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  1. You've even thought of matching camoflauge for your feet to blend into the kitchen floor!
    2 points
  2. Sometimes on long tourneys we may have to defend an objective for a long time, that's the perfect time to have something warm to eat after a whole day out in the cold/rain.. Also I love camping and hiking (I'm a scout chief) so that's another money pit (knives, clothes, tarps, hammocks and such).. No wonder I'm always broke
    2 points
  3. How do you play with just socks? Must be hell on your feet!
    1 point
  4. This ! was in one piece when it arrived...
    1 point
  5. I am fond of a bit of camping, you can’t beat sitting in a field with good company I’ve more of a Boys Brigade background than scouts, but did help out at Cubs weekends a couple of times I’m a bad influence, telling Cubs that ‘being prepared’ means not needing to rub sticks nor having perfectly aligned pegs etc. But I had a good bunch of lads and they were able to come up with all the ‘official ways’ they were meant to do things, while I was able to give them the wisdom of acquiring the official skills but recognise that expending the energy isn’t always the right thing. You can’t count on finding the right two complimentary types of wood, kindling and good fire wood...... and to do so whilst expending more energy than you get back from the food you eventually cook!
    1 point
  6. The shoulder tubes are great if you're drowning or on fire, never needed them in airsoft and I almost never use them. Occasionally if I'm knackered and being very lazy I'll just lean forward and open 1 cummerbund and 1 shoulder tube so the whole rig just falls right off but then obviously all your kit clatters down on to the ground; or at the least you have to make very sure you're holding tightly on to the other shoulder strap when it swings off your body. My usual/preferred method is to just open 1 at the cummerbund and lift the rig over my head, quickest and easiest way of getting a PC off and back on again overall.
    1 point
  7. ..... actually, I was once at a training day & photographing prior to heading off camping I got a little peckish, went round to the shop but there was only chocolates and I was too early for lunch Quick brainwave, out with the stove and jet boil and within minutes I was dining
    1 point
  8. Not strictly airsoft related, but I just ordered a few titanium camping cooking utensils, I'll be using them not only for camping but also for long airsoft tourneys (cuz f*ck eating energy bars for 2 days).. Namely a long titanium spoon, a set of silverware (fork + spoon) and a 200ml flask for my favorite liquors..
    1 point
  9. And here is the aforementioned KWA MK23 with modified TM LAM unit Feeling like Snake already... Do I buy a standard MK23 suppressor and go for the classic look or an Osprey suppressor, which looks super badass? Side note: This guy is absolutely huge!
    1 point
  10. Dredd

    Gun picture thread

    Picked up two new rifs yesterday the vfc m40a5 and a mk12, always wanted to custom a mk12 like the one used in lone survivor, doesn't look as dark as it does in the pic my phones playing up, also still got s little more to do to it.
    1 point
  11. The basis of my 2nd go at putting together my ideal PC. FirstSpear back, cummerbund and shoulder pads. Front panel and shoulder straps built from scratch.
    1 point
  12. Got a photo from the Christmas game
    1 point
  13. I updated my kit a bit. the same concept from my last post remains, but i decided to switch from a backpack to a battle belt.. This is more of a "Wake up early on sundays and go slap your friends in the face" kit.. On my chest rig: i've eliminated the small tan utility and the radio pouch in favour of a Templars Gear soft utility pouch in MC, looks better and holds a lot more stuff. On my battle belt: the belt itself is a Invader Gear tan belt, with a Helikon cobra inner belt in OD, i've put my radio pouch on the right and i'll have my comms wires running diagonally underneath my chest rig to end up on my left shoulder, this because i'm right handed and i want to be able to communicate while still being able to shoot the bad guys. Next to that i have a Invader Gear MC utility, which stores my IFAK and snacks, then a cheap ass Royal (italy's equivalent of Nuprol) horizontal MC utility pouch that holds my 1200rnd mag and a bottle of water, a Condor tan roll up dump (will switch to a MC one soon and web this one on my jpc) and a Condor map pouch, still in MC, which basically holds all those little items i may need to use, such as spare batteries, tools, eyepro cleaning cloths, you name it, i have it in there. Compared to my "old" kit i've lost a lot of storage space in favour of a lower profile, improved mobility and overall reduced weight. There's also a more subtle reason, there's a lot of new members in my team who don't carry a backpack or a decent kit, so they always ask others to carry their bbs/clothing/spares. I guess it's a good way to teach them what to carry and what to leave in the car depending on the day. I'll be trying this kit out next week, since i can't play this sunday ( :'( ) and soon i'll add a picture with the kit on my person.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. My latest loadout. Met SC&O19 impression. Next things to buy would be matching trousers, a newer MOLLE Aegis vest, CS/PAVA holster, Bluegun X26 Taser + X26 exo holster... Currently I'm wearing: Firearms cap, Ex-Police Navy Blue shirt (was strangely difficult to find), Aegis vest (carrying radio, training baton, cuffs and 2 glock magazines. Had my drift camera on my shoulder to act as a bodycam), Cheapo spray pouch on my belt (to be replaced), Replica Safariland for Glock 17, drop leg STANAG Pouch. Just running my TM Recoil as my TM G36 is old and runs terribly. In future I'm looking to modernise the kit, so will have my fingers crossed for VFC's MCX to be released at some point and for MOLLE Aegis carriers to start popping up on ebay soon. Really fun kit to put together and not very common.
    1 point
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