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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. Yes - the weight is more down to the hop in the gun and the environment you're pewing in....  outdoors you want a .25 or .28 really otherwise leaves become a deflector screen, and Bush wookies might not feel the impacts.



    If you're indoors, then I see no need to use anything more than .2s.


    With increased weight comes increased cost too.


    There's a thread with a spreadsheet somewhere on the forum with links and prices - I'll see if I can find it.




    Here we are:



  2. Just now, Enid_Puceflange said:

    That’s maybe another way around things for me


    Currently, I take a pic on my year old iPhone and upload directly from that

    My pics must just be too high a resolution, and swallowing up my allowance 🤷🏻‍♂️


    If that's how you're doing it then you'll only get a few tens of pictures into your account storage. 

  3. I upload mine to Google photos.  Then put them in a shared album.


    From a PC you can then right click the image you want and paste the link directly into the post.  The advantage of this is full resolution too.


    I haven't worked out how to get the link from a mobile.


    This shouldn't eat into your storage allowance. 



    Alternatively you can download an image resized app and upload them to the site.

  4. 4 minutes ago, OrlithNightfire said:

    I mean my site is awesome. They bend over backwards to help include people. Even doing private games for parents oh high spectrum neuro, in small groups so they can play. If a group plays on a normal game day, one of the marshal's shadows to make sure they are safe if they have a episode due to it being too much. This marshal often play marshals so they can stay with them but not give away their location away with a high vis.


    Just hurt to hear person saying they would sue on discrimination act because they were band as they didn't ask to be this way. Didn't want this awesome site say shut down or get a bad rep for not including people. 





    We have a (now somewhat diverted) thread running about marshals and body cameras.  I don';t think this situation was considered in our ramblings.  Sounds like this person is just being an attention seeker which ruins everything for everyone - especially if there are outlets catering specifically for their situation.

  5. Technique is as important as outfit in a lot of cases.....I have zero subtlety and thus spend a lot of time going to respawn.   The boy on the other hand was nearly squished by me when he was hiding in long, light coloured grass in his DPM outfit and booney hat.


    Even in his Afghan desert loadout


    he's surprisingly stealthy when he wants to be....not so much with a Japanese flag as a cape though.  Stick him in an environment with some autumn leaves in that kit and you'd have little chance spotting him.













  6. Welcome. 


    I'd second Skirmish High Wycombe as a good place to attend. 


    They have an  excellent safe zone, decent pew pew shop on site and they do good food.  Including a  breakfast if you desire. 


    There is also Reforger near Watford,  but the facilities are very basic and the food van there is awful,  so take your own lunch. 



    Remember too, you don't have to spend a fortune on expensive guns, individually.   But you will need a few for backups and different hand types. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, Shamal said:

    Mrs Shamal is a teacher and I was saying that they should have body worns.

    I. to back the staff up

    2. To show how foul mouthed and aggressive the little shits are.

    3. Evidence as to what really happened cause some of the feckers are very good at playing the victim!


    The police were on the phone to her last Thursday for a witness statement due to an incident that she witnessed whereby a young nqt had two large handfuls of hair ripped out by an eight year old who claimed she pushed him and who  grabbed her hair to stop him falling. All lies.

    Another teacher at same school had her finger chopped off at the second knuckle due to a lad forcefully kicking a door shut while her hand was on the door jamb.


    Every night she is doing half a dozen cpoms regarding bad behaviour.


    I'm glad she only has another year to go.



    Shit like that is precisely why (well along with his school being little more than a daycare) I moved the boy abroad; and his school wasn't as tough as that one sounds.  Shame the little sod doesn't appreciate it though.   Fingers crossed her last year isn't too bad.

  8. Just now, Sewdhull said:

    Whilst your eyes might see it, what you percieve is something else. Even looking for something in particular you brain may decide to ignore it...mine does when I'm looking for my keys for example


    I know perception is a bugger - I've spent ages looking for tools that I was already holding in my hand.  I would argue though that his change of direction appeared very intended, as with the stop on the RIF.  Adding things together and I feel it not unreasonable to surmise that he was being a cnut in a number of different possible perceptions of the incident.  We know he did it.  So it comes down to intent, or not.


    I find it very very hard to accept he did not realise he did it (by mistake), so the cnut charge stands because he didn't come forward for reasons above (the ground and roots just don't feel the same as a RIF no matter how you cut it) and say "sorry dude I didn't see it on the floor - is it OK?".


    I find the way he changed direction, moved, stopped and moved on to be very deliberate - and that's before we take into account the fact that that gun looked nothing like its surroundings - which were more or less bare earth and a few small, light grey/brown twigs.  A socking great big, green, M14 and scope would be pretty obvious.



    However - the silly sausage that owned it shouldn't have left it like that....  I had a bit a WTF moment when I saw how he left it in the building at the start of the video...  Initially I thought that was the incident in question until i saw the timestamp.


    Just my view on a three year old incident... Now as the other poster said in that thread - can we get back to talking about how fricking awesome I am? yay.gif


    Plus having a second look at the vid - that gun sticks out like a sore thumb on that ground cover (or lack of).  You would have seen that in your peripheral vision as well as in front of you once you'd turned - even in that kind of mask.  FOV isn't restrict THAT much.

  10. Fuck me that was a rabbit hole.... to save reviving that thread - it was a blatant stepping on the RIF.  You would notice the different feel to the ground, and attached tree roots don't move like that - and if they were loose you would look down naturally to check your footing if only to protect your own pew from "death by fat fuck falling on it".


    That's ignoring the laugh at the end and definite pause in step and obvious change in direction of his walk.

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