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  1. EDcase

    LiPO Storage Level

    Storage charge is only really needed if they will be unused for months. To calculate rough charge time of a battery from flat you take the mAh of the battery and divide by the charging rate (mA) of the charger to get the time in hours. Looking at the manual for your charger, its rated at 3A max (which is bull) so we'll go with 1.5A which is 1500mA So take the mAh of your battery and divide by 1500 to get a rough idea of a full charge in hours. Just divide that time in half to get a storage charge (if the battery is nearly flat) Storing isn't really dangerous. Keeping them in a tin is good. Charging is the potentially dangerous time so make sure to keep it on a baking tray or tin (without closing the lid) while charging and never leave it overnight. A simple meter is good to get an idea of the charge levels.
    2 points
  2. Ok got a pair of each in (on!) my hands... my initial observations are: Both pairs seem to be really well made and look goooooood, so much more impressive than the cheap Chinese ones I'd bought on-site. The Fast Fits feel noticeably thinner and lighter, and therefore indeed more flexible. They still substantial enough to reduce the pain from impact though. The M-Pacts have really impressive protection across the back of the hand, and right down to the ends of each finger (trigger fingers excepted... It'll be just my luck to get a bad hit on my left hand's index finger!) I got the right size (Large) and both fit the same, but each has a tiny annoyance... Both pairs have a seam inside the end of each finger that's quite pronounced, so hitting those seams with the fingertips (especially the trigger finger) is the dominant sensation. It's a stronger sensation in the Fast Fits, surprisingly. The M-Pacts have an extra layer of wear-protection leather on the palm but this bunches-up when gripping, so there's less direct contact from hand to the gun - a little less feel in that part of the grip. That's probably not very important tbqh. Both those annoyances will probably ease after some wear out in the field, or a turn through the washing machine, as the fabric breaks-in. £45 got me two very good pairs of gloves, that will probably last me until I give up airsoft, and will cover me for both outdoor and CQB. Thanks all for your valuable input
    2 points
  3. Cipher-032

    TM MP5 NGRS Owners

    Sourced a Magpul Handguard for it at last.
    2 points
  4. The first pair of gloves I bought were Fast Fits, and bloody good they were too. However, after taking a shot to the knuckle, followed immediately by one to the nail, i opted for M-Pacts, and have used them ever since. I have hands like shovels, so wear XL. They're a good, snug fit, and the rubber offers a good amount of protection without compromising dexterity. I have three pairs in different colours, and have just bought another pair for my son. You won't regret your Fast Fits...but consider adding some M-Pacts too.
    2 points
  5. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    All rifles are as new and will be test fired before they get sent out. All old stock I got from a shop so they have been sat in a warehouse for a while. 1x lr300 style rifle (SOLD) 2x the ones with the extended quick release rail on the front (these are front wired) 2x m4a1 style rifles with a peq box and foregrip. (SOLD) 3x cqbr short m4s 1x ics cxp in tan. SOLD 1x M4a1 style with round handguard. All guns come with 2 hi cap mags apart from the cxp. Looking for £125 each including postage and fees.


    1 point
  6. I think most people will agree that the owner and his marshals are probably the key to whether a site is good or not. I have great trust in Carlos and his guys look after everyone really well, and do their best to nip cheating and bad behaviour in the bud. To set expectations... The site itself is mostly woodland with some height variation. There are two main camps made up of wooden barriers and tents, and a few small structures, there aren't any Instagrammable real planes or tanks on site, but what is there does work! Obviously the amount of leaf cover makes all the difference on how it plays, but I've had fun through the year there. Parking gets 'interesting' but there seems to be enough space across two parking areas Hope to see you there sometime!
    1 point
  7. jonesy17

    LiPO Storage Level

    Thank you!! This is reassuring. I really appreciate it. I was going to say that my batteries will probably sit for months between games, with trying to find a free weekend to play and leaving my wife to fend for herself with the kids for a day, but I've just found a relatively local site that does an evening game a few times a week, at the Department CQB. Might have to give that a go and give the RIF a run out with a LiPO for the first time! Thanks again!
    1 point
  8. I've just fitted this kit into my specna arms E07. https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/gearbox-kits/m4-compression-upgrade-kit Excellent consistently.
    1 point
  9. Good but chilly day at AWA. Our side ended up with a party of 12 rentals who's English was less than optimum. Lead to a rather funny incident with the marshal yelling at one of them for taking his eye pro off in the game zone - Dude's soul left his body for a minute LOL. But they were a good laugh and certainly put in the leg work when it mattered. Started the day off with my favourite game "Touching Cloth" which is essentially Capture the Flag, but with the flag on top of the bunker hill, with people shooting at you from either side and the rear. Managed to get a decent run with the Auto 9 - including rushing a marshal in the kill house at the end of the day whilst shouting "dead or alive, you're coming with me" - well you kind-a have to don't you? Think I'm going to get a shotgun Scabbard for it as it sounds less painful than cutting a hole in my leg - plus its too big for a regular holster. Other than that it was another day as DMR due to the Specna not working. Entertaining exchange with a mate on the other side who was just out of range taunting me as the BB's landed inches from his feet. Also domed one of my side when he stood up in front of me whilst I was looking down-scope. He wasn't tall enough to move into my vision, but was tall enough to be 3" in front of the barrel when I sent a BB down range. Sounded like a branch of a tree breaking it was that loud. The boys M16 also isn't feeding, so that's another mystery to solve. Little smart arse came up with a good plan for his gas pistols.... Stashing those fisherman hand warmers in the bottom of his mag pouches. Kept them working nicely throughout the day. Certainly better than last time out with torrential rain and multiple gun failures 🤣
    1 point
  10. Rogerborg

    LiPO Storage Level

    It's not something that I'm particularly diligent about, given that a lipo costs about the same as a bottle of BBs. That, really. Store them partially charged, not fully charged or discharged. i generally swap batteries at lunchtime which leave me with two partially discharged batteries, then I'll just leave them until charging the night before the next game. The only time I'll do a storage charge is if I forget to swap and end up with a significantly discharged battery (or I forget to take the 2nd one out and leave it overnight with a MOSFET leeching away at it).
    1 point
  11. Absolutely cracking day at Camouflage Bournemouth today. Took my lad and one of his mates who has been bitten by the bug too. Despite the frosty weather causing a few grumbles about cold fingertips, the lads got into it quickly, and in the first game, as attackers, we made solid, if slow progress in pushing the enemy back through the game site. A quick trip back to the safe zone to bomb up, roles were reversed and we dug in ready to defend. In five years of airsoft, I have to say this particular game was one of the most purely entertaining and rewarding times I've had on an airsoft field. Being side by side with the boy and his mate as we picked off the advancing blue team, time after time, was pure action movie glee. Having the morning mist still lingering, plus a fair amount of smokes added to the atmosphere, but it was the teamwork, the communication from our team mates, and the sheer number of enemy kills we racked up that made it such good fun. I'm a fairly reserved shooter (usually run an MWS but I figured today was too cold, so ran the NGRS) sticking to semi, and pleasingly, my son has adopted this too. Within 15 minutes of holding one particular spot, we'd all used at least double the rounds we'd spent during the entire first game, and the enemy hadn't reached their second objective yet. I rarely have to recharge mags during a game but the three of us had to refill mags three times as we absolutely destroyed those blue bastards. This continued through the day, as our team completed objectives in a quarter of the time it took the blues. Makes such a difference being with team mates who are all like-minded in their approach to the game, talk to each other and help each other out, rather than have some Jack prick at the back barking at everyone to "PUSH UP!!!" A truly fantastic day with some really good players, and a great way to kick off the first game of the year.
    1 point
  12. Admittedly, not the best dit I've ever spun. Next time I'll add dragons 😆
    1 point
  13. you need a completely different lower receiver and at the moment no one sells them separately
    1 point
  14. Posted a little while back. Thought I'd show an updated light mounting solution using the midwest industries rail (CYMA clone). Works really nicely! Top down view too to show the way it's mounted.
    1 point
  15. Fifewargames - they're out of stock on the official site and just about everywhere else when I was looking. Edit: As of 1450 today Fifewargames are also out of stock. Edit2: As of 24/1/23 they're back in stock, black only.
    1 point
  16. Oracle on the telly, or the one ar Delphi?
    1 point
  17. You have to shout 'I am the law!' each time that you draw it.
    1 point
  18. Full hand cannon / taser looking upgrade for the Maxim9 in the form of the tracer unit & baffle extensions , ChinaRMR & fakey +2 mag extension .
    1 point
  19. Welcome back That's quite a break. I expect the quality of pews has gone up quite a bit since then. Enjoy
    1 point
  20. Hi, welcome back I too came back to this last year, after a long lay-off, it's still great fun! I play up at Milton Keynes, at Special Ops. If you have good experiences down in Beds and Herts, please do share as I might travel a little further afield for good sites
    1 point
  21. Hi bud and welcome back👍 Check out the classifieds. There is a lot of good kit to be had at good prices. Enjoy your return 🙂 Regards
    1 point
  22. Rogerborg

    RIFs on a Plane

    Bank of Scotchland were doing internet banking on it before there was an internet. I shudder to think what security it didn't have back then. 5p a minute (that could buy a Caramac bar!) daytime rates, on top of BT call charges, I'm surprised it ever got to 90,000 subscribers.
    1 point
  23. Mmm, belatedly, I'd also recommend M-Pacts. I cheap out on most things, but after getting some nail-wreckers in CQB from HPA guns that definitely weren't shooting hot or heavy, I splurged some Bezos Bucks on M-Pacts. Yes, very much like. A great blend of protection, and easy finger banging, they almost seem designed for shooty-ouchy sports. Woodland, meh, anything works there.
    1 point
  24. No experience with the Cyma, but MP5 sliding sling point in general should be fine, there's often a bit of movement, but it can't go anywhere. If you take the stock off you'll see that the sling loop is an L shape with the bottom part of the "L" trapped between the body and the stock mount. You might be able to take up the slack with a bit of electrical tape if it's rattling too much and bothering you. The MP5k is a different story, not sure I'd be as confident with that. You could also make sure your single point sling has some bungee in its design so it's not a hard stop if you drop the weapon.
    1 point
  25. I personally wouldn't run a one point sling since I ran a one point sling with my Cyma mp5k and it snapped off as soon as I started running and it bounced around a bit. Can't say for sure on your one, but the mp5k rear sling loop is awful.
    1 point
  26. Tommikka

    RIFs on a Plane

    ‘Young man’ may not be a suitable description when my dementia forgot Oracle Those will be worth a pretty penny, which I always think when I poke my nose in the attic seeing my Spectrum, QL etc boxes …… and then close the attic again as I won’t want anyone else’s sticky fingers on them
    1 point
  27. M-pacts have been great for me. The armour on them are great. Dexterity hasn't been an issue for me. The forefinger is armour less which makes getting on the trigger no problem. I paid 15 on amazon for them in medium. Not sure if that was a sale or regular price. No experience with others so can't comment there, but haven't felt the need for anything else.
    1 point
  28. cheese and rice.. mount out of a molehill much? Forums are really really dying guys, try being encouraging i.e. the oppposite of what this thread instantly descended in to with a clearly young bloke who's first language isn't English...
    1 point
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