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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. Buggers have loctited one of the motor cradle screws in. 😡


    Anyway...cracked open the Boy's gearbox, and everything is tidy in there.  However,  @Sewdhull's thought on piston oring seems to be the culprit.  Very weak seal there.  Spring seems to be good, even though it was left under tension.


    Does anyone know the best size oring for these? 


    Bucking appears ok, although the nub seems to push through at an angle.









    Off to find a magic orimg box.







  2. I've sent an email to Retroarms so we will see what happens - Firesupport have dispatched my order already so fingers crossed Royal Mail are efficient and deliver tomorrow - then I shall have time to fit it to my pew fo Sunday's Big Skirm.

  3. Intersting read that - teh Nylon plates I ordered I did wonder how they would react to continual flexing, btu ddidn't really think about impact damage.  


    The printing method is supposed to be >80% solid, so hopefully that gives a little more meat to the fragile bit that broke (where the triangular part is that catches the gears).


    The plates they have on Retroarms don't appeat to be ICS compatible - unless anyone knows differently?


    I don't mind paying for a part that is not likely to fail; and $24 dollars seems reasonable...  Wonder if they'll make some to order?

  4. 28 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    Hi ho, you going quiet has coincided with me being on hiatus on medical advice... Which I've now decided to ignore. 


    So hopefully see you on the battlefield at Spec Ops soon 😎.   I might be going Sunday morning.   Depends on whether I'm still alive, my wife might notice a guitar getting delivered on Saturday, and then....


    We're at AWA this weekend,  Spec Ops next week with a plus 1

  5. The boy's L85 has seemingly lost quite a bit of power,  sorting from memory 180fps on 0.28s last weekend. 


    It is a few years old now,  and spent nearly a year hanging in the wall.   There is a chance the spring was under compression during this time,  but the boy insists it wasn't,  and recent skirmishes had better performances. 


    So I'm wondering if we're dealing with a worn up rubber?   The reasoning being I chrono'd it this afternoon on 0.2s, and was getting around 340 (assuming my device is accurate).


    Could this discrepancy mean his hop can no longer lift the heavier weights?

  6. Somewhat relieved to discover this afternoon that the sudden and total failure of my ICS L85 was down to the tappet plate snapping. 


    I called @ak2m4who graciously spoke to me out of hours,  and had an enlightening conversation and Google session.   I ordered the last one that firesupport had in stock,  which will hopefully arrive Saturday in time for Big Skirm (somehow I doubt it though).  I also found an STL file and ordered some spare scin Nylon 12.


    So, the big question.... what kind of plastic is typically used on these oem parts and will Nylon 12 be stronger? 


    Also,  does anyone  know of a way of cnc'ing one or of aluminium from said STL for? 


    Finally,  on this topic at least,  it's there a better plastic than Nylon 12 that is regularly used in 3D printing for this type of application? 


    As always,  tah in advance! 





    It was a scary moment taking that gearbox apart,  but was pleasantly surprised to see how tidy it was in there,  ignoring the bits of broken tappet plate.   A good amount of decent quality grease,  and a good air seal was found. 



  7. Harro! 


    Sorry for silent running recently.... its been crazy with work,  plus I got covid, plus the boy is back for the summer so I've been trying to spend time with him. 


    So waiting to hear back from Bespoke....see other thread 🤣


  8. 13 hours ago, Leo Greer said:

    I'm in London currently, and I'll be back through Scotland in a couple weeks as well as the north of the country. Unfortunately I can't swing any airsoft days, but is there anything else I shouldn't miss?



    Welcome to the motherland 😁.  Where in Laaandan are you?  As suggested take advantage of the museums.  Take advantage too of one of the most diverse cities in the world when it comes to food options, but that involves going away from the city and into zone 2 and 3.

  9. No advise on shops I'm afraid, but depending on your airline, you'll need the full specs of any RIF you plan to bring back.  JAL wanted me to fax all the details to them 48 hours before my flight and had to demonstrate it was a replica at the checking desk.


    Once I got back to the UK, I just walked straight through customs - not sure if that was the correct thing to do though LOL.

  10. Next time I speak to the boy, I'll ask him to go to BiCamera ... it's a Japanese tech store that has an insane range of stuff.  I seem to remember going through their toy section and there being some really cool looking models.   Not sure how much assembly they require, or the brand names.


    Perhaps they'll be available some how through mail order some where.



    Another idea would be to find a Warhammer or D&D forum and see if they have any ideas.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

    grew up just outside Cambridge and I know what you mean, especially as it's only gotten worse. People who say London isn't car friendly obviously have never tried to drive through Cambridge


    London is a doddle to drive around as long as you're aware of the cameras designed to rinse the unaware of cash by going down randomly restricted roads.


    Cambridge is like a game of Frogger.   Cyclists, students and those stupid scooters buzzing around with no thought to the rules of the road.  At least London hipsters have a passing sense of self preservation when they cross the road. 🤣....  oh and in London you might get the pleasure of camping that that Cycling Mikey.

    1 hour ago, Pseudotectonic said:


    There is also a first floor:


    I guess they come in at the ground floor at the front sticking out bit, and go up the stairs to the safe zone / shop / reception.





    Yep that's the entrance.   First floor layout make sense, so as long as those choke points are dealt with it looks promising. 

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