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The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread


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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


My issue is that, like Nuprol, they're rebadging generic gear that you can buy on eBay or AliExpress for a bit less.  That also means that they're at the mercy of their suppliers pulling a bait-and-switch.


Which of these would you recommend?



Probably the elites or spec ops. The patrol gloves are quite thin, good for camo but not much for dulling a bb. But at the price of the elites you're not far off of a pair of mechanix. 

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I used the cheap Chinese gloves for years, usually replacing them every 6 - 9 months. I also wore them on the bike cycling to work, camping and urbexing though. Then last year I picked up a pair of mechanix fast fit gloves for a few quid more. So fat they're hilding up far better than the cheaper ones. The fast fit ones are slightly thinner and allow great finger dexterity (we all know how more fiddly pouches can suddenly get in those oh shit moments) but a trade off is that being thinner and not armoured you don't get such good protection from hits. 

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I wear the cheapest hard knuckle airsoft gloves on evil bay.  They last a few years (or get lost) and for around £8 are fine.  Plenty of feel as the inside of the index finger always goes.  


I do have some similar priced German army thin leather gloves for themed games.  These have lasted a couple  of years with no wear that I can find.  

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35 minutes ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

I wear the cheapest hard knuckle airsoft gloves on evil bay.  They last a few years (or get lost) and for around £8 are fine.  Plenty of feel as the inside of the index finger always goes. 


"It's not a bug, it's a feature."  Yup, that's what I used too, until I ended up with an Amazon voucher to spend and went mad on the M-PACTs.  Loving them, armour right down to the fingertips, except on the index finger.  Which is a good thing, as I'd just tried and sent back another pair with armour on all the fingers, that were just too bulky for triggering.

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Played at The Gaol on their Pistol and Shotgun night last night. First outing in quite a while for me and it was well worth getting back home at gone midnight. The site had changed a hell of a lot since I was last there, the players (albeit small numbers - 12 I think) were great and a real joy to play with. Certainly reinvigorated my enjoyment for playing and even better being pitch black and on a site as exciting as The Gaol.

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On 20/09/2022 at 11:07, Rogerborg said:


My issue is that, like Nuprol, they're rebadging generic gear that you can buy on eBay or AliExpress for a bit less.  That also means that they're at the mercy of their suppliers pulling a bait-and-switch.


Which of these would you recommend?




None of the ones shown there, mine are the Viper Tactical Recon Gloves, much more like the Mechanix.

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After over three months out, due to illness, music festivals and other life stuff, I returned to the battlefield today at Red Alert.

Got to meet @Lozartwho seems a thoroughly nice bloke, surprisingly 😉

Got my Secutor Rapax DMR back from the local tech and ran that all day. He has performed witchcraft. In the first game of the day I got more kills with that DMR than I usually do in a whole game day.

That's right, I can shoot straight now!

Got several tag round kills and 3 pistol kills.

All in all a fantastic return. I've missed it!




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On 23/09/2022 at 19:32, GothicGhost said:

Fun day at the Ridge on 18th with my son.




Yes lad! How did he get on? My lad is a recent convert (he's 12) and has the bug big time now. We went out last weekend and he was a monster. 


Must say I enjoy having him alongside me and hearing him shouting out to other players "Mate, your 2 o'clock moving right to left!" is hilarious.  No idea where he gets it from! 








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Only played half the day this weekend as I am still troubleshooting my KJ m700 on higher power, though I ran it in the morning on 1J as it seems to be really good there (it sends .48s to the moon with minimal hop applied on higher power). Honestly, was a bit of a frustrating one. I was really looking forward to getting out and playing this weekend, but it was a super busy day and they ran a rolling assault game where we weren't allowed to flank. Forcing a 40 vs 40 rolling assault into a narrow corridor just becomes a meat grinder and that's exactly what happened. Wasn't even close, we got slaughtered. However, this wasn't my main point of frustration. The worst part was that I managed to low crawl and sneak into flanking positions within the narrow field of play 3 times and every time I got shot in the back just as I was getting ready to shoot the enemy team in the side or back. I spent the whole game, which was pretty much the whole morning as we only did a warm up game beforehand, crawling incredibly slowly past the enemy line of sight while my friend drew their attention away from my movement and using site knowledge to get around what was otherwise a pretty impenetrable enemy defensive line only to get shot in the back by my own team every single time. Yes I was in a ghillie and expect a bit of friendly fire, but not every single time especially when my armband was around my unghillie'd wrist on the side they were shooting me from so it was clearly visible. Pretty sure two of the three times were the same rental players too.


At least the first game was successful. Me and my friend set up to deny flankers on the three base domination warm up game and we denied the flank for the entire game from concealed positions. I did, however, remember why I don't like the mk23 as a sniper sidearm though with that awful squishy trigger making follow up shots hard to make accurately. Back to blowbacks next time!


Also disappointing because my m700 is still overhopping .48s on 2J. I found that the middle intake valve + green gas is 2.1 - 2.2J at this time of year, so I know the power setup, but the hop still eludes me. Going to stick a 50 degree in as the 85 and 70 degree ones didn'ty work, but if it keeps doing this I might just make it my 1J bolt action of choice and do a slightly different build with my other m700 for a 2J build.


Next week is AI500 and going with zero expectations. I'm no door-kicking CQB speedyboi (my CQB experience consists of urban sniping), so I'll be finding all the long areas and just playing there :P 

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As I was driving the lad back to university on Saturday we decided to visit a relatively nearby site on Sunday for a day "playing away".

We arrived at the site to find a decent safe zone and a really good chrono range with three stations; unfortunately, there was a lot of dry firing in the safe zone and they chrono'd on 0.20g.

Having chrono'd, we noticed that some players had acquired red or blue tape on their arms and went in search of the marshals who were allocating sides.  There weren't any; there were two baskets with rolls of red and blue tape in them and it was left to players to decide which side they wanted to be on, which resulted in very unbalanced teams.

After a rather long safety brief, we eventually went out for the morning game, rather later than we are used to.  First impressions of the site were positive with lots of natural cover, decent structures and undulating terrain.  However, there was a rather long wait at our start point while whatever needed doing was done and the game was then briefed.  This started well as we assaulted a couple of areas but descended into a stalemate as the terrain channeled both teams onto opposite ridges where we spent about 90 minutes engaging each other at a distance .  For the first time ever, I was bored playing airsoft.  Marshals seemed to be noticeable by their scarcity; the only times I saw one were every 20 minutes when he appeared on his quad bike to check which flags were up in the various zones.

After lunch, during which there was even more dry firing in the safe zone, the afternoon game was briefed; this seemed destined to become even more channeled than the morning game so we decided to pack up and leave.

All in all, a very unsatisfactory day.


Having read Tackle's post about naming sites, I have decided to do so; it was Stormforce Airsoft near Rugeley in Staffordshire.

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On 23/09/2022 at 19:32, GothicGhost said:



Dig the door kicking SWAT loadout and SMLE.  Lad has a sense of humour and fun.

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23 hours ago, Impulse said:

Only played half the day this weekend as I am still troubleshooting my KJ m700 on higher power, though I ran it in the morning on 1J as it seems to be really good there (it sends .48s to the moon with minimal hop applied on higher power). Honestly, was a bit of a frustrating one. I was really looking forward to getting out and playing this weekend, but it was a super busy day and they ran a rolling assault game where we weren't allowed to flank. Forcing a 40 vs 40 rolling assault into a narrow corridor just becomes a meat grinder and that's exactly what happened. Wasn't even close, we got slaughtered. However, this wasn't my main point of frustration. The worst part was that I managed to low crawl and sneak into flanking positions within the narrow field of play 3 times and every time I got shot in the back just as I was getting ready to shoot the enemy team in the side or back. I spent the whole game, which was pretty much the whole morning as we only did a warm up game beforehand, crawling incredibly slowly past the enemy line of sight while my friend drew their attention away from my movement and using site knowledge to get around what was otherwise a pretty impenetrable enemy defensive line only to get shot in the back by my own team every single time. Yes I was in a ghillie and expect a bit of friendly fire, but not every single time especially when my armband was around my unghillie'd wrist on the side they were shooting me from so it was clearly visible. Pretty sure two of the three times were the same rental players too.


At least the first game was successful. Me and my friend set up to deny flankers on the three base domination warm up game and we denied the flank for the entire game from concealed positions. I did, however, remember why I don't like the mk23 as a sniper sidearm though with that awful squishy trigger making follow up shots hard to make accurately. Back to blowbacks next time!


Also disappointing because my m700 is still overhopping .48s on 2J. I found that the middle intake valve + green gas is 2.1 - 2.2J at this time of year, so I know the power setup, but the hop still eludes me. Going to stick a 50 degree in as the 85 and 70 degree ones didn'ty work, but if it keeps doing this I might just make it my 1J bolt action of choice and do a slightly different build with my other m700 for a 2J build.


Next week is AI500 and going with zero expectations. I'm no door-kicking CQB speedyboi (my CQB experience consists of urban sniping), so I'll be finding all the long areas and just playing there :P 


They really should have let your team push out to the bottom of clearing at least, or started holding us back sooner. Didn't help that they moved your spawn up right into my line of fire. I played nice and only shot those that raised their guns :D Savage ended up grenading two of our snipers with perfect line of sight down the path just to get the game moving, and I also only got moved out due to friendly fire. I was surprised when I finally had to respawn that half our team were being held at the next objective and it still took a while for the blues to push through. 


Still, the teams did get changed up at lunch and we had some very nice even games in the afternoon. Fighting over outpost (which is a bitch to attack) so the team that spawned closer wins that one, they switched the sides and so the other team gets to win that game, lol. Then some timed assault on tower which was also close. And a nice flip can meat grinder to finish. 


Was a good day overall, even though my new mp5 has decided to just shit itself and not work at all, so that's what I'll be fixing over the next few weeks. 

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On 03/10/2022 at 01:37, Tactical Pith Helmet said:


Due to Covid a few players were down, and final team numbers were US 30, VC and PAVN 7.   



I wish we had 30 US.  There were 12 of us on the Saturday!  This is us just before the meat-grinder of the last game which was an absolute bloody nightmare. 




At one point the entire squad was being held back by one lone VC who played a blinder of a game.  Whilst I was bleeding out waiting for a medic the marshals explained we'd had it so easy in the third game so they were going to make us work for this one.  And I tell you we really did as we were funneled into the valley and had to fight our way up the track getting shot at from all sides.


Kudos to everyone who played though.  I really liked the missions, everyone got into the spirit of the Nam and the small numbers meant we worked as a squad all day.  The kit everyone had was amazing as well.  A lot of effort was made by both sides and it made a huge difference.


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5 minutes ago, RebelScum said:


I wish we had 30 US.  There were 12 of us on the Saturday!   



Cheers mate.  Thanks for the correction!  I was going off of Josh's booking figures.


Surely 18 players didn't fail to show!?  That's bloody daft; or I've misunderstood something....


Certainly bloody felt like there were more of you.



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On 04/10/2022 at 23:34, Tactical Pith Helmet said:


Certainly bloody felt like there were more of you.


That would be the .30 Cal we had.  An amazing piece of kit put together by an incredibly talented engineer on our side.  Great for spraying the trees when we couldn't who was shooting at us.  There were a lot of dropouts unfortunately, but I have to say I had a great day, even with low numbers.  It helped that everyone got into the theme, which I think is half the battle for filmsim.

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Played again today. Walked off site a few hours early.


From the first game to the moment we walked off, lots of issues. One game, we were getting shot in spawn while we we're discussing our plan of attack. We shouted towards the guy that we're in spawn and it's a safe zone. He replies that we should leave spawn then. The marshall quickly scattered the guy. We go to leave our spawn to find that the enemy have effectively hemmed us in and as soon as we leave we get hit. Note; we can't shoot the enemy from spawn. Getting shot in spawn was a recurring issue all day.


Throughout the day there was talk within our team of the opposite blatantly not taking hits en masse minus the few good regular players being fair. Personally I didnt experience this until the last game before we left. The guy shook off a headshot, called out my position and stayed in the fight. The marshall I spoke with said they're doing what they can but as soon as they see a marshall close or honesty test them, they call hits. When the marshall leaves, they revert to their earlier behaviour. Fair play to that marshall, they can't be everywhere at once.


Due to the imbalance of teams, the cheating and the reluctance of marshalls to rebalance teams, four or so of our team packed up at lunch and left. The teams were only balanced by numbers and not scrambling which would have went a long way to making the day more enjoyable/fair.


Post lunch, we played a gamemode of staged fallback. We defended with one life for each fallback and the attackers got unlimited lives. We got hammered as expected. After we got pushed all the way to the last defence and the whole team died we were asked to attack the last objective that we had just lost. Our attack stalled because players ran out of ammo and we weren't offered a chance to refill. At this point the cheating reached its peak with a teammate stating that he dumped half a mag into two guys running cover to cover and neither called their hits. Apparently he even saw them flinch when he hit them.


After this, mid game, a group of four walked out, our sniper team of two walked out. Myself and another also walked out. The site staff lied to the rentals there saying people had to leave for work etc. (to be fair to the person who said this, they aren't marshalling the game, they're taking care of the shop and rental gear etc.)


They only rebalanced the teams after the walkouts, two to three hours before the end of the day.


It's the rentals I feel sorry for paying all that cash for such a piss poor experience. I'll probably be trying a new field soon as the whole day felt disorganised, rushed and the gamemodes half-baked/not well thought out.


The site was NorthEast Tactical Action Centre (NTAC).


Apologies for the rant.

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36 minutes ago, MrTea said:

Played again today. Walked off site a few hours early.


From the first game to the moment we walked off, lots of issues. One game, we were getting shot in spawn while we we're discussing our plan of attack. We shouted towards the guy that we're in spawn and it's a safe zone. He replies that we should leave spawn then. The marshall quickly scattered the guy. We go to leave our spawn to find that the enemy have effectively hemmed us in and as soon as we leave we get hit. Note; we can't shoot the enemy from spawn. Getting shot in spawn was a recurring issue all day.


Throughout the day there was talk within our team of the opposite blatantly not taking hits en masse minus the few good regular players being fair. Personally I didnt experience this until the last game before we left. The guy shook off a headshot, called out my position and stayed in the fight. The marshall I spoke with said they're doing what they can but as soon as they see a marshall close or honesty test them, they call hits. When the marshall leaves, they revert to their earlier behaviour. Fair play to that marshall, they can't be everywhere at once.


Due to the imbalance of teams, the cheating and the reluctance of marshalls to rebalance teams, four or so of our team packed up at lunch and left. The teams were only balanced by numbers and not scrambling which would have went a long way to making the day more enjoyable/fair.


Post lunch, we played a gamemode of staged fallback. We defended with one life for each fallback and the attackers got unlimited lives. We got hammered as expected. After we got pushed all the way to the last defence and the whole team died we were asked to attack the last objective that we had just lost. Our attack stalled because players ran out of ammo and we weren't offered a chance to refill. At this point the cheating reached its peak with a teammate stating that he dumped half a mag into two guys running cover to cover and neither called their hits. Apparently he even saw them flinch when he hit them.


After this, mid game, a group of four walked out, our sniper team of two walked out. Myself and another also walked out. The site staff lied to the rentals there saying people had to leave for work etc.


They only rebalanced the teams after the walkouts, two to three hours before the end of the day.


It's the rentals I feel sorry for paying all that cash for such a piss poor experience. I'll probably be trying a new field soon as the whole day felt disorganised, rushed and the gamemodes half-baked/not well thought out.


Apologies for the rant.

& the site that we should all avoid like the plague IS ????? 🤔

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15 minutes ago, Tackle said:

& the site that we should all avoid like the plague IS ????? 🤔


I'm not going to name & shame just yet. I've had good days there on previous occasions and the site staff are usually very good. They will get another chance before I say which site it was.


I don't mind losing as long as the day is fun but today was just a streamroll and completely out of character in comparison to previous game days.

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No offence mate, according to your activity log you've only been playing a few weeks, some of us have been playing for decades, & one thing that pisses people off is wasting time & money visiting a site that turns out to be a shit house, possibly run by inept incompetents ?. 

Naming sites doesn't guarantee their downfall, but it does hopefully trigger two responses, the first being that members here will openly discuss the pros & cons of said site, the second is that hopefully the site gets to hear about what's being said about them, & if they care one iota about their future revenue stream, they'll try to address the negatives ? 


Its not about telling tales, technically you've already done that, it's about looking out for your fellow players in the community, we all pay for the right to play, no sites pay us, shouldn't we do our best to ensure the experience is as good as it can be ? 🤔

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10 hours ago, Tackle said:

No offence mate, according to your activity log you've only been playing a few weeks, some of us have been playing for decades, & one thing that pisses people off is wasting time & money visiting a site that turns out to be a shit house, possibly run by inept incompetents ?. 

Naming sites doesn't guarantee their downfall, but it does hopefully trigger two responses, the first being that members here will openly discuss the pros & cons of said site, the second is that hopefully the site gets to hear about what's being said about them, & if they care one iota about their future revenue stream, they'll try to address the negatives ? 


Its not about telling tales, technically you've already done that, it's about looking out for your fellow players in the community, we all pay for the right to play, no sites pay us, shouldn't we do our best to ensure the experience is as good as it can be ? 🤔

You make really good points; consequently, I have edited my review from 26th September to name the site.

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2 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

You make really good points; consequently, I have edited my review from 26th September to name the site.

Thank you Colin, I played a site literally 20+ years ago, fort Amherst in Chatham, at the time two brothers from the Reading area had secured access to running the site, nice guys who were driving for 2-3 hours each way, but had no idea what they were doing. 

The day was shite, more delays than I've ever experienced, which obviously impacts the playing time, which was also pretty crap as the game scenario's in use didn't work for the site. 

I could have packed up & pissed off quietly vowing never to go back, but instead I pulled them & their marshals, told them how bad it was & why, which they responded surprisingly well to, but then warned them that my thoughts would also end up online on whatever forums I was using at the time. 

There was no malice between us, & two weeks later they appointed someone local & experienced to run the site on their behalf, saving them a mental schlep every 2 weeks, & the site became a great place to visit with a good reputation, everyone's a winner😁

But if a site organiser is going to correct the negatives, he firstly needs to know about them, & hopefully hasn't got his his head so far up his own arse that he can accept constructive criticism, that's often the biggest stumbling block, ego's etc. 😏

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I didn't play today as I injured my foot running earlier in the week, but I still went along to Worthing this weekend. I probably could've got away with it as it's healing nice and I can walk on it now just fine, but I didn't want to push it, so I instead cancelled my booking and went down just to chat with people and also devote time to my m700 and resetting my mk23 and MWS to .32s after I had to set them to .28s for AI500. I also took the m21 along as I wanted to test it again at DMR power (1.64J at my site). Started with the m700 at 10am. Took an hour for lunch and by 3:30pm it was done. Yes, it took me 4 and a half hours and I still don't have a 2J configuration for it, but I've decided to just keep this build as a 1J build as it's phenomenal with .48s and .5s; I have a 2nd and 3rd m700 that I'll set for 2J. A bit dickish as I can point blank people with it and .5s slap hard, but it's within the limit at 1.1J on .5s. Can't see my shots at all, but sighted it in on .48s and then applied a bit more hop and it seems to be hitting the targets as I can hear it impact the metal. Will see next game day how it performs!


From what I heard there was some poor hit taking today and apparently there was almost a fight. I always miss all the fun... 🤣

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