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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. Love my 2018 Leaf...  Limited yes, but drives like a go-kart.  Plus I earn approximately £100 a month selling power back to the grid 😎.



    Other than that - have my Tranny Custom for work which is coming up to 130000 miles.


    These will be the last vehicles I am ever likely to own other than my dad's AJS550 when he goes and possibly his little grey tractor - not sure how I'll get them to tokyo, or where they'll be parked; but I'm quite looking forward to being "that Gaijin" LOL.   Car clubs and public transport are so cheap, reliable and ubiquitous there that there's no point owning a run around.

  2. 16 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

    I'd be fascinated to know what risks they believe they're indemnifying though.



    This!  I am still unclear as to what this insurance is for (other than bypassing the pew defense issue).  Is it in case a cosplayer with a tail/axe/pointy ears puts someone's eye out an a convention?

  3. 13 hours ago, Tiercel said:

    Same with motorbikes, anyone who says riding in the winter slush grime mud and rain is anything other than unpleasant is just lying.


    'king right - I remember in my yoof riding from Eastbourne to Gloucester in freezing, driving rain that froze on my chest.  3 very miserable hours on the back of a CB250N (which I still have 28 years later).


    Still have the old Belstaff jacket, although it doesn't fit as well.



  4. 1 hour ago, TheFull9 said:




    It was a call back to a thread that went very south over the weekend.


    When i went to Driver Wood a while back though, it didn't strike me as a place that needed bodycams - but then another member witnessed an incident, so i might have been wrong.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Shamal said:

    Crikey that's a bit involved.Nice work though.Are you working to a drawing on that?

    I think we will stick to end feed and push fit lol. We just do small work moving pipes for bathrooms and radiators.Nothing on your scale though.




    Very seldom have drawings to work from - only a defined space and of course the building plans.  We work on anything from bedsits to factories, but tend to work on large houses - those that are worth more than Mr Duck's entire postcode area.


    If you're working on 28mm and below then the cost doesn't really pan out unless the bigger sizes are in play too.  If you're working on heat pumps means that pipe sizes are going to be much larger as you're dealing with low level energy so need huge flow rates by comparison - hence the use of buffers and volumisers.  


    The pics from the other day are for a house with a heatloss of 9kW, but they wanted two smaller pumps over one big boy, even then though you need 35mm once the heat pumps are linked.


  6. Not surprised that this died on its arse.... Can you imagine the insurance required to host an airsoft event with >1000 players?  Let alone organising it.... Most sites struggle to organise 50 skirmishers....






    A large event is great - I'm thinking of Battlesim Lite at Abingdon - but these guys have bitten off far more than they can chew.

  7. Didn't we used to be able to sign in using our google accounts?  I accidentally logged out on my phone and can't be bothered going through the recover password stuff (unless I have to of course).


    Tah muchly.

  8. 4 hours ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    As if 'BBC' wasn't bad enough at the woodland site, Carlos has now decided that his CQB site would be immeasurably improved if we all look at his choppa :D




    ... got to say, it's a big 'un!




    Crickey - where is he sticking that thing?



    Was hoping to go tomorrow as I still have a day in hand; btu I'm knackered after this week's work and can barely walk.

  9. 39 minutes ago, Sneakyduck said:

    So you deny physics? You deny actual facts? The explanation of why we do what we do is put right in front of you and you deny it? Are you a flat earther? 


    You haven't explained anything you'vepasted a nothing burger.   You've dodged ducked dived and dipped.  Why have you come to the number you have come to?


    Why have you not (unless I've missed something) not restricted GBBRs?

  10. 1 minute ago, Sneakyduck said:

    I put facts up but you still won’t accept or understand, I’m not surprised you think I sound arrogant. It’s your last line of defence. Cant attack the rule so attack the man.


    Are you reading the same posts we're all reading?  Nobody is attacking you as a person, only the completely obvious avoidance of answering the question.  Pasting something from a website does nothing to explain the arbitrary limits your site enforces, and shows more that you don't really understand what's going on.



  11. 15 minutes ago, Shamal said:

    How do the crimp fittings compare to end feed fittings in price and performance?

    I guess they would be useful if you have water in pipes which cause problems with soldering.

    Can they be used in confined spaces like under a floor or awkward little cupboards? I'm just thinking about the size of the crimping tool.


    I'll post up some more pics tomorrow in an off topic thread....  I have the larger novopress gun as we do light commercial/massive domestic so pipes can be up to 76mm.  Smaller tools like REMS are fine for regular stuff up to 35mm (the pipes you see there).  We did have a machine that did 108mm, but we hardly ever used it so gave it to a friend.


    Fittings are quite a bit more expensive in smaller sizes, but once you hit 35mm it actually starts to get cheaper.  You do have to plan ahead though as you can easily plumb yourself into a corner that you can't get the tool into.  REMs have some funky offset adapters and jaws which make getting into tight spaces and under floors easier.  I just don't like the feel of the tool (it feels like it is going to break, even though it's fine).  42mm and above and you move into a sling-jaw set up which gets heavy and clunky, btu still a hell of a lot cheaper, quicker and cleaner that soldering/brazing.


    I also got a jaw for cutting threaded rod which is a total lifesaver.


    Geberit have replaced their shitty MEPLA system for the New Flo Fit and it's actually pretty good - two jaws for the whole range, and the smaller jaws go up to 40mm.

  12. 8 hours ago, Shamal said:

    I'm very responsible.

    I'm responsible for breaking the washing machine,(even though I don't use it), responsible for loosing the shed key,black marks on the Egyptian bathroom towels,I'll give her that one. Oh and I'm responsible for putting holes in the plant pots.yeah me again🫣


    Universal constants my dude.... I'm responsible for shit I'm not even in the same time zone of apparently.



    Just remember - the more right you are the more in the shyte you will be.  Just say sorry and shut up.  That's the advice I told the boy - and it seems to be working with his new missus LOL.  I on the other hand should learn to listen to my own advice.  gonnagetit.gif

  13. Interesting reading chaps.  I'm surprised (but thinking about it shouldn't be) that a suppressor can make a significant difference.


    But then I suppose I have my head close to the gearbox of my pews compared to a few feet away when lamenting the apparent silence of other's; so there's a certain amount of misconception I suppose.

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