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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/07/24 in all areas

  1. Banned from zero in and the NAF for life? Don't you threaten me with a good time.....
    3 points
  2. This was my immediate reaction. I use gas guns and my most used main gun is a gas bolt action that I have to tweak that at the start of every game day since weather conditions affect the power. If I go to a game day and it's 18 celcius, then turn up to the NAF and it's 25 celcius, my gun will obviously be over the limit if I don't tweak it. It's also why I usually aim for about 2 - 2.1J at the morning chrono rather than 2.2 - 2.3J, because it gives me a bit of room as a buffer against temperature increases through the day.
    3 points
  3. Hmm. Biohazard is doing that, they record the chrono figure against your name on the sign-in sheet. I'm guessing this is an insurance requirement, because I can't see any real purpose that's served over a simple pass/fail. "If" is doing some Herculean lifting there. Of course they're going to "differ", especially for gas guns. But why would that matter if the field chrono isn't over the limit? Yet again, a site is spaffing out some words that (probably) don't represent what they actually mean. As we say in Jockshire to confirm that we really believe something: Aye, right. Everybody does. Which is exactly why pre-game chrono should be viewed as a service to help honest players determine that they won't get caught hot in game, rather than a process that has any chance of catching cheaters. Again I'd have to assume that they meant to say "You can chrono again at NAF if you are worried." The sloppy communication just highlights a site representative who doesn't take this at all seriously.
    3 points
  4. John Bitmeas

    Cosplay angles

    Thank you both so much, you’ve been incredibly insightful. currently I have no airsoft guns but I do have a lot of Nerf guns that were painted/distressed to give a more realistic vibe, ranging from sci-fi through to straightforward looking pieces, I would like to run a skirmish here in the future but that won’t involve me supplying guns etc I’ve included a few images for reference
    3 points
  5. gavinkempsell

    UKARA renewal

    *cough* I think you mean... 'POLYMER' *cough*
    2 points
  6. Just to clarify, I don't have an issue with emailing, providing there's been a bit of chat or atleast some clarification sort of thing. Not in the very first message get a basic "I have this, email me @....... " Nothing about the items condition or any info for that matter, like you've got to go fishing for it all.
    2 points
  7. It'll almost certainly have to do with people being too lazy to contact their mobile networks to remove adult blocks - AFUK gets caught by them on Three, O2 and EE. Emails don't get blocked by some arbitrary age restriction.
    2 points
  8. As someone who buys and sells on the forums quite a bit, I have done deals which have started out on the forum, but then moved to email. A few of my most recent sales have been done that way. There are a number of benefits to messaging back and forth via email. For me, it’s easier to read and reply to emails when at work or out and about than it is to keep going on line into the forum. Also, I find I can send more photos via email. I find that when I try to send a number of photos they’re often classed as too large, exceeding the data size limit. I make sure I do all my due diligence on the forum. Check the other parties forum history, feedback and make sure ukara and age are sorted, but there are benefits to using emails instead of forum messaging.
    2 points
  9. I don't do any buying or selling either, but to me wanting to take comms straight to e mail is a definite red flag to me, especially if it's from a new member or one with few posts.
    2 points
  10. Why did the chicken commit suicide? So it could get to the other side.
    2 points
  11. That's my thoughts, But was more it seems to becoming a regular occurance. So wasn't sure if a new thing to do or not. But will stick to my gut instinct and stick to the chat on here. Just been watchful as nearly scammed twice this year and twice before Xmas. The one before xmas was so comical. Was a user called "adams34". Who was trying to sell me something, and claiming it was his. Till I pointed out it was already sold else where. 🤣 Cheers bud.
    2 points
  12. Cannonfodder

    Cosplay angles

    Welcome. The posts above have covered the buying rifs so I won't add anything more to that. Setting up a site can be a long and complicated process, especially for someone new to the game. Personally I'd contact local sites to see if they're interested in using the site. That way someone else gets the hassle of dealing with airsofters (making sure everyone knows what's going on and are in the right place can be like herding cats sometimes). Their knowledge and experience means they'll also be able to see and head off any potential issues before they become a problem. Oh, and nice job with the props
    2 points
  13. Tommikka

    Cosplay angles

    There’s no such thing as a RIF licence. There are restrictions on the sale, manufacture, import of RIFs under the VCRA with defences: Cosplay is not a defence (despite claims by a certain retailer) ’Professional cosplay’ (not dressing up and paying to get into a comicon) can be ‘theatrical’ with the public appearances and appropriate liability insurance etc Stills photography is not a defence - but film is (not just YouTube) The VCRA references the copyright act https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/48/section/5B For your primary requirement of photography there may be elements of a defence and you can contact retailers on that basis. But you don’t have to own the props to take photos, (of course if you own the props for the photography you want then you can select your models rather than relying on whoever has their own props). You can still ask out for RIF owners to loan props - perhaps take some photos of them as well as the main photo shoot or see if who offers fits into your planned photos To become a venue you don’t need your own RIFs if you are running an event for existing players with their own equipment. You do need to not go in blind and involve experienced organsiers/marshalls/players If you’re a venue with the appropriate safety set up and liability insurance then you would meet the criteria with the purpose being to run airsoft skirmishing, therefore wouldn’t sign up to the UKARA as a player but as a venue Contact the UKARA and other sites for advice and wholesale/major retailers regarding buying RIFs as a site
    2 points
  14. Galvatron

    Cosplay angles

    Welcome! To avoid confusion, UKARA is one of several defences for a retailer to sell you a RIF, not a licence. You don't need a licence to own or purchase an airsoft gun. Liability insurance and a risk assessment should be prioritised before becoming a UKARA member site as a suitable liability insurance policy is required when you apply to become a UKARA member site. If you wish to purchase RIFs before getting your site fully set up, you can ask at an airsoft site that is registered with UKARA for an application form. You need to play 3 games with a minimum of 56 days between your first and third games where the site owner/director/host/marshal vouches for you and signs the form. After your third game is signed off, the site will submit your application to UKARA and shortly after that, you receive an email confirming your membership, number and expiry date (about 12 months after you are confirmed as a UKARA member). It's probably worth having a butcher's at the UKARA site. http://ukara.org.uk/ Good luck with your site!
    2 points
  15. That's an insane decision to make. I saw a post about this on Reddit that's pretty funny. Can I just drive through this speed camera at 20 now, so I can do 70 later? Honestly, how this got approved and made its way through multiple people before being posted without being flagged as a REALLY bad idea is wild.
    2 points
  16. An old Pilot sat down in Starbucks and ordered a cup of coffee. As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him. She turned to the pilot and asked, ‘Are you a real pilot?’ He replied, ‘Well, I’ve spent my whole life flying biplanes, Cubs, Aeronca’s, Neiuports, flew in WWII in a B-29, and later in the Korean conflict, taught 50 people to fly and gave rides to hundreds, so I guess I am a pilot – what about you?’ She said, ‘I’m a lesbian. I spend my whole day thinking about naked women. As soon as I get up in the morning, I think about naked women. When I shower, I think about naked women When I watch TV, I think about naked women. It seems everything makes me think of naked women.’ The two sat sipping in silence. A little while later, a young man sat down on the other side of the old pilot and asked, ‘Are you a real pilot?’ He replied, ‘I always thought I was, but I just found out I’m a lesbian.’
    2 points
  17. 1 point
  18. Alright guys. So, I've been on these forums for a long long time. Yet comms have always been "normal" and convo and pics sent on the forum chat/message. But as of late, I'm Getting messages asking to go straight to email and chat there. And it's not just one or two. Which I just find a bit weird tbh. Now the old stickler in me, I just reject these messages, as can't see why you can't just chat send pics on the chat here. But I don't want to seem rude if they're genuine. Anyone else had this? And are they genuine?
    1 point
  19. Following Thanks for Playing Along, Old School DPM 💯👊🏽
    1 point
  20. Nick G

    VFC M249 Thread

    The point at which the hose goes into the connector block that then fits into the magwell ? If so, then , no, not had any issues there. I did have the other end of that hose pop out of the push fit connector on top of the gas tank a few times early on. I cant remember if I cured that by shortening the pipe and cutting it properly square or if I replaced the fitting on the tank, but it doesn't do it now . I've never had the block apart so i'm not rure of exactly how it's sealed. If it were me I would considder having a word with the retailer you got it from , or email VFC .
    1 point
  21. Yeah, I’d be a bit hesitant as well if straight of the bat it was a case of, can you email me. Especially if it’s a new member, no, or very few posts and no feedback. Probably best to ignore those, or be very wary when dealing with them.
    1 point
  22. I'd NEVER go off site with comms, big red flag, just like requests for friends & family etc, not worth the risk.
    1 point
  23. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Hi all, Have finally decided I'm never getting another G3 unless a VFC with 8 mags magically drops in my lap, so I'm selling this genuine wood furniture. Condition is very good, if it weren't for some scratches I'd even say super grade. Also included are the original pins. Stock appear to have had a spring removed by the previous owner to fit this to a JG, however this is the only modification. The previous owner chose to modify the aeg rather than the furniture thankfully. Sling is also a genuine issue one. Unissued but due to age is starting to dry out slightly, but still plenty flexible and could be restored with oil or saddle soap. Not looking to split, all or nothing I'm afraid. Price is £150 collected from Southend Essex, or add £10 for postage.


    Westcliff-on-sea, Essex - GB

    1 point
  24. John boy

    VFC M249 Thread

    Hi mate, did you have any issuesnwith gas leaking after shortening the hose? I'm experiencing leaking gas around the hose connected to the part which connects to the gun and can't seem to seel it any ideas?
    1 point
  25. Rogerborg

    Cosplay angles

    @Cannonfodder has nailed it - inviting experience in is an efficient way to make use of it. You'll get honest opinions about the potential of the site, particularly the amount of cover and lines of sight. You can have fun with that area, but it'll need a lot of build work to ensure that people can actually move around without being shot as soon as they take a step - most airsoft guns will shoot the whole length of that site. It'd be an interesting experiment to run it as a themed zombie / horror / LARP experience where you supply low range, low powered, low ammo / rate of fire - and cheap! - springer shotguns and pistols, particularly spring revolvers which are barely above Nerf power levels (but which will still need eye protection). It's actually easier to buy those in day-glo colours from various BBgunz4u style retailers, which doesn't need any sort of defence, then you can paint them any way you like. Getting realistic imitations isn't really a problem either. If you get yourself public liability insurance for the site to run airsoft events there - and you should, that's key - then I don't see retailers having a problem selling to you on that basis. They're in the business of selling airsoft guns, they just want to be able to tick a due diligence box. If you want to get your hands on a few RIFs to start doing photographic sets there, I'd suggest contacting retailers and just asking them what evidence they'd want to see. You only need one to say yes.
    1 point
  26. Very cool There’s definitely a market out the for them Sorry, but no idea on value (I once held an LCT G3 with real wood kit and the steel/wood combo smelled awesome 👌)
    1 point
  27. How often do TM get advertised in the boneyard? How well do TM keep their value. If you want something reliable out the box, TM does that. Buy quality buy once, buy cheap pay twice
    1 point
  28. It is good practice to take the batteries to their storage voltage (around 3.8v per cell), so the advice from Onyx was good. I do it with our batteries; it isn't exactly a hardship. Nuprol batteries are not very good, to put it mildly. Vapextech are better, but I really like the Turnigy ones, except when they refuse to come out of battery compartment that they went into so easily, but that is another story!
    1 point
  29. This is the reply from Ground Zero today regarding pre event chronoing. "The results are recorded and if checked at the event and they differ from when the gun is tagged they are banned from the site and all our events for life. They also have the ability to alter their guns after they have been chronoed and the same rules apply! You do not have to have your gun done before hand if you are worried, Thanks and regards"
    1 point
  30. I mean, we all know that we are each going to end up just getting both. I'm not sure why we carry on this pretence!
    1 point
  31. Cr0-Magnon

    Holster help

    I have both and prefer these to the warrior one: https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/swiss-arms-adaptx-level-2-adaptable-holster
    1 point
  32. MrTea

    Novritsch Aug

    I'm holding out for a not shit Tavor... and an M240B that isn't crazy expensive.
    1 point
  33. Tackle

    Holster help

    Have you considered a warrior assault systems universal holster, adjustable to fit most mid sized automatics, & it's a thumb push button trigger lock. They're available in left or right handed, & numerous colours or camos.
    1 point
  34. JinxDuh

    Novritsch Aug

    Funny enough you have the same predicament as me haha, I was going to get the Ares No.4 Mk.I and then went for the aug as the partner to my EF88 😂 I'll definitely update here once I receive it!
    1 point
  35. JinxDuh

    Novritsch Aug

    Gave in and ordered the A2… guess I’ll be looking out of the window every few minutes now to see if it’s being delivered yet. 👀
    1 point
  36. The kids gerbil went missing last night. I spent six hours looking for it! It's definitely not in the pub.
    1 point
  37. I don't think they're getting desperate as according to their website just over 2000 players are booked to go, to me this is just laziness on their part. Less guns to chrono means more time for them to stand around doing fuck all
    1 point
  38. What could possibly go wrong? I respect the sites I've played at having done not just the chrono tests at the start of the day but an unplanned chrono test later to confirm people were still in the limits, especially as the heatwave did risk putting some of us above the limit by the afternoon. "Everyone's a winner" Great tune by Hot Chocolate but I don't think anyone losing sight in one eye will consider themselves a winner.
    1 point
  39. So it'll be no different to every other year then
    1 point
  40. Doc: “Hi – I am sorry but I have bad news, and I have very bad news. Which one do you want first?” Patient: “ok, give me the very bad news first” Doc “We have received the latest test results and you have been diagnosed with Ligma. You only have 1 day to live” Patient: “Just 1 day?! … what’s the bad news then?” Doc: “I tried to call you yesterday, but you didn’t pick up your phone”
    1 point
  41. Egon_247

    Novritsch Aug

    Awesome. Mines got the king arms doofer on the front so it's basically a suppressor with a mag and trigger. 🤣 I was looking for that daft hop cover that retracts, the plate on top of my v3 had the bits missing and the rubber covers went AWOL too. 🫤😁🤣
    1 point
  42. I saw a police alsatian wearing a grey jumper. It was a plain clothes police dog
    1 point
  43. matas17

    Hi everyone

    I have looked at the reviews of it on google and most seemed positive but I'll do my research on it and see what comes up.
    1 point
  44. Bigmac10

    Hi everyone

    Awesome thank you
    1 point
  45. Catch the train from Clapham Junction to Three Bridges, and there are a few good woodland sites within a very short taxi ride. As a rental player, my instinct says that, of those, you would have a better time at Driver Wood- where the terrain is a bit more of a leveller when you have the rental kit than at Dogtag.
    1 point
  46. Bigmac10

    Hi everyone

    Hey thanks for the welcome! Am located around Wandsworth, I have wheels and could travel but probably only once I'm more vested, but I do see that bunker-51 is nearby, if you are familiar with them do they have some sort of pick up group format? I'll give em a call. Yes will defintely not skimp on that then. thank you. haha yes my favourite gun....., thanks for the welcome.
    1 point
  47. Cannonfodder

    Hi everyone

    1 point
  48. Galvatron

    Hi everyone

    Welcome to the money pit! Don't worry about not having a social group to play with. You can make good acquaintances, if not new friends, through airsoft. I went to the majority of my games without people I met outside of airsoft. As Shamal said, having suitable eyepro is an absolute must. You can get very afforable eye protection that's suitable for airsoft, just don't be tempted by the cheapest thing you find on eBay that doesn't come from a known brand such as Bolle. In addition to boots with good ankle support, good gloves are a worthwhile investment - being shot in the knuckles with thin or no gloves can be much more painful (not long lasting though) than you might expect. Rental might seem expensive to start but think of it as an investment in the hobby. If the worst should happen and you decide airsoft isn't for you, rental will likely be a smaller loss than you would experience buying a two-tone, only to find you find yourself struggling to resell it for even close to what you paid.
    1 point
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