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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/07/23 in all areas

  1. Are we really still pandering to the absurdities of the "HPA BAD" discussion? 🙄 (spoilers: I only scan read, apologies if I got the wrong impression). ANYWAY Another storming day at Red Alert. The VFC G3 GBBR continues to be my flavour of the month, paired with my TM Deagle I got some lovely kills. Got lit up plenty, but all totally fair, except for the team kill grenade from one of my friends 🤣 Ran far too much in the escort the bomb game, and I am expecting to feel every day of my 52 years tomorrow, but it was so worth it. Saw another Vorsk VPM1 on the field, and I'm really impressed by those things. I'll be interested to see how they perform in the long term. I set the fastest time in the monthly Attack Sense pistol range competition with my Deagle! A respectable 9.1 seconds! WOOOOO! Then someone set an 8.7 😲 Bugger. Fastest time at the end of the month wins a free game day. The current site record stands at 8.4, but as that was set by the range marshal it's not a competition time. Next weekend I'll be trying to shave that second to an 8.1 There's another Battlesim LITE next weekend, where I will not be using the G3, as 20 round mags are pretty restrictive, and gas rifle mags are extremely difficult to reload on the field. Looking forward to it, going to be a selection of military vehicles in the battle. Today our group got our car park set up just right 👌🏼
    7 points
  2. Buyers can make offers just as much as sellers can turn them down. However a simple no thanks is all that's needed rather than "getting shirty". Remember Harry's words of wisdom
    4 points
  3. Just like you're incapable of accepting the fact you're posting bullshit again. I've had similar looking bruises to that from AEG and GBB guns. Please cite your sources As others have posted, if you're going to get all pissy over getting shot in a game which involves shooting each other then maybe you need to get another hobby But you just did
    4 points
  4. I was going to start a new topic but THB this thread probably covers what I was going to say anyway... An open comment to any sellers in the classified section on this site... I've bought a few items already & most sellers are fairly good with their feedback on the offer I've made but now and then I get a shirty reply to my 'LOWBALL' offer... Just because you've paid X for a rif and added Y & Z to it doesn't mean it's worth XYZ to me, I generally offer 1/2 the 'new' price as that's what it's worth to me regardless of Y or Z, I'm happy to have the offer rejected or even negotiate a higher price, but there's no need send a shirty reply because your 'upgraded' 'modded' or 'rare' piece of unicorn poo is worth X to you. Basically, if you're selling & I make an offer, don't take it personally.
    3 points
  5. I think some sellers are happy to wait it out for the right (loaded) buyer. You call it unicorn poo but someone out there loves the idea of the sparkle.... We know that toys priced around 45-60% of RRP sell here, I personally don't even count the gear the pews are sold with, if they were worth anything you would split them right? So yeah, offering 50% of new is not beyond the pale. It maybe for the seller though.
    2 points
  6. My post isn't meant as a complaint, I agree 100% that it's everyone's right to ask for XY or Z, it's genuinely an open comment that no offense is intended by me. Considering the topic of this thread, I recon it's the best place for my comment.
    2 points
  7. Sounds needlessly complicated. Limit in joules for regular/dmr/sniper, strip of tape converted to fps for common bb weights, chrono on the players game weight with a stash of speedloaders to verify suspect cases, follow up with in-game spot checks and most importantly actually enforce bans for infringement. A well dialled in hpa setup can be very consistent, emphasis on the well dialled in. Needless to say sub-par tuning can have an hpa being every big as inconsistent as an aeg. The issue comes with the phenomenon of joule creep, which also affects gbb guns (and some modified spring bolt actions when heavyweight pistons are involved) whereby the gun can chrono entirely legitimately on say .2g, but then with no other modification output more energy simply by switching to a heavier ammo (the fps will be lower but not by as much as the same switch in an aeg), hence my above caveat of chronographing on players game weight.
    2 points
  8. MrTea

    Gun picture thread

    For a bit of information for anyone else who wants/needs the flash hider for a L85 Airsoft Artisan actually sells the flash hider on its own, not with the suppressor as a bundle. You can find it here for $28. It doesn't show in the L85 subcategory which is why I was confused. Some HK stores also have it in stock if you google "FHSA80".
    2 points
  9. Despite a terrible weather forecast, I decided to go to Tower Airsoft in Essex today for a third successive weekend of airsoft, as I am unlikely to be able to play for at least the next two, and possibly three or four, weekends due to rehearsals, a festival set and, weather dependent, hiking on Dartmoor. As the lad had set off for the Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg for a week of playing with G36s and other interesting activities, I was on my own this time. Despite the site not usually playing host to HPA users, attendance was once again low, with a group of rentals forming a significant percentage of those present. However, in true Tower style, the games suited the numbers present and a good day was had. The rentals turned out to be good players and the teams were well balanced, with the times for two legged games being almost identical. One "amusing" incident related to the site's 30m minimum engagement distance for full auto. While defending the village in one game, I was hit by a short full auto burst from about 4m; when I mentioned the rule to the player, he replied that it wasn't full auto as it was a three round burst; the marshal "had a word". The forecast heavy rain and strong wind failed to put in an appearance, which was a bonus. Weapons used: CYMA/LCT/real steel MPiKM Golden Eagle AMD-65 Milbro Classic M1911 The MPiKM has been running low on power for a while; a quick strip down this evening revealed that the piston head O ring was no longer sealing. It is now back up to power:).
    2 points
  10. I don't get the hype over the new vorsk smg. more people getting into GBBRs is a really good thing imo, but not if they're burned by a bad purchase. But this is an old platform, cloned and made to look not quite like what it should and then sold by a company that has really questionable QC and it's being paraded around as a new thing. It's not even particularly cheap. Am I missing something?
    1 point
  11. As it appears I'm doing cqb every few months I decided to put together an appropriate loadout (well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it). So I got myself an 8 fields low profile plate carrier along with a triple pistol mag pouch and something to hold shotgun shells, all for a touch under £30. Overall I'm happy with it as I can't see any obvious problems with any of it, but at first the molle straps on the pistol mag pouch did look a bit thin compared to other molle pouches I own. This did make the pouch easier to attach to the vest but I'll see next week if they're up to the job. The only other slight let down was the dummy plates which came with the vest. They're foam matting which didn't fill the vest and were a bit too flexible for my liking but were quickly swapped for a better set of dummy plates I already have The dummy plates which came with it
    1 point
  12. If they're not open to offers though, for example, and you decide you know best and offer as such, you can't really criticize them for getting shirty. You're free to make offers even if a seller hasn't said they're accepting them, but the sellers are equally free to respond as they like. Manners only take a moment, but it could be argued that unsolicited offers -- especially ones that don't relate to the price the seller is seeking for -- is also rude, however "right" you think you are.
    1 point
  13. Indeed -- and some dual-use (not just defense) items can come under EAR and face similar restrictions -- technically things like camp gear and masks shouldn't happen, but it still happens now and then.
    1 point
  14. Depends on whether he wants stuff he can't get over here... plus I'd imagine the returning with it in luggage is to save for the losses felt on international shipping, duties, and taxes -- so "just buy online and get it posted" may be quite a bit more expensive in this case.
    1 point
  15. Good day today. Gameplay was competitive and overall was enjoyable. There were a couple of complainers when playing. Due to the thickness of the trees, bushes and nettles full auto was a need sometimes to get through. Admittedly this means sometimes you get hit multiple times but that's part of it. These complainers would always mumble and groan under their breath as they walked back to spawn such as "learn your trigger discipline mate" and stuff like that. It always puts everyone on edge when that happens as you never know if they are just going to click and cause a big issue. Overall though thoroughly enjoyed today more than the site I went to last weekend which didn't chrono anyone until they chronoed 4 people after lunch and played hardly any airsoft at.
    1 point
  16. Yeh - but the Specna Flex does not have the requisite trigger unit or wiring to plug in a Perun ETU++. G&G ETU Trigger unit: Specna Flex Trigger Switch: So if you want the function of the ETU++, you will need to open the gearbox and replace the traditional trigger shuttle assembly - and if you are doing that you may as well skip straight to the Perun Hybrid as is a fully optical/magnet based system that doesn't wear out like the switches on the G&G trigger units can. If you are only interested in semi-locking the gun, you can do that mechanically via modification to the selector plate, or adding a set screw to the side of the reciever to prevent the selector switch rotation to the full-auto position. But if the gun locks up for any reason - it's unlikely to be unlocked in-game without being able to select full-auto.
    1 point
  17. God I wish this took mp9 magazines… I would have got it on a heart beat because it just looks so much cooler with straight mags in my opinion.( Sad mp9 gbbr enjoyer noises )
    1 point
  18. Pupa2794

    Gun picture thread

    A little job for @Arrtee99 Making a schofield both shorter and also adding a hop, and a little bit of fettling to make the action a bit smoother.
    1 point
  19. "Domination" seems to be a popular word. As far as I can see, it's not about the actual experience of airsofting so much as willy-waggling over having the absolute peak top extreme bestest gnu on site. And to be fair, renting a master-race gun for a day is a far cheaper way of slaking that thirst than building one yourself. Me, I get more satisfaction from each hit the worse the BB-flinger is. Shotgun, AEP, unhopped revolver and even springer pistol kills are the most memorable, not BRRRRTing.
    1 point
  20. Leo Greer

    Battery help

    Yep. Turnigy, to be exact. I saw it on sale for about $35 and thought, why not.
    1 point
  21. Went to my local furniture showroom, The sales person said "This sofa will seat 5 people with no problems" I am wondering where am I supposed to find 5 people with no problems🤔
    1 point
  22. The classic refrain of every conspiracy theorist, flat earther, young earther, creationist or whatever,
    1 point
  23. I picked up a welt like on Sunday; there were no HPAs at the site. You probably should take up another hobby; airsoft seems to cause you nothing but stress and angst.
    1 point
  24. Wait, so you're telling us you DON'T like HPA? I am shocked. I've never had bruises or broken skin from AEGs, EVER. Are you expecting more sympathy back in this thread than the one you started in the off topic sub, then abandoned when nobody agreed with you again.
    1 point
  25. Took my VFC G3 GBBR out for the first time yesterday. Within seconds of the whistle blowing for the start of the first game I had two kills. I absolutely looooove this pew pew. Great day all over all. My friend took out his new Vorsk VPM1, and it's crazy fun, very accurate with surprising range for a compact SMG. Got shot in the balls again. Thankfully I've never wanted children. End of the day, after most people went home we messed around on the Attack Sense range. There's a competition running now, £1 for 3 goes, best time at the end of the month wins a free game day. I am not winning. 😁 I set a decent time, but my reflexes are not those of someone 30 years younger!
    1 point
  26. Absolute rule by the living corpse of a soul-consuming God-Emperor sat upon a golden throne. No debate needed, or indeed permitted.
    1 point
  27. You called? I have an absolute raft of Russian gear, ranging from Soviet M68 to Afghan all the way through to modern Russian stuff. I was also in a Modern Russian Airsoft team 'The Bolsheviks' - this was all pre Ukraine mind. Not one bit of it has seen the light of day since the invasion. The people that wear this sort of stuff in times like this are deserving of every bit of derision. Though equally, when do we draw the line? I saw someone in a 1980s RUC kit on the internet, which personally as an Irishman I find kind edgy. I wouldn't even dream of wearing anything Nazi related not similarly would I turn up in a camo jacket, armalite and balaclava pretending to be in the IRA....its about respect at the end of the day. Historically themed kit should, in my opinion be the preserve of historically themed games, where it can be taken in its proper context.....now wheres me petrol bomb? Plus this country now has a sizeable Eastern European/Ukrainian presence which would find it distasteful...don't be a cunt at the end of the day...
    1 point
  28. End of the day, z/wagner shit is claiming hundreds+ lives every day, even today, on both sides, & let's not forget that some of those Russians aren't there out of choice, & others may have gone there having been misled by the dictatorships "free" media & state propaganda. On that basis, no site should be allowing these patches to be worn on gamedays, in 30+ years you might get away with them being part of a viable loadout (but I doubt it), but in 2023 they're just symbols of oppression & murder on a massive scale.
    1 point
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