on the objective, to me at least.


Whenever there's a game like "There are 20 fake cocaine bricks dotted around the site, go and find them!" I just treat it like team deathmatch. If I spot one I'll grab it but I never feel like a standard sunday skirmish has the teamwork or communications required to do well in games like those.

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There are many ways of enjoying our sport... from Infantry type and going in with all barrels blazing which is by far the most fun to the gentlemanly approach of causal walking with a shooting jacket and cap towards the back of the pack and picking off said targets which lets face it may have already been picked off and then to the stealthy art of sniping. I kinda do both but prefer the gun-ho let's get mucked in all approach. It's whatever you want to do and how you want to play. The important part is that you play and have fun whether you get any kills or not.... it's all good!

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When I was younger & fitter I'd have a go at the objectives, but nowadays I just focus on being a pain in the arse, popping up where I'm least expected, pick a few off & move positions before the inevitable hailstorm of BB's, before doing it all again lol.

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As has been already mentioned, you’re there to have fun with a hobby at the end of the day. Fun is very subjective and you shouldn’t let others try and push their version of fun upon you.


Since relocating up the country I tend to turn up a sites on my lonesome and since switching over to sneaking around with a bolty and mk23 I’ve been enjoying myself much more, no doubt largely because it puts my anxiety a bit more at ease.

I know it’s the be all and end all to some, but I can’t remember the last time I cared which team won each game. I’m just there to get a bit of exercise, socialise and gawp of other folks kit. Chase your bliss. 

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3 minutes ago, alxndrhll said:

I know it’s the be all and end all to some. 


This, in fact I would go as far as to say I find it cringe-inducing when a team loudly boasts about winning the last game. OK enjoy your victory but let's not bang on about it half an hour later.


In answer to the question, if the game rules are quite complicated I find it hard to follow. Especially with all the twats talking throughout, so that can lead to just shooting anyone in front of me. However if it's something I've played before and there are others who are confused about the objective, I won't shy away from taking the lead and helping our team achieve it. Also strongly depends on how much running is required!


Agree with the general sentiment though, you pay the same as everyone else, there are no ranks. Just play the way you want (within the rules of course!).

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My ethos is as follows :-


Did I survive not having a broken limb from falling over or falling down a hole ? 

Did I manage to pew pew a few people ?

Did I have fun ?


if I can say Yes to those I’m good & happy 


but if I can add “What?!?! We actually WON?!?!” Then its golden gravy time :D

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If it's a fun objective, I'll play for it.


If it's not, I'll find something fun to do.


Mind you, if some Walt is going bonkers yelling "TANGO DELTA SWEEP COVER AND CLEAR, CHARLIE IN THE TREE-LINE, SITREP, SITREP!" then it's fun to follow them around and do almost, but not quite, the opposite of what they're "ordering". ;)


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I tend to try and toe the middle line when sniping. I'll generally move with the pack until we are about within range and then peel off but stay within a shots range of our flanks so as to stay somewhat involved with the main objectives. Also helps providing support for my buddies who are pushing the objective by giving covering fire.


When I have a day on the AEG it is absolutely YOLO all the way and run round like a nutter going FA at anything that moves.

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49 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

If it's a fun objective, I'll play for it.


If it's not, I'll find something fun to do.


Mind you, if some Walt is going bonkers yelling "TANGO DELTA SWEEP COVER AND CLEAR, CHARLIE IN THE TREE-LINE, SITREP, SITREP!" then it's fun to follow them around and do almost, but not quite, the opposite of what they're "ordering". ;)


Haha dont cha just love the type who get so engrossed in proceedings that they think it's actually real.

I was playing at redemption an old prison in portsmouth. We were stacked up in a narrow corridor,tentatively poking heads out only to be met with pyro and 2000 rps from multiple gats.

The gentleman behind me who conservatively measured 6'10"×6'10"

became quite vocal and decided that we should move and helped me towards that end by playfully shoving me in the back with a hand the size of a bulldozer bucket whilst shouting GO!GO!GO! I WENT WENT WENT alright smack on me sodden face along with the chappie in front of me.lol

After a few well chosen expletives and a few not so well chosen threats(not backupable) he saw the error of his ways and realised he wasn't in dire danger of death from hungry zombies and apologised.(phew it could have gone bad for me!)lol.

Moral of it is dont take it too seriously. Have fun,try to win but dont worry if you dont.😃😉


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As many have said it depends on the game. Often if it's a single objective I'll stay at least within range of it to help out if needed. Otherwise if we're capturing a location I'll generally find my own way that no one's watching. Having a sniper backing you up on the "front lines" can definitely be helpful. If you have one or two people you work with to cover you, you're invaluable as someone to turn to and ask for a specific target to be taken out. 

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:



Mind you, if some Walt is going bonkers yelling "TANGO DELTA SWEEP COVER AND CLEAR, CHARLIE IN THE TREE-LINE, SITREP, SITREP!" then it's fun to follow them around and do almost, but not quite, the opposite of what they're "ordering". ;)


Amazing how often these idiots fall to 'friendly fire ' 😁

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I do both, it depends on my mood really. 


Just remember that even if you're not directly attacking an objective, you're still pulling people away from defending said objective making life easier for the rest of your team 

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I think my main reason for just wondering about is not knowing the layout of the sites. 

Having only been to Matlock and Phoenix, the latter being huge in comparison, all I could really do is either follow my run and gun mates or just crawl about by myself. 


Booked Matlock again this month so really looking forward to implementing my better knowledge of the layout. Might even take my ARP9 for a spin as soon as "full auto" is declared.


I'll be making Matlock my "home site" and have plans in my head of just how far I may need to go to flank. Especially after the success / enjoyment I got from Phoenix! The sound of one of my 0.4g Geoff's bouncing off a lads riot helmet and him not knowing where it came from was brilliant!! That plus my MK23 just puts a smile on my face!!

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Meh, we play a whole different game down here.


When we attack (attack & defend only games, no regen) we usually split teams into at least 2 groups, who then try to flank the defenders.

When I can I try to stay in the middle, a little further back than the "wings".

Gives me a somewhat clearer view of what's happening so I can relay it to my teammates, it also allows me to draw some of the enemy fire allowing the rest of the team to do their thing. Team play is key here, without it you won't accomplish anything.


With that being said, one thing you could try is to sit on the outskirts of the main fight, possibly at either side. This way you can still help your team by removing opponents, rack up kills and have fun hunting the guys who are hunting you :) I do it all the time when I'm sniping, I just fuck off into the woods and distract the attacking team by either firing early or going full splinter cell with the mk23.

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I've just spunked some pounds and pence on a Viper hood and lots of camo / leaf / ghillie crafting bits so hopefully my ambush game will get better. I did find that just not standing up and staying still got more enough kills to keep a grin on my face!

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I like playing with others. Every game day you see two teams of, mostly, solo players. Later in the day, when you get to know each other, you see a lot more people actually playing together and I like that much more. I'd love to be part of a larger group going to games together often, that way you really learn to play together and you have much better teamwork going on.

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Personally I favour playing the objective and I find it the most satisfying when there's a good level of team work. While I'm not a fan of those who like to approach the game like they're competing with Usain Bolt, they at least serve a purpose when it comes to running down the oppositions ammo reserves. I would also say that I've seen lone wolf players make tremendous team contributions simply by virtue of creating openings through both disruption and flanking attacks.


As others have said, as long as you're playing within the rules then find what works best for you and what you enjoy.

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i sort of float in and out of teamwork.


as a general rule i tend to play mostly solo, but when circumstances require it i'll pitch in with the ad-hoc strategies that come up.



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Nah Ill leave that to the  younger fitter players who want to sprint everywhere like mad, Im happy going for a little bimble in the woods with a few mates and shooting at whatever we find along the way :P 


Personally Id be happier just constantly being a rogue team with me and my few mates going out of our way to just annoy the other teams whilst theyre busy shooting at each other, come in for a little 3rd party action.

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