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Oh dear

Mad Rag
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Fair enough. I'll be truthful, thats not what I had expected at all. I thought you might have been on about people haveing a dig at the military's deployments  at one time or another around the world. The trouble with the internet and social media is that any Muppet can say things without any real consequence. If I said half of stuff like that in a public setting people would either think I'm nuts or I'd get a slap probably . I can't see the what they're going to get out of talk like that. Strange times! 

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15 hours ago, Wo1f said:

He lost all credibility using  2” grouping and Nuprol in the same sentence 


Ah, Mr 50 Yards-I-mean-feet-but-it's-the-same-thing-anyway.


I think my favourite part of airsoft is how it bends the laws of physics and warps space and time.

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16 hours ago, ImTriggerHappy said:


Just WOW!

The internet gives remoulds like that a voice. The should be an aptitude test before you can buy a smart device.


11 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


Ah, Mr 50 Yards-I-mean-feet-but-it's-the-same-thing-anyway.


I think my favourite part of airsoft is how it bends the laws of physics and warps space and time.


Not the butt hurt seasoned noob comment? Priceless.

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2 hours ago, Tommikka said:

There have been multiple threads on the incident here in Salisbury over the last year.

New posters are few, but will be viewed with suspicion, and risk being contacted by PM by certain posters for snippets of information 


There are three key posters that are full on trolls:


One is a self confessed war criminal, now using their subsequent account.  They show traits of being a teenage fantasist, but their previous confessions are too realistic, and are obsessed with setting off WW3.  They drink far too much vodka, meths etc and keep forgetting to distract and deny whilst slipping into confession on behalf of the Russian state 

They are the most dispicable individual that I have encountered.



The second appears to have originally a genuine individual, but is now a series of trolls desperately seeking out snippets of information,  denying particular points and backtracking as the official party line changes.  They have multiple personalities and a very broad range of language ability and inability 


The third on the face of it is a conspiracy theorist, but they post distractions and lengthy copy/paste dribble.  The quality of the material in their selective posting has dropped, they regularly post two or more contradictory ‘assumptions’ in one piece.  Their primary role is to blur the subject and sow doubt on anyone googling the subject.  

They are doing a good job at filling the internet with distraction on behalf of a state with a guilty concience


Actually what’s been going on here has only recently been cleared up , you know the Russian hackers have been accused of interfering with Brexit and the trump election ? well turns out it was government hackers from Kazakhstan ! 😱

But unfortunately due to the fact there not the sharpest tools in the draw (where Borat is from) and are still using 1980’s Russian computers , forum level security is about all they can break through ! Sad but true (ish , possibly or possibly not 😉

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13 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


Ah, Mr 50 Yards-I-mean-feet-but-it's-the-same-thing-anyway.


I think my favourite part of airsoft is how it bends the laws of physics and warps space and time.




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6 hours ago, proffrink said:

Again it's not about the advertising but about creating two accounts to artificially bump a thread.


Advertising in the wrong place will get you a warning on your first offence (and it was in the right subforum anyway).

personally, irrespective of the forum rules he's broken, he's just shown that he cant be trusted, & when found out he spits his dummy out rather than put his hands up, admit he's f#cked up & take what was then a minor punishment, but I'm guessing now he won't be welcomed back😉.

good riddance I say, & I hope he gets no further business spraying gats etc, only got himself to blame.

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It also wasn't an additional ban to his account (which wasn't a ban).

More along the lines that I realised his duplicate account hadn't been taken care of. So at least he's acknowledged the ownership of both accounts.


@Readman97 has finished off his 2 week posting restriction now, so he's welcome to join us again if he so chooses.



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5 hours ago, Tackle said:

personally, irrespective of the forum rules he's broken, he's just shown that he cant be trusted, & when found out he spits his dummy out rather than put his hands up, admit he's f#cked up & take what was then a minor punishment, but I'm guessing now he won't be welcomed back😉.

good riddance I say, & I hope he gets no further business spraying gats etc, only got himself to blame.

He got a ban for the second account. We have very few issues with businesses posting in the wrong section.


I was referring to the reply in that screenshot that said "...you registered on the forum and started advertising without paying them or even asking for their permission..." - we don't have an issue with this in the right section, so I wanted that to be clear as the guy on FB has the wrong end of the stick. His ban was for having two accounts and using one to imitate a customer, not for posting about his business initially :) Indeed we've just refined our rules on retailers posting here as we don't want to discourage customer to business interactions. However, if you're blatantly abusing this to get exposure we'll warn and/or ban you (as happened here).


You're right though. I'd imagine none of you would put up with his return and you're welcome to post your dissatisfaction as we've always allowed. In his own thread - should he post one - if you wish as well.

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I, for one, welcome the return of our Lord and Savior @Readman97 may his Yard long appendage touch you (in a non Savillesque way).


We should worship him and his wisdom, if not his ability to tell a Yard from a Foot....

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So he’s been busted on Facebook and now he’s getting absolutely roasted ? 

Only one thing can truly represent how I feel for him !


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Bloody interrogation to join that facebook group. Cant be arsed with that

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24 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

That is going a bit too far

not really, have you seen his work ?, its crap, so if peeps take the time to have a closer look at his work before engaging his services, just because they'd seen a moody review, irrespective of the content, then its done its job.

BUT mentioning afuk was wrong, should instead have just outed him for using various sites to post fake "reviews".

(ps, wasn't me 😜)

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46 minutes ago, Tackle said:

not really, have you seen his work ?, its crap, so if peeps take the time to have a closer look at his work before engaging his services, just because they'd seen a moody review, irrespective of the content, then its done its job.

BUT mentioning afuk was wrong, should instead have just outed him for using various sites to post fake "reviews".

(ps, wasn't me 😜)

I was being sarcastic go back and read the review and following comment on Facebook again.

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40 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

I was being sarcastic go back and read the review and following comment on Facebook again.

lol, not like me to miss a bit of sarcasm, its usually my mother tongue 😉.

I'll try to get on there but my phones being a twat tonite, keeps crashing?

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