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Status Updates posted by SeniorSpaz87

  1. Anyone know where I could get the charging handle assembly for a LCT PP-19-01? Dont need the handle itself, just the guide rod, spring, and any parts that attach it to the fitting in the gun. LCT themselves has been unable to help me and I can't find anything stateside.

    1. SeniorSpaz87


      Specifically parts BB001-K00125-2, BB001-K00237-2, and BB001-K00125-5.


  2. I remember reading something about .209g blank adapters on here and someone posted a link to a 2-pack. I cant find that post now, anyone know where it was from? Some machine shop if I remember correctly

  3. If a guy I did some tech work for offered me his Magpul PDR-C for a discounted price of 220 quid before he posts it higher, should I go for it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EDcase


      Sounds like you gotta do it ;):D 

      It does look cool.  Great for CQB enviros.

    3. Druid799


      Will power is the shield of the spineless man , a true man has the tensile strength of wet toilet paper ! 

      DO IT ! DO IT ! DO IT ! 

  4. 2sbywh.jpg


    Won a Kobra sight for $70 on GunBroker (Ebay for guns), guy set no reserve and no one else bid so thats a steal for me haha

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      inb4 "he never sent me my sight"

    2. SeniorSpaz87


      He could. But his Buy It Now price wasnt terribly high, im backed by Paypal, and he will end up losing credit if he doesnt. Worst case for me is I waste some time.


      Between his page and emails to me (discussing payment) he actually has full name, phone number, address, and his work address. So if he doesn't send I could always... You know... Pay him a visit...

















    3. Gepard


      You've practically robbed the poor bloke! :lol:


      Never seen one sell at <£100.

  5. Anyone willing to do a small favor for me? I want to get a patch but they wont ship to US. Could someone receive and forward it to me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AshOnSnow


      Happy to do this buddy, just send me a PM

    3. StayOnTarget


      Came here to lend a hand found three gentlemen had beaten me to it...Awesome

    4. SeniorSpaz87


      Thanks Gents. 


      Ive taken Gepard's advice and emailed them - if they wont then Ill take one of you up on that offer.

  6. What are yalls thoughts on the SWAT VTG grenade? I was just offered one and its quite difficult for me to get any sort of BFG over here.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. clumpyedge


      @BibbsOnTour if you want a new adapter get it from lees precision engineering https://www.leesprecision.com/bfg-accessories

    3. BibbsOnTour


      @clumpyedge thanks mate - will check them out 

    4. SeniorSpaz87


      @clumpyedge thats for the suggestion. Saves me 20 quid.

  7. Goodness I hate this wait... 


  8. So as I have officially joined the Hoover gun club, what should I get for it internally? I dont know much when it comes to GBBs - do I need to do stuff to valves, or NPAS, or whatever? I dont plan on cheaping out, so price isnt an issue. Also need a good suppressor - I have a spare Knights Armament I could throw on... @rocketdogbert @mightyjebus 

  9. Soooooo... Yall remember that Vector that I may be able to get for $600?...



    Well, was browsing the local sales page on one of the lesser known apps (like Craigslist), and came across one for $200 with two mags... Guess who's just decided to spend $200? haha

    1. AshOnSnow
    2. Jedi_Master


      Sounds like a wife selling a gun for the price which her husband told her he had paid when buying it :)

    3. AshOnSnow
  10. Soooooo... If I was offered a KWA Vector with four mags for around 450-500 quid, should I take it?... :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      Krytac is the better one but definitely a case of rose tinted glasses.

    3. Druid799


      Doh ! Hadn’t noticed your location, and what with 450-500 quid I assumed you were this side ! 👍

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      Actually scratch that the Krytac is just as garbage. Had when today and I remembered how crap some of the mags feed and that trigger urghh.

  11. Hmm, what gun to use tomorrow... Daytona Masada, Daytona M27, P* m249, or my VFC SBR?...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      must be nice, atm i've only managed to maintain an average of 0.87 functional guns per airsoft shoot over the past year.....

    3. Prisce


      Why limit yourself to 1, you have 2 arms, 2 shoulders and a back, I make that at least 5..

    4. SeniorSpaz87


      Theres a pistol there somewhere haha


  12. Anyone got a WE MSK and wouldn't mind sending me a pic of the top rear body pin?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. M_P


      I recently sold mine to a friend, but I've asked him to send me a photo of it in the morning for you 

    3. M_P


      Sorry mate turns out he's away for the next week or so. He sent me this link though that may help



    4. SeniorSpaz87


      Yea, thought that was the one. Thanks

  13. To buy a birthday gun, to not buy a birthday gun... The choice is hard...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. AshOnSnow


      What about an HK MP7 then?

    3. SeniorSpaz87


      Several reasons. First, the MP7 fires an obscure 4.6mm round. While we have several thousand and honestly like hundreds of thousands of 9mm, I would have to buy all 4.6mm. Second, there is no civilian, semi-auto version of the MP7. As such, the MP7 is a fully automatic weapon, meaning it requires a Class 3 firearms license to obtain. There are way too many laws and restrictions around that for me to consider it, plus the $500 fee per year for ownership per Class 3 gun. Finally, the MP7 is further restricted to Law Enforcement and Military only at the moment, so even if I wanted to go through the hassle of getting one with Class 3 licensing, I couldn't.

    4. AshOnSnow


      bugger, And I thought I saw one for sale at $1800?  You may be able to get one of the variants they built for the UK MoD police - semi auto only. Designated MP7-SF.


      But isn’t a weird calibre part of the fun?


      SF2000 then? Bet you don’t have one of those, and then you’ll be fully equipped for when the aliens invade.


      BTW, just found out Safariland build all our UK Police stab vests. Never knew that.

  14. Anyone got a KWA USP-C and know how to get the hammer assembly together? Mine's being a right PITA right now

  15. Anyone mind sending a timed grenade stateside? No?... They are so hard to get D:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AshOnSnow


      Damn. Have you thought about film locations?

    3. SeniorSpaz87


      They all use those box pyros. So they can time it exactly.

    4. AshOnSnow


      Re-enactment suppliers?

  16. So after asking around the relevant FB pages, figured I'd get the final go-ahead from y'all. So thoughts on a R-Hopped PDI 6.05 375mm barrel for my Daytona'd VFC M27 IAR GBBR?

  17. Holy mother of GD spam... Mods? MODS?!

    1. Esoterick


      I started reporting the posts but I'm not reporting a couple of pages worth,  vishawnath needs banning.

    2. proffrink


      If it's the same guy spamming usually one report is enough as it bans the whole account and hides all their threads/posts with a couple of clicks :D

    3. Jedi_Master


      I go out Sunday skirmishing for a couple of hours and miss all the spam. Luckily Rock-climby-Dave was able to let the hammer fall and solve the problem.  Keep the post reports coming whenever there is spam as it gives us the best heads-up of a problem.

  18. Hey, who makes TDC mods for the TM mk23? I dont want one installed, I need the full thing done since im in the US (not actually for me, my mk23 already has a TDC mod haha)

    1. Albiscuit


      I didnt know what this was so being a proud dad to a TM MK23 I googled it. This is genius!!!  http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/mk23-socom-nbb-tdc-cover-hop-mod-black.htm#.WcDbcbJ9600


      thanks :) 

    2. Prisce


      Hadron V2 TDC mod, they are around £15, http://hadronairsoftdesigns.uk


      Hope this helps mate;)

  19. For anyone wondering, all the guns I brought to the US made it OK. At Heathrow I was pulled to the side and cops had to examine my bags (due to what they thought were three assault rifles and a handful of pistols), but once they saw the they waved me through and I didn't even miss my flight. So for anyone who is thinking about bringing guns to the US, paint the tips orange and clearly label them as airsoft guns, and you shouldn't have any real issues.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. L3wisD


      Good to hear dude, I was worried for them! :)


      It was funny seeing the "Spaz Weapon Spray Shop" at your house. :)

  20. Hey guys.

    So... I just got word that my folks are moving back to the States in three weeks time. I am already back in the States, and I am trying to supervise packing my stuff from the other side of the Atlantic. One thing ive come across is the stockpile of Green Gas and BBs that I can't bring back with me. So if anyone is in the Ascot area and wants a bunch of free gas and BBs, let me know.

    1. L3wisD


      I'll let you know (see how far it is on the map)

    2. SeniorSpaz87


      postcode is SL59RA


  21. Half decent day at EAG Dorking. Carrying that L86 around for attacking has left me limp though haha!

    1. Albiscuit


      Heading to Dorking in a couple of weeks...


      Limp though, ooh err missus!!

  22. Any decent outdoor field within about 40 minutes from Egham or Ascot?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Andy Mc

      Andy Mc

      just noticed your location, Egham or Ascot in UK I assumed?

    3. SeniorSpaz87


      Yes. Don't know of any Ascots or Eghams in the U.S. haha


    4. CarloBear


      Theres "Blind Fire Airsoft" in chobham but.. uh.. its pretty new. I was the only one that turned up :o

  23. Who here actually uses HPA in the UK?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mos


      Does a CO2 adapter count? Instead of HPA bottles.

    3. SeniorSpaz87


      Anyone got a tank I can borrow in June for two weeks? haha.

  24. Anyone got an HPA tank I can borrow while im in the UK for two weeks haha

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