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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/22 in all areas

  1. Soldier 95 DPM. vs US Woodland camouflage
    4 points
  2. Went down to Z-Mart again last night, lots of fun as usual and they've definitely changed some walls about which helps keep things fresh. Chatted about kit with some of the guys and got lots of good tips which will come in handy when I'm buying more stuff (inevitable!). Games were good fun, ran out of BBs on one of them which was a first for me but at least it's giving me a good idea as to how many mags I'll need. Even decided to leave my torch illuminating a particularly dark section the other team were pushing through which gave our team better sight and also drew fire away as they'd have thought there was a player holding it. There were a few people talking about others not taking their hits which I think was fairly justified as a couple of times there must've been 5 or 6 of us shooting a guy and there's no way none of those landed. Marshalls were good and had words where necessary and tracked problem players to improve their hit taking - even shot a few to check. As I'm using a rental and thus no tracer I'm very much reliant on hit calling as I've no idea if my shots are landing as it's dark, me, I always err on the side of caution and there was a couple of times where I wasn't sure if I was hit or not so I just called it anyway and respawned. All in all another good night running around a disused Debenhams. One more game and I'll be getting UKARA sorted!
    3 points
  3. The Waco Kid

    Devon Noob

    Tweed the original camo. Ideal winter skirmish kit, especially in Devonshire. I was tempted to sew myself a tweed plate carrier. Too much like hard work but it would be the dogs danglies. Could all so use the “ger’ off my land” tactic with a high chance of success.
    2 points
  4. You think that's bad, have a look at this from the same seller. I wouldn't pay 45p for these, let alone £45 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/374305964657?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110002%26algo%3DSPLICE.SOI%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20171010182220%26meid%3Dc4f53f41c788471f91cf64929fc860a5%26pid%3D100891%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D374300703685%26itm%3D374305964657%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2332490%26algv%3DSellersOtherItemsV2&_trksid=p2332490.c100891.m5207
    2 points
  5. Rogerborg

    Devon Noob

    If we're turning this into a "wut rane geer" thread, I'd always say: synthetic underpants, MVP/GoreTextm socks or lined boots, Merino base layer top and bottom, and then any surplus gear you want over the top of it. You'll get wet, but - except in extreme conditions - not cold, and you won't pickle in your own sweat. If it's lashing sideways hard enough that you actually need a waterproof layer over the top, then most of the players will be gone by lunch anyway.
    2 points
  6. Madhouse

    Devon Noob

    Hello & welcome 👋 Not sure if there's any CQB near you? there's Bristol but that's still a couple of hours away. Playing in the rail just means you've an excuse to get camo waterproofs and who doesn't like shopping for more airsoft related stuff?
    2 points
  7. The Waco Kid

    Devon Noob

    Perfectly possible to play in the rain, if you want too. 😉 Just don’t drop your AEG in a puddle.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. As a Kar98 aficionado I feel like issuing some kind of fatwa against this kind of thing. My only authority being the very righteousness of my position.
    2 points
  10. I roll my own for my IG sometimes. As a Crye/NV owner but non-milsim'er this is a topic I enjoy.
    2 points
  11. Another Gunman game, this time at Tuddenham. The theme was the video game S.T.A.L.K.E.R.S. Loadouts were varied, some teams had matching camo, some post apocolytic outfits and one team old Russian gear. According to FB there were 55 people attending. It felt like less. We were split into teams numbering from two to seven, and each person could be assigned one of four roles; engineer, captain, sniper or medic. Engineers could collect items hidden in the wasteland, and were essential. Medics could give each player one extra bandage. Captains had a radio. Snipers sniped. The wasteland/site is a woodland site that has a Second World War bomber base on it. I imagine that it’s what is left of the accommodation, being single story prefabs. There is also a more open section of site with oil tanks and trenches and tyres for cover. I played in a team of six as Mrs TPH was too unwell to attend. The game premise is that the teams hunt for food, water, medical supplies, alien artefacts and bullets all over the site. Each player has a dosimeter that shows radiation up to 100% saturation/the fatal dose. The site has radiation emitters all over it, and especially near the drop cases that held items. Each of these could only be taken from on the hour, quarter past, half past and quarter to. You had to take from another crate before you could return. This ensured that teams would arrive at the cases at the same time at some point and weigh up whether to fight for possession or search for random items. The game started after a decent safety brief and thought through game brief. The rules were fairly complex. Questions took some time. We got underway at 10:30 after a 9:30 start of brief. Each team drew a card and were escorted to a tunnel. This corresponded with an exit coded the same colour, in the game area. On reaching the exit, gas masks were donned and guns loaded. The players had tickets that gave them 10 minutes gas mask filter life. Each player started with three tickets. The items were all over the site, in bushes and in trees, as well as hidden in the ‘village’ of buildings. The radiation emitters were in random places, and the dosimeters were regularly buzzing. We watched for the other teams and tried to avoid them. The Russian team were fairly aggressive towards other teams in game; the two man team were very active and keen to exchange info. The team in urban camo were very coordinated. The atmosphere was epic, partly due to each player wearing a thick, highly tinted coloured gel over their eyepro. You could hardly see, the rad meters were going crazy and the gameplay was completely unpredictable. Games within game were issued over the radio. At one stage, all teams were called to attack a strong point held by ‘horsemen’. These were crew that could take about fifty hits, who carried a serious amount of ammo and who were fitted out with radiation emitting devices. They would shoot you as you shot them repeatedly, and when you were sat calling for a medic (10 min bleed-out time) would irradiate you to death. We managed to win this (I think) by lobbing an incendiary into their HQ). Once dead you went to the decontamination chambers. The doctor decontaminated you in a booth and charged five bullets for any bandages that needed removal. Next came the card game. Pick any card, and red you’re dead, you give up all your loot and start all over again, black you are back. You have a new dosimeter and go out to fight/scavenge/hunt again. Items collected were worth a different amount of bullets each time. Bullets bought tokens. The tokens were deposited in boxes dotted around the site. The team with most tokens won. The whole game was a total blast. I really liked the slow gameplay, the tactical approach and the uncertainty of the play. The loadouts, low ammo counts and complex rules needed real thoughtful play; and at end of game, we had not heard one argument, bad hit call or a single moan. It was solid laughter, adrenalin and immersion from 10:30 to 19:00. With all our gear/masks/props removed post game, old faces from other themed games were recognised. We had a quiet night around the campfire, keeping warm, swapping stories and drinking a few shared beers. We managed to forget all of our fresh food again, second weekend in a row. We ended up heating up last night’s doner meat in tins of chili. The butane was too cold to light, despite being kept in our sleeping bags. The handle fell off our pan. We borrowed a stove and realised that we had no cutlery. I ate the dish with a spatula and a pair of Leatherman pliers. The lad only managed ¾ of a beer before he flaked out. We had walked nine miles according to a teammate’s smartwatch thing. A good night after a good game with filling food and nice company is hard to beat, especially after the scotch comes out. Sunday was stormy, with heavy rain. The lad stayed in his sleeping bag complaining of a sore hip and exhaustion. The other four members of the team wanted to wait for better weather. I went out alone. I stayed alone. I actually enjoyed this even more. I manged to avoid the other Stalkers and the extra crew acting as radioactive zombies. It was exciting to hide as they walked past and hope that you had judged the distance well enough that the dosimeter would not go nuts and give your position away. Stalking the other teams and eavesdropping the order in which they would visit the drop boxes, taking from those that were free and outpacing the larger teams back to base and out again was great fun. It became obvious that teams would have to hit and raid each other to win by an hour or so in. I was so successful sneaking around that I raided each box unopposed and hit, robbed and ran stragglers without taking a single shot in return all day Sunday. I got so active that the Syntex jacket was not breathable enough and I just wore a shirt. I figured that I had a towel, fresh clothes and an hour’s drive home in a heated van ahead of me so I’d crack on soaked. At 20 minutes before endex, I found a drop box that had not been found all weekend. I grabbed a long bullet belt and raided another on my way back to the exchange centre. When I got there, it had been packed up. As the rest of my team had gone home, they had taken Saturday’s entire loot home, or handed it back to the props box. I’d picked up more items going solo than as a team, but our big haul from Saturday for the horsemen game was irreplaceable. The whistle blew game over. I don’t know where my team of one was placed. I don’t care TBH. I had a blast. I’ll be back next year. Hurrahs: Meeting old mates, solid gameplay, a complex and engaging game with brilliant atmosphere and imaginative roles, settings, loadouts and storyline. Excellent playing field. Damn good social. You know you’ll have a really good time at these events and you always do. Priceless. Moans: Mrs TPH was absent. A bank system could have avoided the loss of our loot. The gel material didn’t work with mesh. That’s it. Hardly the organisers fault. Final thoughts: my kit worked excellently. I essentially wore my skirmish kit for Tuddenham. It’s evolved over several years and consists of 90’s camo in random patterns so was good for game. The social and game were spot on. I do wonder though, how the fuck are people not prepared for the weather, camping and airsofting in the UK in October? Last game I was solo player in the rain, same again this time. It won’t kill you. It’s only water. Use a t-shirt as a towel and change into your non-loadout kit, and that’s if you can’t master wearing a decent coat and leggings. If your car has a heater them turn the bastard on as you drive home. Not a moan at anyone at the game. I don't know what else people had on or commitments that they had, just a general comment; and made by someone who works outside a fair bit. Office only bods are not as used to the cold I expect! Anyhow… I’ll e-mail a few suggestions for tweaks. I know that these will be taken on. I’d pre-book now if possible. I’d not miss it for the world. See you there next year.
    2 points
  12. Hotweeweejef

    Devon Noob

    Hi all! Just getting into the world of airsoft really. Played my first game with a guy from work and his squad and was instantly hooked. Gradually getting some gear together but I’m looking for some players local to me that wouldn’t mind me tagging along at some games. I’m based in Paignton and as fair as I know my nearest sites are Skirmish Exeter and MMA in Saltash. Hoping to get a couple more games under my belt this side of Xmas but not sure if that will be possible now things are starting to get wet and cold.
    1 point
  13. Hotweeweejef

    Devon Noob

    Thanks for all the replies guys! Appreciate all the suggestions - serious and slightly less serious! 🤣 Definitely need to sort some wet weather gear. Nothing worse than wet feet so thanks for tips Rogerborg. Will check out the other sites mentioned and will hopefully make some games there one day - don’t mind a bit if a drive!
    1 point
  14. Yup, I did read that. I've not tried the tap yet, but I'm hoping as it's designed for golden eagle it should be a drop in modification. Yup, easy as. Going to take it back out, have a clean up and add some PTFE.
    1 point
  15. Not even DPM, what's the point
    1 point
  16. The Ukraine jumping on the bandwagon of selling overpriced Russian uniforms. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/374300703685
    1 point
  17. yep, cant go wrong with that set up! Just be aware, that depending on what shotgun you have, you might need to drill a wider hole for the hpa tap to go in.
    1 point
  18. hitmanNo2

    Devon Noob

    There's the Holman Test Mine site in Troon, Cornwall but that's a couple of hours from you and I'm not even sure if they're running at the moment.
    1 point
  19. Cannonfodder

    Devon Noob

    Welcome to the asylum As others have posted, a bit of rain isn't a barrier stopping games in winter, infact I enjoy playing in bad weather. Just make sure you pack waterproofs and/or a change of clothes for the journey home
    1 point
  20. Rogerborg

    Devon Noob

    Ahoy and welcome. This is a great site for bants and advice, but for finding friendly locals, you may have more luck on those site's Facebook groups. It's absolutely fine to rock up and play solo, rental or with your own guns. We're (mostly) there for the (mostly) same reason, and it's super easy to get talking to folk - just ask someone about their gun(s), and see if you can get them to shut up. I prefer going solo, to be honest, there's far less faffing around.
    1 point
  21. Two tone K98 you say? Even the Nun wants you shot in the face. And not in the way Father McShattery usually does it.
    1 point
  22. EDcase

    Devon Noob

    Welcome 🖐 I'm sure you'll be able to meet someone from here. Do lots of reading to get all the info for starting out in airsoft 👍
    1 point
  23. BigStew


    Google is your friend https://www.octagonairsoft.com/product-page/flintlock-workshop-x-toystar-k2-aeg-custom . You just won't get yhem.in the UK. I have imported from octagon before. Not brilliant communication or fast delivery but they did deliver.
    1 point
  24. Because Woodland camo is that good. 😁 Review by someone far better qualified than me. There is a part two as well.
    1 point
  25. Just had a look & tried to buy, checkout temporarily disabled for urgent maintenance apparently.
    1 point
  26. This is good advice
    1 point
  27. Why is this thread completely blank?
    1 point
  28. Can confirm. I saw you about 15m in front of me lying behind a tree because I saw your tracer unit poking out, but didn't have an angle on you from where I was and didn't want to advance because the milsim brigade kept advancing down the path with their lights. I was turning my red dot on to shoot, then off afterwards because cheap red dots like mine tend to glow like a sun in the darkness as well!
    1 point
  29. May need a thread on the dangers of MRE over consumption. First rule of airsoft club - don’t eat the burgers… Second rule of airsoft club - bring your own loo roll.
    1 point
  30. 23. please pay paticular attention to point 12 , this is standard issue for the massive testicles that will grow just by wearing M81 .
    1 point
  31. It's... On my "to do" list as it's close to MK and Special Ops is still not open. The games seen to be fairly infrequent there, but I had heard it was good. If you decide to make a trip, give me a shout and I'll come along too to say hello 🍻
    1 point
  32. Bought a second hand Tokyo Marui MP5K to go with my Tokyo Marui MP5K High Cycle, so I can John Woo indoor arenas over the winter. The stock will be coming off.
    1 point
  33. Some pics I took today And a couple more
    1 point
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