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  1. mightyjebus

    Gun picture thread

    Doing a bit of maintenance and thinking about adding some Mosfets: Classic Army DSA FAL King Arms FAL Para JG DSA FAL
    5 points
  2. Used the 416 for three games now. First time with GBBR, gas got colder as I played outside, muzzle velocity went from 349 fps to 140... Second time, warmed my mags against my body with a complex rotation system and used red gas, still quite underwhelming. Third time, used green gas but hand warmers in mag pouches, gleaming range but couldn't see fall of shot. Now I have a scope. Will do a bit of zeroing and hop-up fine tuning next game.
    3 points
  3. Every few years someone comes out of nowhere pushing their new organisation and making lots of grand but very wishy washy claims about how they're going to be the people to represent airsoft only to amount to nothing. I can't see how this lot are any different
    3 points
  4. Back in the day, we in the heating and plumbing industry were pissed off with CORGI (Council of registered Gas Installers) who were the licensed body in charge of registrations and making sure we were all qualified and under some form of authority should we fuck up. It had developed into not much more than a pain in the backside and were flogging insurance on the side using the data we were compelled to provide from our customers. So a few people got together and formed ARGI (Association for Registered Gas Installers) to try and defend the interests of small businesses and sole traders. The parallels to these UK Airsoft bodies is striking - it was little more than a knitting circle that had the right intentions, but no clue what to do and even less authority to do it. Certainly made no difference to the industry or the rules and regulations. It ended up imploding with the key players arguing like drunken housewives.
    3 points
  5. The more I think about it the more I think we probably don't need such an organisation in the UK unless there is some clear specific purpose that calls for it (such as case of UKARA being a framework for providing actual legal defence) Going back to drawing board, these functions are more or less fulfilled without any centralised body. 1. Represent and Promote - already tons of airsoft content on social media and youtube 2. Regulate and Enhance - sort of perpetuated by field owners (game rules and so on) and perhaps insurance 3. Organise and Facilitate - anyone can organise any event Is the airsoft hobby fragmented? Maybe, but is there any benefit of changing that? I don't know -- I think making a patch about a fictional organisation (and writing backstories about it) can be a cool and creative exercise, but I think it needs to be honest in its execution and not mislead people into thinking it is something real. And until they can demonstrate something other than making a patch (anybody can do that) I remain sceptical. Happy to be proven wrong tho. But I don't feel there is an actual vision there, other than buzzwords.
    3 points
  6. mightyjebus

    UKAF and/or UKAPU

    I think the person with the most confirmed hits or the biggest gun collection should represent airsoft, not some bunch of blokes who feel important enough to start their own "body" and like John Snow, know nothing.
    3 points
  7. It's GT85! I use it all the time. Great stuff. You can get it in trade cans of 5L and 1L pump spray bottles too. The 1L are favourite.
    3 points
  8. Border Force confiscated a Real Sword T97B from Greece and marked it for destruction despite having a UKARA number on the package. It was one of the first instances of that happening (With a valid UKARA on the package). David at UKAPU advised me on what to do in terms of chasing up, the wording I should and (Crucially) should not use in my communications. I managed to eventually get my T97B. If I didn't follow the advice given it would either have taken me longer or the T97B could have been destroyed. More detail on what happened here.
    2 points
  9. @DanBow I think in the UK we already have a rather robust set of laws around airsoft already, which is not really in any danger that I am aware of, so there is no such shit that can hit the fan, so to speak, and even if it might, the UK legislation process is long enough and we will have opportunities to fight it, but until then, we cannot predict what it is about, and we cannot prepare for something we have no idea about that might not even exist. Not too long ago Canada had the Bill C-21 which threatened the airsoft community, as far as I know there was not one single "association" to save the day, but it did bought the whole community together and they all lobbied together (obviously there is someone organising some campaigns) but I don't think it was pre-planned. Similarly not too long ago the CPSC-2023-0021 in the US was just a matter of people coming together and put in some signatures (not sure how that turned out) but as far as I know, it didn't end up impacting airsoft in the US. As far as I know, again there was no single organisation responsible. So if such a mythical shit were to manifest and float towards the British fan, I don't think it will be any facebook group that can beat it alone but the entire industry and community will come together, and UKARA being our airsoft illuninati who is about to lose a lot of business is surely going to champion any campaign against such mythical shit. I think the last thread had someone had mentioned the behind the scenes of how UKARA came about or something like that. Just to say, I don't think there is any lobbying to do for anyone at the moment, nor there is any foreseeable existential threat, and even if there is, we won't need a facebook group to "save the day", therefore if you want to join one, you probably want to join it for the other reasons e.g. finding a a community, which is totally valid. But then again, nothing will bring the community together better like another VCRA or something. And if you are just talking about individual cases, I think UKAPU has a few blog posts explaining the law, but that's it, I don't think they provide direct support to any actual case.
    2 points
  10. -- Allow me to look at this critically, "voluntary non-profit" so logically it survives on donations (or selling patches) "purely to uphold and enhance the reputation of its members" so it's just a marketing consortium "demonstrating exemplary standards in their professional conduct" so it's not for players "within the bounds of legislation" so it's not for criminals (of course) I mean, it sounds like fiction Also, your patch says "I'm a supporter", not "a member", so it means you are basically just a fan, but you're not part of the club On the whole it doesn't seem to have any purpose, other than someone making patches as a hobby
    2 points
  11. Indeed , very typical TM , great fit and finish , lightweight and very snappy cycle. I’m sure someone will release an adapter plate for it very soon to open up the RMR options .
    2 points
  12. My opinion has not changed about UKAPU, functionally they are a facebook group that does nothing other than holding AGMs and charging people monthly fee in preparation for a mythical prophecy that one day some legal apocalypse might happen that is when they will save the day. -- If one were to go back to the drawing board, and think of what an actually useful organisation would do, their mission would include fundamentally three things: 1. Represent and Promote 2. Regulate and Enhance 3. Organise and Facilitate 1. Represent and Promote: is basically PR activities (and lobbying, if necessary) for the hobby 2. Regulate and Enhance: is R&D into the nature and rules of the hobby, and developing best practices and codes and so on, to improve safety and fun 3. Organise and Facilitate: is basically running forums, or running events, that can benefit the hobby as a whole -- If we judge UKAPU by these measurements, I don't think they are too effective in any of these
    2 points
  13. Myself and a few others did some testing a little while back. Here's the results we got: https://www.airsoftsniperforum.com/threads/crack-open-some-bbs-bb-quality-and-comparison-discussion.67345/
    2 points
  14. Asomodai

    UKAF and/or UKAPU

    The definition of Preservation is to stop is from decaying or something being eroded. There are instances where BF for example have tried to confiscate RIF's even with a valid Defense. UKAPU has managed to prevent that from happening. It happened to one other lad, whilst they weren't able to get the RIF's back, he did get a full refund. Keeping up to date on the relevant legislation but also how government bodies apply that is not exactly easy. UKAPU have recently discovered that BF have started testing RIFs for joule rating and have seized goods to that effect where they didn't before. Also discovered is that the new Firearms Act 2023 bill that is in progress could affect the way we use Primers and blank rounds. This is being monitored. UKAPU monitor press articles that mention airsoft and contacted editors and to acquire redactions. (One example being the Plymouth shooting back in 2021) UKAPU contacts the home office when in need for clarification of the VCRA. The HO took UKAPU's, Tim from ATB and UKARA concerns into account and put an exemption into an amendment through to the House of Lords back in 2016. UKAPU have attended meetings with the EAF to foster an shared rules and values between other European Airsofting countries. This could set the groundwork for legitimisation of Airsoft. During the pandemic UKAPU were in contact with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport in regards to whether Airsoft could be considered for reopening during lockdowns whereas paintball was able to. I am sure there are many other things that I am not aware about that UKAPU have done. I would also say at the moment there are no threats to Airsoft as a whole. However this could change with one politicised incident. But if you have an organisation that is on the look out for those threats and ready to jump in, that would be far better than something that is formed ad-hoc. Having UKAPU ready to defend Airsoft at a moments notice (With the funds to back it up), is better than a ragtag group of Airsofter's with no funds only being able to respond reactively. I would suggest the UKAPU is the best and most experienced group to defend Airsoft from a legal position.
    1 point
  15. There is an argument to be had that proactively trying to protect airsoft by getting it fully recognised as a sport/hobby (A-la paintball) Can also lead to the downfall of Airsoft (Peeking up above the legal parapet). Many Airsofter's prefer to just deal with legal issues as and when they arise so UKAPU has more often than not been reactive rather than proactive. When a problem has presented itself that UKAPU can solve, they have worked to deal with it. Also I would like you to correct the "Monthly fee" as it is categorically false.
    1 point
  16. Those who want to govern are possibly least suited for it.
    1 point
  17. Colin Allen

    UKAF and/or UKAPU

    How about its highest profile player? You know, that chap with all the YouTube videos that get massive numbers of views.
    1 point
  18. Depends what you mean by case (Court, Importation, Police). Legal representation in court has not been provided (Haven't been asked/not been needed). However UKAPU has helped guide people through first steps through importation/travel/police issues. Including when to go to a lawyer and to provide direction for the lawyer. In fact UKAPU have a form you can fill out. Ask for legal help — UKAPU
    1 point
  19. I didn't know I can be disappointed in someone larping as a professional body, but I am thoroughly disappointed
    1 point
  20. Thanks for correcting me, that's the stuff. Toyota have a lot to answer for confusing me 🤦‍♂️😂 But thanks for that I didn't realise they offered 1 litre and 5 litres versions!!!
    1 point
  21. Yes, my posts were merged. The UKAF documents look like they were cobbled together over a few beers by people who really did not know what they were doing.
    1 point
  22. They need to proof read it all again. It is a litany of spelling, grammatical and stylistic disasters.
    1 point
  23. Interesting find (Note UKAF is not UKAPU) The codes looks a bit pointless because they are all pretty normal things any business is already expected to do, and with extra restrictions you only find in professional bodies like disciplinary and complaints, lol, what are they gonna do, expel them from their excel file?
    1 point
  24. Should be basically a standard Glock type mag. May just need the long bolt tightening up (remove the base cap to check) But yep can be serviced easily enough.
    1 point
  25. It would probably enhance their credibility if they put some anonymised case studies on their website, so that people can see the sort of support that they have provided. The potential liability issues are interesting. Having just read their charter and code of practice, it is clear that UKAF is intended to be a trade organisation. https://ukairsoftfederation.co.uk/assets/files/UKAF_Code_of_Practice_v2.pdf
    1 point
  26. John_W

    UKAF and/or UKAPU

    Surely it should be Dr David "Dee Dee" Sheldrake with his PhD from Harvard in Wound Balistics?
    1 point
  27. As above, got a few pews before my ukara, meant to be two toned but it never happened.
    1 point
  28. steel wire with crimp on ferrules, probably something like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJEXgWAq1vo
    1 point
  29. Love the green Barett. As an ex PzGren (mechanised infantry) we used to wear green Baretts and we were immensely proud of it (even though we were anything but an elite unit)
    1 point
  30. Cannonfodder

    UKAF and/or UKAPU

    No. Not that they're a force for bad either, to be either they would have to actually do something Again no
    1 point
  31. This. Call me cynical but this isn't the first time an organisation has appeared making grand (but vague) claims about how they're going to represent players and change the hobby, only for them to do ⅘ths of fuck all before quietly disappearing.
    1 point
  32. What are they (is he) doing that makes them (him) worth supporting?
    1 point
  33. 1st commando

    Cyma mws clone

    Cyma/ T8 isn't an exact clone . It doesn't use the zet system
    1 point
  34. Kls77

    AK dmr

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Ak dmr Fully upgraded inside hpa dmr Shoots amazing and straight lifting any weight bbs Cyma body and barrel Vs25 front rail with bi pod Midwest railed gas tube Rear adjustable sniper stock Side rail with 32 scope Inside has mancraft pdikv3 engine . Safe and single Metal hop unit with Mr hop and flat nub on a 430. 6.01 barrel 3x Bulgarian midcaps This shoots amazing and really quiet . Looks great and people ask about it all the time


    1 point
  35. Dan Robinson

    UKAF and/or UKAPU

    The first two are covered by the universal law of "don't be a genital". The third one is more or less covered by private enterprise and forums such as this. Seems that once hit critical mass it tends to turn to shyte - NAF seems to cover this by all accounts.
    1 point
  36. I'm bored today so expect plenty of threads, some may be about postage!
    1 point
  37. You can't put much faith in scales unless your paying hundreds of pounds. Mine cost a tenner tho As an example I weighed 6 .25g bbs. 2 were .25 and 4 were .27. 4 together were 1.00g 6 together were 1.52g Repeatability was good but it looks like the error in each measurement is likely similar meaning much more at low weights. Worth getting a calibration weight or two if it matters to you. Or weighing in batches.
    1 point
  38. My Dad always said, 'Don't ever give up on your dreams'. 'Just go back to bed.'
    1 point
  39. Going by the shape I have to ask, are you a wombat?
    1 point
  40. theSwede

    Gun picture thread

    Got some new bits for my 19X. I love giant suppressorsights
    1 point
  41. Yup, let’s face it 99% of the members here are from the uk The others don’t seem to log in or even contribute much after they have stopped asking Airgun or RS questions
    1 point
  42. I saw that lot pop up in real time last night... I was still sober enough not to be tempted to click the link.
    1 point
  43. 😫 Oh no! I've never had a period, should I see a doctor? Should I click the link?? But more seriously, it takes them very little effort to just run the tool and have it spam everywhere. It's probably targeting the host or tool used by this forum rather than the forum itself. The more spam they more chance they'll find an idiot.
    1 point
  44. I'm wondering what these nimrods get out of it.... Surely no one ever clicks the links. Especially on rather niche forums like this.... I mean - I for one have never missed a period.
    1 point
  45. Well The peace & quiet from the Nigerian voodoo love spammers didn’t last long after registrations re opened
    1 point
  46. Earpy69

    ASG m14 (used once)

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Used once, comes with 3 highcap mags. it’s currently over the 350fps limit so easy dmr if locked or downgrade spring. surprisedly good rate of fire on 9.6/7.4. no box/bag or battery. collection only but can arrange local if needed.


    1 point
  47. 1 point
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