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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/12/20 in all areas

  1. Smoke

    Afuk Meet up 3.0

    Turns out I'm on this forum after all! Heroshark has dragged me in. Happy to provide lifts from the Aylesbury area.
    2 points
  2. Fantastic game day today, despite being on the definitive losing team and it being cold and wet! Saw me hold a corner by myself with my m14 for over half a game; must've been about 20 mins overall. Felt like a woodland version of Black Hawk Down (you know the scene...) when they finally got me because I was down to my pistol and surrounded since the rest of the team had capitulated by that point. Don't need a ghillie to be sneaky, was just in my DPMs with some scrim net draped over my head and shoulders. Some minor feeding issues, but not enough to detract from the overall day. Also, my VSR got fixed, so I'm back to using that hilariously quiet rifle. CO2 power + suppressor makes no noise whatsoever.
    1 point
  3. Hi, ALL! πŸ‘‹ Another video, my 3rd Loadout, collecting and mixing my fair share of BDU’s! πŸ€ͺπŸ‘ Enjoy for what it is! πŸ”«πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ πŸ’·GAMBLEπŸ’·
    1 point
  4. heroshark

    Afuk Meet up 3.0

    "Arnies assemble" πŸ˜… . Looking forward to this been to long since my last away game.
    1 point
  5. Actually that is how you THINK it works... But in fact Whitehall try to influence the politicians They (Senior Civil Servants @ Whitehall) don't care who wins the GE not really, Whitehall simply gets new puppets to play with & pull the strings You might think this is bit far fetched, but suggest you watch some episodes of "Yes Minister" which many retired servants & politicians have said it was pretty accurate of how it all works
    1 point
  6. Arassuil

    THE TM MWS thread

    I just built a new BCG with the HAO BC and using all G&P internals including nozzel. I cannot really give you an estimate on the power as I use the G&P adjustable valve, but the nozzel itself works well. I was meant to field it yesterday, but had something come up. I've have put through about 100 rounds on my balcony though and not an issue with any of it.
    1 point
  7. Oh yea ! Wear it out in public acting as if there’s nothing wrong then when someone FINALLY asks about a baby you look down and shout β€œholy shit I left the baby on the train !” 😱 😈🀣😈🀣😈🀣😈🀣
    1 point
  8. 😬 I made this image about two years ago... Didn't realise they actually did shit like that πŸ˜…
    1 point
  9. I don't pretend to understand it all. All I'm worried about is how much I have to pay at pump. But I'm thankful for people like Lozart et al to help make sense of it to the likes of me. Now leave me in peace I'm beer drinking! πŸ˜‰πŸ™‚πŸ‘ Cheers πŸŽ…
    1 point
  10. What warranty do you get from a UK airsoft company...🀣 A cursory look at Negative Airsoft's videos will reveal the 'quality' of most UK Warranty 'repairs'. I would rather fend for myself and save the cash at the point of purchase.
    1 point
  11. One of my biggest reasons for buying most of my kit from out side the UK is the shit service I’ve received over the yrs from most of the uk retailers I’ve dealt with , wether it’s zeromong getting paid for up-grades that they then proceeded to do with used parts , airsoft world sending an obviously 2nd hand gun as new and then saying β€œof course it looks used we had to test it first(how’d you test it take it to a full days scurmish?) ! Or airsoft armoury sending an order to the wrong address and saying tuff it’s been signed for over to you ! so me personally I’m more than happy to take the risk of buying from foreign retailers over UK ones if I’m getting a substantial saving .πŸ‘
    1 point
  12. Brexit was cooked up by Tory backbenchers like Rees-Mogg to protect their investments from the upcoming EU tax evasion laws. It was never about independence or taking back control.
    1 point
  13. Problem is, many UK retailers use the likes of TaiwanGun (AKA Krakman) in a wholesale capacity - UK prices will likely go up as well.
    1 point
  14. DarkAssassin

    Gun picture thread

    TM Hi-Capa with a Limcat slide and Airsoft Masterpiece grip and trigger.
    1 point
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