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Se Tour Review: Invicta Battlefield (Kent)
GeorgePlaysAirsoft and one other reacted to Asomodai for a topic
Site Name: Invicta Battlefield Contact details: 07876 263290 Website Address: www.invictabattlefield.co.uk Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Invictabattlefield Site Address: Pook Hill Farm, Wilden Park Road, Staplehurst, Kent, TN12 0HP I'm back! After a brief stint visiting sites I had already reviewed, it was time to go to somewhere different! The latest site that @Albiscuit and I visited is Invicta Battlefield in Kent (06/12/2020). This site has been on my list of must visits for some time. It has glowing online reviews and a good community surrounding it. Due to its distance and difficulty in reaching the site, it had constantly been sent to the back of the visit queue, until today! The photos that I found of the playing area were few, but showed a large tower and bunker setup which looked very interesting. This is a small woodland site, which is incredibly undulating on the length of one side and a flattish road on the other. It being winter there was very little foliage around, though the area to the far right and on the Safe Zone side did still have some greenery. The ground was covered in leaves which hid large branches and holes, the ground was quite slippery throughout. There were many buildings through the site. Due to the thickness of the woodland and undulating terrain, sight lines were quite close and as such this is predominantly a short to medium engagement distance type of site, with some notable exceptions. Good: Playing Area: Invicta has very good variety for a site as small as it is. It has pretty much everything you could want to wish for in terms of natural features. It's tough going, but rewarding if you can sneak around the back of the enemy. There were many buildings including a small valley with a large cabin/bunker building which is overlooked on all sides. Overlooking the bunker on two sides are a Checkpoint area and Bunker section. This area, whilst very tough on people trying to get to the Bunker, is very well executed. The main attraction of "Invicta" is "Invicta", the name given to the large tower and village/barricade complex. This is an imposing structure overlooking a clearing in the woodland. It's a tricky complex to attack, which requires multiple attempts and angles. It's a great selling point to the site and we were slightly disappointed we didn't get to do small team CQB at the end of the day inside it! Shop: Platoon stores run the shop on site and is very well stocked in Tac gear, rifles, pistols, gas and BBs. Food: As part of the £30 entry, you get a free breakfast, of which there are vegetarian options! Al opted for the Egg in a bun and a cup of tea. For me, not liking egg and not eating pork I was given a hash brown AND they managed to dig up a couple of veggie sausages for me! I had a very hearty breakfast. Lunch was more typical, with burgers, chips and what not, Al got essentially a box of filth (In a good way) full of food. It was a stomach stretching meal, though it was somewhat expensive. Safety Brief: Was pretty good and explained everything quite well. People listened, I had no queries or qualms and only a few site regulars interjected with poor jokes. So it's good! Clientele: Due to social distancing Al and I had an area to ourselves, so not the usual safe zone banter, but we did find some space at lunch to have a distanced natter. Lots of regulars who were on first name basis with the marshals. Its a real good community feel. We had roughly 30-35 players today, which apparently is quite a poor turn out. I heard very little to no moaning throughout the day. (Apart from Al and I!) Safe Zone: The area was quite compact much like the site itself, it was right next the car park, the shop, marshall area, chrono station and set up areas were within a few seconds walk of each other. All of the set up areas had a roof, some had lights for when it got dark. It was almost full, so I think on a normal days turnout it would be overrun, so a possible expansion should be considered. Marshalling: SO MANY MARSHALS. it might have been the reduced player numbers, but there were marshals everywhere you looked! Loads in the safezone, at 4 in the field. They were professional, pushed the teams they were shadowing and dealt with any issues. Average: Game Modes: Were fairly basic, mostly defend and attack games throughout the day. It worked quite well and probably takes the small size of the site into account, however it would have been nice to see some fall back games, maybe an escort mission etc. Value: £30 with Breakfast. Maybe slightly more expensive then average for the size of the site. Chrono: A mandatory chrono was in play. Guns were NOT marked, but the FPS was noted against your registration number. I would prefer the guns to marked as anyone could switch out during the day without being noticed. AEGs 350fps, DMRs 450fps, Bolties 500fps and a 25 metre engagement distance was in play for the latter two. Turn around time: Was reasonable. 5 minute warnings to go back out turned into 10 minute warnings. About average. We didnt feel cheated out of our time. Hit taking: There were some issues with hit taking during the day. There was one particular player at the end of the day in the CQB mini games that seemed to be made of teflon and he had to be told multiple times by marshals that he had been shot out (Tracers for the win!). BUT it really was not that bad from the vast majority of players. So putting this in "average". Car Park/Entrance: Quite muddy and a tight turn on the driveway up to the safezone. Reasonable sized Car park. Bad: Toilets: A single portaloo that I saw. Really needs more then one. I cant comment on the cleanliness as I didn't use it. Conclusion: We came away from the day with slightly different experiences. I had quite a niggling day in terms of equipment and personal performance so I was feeling a little downhearted, but could definitely see the site was pretty good. @Albiscuit himself was very very pleased with what he saw and had a whale of a time. I had the most fun defending the checkpoint and the CQB centric games. So in conclusion. I was expecting a far larger site going by what I was hearing from other players and photos online, but It's a compact site that fills a lot in, it's hard going in the mud so you get a workout and the buildings are very good. I reckon it would be worthwhile returning to the site in the summer to see how the woodlands bloom! Bullpup Watch: Only my PDR-C and F2000 😕2 points -
Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread
Shamal reacted to Adolf Hamster for a topic
Tbh for the most part i'm in agreement, but a bit of light hearted banter every now and again isnt so bad. End of the day it takes all sorts, speedsofters might be an easy target but there is an argument that every team needs a few folks doing that job just like it needs slow buggers like me methodically picking people off at range and one cant function without the other.1 point -
Had an Awesome day at Dog tag airsoft yesterday. First game of the year and god I am feeling the pain now.1 point
Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread
BigStew reacted to Adolf Hamster for a topic
wait, there's more to airsoft than moaning about how other people play airsoft!?!?1 point -
Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread
Jedi_Master reacted to alxndrhll for a topic
Eh, my personal preference/thoughts is drum mags only look right on specific RIFs... often, but not limited to, ‘support weapons’. But I don’t tend to try pushing my opinions on others. Irrelevant of how folks get enjoyment out of what they use and how they use it, I’d rather have folks to play with/against than not. I’ve said it before, but people spend far too much time worry about what other people are doing/using. Often to the detriment of their own enjoyment. I swear airsoft is a secondary hobby to some, with the primary hobby being ‘moaning about airsoft’.1 point -
The 'What have you just bought' Thread
Adolf Hamster reacted to Asomodai for a topic
After promising myself not to buy anything else this year, saw that a particular forum member put up a lovely G&G F2000 Tri rail for sale for 50 roubles. A no brainer.1 point -
Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread
Cannonfodder reacted to BigStew for a topic
https://arniesairsoft.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/218970-for-sale-huge-bundle-worth-over-£800/ £800 worth gear but no details on what the guns even are!1 point -
Afuk Meet up 3.0
Albiscuit reacted to Robert James for a topic
As previous: I have now confirmed the date of Saturday the 27th February 2021. 1830 - 2300 I understand March had 2 more votes, but I did tag everyone who said they wanted to come and only got a couple of votes with dates on it. To book your place, please send me a private message with all names including your own of "your party". Not bothered if you are taking 100 people in a car. I just need to know the amount of people and their names. There are 5 rental spaces available - please let me know if you need a rental Once you message me with your names and walk on/rental then I will put this onto my excel spreadsheet. I will then send you my bank details which you will have to pay £25.00 per head, unless hiring, which then becomes £40.00 - These are the ZED prices, not mine. Once I have all payments received, I will pay ZED and post a screen shot on here (blanking out my details) with proof of payment to them, for anyone that doesnt trust me. Again, as previously stated, we need to get 26 players to make it £25.00 per head so hopefully we have enough interest. Thanks, Any questions, please DM me or post here1 point -
Latest SE Tour Review is up! Invicta Battlefield in Kent! Se Tour Review: Invicta Battlefield (Kent) - Skirmish Sites, Stories & Reviews - Airsoft Forums UK (airsoft-forums.uk)1 point
Gun picture thread
tBG_Geoff reacted to MagpieTactical for a topic
1 point -
Gun picture thread
GeorgePlaysAirsoft reacted to SeniorSpaz87 for a topic
1 point -
1 point
Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread
Nick G reacted to Cannonfodder for a topic
1 point -
Gun picture thread
GeorgePlaysAirsoft reacted to SeniorSpaz87 for a topic
1 point -
I guess I got used to this kind of behaviour so it doesn't bother me too much anymore. I used to really get angry at cheaters and general bad sportsmanship, but now I just shrug it off and try to have fun no point in spoiling your day because you're dealing with manchildren.1 point
The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread
Pollynator_bravo2 reacted to strykerles for a topic
I've had to stop myself many times from saying "TAKE YOUR F*****G HITS" 😂0 points