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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/15 in all areas

  1. maybe if u strapped some wings to it
    3 points
  2. Mr Monkey Nuts

    Best Ammo?

    Still a valid and recurrent topic though.
    2 points
  3. Hi all, Over the next couple of months I am looking to invest in a DMR. I have a budget of around £600 What I would ideally like is something along the following lines (in order of priority): Excellent range Proven FPS of between 450 - 500 Semi auto I would like to use the DMR for engaging at a (close to) sniping distance, but have the option of semi auto if needed. I always play in outdoor woodland areas. The less tinkering and modifying the the base purchase, the better! The closest spec rifle I can find at the moment seems to be this: http://www.airsoftworld.net/custom-built-king-arms-blackwater-bw15-carbine-airsoft-rifle-dmr-at-500fps.html If anyone can advise or offer any suggestions that would be great
    1 point
  4. Demon

    HK417 Upgrades

    So looking to start upgrading my 417 at the start of next month. I Have a 417 with DMR Conversion .. 20 inch barrel I want to keep it below 350FPS Using 0.25. Want to increase the range and accuracy. Edited for Clarity: It needs to chrono at 350 with .2, But still needs to lift .25s Need some advise on parts i currently have an issue on some of the stuff but want feedback / better parts to purchase Updated Parts Spring - Lonex M110 Motor - Lonex A2 High Torque Motor Inner Barrel - Prometheus EG Steel Barrel 509MM Mosfet - Firestorm Mosfet Hop Up Unit - (Waiting on Spatch to get back to me) Looking at a Metal hop up
    1 point
  5. No picture can show the true beauty of this rifle.. here's my attempts thou! http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/22159-ak-picture-thread/?p=177035
    1 point
  6. I'm not disputing that mate as I'm the same, took me 5 years to earn my beret & single tape but from threads I've read, people frown upon guys wearing a cap badge But me personally, I would wear it, I wear my patches on my kit as I earned it & even toying with the idea of wearing my beret You can see 10 years worth of wearing in & mud graining on your webbing aswell
    1 point
  7. The good news is, I've earned the rank slide and beret Can you not notice that there is about 10 years worth of shaping to that beret hahahaha
    1 point
  8. If you like AKs and want realism then get the cyma 048. Wood and metal they're solid and good OOTB. Fixed stock means you can get a pretty big battery in there too.
    1 point
  9. as for sniper, most stock ones will be frustrating if there's any wind or a passing squirrel farts if making a DMR fitting of the name was a tough tinkering job, then doing it to a sniper is twice the work/cost unfortunately most airsoft guns are very close to the limits of what range/accuracy you can get from firing a 6mm plastic ball, so pushing beyond takes alot of tinkering / fine-tuning. no simple solution unfortunately
    1 point
  10. I ruled out getting a spring airsoft because I've got my air guns for single shots anyway. The model of rifle doesn't really matter to me, an AK or M4 style is just fine for example. So long as it's got some realistic weight to it. I've got 7.4's in lots of different sizes as well so no worries there.
    1 point
  11. sundown

    Best Ammo?

    I use ASG Blasters - had no issues
    1 point
  12. Ooh.... actually they seem pretty perfect... I could use it on a belt simply, and if I were to get some leg straps I could knock something up for my SAS inspired loadout, I know its not 100% accurate but I want functionality and reduced costs over genuine kit Thanks...
    1 point
  13. Ohhhhhhh I'll get my coat...
    1 point
  14. airsoftwarrior147

    HK417 Upgrades

    Basically he has a 417 with the 20" barrel, but he wants to run it at 350 fps but wants maximum range and accuracy at 350fps
    1 point
  15. That's really good to know..... I have all of the IMI accessories which I really didn't want to replace when Nuprol/WE finally bring out their retention holsters that take their torches
    1 point
  16. Go with what glasses/goggles you like & stick with a lower mesh mask Neoprene is pointless in my opinion as breathing & talking through it is very difficult, it'll be worse in the summer when it's hot
    1 point
  17. Oh I definitely won't be buying a gun for a while ! I'd definitely like to try it out 10 times atleast to see if it is something j really want to get into it or not as I've noticed it can be an expensive hobby ! Just thinking more of my safety with equipment at the moment
    1 point
  18. I got ninja'd by sitting duck Any person wanting advice should always look at that topic first as its a good guide then if they have any further questions then ask away 1 piece of advice Start out by renting a rifle until you get ukara registered, go to a shop & handle different weapons to see which ones you like But for the love of God, please dont make the mistake of buying a weapon then asking 'what weapon should I get & what upgrades can I do' even before you've used it
    1 point
  19. Baz JJ

    I need help...

    IMHO a lot of it is laziness. A lot of the enquiries are from youngsters. We live in a spoon fed, wheres there's a blame, theres a claim society. However, why should they google when there are lots of idiots (including myself) who will answer all the questions why they use their time more productively. Also a minority are attention seeking youngsters. Not every enquirer is like that, but many are. A common one I see used on Facebook groups is "my google fu is weak" - yeah right. I also remember starting airsoft and did a lot of reading first. I still ask questions, but try to find out the answer myself or at least narrow things down. Sonetimes social media is excellent to just weight the options or give you the last piece of the jigsaw. My pet hate are what I call depth chargers, They pose an open question like "which is the best gun for £500" which gets people answering with the numerous possibilities then they never come back to the forum to read the answers or reply to any of it. Bottom line is you wont stop them asking lazy questions - its up to you whether you give your time, which is just as valuable as theirs, to answer. If people put a little effort into their search, people will be more inclined to produce more helpful answers. Now, which gun is best ?
    1 point
  20. Hi Paul, I'm new to airsoft, from Cumbria also. I bought a g&g cm16r8l as it has a long barrell, therefore better range. It fires at 348fps (limits 350) out of box. Comes with a scope and is very reliable and future proof / customisable. I visit Manchester woodland as there site has more to offer to the Annan site. More than happy to car share if you fancy it plus the rental rifle at Manchester woodland is a g36 so I'd recommend you try before you buy.
    1 point
  21. I see you have listed it for £180 even though you paid £165 or less for it didnt realise being third hand increased the value
    1 point
  22. This is always a two way argument. Yes there are people out there who only add a few parts and call it custom, then try to sell it at a high price. But I have also seen people that have really spent a lot of time and money building absolute beast's, yet get lowballed by people that either don't have a clue what they are buying or want to buy gold with buttons. For example; there was a guy last year on another forum selling an Inokatsu STEEL M240B for £900, which is a bargain when it cost £1600 New and was unskirmished. Yet two lads made a thread about what a rip off this guy was, and that it was overpriced and that you can get the same thing for $300 from the abroad. Well most people know a $300 echo1 to a full steel Inokatsu is a big difference. But my point is; where is the line drawn between an over priced gun, or someone just wanting something for nothing? At the end of the day, as everyone else has said, if your not happy paying that price, give a offer, if not accepted, walk away. It's no biggy is it?
    1 point
  23. You never know they have been experimenting on soldiers for years, look at gulf war syndrome. Might have been contaminated by chemicals or some sort of drug you could get some trousers and end up growing a third testicle. Dont get anything American for god sake it could be from area 51 and be carrying a deadly alien pathogen or a little bug that could burrow into your brain and take control of you. Got to go and put my anti esp tinfoil hat on now think the feds are monitoring me again. 😒👽
    1 point
  24. dont be silly, its fine
    1 point
  25. Okay...they fit fine. No idea what PB are on about.
    1 point
  26. MrMcG

    Gun picture thread

    That MP7 is fantastic!!! Me wanty
    1 point
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