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  1. Expect another β€˜Can you delete my account β€˜ post shortly πŸ˜‚
    2 points
  2. Ouch! If it's any consolation I did the same to mine when replacing the trigger guard, albeit not quite so spectacularly (I broke off just one of the tabs). From Googling at the time, it seems to be a fairly common occurrence in the real steel world - the tabs on the M4/AR-15 platform being something of a design flaw that you need to be extra careful around. In my case I was able to Gorilla-glue the broken tab back on and it's rock solid with just a hairline crack; barely noticeable. Adds character πŸ˜‰ You might be able to glue yours? Could be worth a shot and nothing to lose by trying. An alternative solution that's often recommended for AR-15s is to fit a Daniel Defense pistol grip with oversized trigger guard (or similar product). One of these:
    1 point
  3. After telling myself I wouldn't, I've ordered an ETU++ Airsoftworld have them in stock.
    1 point
  4. Tackle

    E & L AK104PMC-D ( unfired)

    BigAl has been on the Airsoft scene for a few years, & active on all the forums etc, BUT in these days of hacked/cloned accounts, I agree that it's going to be difficult to find anyone with more than a couple of brain cells that would be prepared to risk 275 quid on a bank transfer that has absolutely no buyer security ☹️
    1 point
  5. Hi mate just a heads up, your going to struggle selling anything on here without doing it threw PayPal. Only bank transfers just smells like a scam to me. Sorry bud just thought I’d say πŸ‘
    1 point
  6. enzo47

    Gun picture thread

    semi_full auto m9 . Bulid inspired by movie lΓ©on: the professional Aps shell ejecting shotgun.....work in progress
    1 point
  7. Adolf Hamster

    Cyma Svu Help

    nothing wrong with trying to do things differently. imo the svd in general is an under-appreciated platform in airsoft.
    1 point
  8. Tackle

    Cyma metal and real wood ak

    If you've gotta ask, you can't afford it 😜
    1 point
  9. F the AK how much for that rug?
    1 point
  10. Getting there with my WW2 British kit, webbing all Blanco'd green. Just gotta get myself a lid, and decide what patches I'm going to have...
    1 point
  11. The Mall and Urban Assault. Urban Assault was just the perfect mix of buildings and open areas. Only thing that let it down was the crap marshalling. And the Mall, well if you need telling why the Mall was awesome then you aren't an airsofter
    1 point
  12. Had a quick blast with it in the garden. Grouping was appalling, was misfeeding badly too. Took it apart, tear in the stock rubber! Good thing I was planning on swapping it out anyway. Put the ML Yellow in there, works a treat now. Snappy trigger on a 7.4, I don't feel like I need to put an 11.1 in there. Will give it a proper go on Sunday.
    1 point
  13. Deva

    Forum Rules

    Just as an FYI these rules may be updated over time, so remember to check back periodically to keep up-to-date with any changes.
    1 point
  14. Well broke my trigger guard trying to get the roll pin in so no I need a new lower... and no I'm not thinking about that G&P set or another HAO kit probably a Guns Modify if I can find one
    0 points
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