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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. My lad's R32 has always been a pain.  It doesn't seem to want to fully fill that magazine, often only getting a single shots worth of gas.  When. It does get enough for a bit more it goes off like a teenager's first time.... 


    Several rapid fires in a burst then a little pop. 


    At first we thought it was just cold weather and crap gas, so I cleaned the gun, bought some decent green gas (which is fine in my Glock l), but the problems remain. 


    I can't seem to get a clean seal on the Inlet valve when filling either. 



    The mag doesn't appear to leak what gas it does hold, but I'm wondering if it is a faulty gun or a faulty mag. 


    Any ideas gratefully received. A few pictures attached, not that I can see anything out of place.  A link to it not working here  https://youtu.be/rjYYOm4Bs7c.








  2. I think it has a time limit of 10 years. I asked the boy and he just has a "Suica" card which is interchangeable with Passmo. The difference seems to be geographic. I've used Suica cards to buy stuff in convenience stores and vending machines as a well as buses and trains.  There's another one called Nanoco, which is another prepay/loyalty card. I think that's just for shops though. 


    Kawasaki has a big Korean population so my favourites are the Yaki Niku and Izakaya places.  Developed a bit of a taste for Bashimi (horse sushi), but ironically enough I don't like fish that much LOL.   One night I was left on my own just eating in this underground BBQ place.  Honourable out laws just left their credit card with the wait or and left me to it. That was a happy night 😎


    There's a Chicken place in what counts as the rough part of town that sells these wings coated in salt and pepper.  Can chomp my way through dozens of those with a series of cold beers.  Good job it's cheap LOL. I think it's a chain so I'll see what the name is. 


    I only go to Akihabara when. The exchange rate is in our favour..... Its far too dangerous otherwise. 


    I spoke with JAL today and they pretty much confirmed what you said, but I'll be getting a call back once they've double checked. 


    Should be a fun Christmas shopping for pew pews now🎅😜

  3. I think pasmo still works, but I get bombarded with different rewards cards and tap to pay cards when I arrive.  It makes me miss cash LOL.   One thing I've learned over the years is that if the Japanese can think of a simple way of doing something, they'll run a mile from it.  With the exception of car hire and public transport. 


    We have a family place in Roppongi/Akasaka, but also Kawasaki. Which I prefer as it is a lot less sterile and food is a lot cheaper too. That's where we'll end up living as it's nearest the school I want the boy to go to. 


    SWMBO has been organising Japan Rail passes for her and the boy to take advantage of this summer.  Those things are really good value.  Muggins can't go because flights are crazy expensive at the moment.  So I'll be pew pewing more and enjoying a summer of bachelorhood 🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻. Got my tickets booked for Christmas though.  Hoping they've got rid of the stupid COVID-19 app you need to go there though.  Was a royal PITA. 

  4. You know those smiles were masking their inner monologue "henna gaijin" 😅😅😅.  I get it everyday even here in the UK. 


    Thanks for the advise.  It's greatly appreciated. We're moving there soon, so I'm on the hunt for their version of Woodland ground to play on near Tokyo. 


    If you were using Narita, that just of been a good while ago?  We've been using Heathrow/Haneda for years now.  The trek from Narita was nasty after such a long flight.  Especially by limousine bus. 

  5. I've fired (arf) an email off to them just now, but it's good to see you've not had any issues.


    Did you declare it when you checked the baggage? Or just mosey through the red channel? 



    I remember taking a load of toy trains there for my nephew as the boy had grown out of them.... SWMBO boxed them weeks before as she went ahead, but didn't take the batteries out of some.  It was a rather sketchy experience in Haneda customs trying to explain the strange noises coming from the box when a load of them started up as I dropped the box onto the counter. 


    Thinking about it... She's stitched my up a few times by putting dodgy things in my luggage when I'm travelling alone.  There was another incident involving some insect repellent things she wanted me to bring back to the UK, but did not tell me first. I was fucked if I knew what it was or how to explain it.  Was funny watching this tiny airline girl trying to drag my suitcase up the ramp from the plane for me to explain myself.  The case weighed more than she did. 🤣🤣🤣



    Suppose its an incentive to improve my language skills LOL. 

  6. Sadly getting a sensible answer from JAL is not easy and SWMBO is purposefully unhelpful in these matters as well. 🤣



    I'll see what info I can get from them.  Might need some stiff drinks beforehand though. 

  7. I should have my UKARA by the time I go go Japan at Christmas.... Well I l'd have it now if it wasn't for those pesky c***** at North Hants Council shutting Special Ops for a while. 


    My lad has his eye on a Lee Enfield in a shop near our flat l, and I have a mind to get myself a Christmas treat as well. 


    To bring these back to the UK am I right in. Saying that as long as they're labelled with my Ukara defence and in the stowed luggage, I should be OK to bring them into the country. 



    Damn this shop is a glorious place to be LOL.  Shame they don't have a range for testing 😭



    Thanks in advance. 






  8. On 08/05/2022 at 21:34, RostokMcSpoons said:

    Spec Ops down at Olney, just outside MK is worth a visit... Its small, friendly and well run, but the woodland site is currently shut due to the council blocking its use at the moment. 

    However a new indoor CQB site will be open shortly.  I'll let you know when there's more info

    I wondered what was going on.  Me and the lad went away on holiday only to come back to find my newly upgraded gun and nowhere to play with it.  Was supposed to be there tomorrow but only saw the cancellation email last night. 


    Was planning to go to Reforger tomorrow as an alternative, but their website says the age limit is 14, and my lad is still only 13.  They haven't responded to my question about them letting him in anyway. 



    Really hope they get Spec Ops open again as I really like the crowd there, and Carlos was really helpful getting us up and running, as well as the marshals.  They have a good balance between having a crack, but keeping things safe. 

  9. On 14/02/2022 at 02:18, Cannonfodder said:


    Did anything happen because quite frankly that's got fuck all to do with the school? 


    Just saw this... Sorry for the late reply.


    Thankfully not - the member of staff it was passed onto was one of the sensible ones and only told us because she saw the funny side. LOL

  10. Total noob here, but I made sure to talk to my neighbours about my son and I's new hobby.  Thankfully one is ex RAF and the others sensible.  Sadly and more pathetically my son has a teacher on our estate who grassed him up to the school during lockdown for walking to the local park in a camo onesie and a dirty great orange nerf rifle; so he has some appreciation of the existence of Karen's and curtain twitchers.



     For the OP, no matter what, these things look real and the general public are morons.  The police have to respond to calls, and if a gun is part of the call....  You are sensible enough to understand.

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