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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. 1 hour ago, superwok said:

    I have a disabled child that needs 24/7 care, the odd time I get free, I go to airsoft, so please do not assume or judge or make comments you no nothing about, effort is not a issue for me. 


    Your case, and to a much lesser degree mine is why we need an alternative to the UKARA system.  But like I mentioned, we're very much a minority sport, and within that you and I are a minority, so options are limited.  Might be easier to get a sub category within the UKARA system to reduce fuckery with imports.

  2. I know HPA wankers have their super quiet sneaky peaky pews that make that disturbingly quiet little thumping noise when the trigger is pulled.


    But what about the AEGs I see doing that.....  how is that achieved?


    Is it shimming?


    A fancy Schmancy brushless motor?


    Gears make from Adamantium and powdered kitten paw pads?



  3. Furry muff....  but in my case at least - it doesn't change the situation.  I might only be in the country for 60 days total, maybe less.  In that time I will have to fit in family visits all over the south of England, carry out any maintenance that needed on my house, plus the expense of staying in Airbnb and renting a car for the duration.  Depending on where I stay, I might not be able to attend my current regular site(s) here, so they might not be inclined to bend any rules to keep me UKARA'd; which I will need to buy any replacement pews or bring/send any back.


    I have no doubt the OP has a genuine reason for the lack of game time; and being in the minority of a minority, establishing a legitimate defense is a looking tricky.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Jez_Armstrong said:

    I can only think of a handful of times anyone on this forum in private sales has asked me for a defence 


    I have never been asked - and on the occasion I sold a pew - we actually met at a gameday for the handover, and considering the guy's costume, it was fair to say he was an airsofter LOL


    25 minutes ago, Colin Allen said:

    To keep an active UKARA registration, you just have to play 3 games at one site in more than 56 days.  Playing three times a year at the same site qualifies you; is that really so difficult for you?


    I made the point several pages ago that I will find it difficult if not impossible to maintain a UKARA defense in the manner it was intended as the boy and i will be living abroad for most of the year.  There are many reasons the OP might not be able to get a UKARA, from being a carer to an international spy - he hasn't told us the reasons (which might assuage the negativity towards him) which is his right not to do.  3 games in three months isn't a lot if you're monied and present.  Not everybody is.


    That being said...   I find the Just-Cos thing rather fishy, and feel that there should be an alternative way to provide a defense.


    32 minutes ago, Jez_Armstrong said:

    How the fuck is this thread 6 pages deep 


    Because this is a knitting circle for overgrown children who like to run around with toy guns shooting each other ban-hump.gif

  5. So the insurance policy is pointless in and of itself - WTF kind of incident are we as airsofters going to be involved in that needs a payout - it would be covered by the site insurance/waiver (arf) that we signed that day.


    Carrying a RIF isn't illegal in and of itself unless you are doing something stupid with it..... 


    So it is a scam/rouse to allow unscrupulous pew purveyors to flog RIFs with a £20 surcharge on the first purchase and lock the buyer into buying only from them.


    I might contact Patrolbase/Bespoke Airsoft and see what their policy would be towards a previously validated purchaser returning in the future without UKARA.


    BTW see other thread on Bespoke Airsoft - I went to their new pad today.

  6. 58 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

     Special Ops' big first day of the year: the new CQB site opened!
    Saturday was a 'test game' with, we heard, ~7-a-side.   Sunday was the first official game with 16-a-side.

    Well, a picture paints a thousand words, so this'll save me a metric shit-ton of typing then, won't it?

    Lots of pics and videos to peruse - I'll let you guys be the judge of how good it is a new CQB site, because this was my first ever CQB experience (outside of laser-tag!) so I have absolutely no idea if it's good. It has been very well put together, there's a big 'club room' and reception area upstairs, a decent safe zone that was a bit tricky to navigate through due to the desks and people and gear filling it up - and the benches are a bit narrow (which Carlos admitted), but it's all impressive to my untutored eye.   Carlos and his volunteers have obviously worked very hard and I hope it's a success.

    I've had a long day at work, so rather than writing out a War And Peace on all the stuff, I'll give you the bullet points (if you'll pardon the pun)


    • I got lost on the way there - Google maps took exception to the location from the web site and kept trying to steer me back to a random location in the middle of nowhere.  I had to stop the instructions and just eyeball the map as I drove.  There's no signage at the entrance either, so easy to drive past it.     It's really not very far at all from the woodland site.
      (There's a '3 Words' location that other people used successfully - I'll try to find it)
    • Usual rules - 350fps/0.20g, max BB weight of 0.25g.  Bangs (upto and including my new grenade with 0.209 primers) allowed (but not much evident)
    • Reasonable car park, close to the entrance, so even though I took all my short guns, and masses of kit with me, it wasn't too onerous to get into the building.   I still managed to leave my toolbox behind which proved to really annoying as I had my Allen keys, speedloader, and my 'nade primers in there.  That proved enough to stop me using my nade until a test shot at the end of the day, and stopped me using my GBBR (without the speedloader) or my Tippmann (couldn't get the FPS and hop quite dialled in, thanks to having to borrow allen keys and running out of time)
    • CQB.   Damn, it hurts getting pinged so often at short range.   The BB's always seemed to find a bit of uncovered or thinly covered skin to hit ;)
    • Fog Of War.   Between my goggles fogging up and the variable lighting, half the time I had no idea where my BBs were flying - and thanks to Carlos not having 0.25's in stock, I had to buy and use 0.20s with little idea where they were going.    Time to invest in a tracer unit, methinks!
    • I tried a Dye full-face mask I got dirt-cheap, and didn't like it - couldn't get my eye in line with the sights.  Back to the goggles + mesh lower mask
    • I also found none of my face protection works very well with my new headset, so bang protection will probably have to be ear plugs for the near future, but luckily the only guys throwing BFG 'nades around were not having much luck getting them to go off.  I begged a primer off one of them for a test throw at the end - and 'bang' went my OhShiBoom.  That'll be fun to use for real.
    • A bit too easy to get spawn trapped, even with two spawn exits.  Apparently the site has been designed (or allowed) to have an uneven balance in difficulty.   My team seemed to spend almost the entire session at the difficult side and consequently we got murdered.   Might need some extra cover or another door... or just more swapping of spawns.
    • Some of the guys had a whale of a time running around with their rubber knives.  Everyone seemed to enjoy the core gameplay.   Me, well CQB is a very different style.   It wasn't speedy-boi stuff, but still I think I'm naturally more in to the long sneaky flank rather than the bullet-hail around the spawns.   I guess I'll get used to it, if I can afford to play very much. 
    • My only real criticism is the pricing.  I have no idea if it's competitive to what the rest of you guys are paying now, though.   

      When I was going to Spec Ops' woodland site a couple of years back, it was £25 for a (daylight allowing) 09:30 - 16:30 day.  It got bumped to £30 recently.
      The CQB is priced at £35 for a 10:00 - 14:30 / 15:00 - 19:30 session, or £45 for the full day (which I couldn't do, so I took the morning slot)
      I feel that's a bit much for the half-day slots, but then again I suppose the safe zone is right there, and so are the spawns, so actual pewing time is probably much greater.  And much less ammo used too.  

    So yeah, a decently fun intro to CQB, though I didn't totally fall in love with it - I got zapped way too much, zapped others way too little, and thanks to some technical hitches I spent too long meddling with kit in the safe zone.  Next time might go better.

    Guns taken:
    Double Eagle M906C (Old Faithful)
    TM AUG HC (always fun to run, but chrono'd very low at 230fps on 0.20's - time for a service, maybe a new spring)
    Tippmann M4 HPA (slightly too hot, just missed out on chrono due to fps variance)
    VFC HK416 GBBR (no speedloader, left in the case)
    G&G G36 (gearbox locked up a few times on semi)

    TM D.O.R Hi Capa (used a bit, great as always)

    JG SIG 552 (didn't use it, but should have)






    Yes, I'm still considering the pricing, but to be fair, he's invested big bucks on that place and also trying to recoup cash from the fuckeries with the council.


    I have a day in hand, so will probably try the cqb next gameday, but having played at Sentinel (hybrid cqb/outdoors), I think I'm an outdoor player.  Partly because I need the space for stopping and turning distances.


    Have they moved they gee gees a bit further away from the building? 


    Couldn't work out if they're doing lunches there too.


    For those looking at the pictures and videos....a lot of those walls are made out of scaffolding boards, pasloaded onto both sides of pallets.  They're not going anywhere


  7. 11 hours ago, Madhouse said:


    There’s got to be something said about (legally) shooting someone (while playing Airsoft) as being good for your wellbeing.

    Lost count of the times I wished I had my pistol in my desk!! 😂


    Wish I had enough space somewhere for a range, would be great to have somewhere local to go and plink for a bit. Maybe we need to tack them on to the side of driving ranges?



    One of the most cathartic experiences was seeing my son hiding in a tent, and me getting him Centre mass on full auto from about 30 metres.


    He didn't know it was me and all I could hear was "aaawwwweee fuck".   Felt my blood pressure drop at least ten points.




  8. 2 hours ago, Egon_247 said:

    I have a problem with aliens....Ever been to a meeting at work where, at the end, someone asks if there's any questions? 

    I turn into Hudson at this point and have to stop myself raising my hand and asking "yeah, how do i get out of this chicken shit outfit?" :D :D :D 





    Awesome Pews, by the way. 😍



    I've been known to ask slow moving underlings if they would like me to grab their slippers.

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