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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. I'm still waiting for them to fix my pew.  I phoned them a few weeks ago and w a s told the tech is working through a backlog still.


    2 weeks was suggested which happened to be the day I flew to Japan for a surprise family visit.... I'm not back for another week, or until I run out of Sake.


    Pity my UKARA expired  otherwise.....well .....you guys know......

  2. Wandsworth is travelling distance to the likes of Red Alert..... I regularly drive upwards of an hour for a gameday,  but as I'm outside Laaandan (North Hertfordshire) I am lucky to have quite selection in the driving range.


    Remember,  leaving Wandsworth at that time of the morning on a weekend is going to be very different to what you might think it is during your weekday commutes - I travel in to your area regularly by car/van for work.  The loss of Hammersmith bridge has been major, and many years later TFL and Richmond Council are still arguing over who has to fix it.

  3. We would have been fookked on many levels if they did this when I was at university.   


    After we left halls (a large house just of campus) apparently we were the straw that broke the camels back and next year it was converted to an Islamic Studies department. 


    Multiple times the Student's union bar manager had to walk 300m up the river bank to ask us to turn our music down 😎.


    University tradition was to invite final year students to return to halls.....we had no such invitation.


    Academia was very much second fiddle to the University of Life.  Thinking about the carnage we caused with hair clippers and CO2 fire extinguishers.... I dread to think what could have been achieved with RIFs and pyros.  🥶.


    Fun times.  Thankfully the year before a Labour (of all things) government brought in tuition fees.



    One of the first things we did in private rentals was work out how to "hinder" the smoke alarms.   It was embarrassing how often they went off during Fresher's Week......    Of which I have stories I will not risk the boy reading here 🫣.    Long live the 90's.

  4. Can't add much more to the above other than, after the first year, our group from halls stayed together for the remaining years or private rental while studying; so it wouldn't have been an issue then.


    During your first year, if the above doesn't help, find a regular site that may be willing to keep your pews for you.

  5. 9 hours ago, Skullchewer said:

    Wycombe Skirmish? I've heard it's improved. The site was always fine, but the marshals were appalling. 

    Teenagers that gave no shits at all. 

    I need to give it another try. 


    Red Alert, on the other hand, has devastatingly handsome, witty and humble marshals. 😁


    I've been there 3 or 4 times over the last 18 months....the first time I seem to recall having mixed feelings on the marshalls,  but we did have a blast the other times. 



    Will make a point of coming to Red Alert and see if we can bring a party of 5 or 6. 👍 



    The boy is fishing for a 2 day event this summer..... he hasn't shot anyone since August. 

  6. 18 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

    Today South Herts Airsoft had their first midweek game and unlike many other sites where they're only in the evening this was a full day. Numbers were very low with only 6 a side but as the site is relatively small this wasn't a problem and the low numbers meant games were more tactical rather than the meat grinder which can happen with greater numbers. Hit taking was excellent and I heard no grumbles or complaints. In fact the only negative part of the day was self inflicted as I sent myself arse over tit running for cover and it was only when the adrenaline wore off I realised I'd landed in a load of stinging nettles 


    All in all I hope this will be the first of many midweek games as I can't always get to games on sundays and I wholeheartedly recommend anyone in the Hertfordshire area give them a try


    What's the lunch situation there?  Bring Your Own?   One must have one's creature comforts.

  7. 18 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    But Carlos is opening a new woodland site (as an addition!), and it's next to the CQB site - sharing the same safe zone.   So if you want to mix up CQB and a bit of full-auto or sniping, it'll be do-able


    I remember that being discussed a while a go so that's good news.  I wonder if we'll be able to commandeer a horse for some high speed charges.

  8. 7 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    Chopper' jokes might get old when everyone is doing them


    The struggle was real I have to admit.  Nice to hear they're experimenting with the lights.  I won't be able to go for at least 3 weeks now sadly due to travelling.... hopefully by then though, lunches will be resumed or the woodland site back open.

  9. 46 minutes ago, gavinkempsell said:

    Dan, please don't make me send you a bipod foregrip for that A3... I'm already getting chased to post out some scotch pies to Shamal


    Don't worry - it has a monopod with pop out bi-pod now...  I need to update the picture. LOL



    47 minutes ago, Portela_999 said:

    how often do you guys play? do you guys have like a team that is always playing together or you just turn up and that's it?



    I try and do two a month, btu at the moment once is all I can manage with work and travelling.



    @gavinkempsell   I know it was worrying you so here it is:




    Got a much better scope on it too since that gun wall pic....


    For @Portela_999 all of that in the picture is secondhand but still comes to £580 worth - and SWMBO has no idea it even exists (at the moment).

  10. 3 minutes ago, Portela_999 said:

    why there is such a difference in price? What makes the difference so the price goes up? (apart from brand)


    Different motors

    Better quality gearboxes

    Better (or no) QC

    Better barrels

    Higher grade polymers...



    The list is endless and can also be meaningless.  One of my best guns is the cheapest...  But then collections get silly (look at @gavinkempsellfor example).  This is my gunwall:




    And that is not including pistols and the boy's RIFs, and we've only been doing this two and a half years.  Browsing the classifieds here is lethal I can tell you.

  11. 13 minutes ago, Portela_999 said:

    You guys are fantastic in this forum! Thank you all!


    I was thinking about https://www.onlybbguns.co.uk/huntsman-m4-cqbr-polymer-body-full-metal-gearbox-inc-bat-and-charger-h060b to start with a scope... Should be enough for the start, no?

    And yeah I will book one with rental equipment first to try out


    I agree with @GenuineGerman, spend a few sheckles more and get the Specna.  Those included chargers are only worth using a few times until a better one arrives.  I would seriously hold off buying anything until you have had a few game days - even if only to give you time to get a list of bits that will last you and you've had a chance to try a few other player's guns.  You might decide you prefer an MP5 instead of an M4.  A proper charger is a must, and eventually you'll be changing battery connectors to better ones.  Spend wisely.


    Ask nicely at chrono/the site's range and people will let you have a few rounds down course.  A lot of us will let you have a game with a back up gun or one of our less expensive babies....  I let a lad have a couple of magazines and a pistol last time out because I could see he was envious on us running around popping caps in people's asses, and he was a rental on his first time out.


    Two-tone can be undone, but it does reduce the resale value of the pew.  Those few weeks waiting for UKARA will fly by and you'll be in a better position as a result with better targeted purchases.

  12. Just now, Colin Allen said:

    I went there once; it was enough.


    We quite enjoyed our gameday there, but I remember the map being pretty large and the directions rather vague.  Wouldn't say no to going there again, but we have so many options within that driving radius.

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