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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/07/18 in all areas

  1. Fantasy recce kit that is still being actively changed all the time. Prefer recce kits over DA kits for the most part as it gives another dimension to the tactics and movements vs just blasting headlong first all the time.
    2 points
  2. It deserves a post here too... In case you were sitting on the fence about trying 6mm ammo I got in touch and asked him if he'd be kind enough to make us our own little discount code.  He very kindly has:. At least it's a bit cheaper to try them out and make your own opinion of them now. If you're reading this Mr. 6mm Ammo - please feel free to join the forum and make a thread in the "Places to buy" section. 
    2 points
  3. Huxley

    Gun picture thread

    I'd be more worried about the pistol grip.
    1 point
  4. Real men don’t need an excuse , a real man would say “yes I shall buy it ! I have the tensile strength of a kitkat left on the dashboard of a car on a hot sunny day when it comes to shiny things ! “ 😉
    1 point
  5. No 1 if you modified them then that negates your faultless comment. No 2 I didn't remember someone else did. No 3 Do not ever try to threaten me pal.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. This is great as I am looking to try these, seem to be rated very highly by some
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 6mm Ammo have kindly made the forum a 10% discount code! airsoft-forums at the checkout (case sensitive!)
    1 point
  10. Multiglam makes me happy 😁😁
    1 point
  11. Kwa Kriss Vectors are like rare supercars in GTA. it’s hard to find one but Once you have one you start to see more in the community (this group). These guns are more appreciated than any other airsoft guns (YOU’D HAVE TO OWN ONE TO UNDERSTAND THIS) that I know, simply because of their performance, UNIQUE looks and the fact that they don’t make them anymore their value are high. i treat my kwa like my Mrs... keep her clean, oiled, locked and only play with her in my bedroom. @rocketdogbert will confirm this. Unlike the mistress (M4) which gets abused violently, passed on to friends and strangers on site and if broken... gets replaced!
    1 point
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