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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. 22 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

    Airsoft is actually a very friendly hobby full of mostly decent people who are keen to help other players out.  Give it a try first


    I'll second that.  I had huge misconceptions before agreeing to taking my son out for his birthday.   Got bored watching in the morning and now I'm an unhealthy amount of ££ in the hole after taking part in the afternoon. I  have no quarms about rocking up to a random field on my own and have always felt welcome.   Even when I've gone to a shitty location (very rare) I've still had a good day if only for the banter and camaraderie. 


    YOU have to bear in mind the audience of your question and the way it was worded.  As a Gas engineer (fancy plumber) we have secret forums and when someone breaches the inner sanctum with a post equivalent to yours, they either sink quickly....or take the replies constructively and thrive.  It is part of the filtering process.   


    Well at least it is to us Gen X'ers and before.


    If you're a millennial or above.   Welcome to our world.   We don't give a fuck.



    Now ....  welcome to the fray.  Enjoy the hobby for what it is.  If you can make a successful business out of it...Fantastic,  the more sites the better.



    Hence the comments of go to some and see how they do it.  You haven't said where you are, but of you're close to London, Spec Ops, Skirmish High Wycombe,  AWA, Reformer are all decent sites.  As I've said is a recent post.  Decent facilties make a difference... tea. Coffee, decent lunch,  clean toilets, free/available drinking water are, IMHO, essential. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Polyscript said:

    actually I have listened i've been looking at other parts of the forum and some people have broken down types of guns within various budget ranges. I don't need to go anywhere, you don't speak for the whole community, cheers though lad


    I'll read the thread later for amusement,  but having read your first few posts.....


    What pews to buy is the last question you ask.  You're setting up a business ffs.  Location, facilties, insurance,  staff, marketing....  all of which are probably easiesr to answer than what budget toy is least susceptible to kids, morons, and moronic kids, plus the few beginners that will eventually buy their own and become the l33t like us.  Innit. 


    I've only been doing this a few years, but jeepers talk about going in arse about face.  Let alone acting like a total douche canoe with zero sense of humour and skin as thick as McDonald's rice pudding.


    If you're planning on running an Airsoft site, you'll have to deal with far worse than you've got here especially if ex military types rock up or the local fuzz decide they want to vent their workday stresses (yes I've played on sites like this).


    To touch on what pew....M4, chunky stock battery housing, quick change spring and abrand that has readily available spares, short barrel, iron sights.



    Now if you don't mind.... I have several pages of hilarity to read.

  3. 4 hours ago, Barny said:

    I was there too, ghreat day and made more interesting with the trees being felled so changed the map entirely. We were both a muddy mess at the end of the day! 


    Did you get any good photos? 


    Sadly no....Best one was me emerging from the orange smoke after being sot in the head multiple times by those dudes with the red and blue flashy guns hiding in the windmill during the domination game at Market.  Thought one was over powered as he nearly took my eyepro off my nose in the afternoon but we had a laugh and a chat later and he swore he was only running .8J, so I put it down to him being a bloody good shot. 


    The tree felling has made a massive difference there.  Playing area feels a lot flatter now.


    Did you see the poor fucker stack it and break open his drum mag?  Lost and entire load of BBs the poor sod.


    It was a good day, but stressful for me due to multiple battery issues and having to deal with international family shit over the lunch break.   Speaking of which.....they do have a great lunch there.  I officially claim that site to be my number 1 backup after Special Ops.  I'm too old to be dealing with crap facilities and post lunchtime munchies.

  4. 35 minutes ago, ak2m4 said:

    So glad I cancelled my TVL.


    That was a very enjoyable email....and I got a refund d as well.



    As for the plans.....  I wonder how many of those dividing walls are structural?  Surely some could be removed/breached to make cut throughs.  

  5. 6 minutes ago, Tackle said:

    but fb is a bag of arse most of the time.


    I hate it - I only go on to get pics of game days....  But today I made the mistake of updating my profile picture because in the coming months I need to start networking again for work reasons.  FFS, now I have people/friends/family messaging me because it's the first time in years I showed any activity - now I realise why I dropped offline in the first place. LOL.  I'm an antisocial cnut really.

  6. Back in the day, we in the heating and plumbing industry were pissed off with CORGI (Council of registered Gas Installers) who were the licensed body in charge of registrations and making sure we were all qualified and under some form of authority should we fuck up.  It had developed into not much more than a pain in the backside and were flogging insurance on the side using the data we were compelled to provide from our customers.  So a few people got together and formed ARGI (Association for Registered Gas Installers) to try and defend the interests of small businesses and sole traders.


    The parallels to these UK Airsoft bodies is striking - it was little more than a knitting circle that had the right intentions, but no clue what to do and even less authority to do it.  Certainly made no difference to the industry or the rules and regulations.  It ended up imploding with the key players arguing like drunken housewives.

  7. The first two are covered by the universal law of "don't be a genital".


    The third one is more or less covered by private enterprise and forums such as this.


    Seems that once hit critical mass it tends to turn to shyte - NAF seems to cover this by all accounts.

  8. 8 minutes ago, pyromancer6 said:

    that due to our fellow countrymen a few years back they no longer do UK shipping


    Yeah - who'd have thunk it a good idea to leave an area of free trade.  What could possibly go wrong?




    Is it not possible to print these off at the correct size and stick them inside the pew?






    Or how about cropping the above image and uploading it to a sticker company and make some out of a suitable finish?






  9. 38 minutes ago, ParHunter said:

    Every EV owner will be able to attest that you get a lot more miles out of your battery at 60mph than at 80 (completely theoretical speed of course


    Theoretically I can get my Milk Float (actually a 40kW Leaf) to my mum's house using anything from 3% if I'm being boring, to 26% if I make full use of the available tarmac and use the (software limited annoyingly) 89mph top speed.  Funnily enough the heater makes next to no difference, but a wet road or cold weather makes a mahoosive difference.  Would love to hack the management software and get some more angry pixies flowing.


    Hyper-miled my 3 tonne Transit van once and got something like nearly 700 miles out of it instead of the usual 380.  It was a very tedious week of driving.

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