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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. We get allsorts flying over us as we are close to where a lot of air show flights practice.  Plenty of SPitfires and whatnot flying around.  Had one of those AC130's buzz the roof tops a few years ago.  I certainly wouldn't want to be on the sharp end of one of those.


    Having just done an emergency trip to Japan and flying China Eastern - it was a bit of a shock to be going over Russia again after all the other airlines going underneath, or the other way round.  Looking at Flight radar is interesting viewing nowadays - especially when you think back to before this 3 day war.




  2. Looking at the building from street view - there is much more going upstairs - where I presume the safe zone is and possibly more game area?  Are there any other drawings?


    Wonder what happened to Hughes Electrical?  Vaguely remember getting some of our kitchen appliances from them when we first did our house up.



    *edit - I see they've just given up on the Cambridge area - can't say I blame them.  Too many cretins on push bikes.

  3. 1 minute ago, Cannonfodder said:

    Good to hear. I get the feeling they were trying to fob you off with a load of bullshit in the hope you don't know consumer law. It makes me wonder how many other people have fallen for their lies and just paid up


    That's what I was thinking.  I see they've positioned themselves carefully RE manufacturing defect, but seeing as the pew doesn't have a mark on it, they will be hard pushed to explain how it can be otherwise - which is also part of the CRA.


    Up to 6 months they have to prove it wasn't a factory defect.


    Thankfully over 20 years of running a business and having to deal with wankers in all walks of life, I have had to verse myself in several bits of law...  I still keep the court documents where I publicly called a company out for being Snake Oil Salesmen - told them to F Off (literally) in reply to their Cease and Desist letter - then got the case thrown out of court without even getting a hearing.


    I can write a good passive aggressive missive when I need to. 😎  SWMBO wasn't so impressed at the time though.




    Genuinely I do hope they get themselves sorted because as I said in the opening post - the place is looking promising in terms of shop, range, tech facilities.  

  4. 8 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

    Please don't drink isopropyl alcohol


    I've been drinking cheap London Gin* from my local One Stop for years - is there really that much difference?



    *Yes I know it's filth, but I get through far too much to justify spending the cash on decent stuff.

  5. 6 hours ago, Skullchewer said:

    Aldi do a cheap


    Aldi and Lidl often surprise you with their interpretations....  Shows you how we get fleeced in this country by many big brands.


    I remember queing up with a load of farmers years ago because our local Aldi/Lidl (can never distinguish between them) were doing an air compressor and tool set for buttons.  This was nearly 15 years ago and most of it is still going.  Back then I serviced my own cars...  Now I have a glorified Milk Float, I donated this all to my brother who uses it to look after his beloved E-Type.

  6. Might be an interesting site, although I await to see the internal layout...


    25 minutes ago, Madhouse said:

    From my visits to RIFT they're well run too


    With the exception of the Barton site's rather precarious locating of the chrono area alongside the A600 I agree.

  7. 26 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

    I couldn't find it in the actual act but I did find this

    https://www.gov.uk/accepting-returns-and-giving-refunds#:~:text=You can ask a customer,(5 years in Scotland).


    As you had it for only 2 months before taking it for repair their claims of being out of warranty are simply bollocks




    I've pretty much covered that in my very brief initial reply...


    "Hi there,


    I would be interested to know which part of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 allows you to only offer a 30 day warranty?  From my understanding I have 30 days in which I am entitled to a full refund.  Up to 6 months you have a single opportunity to repair or replace it before I can request a refund.


    I have been very patient with this process as I accepted the delay due to your relocation; but more than enough time has elapsed for this to be resolved.  At no time up to this point has the warranty been denied, nor was the repair deemed as chargeable when I left it at your premises – with the paperwork on the 12th March. 


    Please repair the item and let me know when I can collect it."



    Will see what this does....

  8. Well it's not looking good now.....   Sooo timeline as it stands:


    Pew bought last September - never worked properly.

    Emailed in November requesting a repair.   Email not replied to.

    Emailed again in January asking for a follow up.  Email not replied to.

    Went in to store with pew in late February/Early March - was told they are closed for the relocation and to come back to the new place when open.


    Went to the new place with pew, original paperwork and copies of emails.  Was told it would take a few weeks and shouldn't be a problem.


    48 Days later.... and you have my post above.




    Now I have just had an email saying - pew is older than 30 days, was older than 30 days when i first emailed in November and that I now have to pay for the repair which "will be done but as of yet we cannot give an accurate estimate of when."





    I think we spoke about these warranties before with the shop in Stevenage, but I can't find anywhere in the Consumer RIghts Act that says retailers can place arbitrary limits of warranty - except batteries and perishables anyway.



    Either way - certainly not impressed; and considering my response....    😈

  9. Just now, Tackle said:

    I thought that was the whole point of a business account, so you can abuse the shit out of it😵💫

    That's not fair😢



    To be fair half my Airsoft trinkets are part of assorted Team Building Exercises.  I might start photoshopping the faces of my underlings onto various game day pictures as well 🙈

  10. 4 minutes ago, Lozart said:

    Diplomatico is one of the worst offenders


    I do recall it being rather easily consumed.  He had some other bottles there which i can't remember the name of - Kraken may have been one.  Next time I go there I'll pay better attention.  I think it's become "our drink" LOL.  The joys of being friends with someone for 30+ years.   

  11. It was something a friend of mine introduced to me just before Christmas - never really had it before (well in working sober memory anway).


    Turns out I rather like it.  Last time we met up the two of us evaporated a bottle of Diplomatico Reserva at his son's 18th after-party - where we discovered that us Gen X'ers can still out do the Gen Alpha and Zoomers by quite some margin.  Although to be fair - the hangovers are worse.



    Prefer to drink it neat or with a single Ice cube - it is nice to have a spirit I can enjoy other than Gin.  Whiskey is 100% guaranteed to turn me into a nasty drunk so I avoid it at all costs.

  12. 14 minutes ago, gavinkempsell said:

    But you'll be out of the UK anyway... sell it.


    I may or may not be taking my outfits with me - although i might only take the lightweight rig as its hot and humid AF over there.  The pews will be lovingly stored with a parent - probably the old man as he has real steel to look after so he knows how its done.  No point taking them to the land of little people as they'll all need downgrading.  The thought of me rocking up to a field there dressed in full Osprey kit and juggernauting my way around the game zone squishing all and sundry is rather amusing.


    The MK4 is size 190/120 and i have brassards and a full collar for it somewhere.




    2 minutes ago, Skullchewer said:

    I'm guessing you don't order much from China 🫤 Their idea of 3xl is an L 



    Made that mistake last week trying to buy shirts at a retail park in Chiba (not China)....   Japanese 3xl is an L there too.  So me trying to get into a shirt with 3xl on the hanger was....  an exercise in itself.

  13. Minor update - They've had 48 days and still haven't started looking at my gun.  Sent them an email today and got a reply "being a private repair, we have not had the chance to get to it yet as we are still going through the backlog of warranty repairs from our move. We will have a look at it when we can but it may not be for a while"


    Well Bespoke - it isn't a private repair - it's a warranty repair.


    Let's hope it doesn't go any further south and is simply a mistake.



    Makes you wonder how many warranty repairs they get as I can't see how the relocation could have had that much of a delay unless their tech was having to do the move all by himself.

  14. 22 minutes ago, Mint said:

    Hello. I'm Liam, the current President of Cardiff's Airsoft Society. I've seen that you've spoken already with some of the other members on our Discord but just wanted to pop our experience and advice here for others to see.


    Unfortunately, in Cardiff University accomodation (and most other University Accomodation), airsoft guns are not permitted as they would be considered a "replica weapon". The specific line from your contract to be concerned about is:
    15. (2) "You must not bring into the dwelling or Building anything which in the University’s reasonable opinion
    is or may become dangerous, noxious, offensive, combustible, corrosive, inflammable, radioactive or
    explosive including, (but not limited to), firearms, air rifles, pistols, cross-bows, or any other weapons
    (including replicas or deactivated weapons)
    , gas cylinders or oil burners."


    Based on this, our official advice as a society is to follow your accommodation's contract.


    Luckily, we have a locker that is provided by our Student's Union. Unfortunately, this has limited space. We sometimes allow members to store their equipment in the locker however this is typically limited to a maximum of 1 gun case and we do not guaratee that this will be a possiblity. It is at the discretion of our Quartermaster. As far as I am aware, this is not standard for University Airsoft Societies and some others do not have any space to store society equipment at all, let alone member's equipment.


    There are people who decide to violate their accommodation T&C by storing their equipment in their accommodation room (including myself in my first year) though this is not our official position. For those that do, this is generally what is noted and the advice given:

    - Typical room inspections at Cardiff's Residences do not include opening closets, drawers, looking under beds etc. When I was in halls, this never occured to anyone I know. I had a security camera in my room and when the inspections occurred so I saw what they did. They simply opened the door, took a note on the general condition and left. This isn't definitely what would happen now (there was a degree of covid worry still at this time) and doesn't necessarily reflect what happens at other Universities either. You should also receive 24 hours notice before any inspection.

    - Your flatmates should not be able to access your room. To my knowledge, in all Cardiff Accomodations, your personal room will have a lock to which only you (and security) will have a key. Hard cases can usually be locked with a padlock to prevent easy access also.

    - Don't bring your guns into the communal areas of your flat. Security are permitted to enter communal areas without notification. Other people may also see through windows and be alarmed.

    - Don't show your flatmates your guns, especially if you don't know them well. They may not be comfortable with it or may report it. If you want to show them the sport, bring them along to a "Give it a Go" session ;).

    - Store guns in gunbags/hardcases at all times. Don't make it obvious what is inside (don't put gun stickers on it). It is very unlikely that an inspection would involve opening your case.

    To my knowledge, we have had no cases of anyone getting in trouble for storing airsoft equipment in University Accommodation since Covid.

    Again, our official position is to advise against breaking your accomodation T&C. However, we aren't going to stop you and certainly aren't going to report you ourselves.


    In terms of transporting around the city:

    - Keep your gun in a case/bag at all times.

    - Don't make it obvious what is inside. Don't put stickers with guns on it. Don't put military insignia on it.

    - Don't wear full equipment while walking around. We have a policy of half camo maximum (so either camo trousers or top, not both), all other equipment must be carried in a bag (chest rig, helmet, .etc).

    - If you're particularly concerned, Cardiff's Taxis and Uber are pretty cheap compared to the rest of the UK.

    - We provide transport to most games so as long as you can get to the Student's Union, you can get to the games.

    Again, we have had no issues since Covid with people transporting equipment. In fact occasionally we take public transport to gamedays (though we notify BTP beforehand).


    Money saving tips:

    - We sell BBs and equipment to members at reduced cost. I wont go into detail here as I am unsure of advertising rules on this site.


    There aren't any particular laws in Wales you need to be concerned about regarding Airsoft.


    Any other questions, shoot me a message on the Discord.

    Looking forward to seeing you next year hopefully :)

    Luckily, we also have not had any cases of this. I (and many other of our members) regularly did and do research regarding airsoft on the Eduroam network without any issue. If it were to occur, I imagine we'd be complaining pretty quickly.


    Wowsers, airsoft notwithstanding,  things were a lot more chill when I was studying at Lampeter LOL.


    22 minutes ago, Mint said:

    Typical room inspections at Cardiff's Residences do not include opening closets, drawers, looking under beds etc. When I was in halls, this never occured to anyone I know. I had a security camera in my room and when the inspections occurred so I saw what they did. They simply opened the door, took a note on the general condition and left. This isn't definitely what would happen now (there was a degree of covid worry still at this time) and doesn't necessarily reflect what happens at other Universities either. You should also receive 24 hours notice before any inspection



    Kinda defeats the point if they can't look into things and have to give notice, but hey ho. 🤣

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