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  1. Psychologically, a burglar will tend to have a very different mentality to that of a knife-weilding mugger or someone who holds up an off licence or whatever, probably more cunning/sneaky and almost certainly less prone to be violent. The reality is that the vast majority of criminals who indulge in burglaries want to commit a crime which avoids confrontation with the victim, preferring the act to remain undetected whilst they are committing it, hence they will try and sneak in somewhere they think is empty in order to take stuff. Aside from the obvious desire not to be caught, this is also because they want to avoid the possibility of a fight, and because it is easier to justify committing an act they know to be wrong when they don't have to think about any victims, who remain out of sight and thus out of mind when they sneak into what they hope is an empty property. So the likelihood is that even if you picked up something as non lethal as a cushion, and started waving it around and yelling at them to feck off out of your house, I think they probably would indeed feck off, and be only too glad to be gone from the confrontation.
    4 points
  2. Everybody in this thread is missing the extremely obvious and logical option. Get a pet tiger. No body is gonna argue with that.
    4 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Happy

    Ed, Let's play a game

    Ho-What-Why?!! Sacrilege!
    2 points
  5. Shizbazki

    To Fuse or not Fuse??

    Hi all, thanks for the responses. I have completely removed the fuse from my G&G MP5 and have the GATE MERF 3.2 installed instead. I feel that with this MOSFET which advertises: Short-circuit protection Thermal protection and; An Electronic Fuse As part of its feature list then the original manufacture installed Fuse is a bit obsolete.
    2 points
  6. That's the shape they're supposed to be but you're right - it does look like it was done by the apprentice. On a Friday. Personally I'd have just junked it and got a decent metal one on there but that's just me and my profligate spending
    2 points
  7. http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/d_to_g/firearms/#a03 You're wrong. An imitation firearm (IF - 2-tone) is legally defined by the CPS in the link above. You wave one round in the street and you're comitting a crime. Yet another hole in the VCRA, it doesn't actually make any impact on reducing crime.
    2 points
  8. Trunk hits don't count, but you will have to paint him half a bright colour unless you get a UKERA licence.
    2 points
  9. On the 15th I bought a KWA Tokarev TT-33 mag from AEGcartAsia.com and a few of us have chatted about their low prices for mags; if anyone was waiting to see how others got on with them, it arrived yesterday. Eight days is pretty good from Hong Kong and they enclosed a 5% discount code for my next order. So yeah, I'm recommending them.
    2 points
  10. I have a pet elephant and he finds krak heads delicious. He also thought that the RSPCA man was tasty too. Maybe i could bring monty to my next skirmish and go all far cry 4 on the enemy team... Does an adult elephant need to take his hits?
    2 points
  11. Well I have bought a few RIF's from them and never had a problem (I was ukara'd so didn't need 2-tone) Others have had trouble but then I had problems with LWA but I have still bought stuff recently there Think if you want a RIF painted you will always run into possible trouble it may have been a mis-understanding or maybe they couldn't be ar$ed as most are winding down now On top of that - at certain times the popular models can be tricky to come by in stock G&G Raider's were a little thin on ground over summer and think certain types/models are sold out at some places now Anyway - it don't matter guy ordered his gun so hopefully he will get it asap for new year skirmish so lets hope all's well that ends well Ho Ho Ho & all that crap
    2 points
  12. Deek

    Law on buying a RIF

    A retailer can choose whether to sell an item or not, that is their right as a retailer - an item may be advertised for sale and may even have a price on it, but they are well within their legal rights to refuse a sale, and there is no requirement for the retailer to give a reason; a contract for sale is only made one payment has been offered by a customer and the retailer accepts that payment. Even if the retailer gets confused about the law they can still refuse to sell; we see this across a lot of airsoft retailers who refuse to sell a RIF to a person without UKARA registration - there is no where in law that states you must have UKARA registration to buy a RIF, but the majority of retailers insist on this. Once payment has been accepted, then a contract has been made and so the Sale of Goods Act comes into force, but until then there isn't an awful lot that you can do...
    2 points
  13. Save yourself even less hassle and get a 200lb pull crossbow; cheaper, silent and requires no license at all
    2 points
  14. Hopefully you all get what you wanted wished or hinted you wanted. But be thankful for what you have got already not what you didn't get (apart from Oi Santa where's my ********* bike) Hope Christmas isn't too stressful with in-laws, wife nagging, kids driving ya nutz yup its all money orientated crap but nice festive crap - so hope all goes well for ya too quickly its over and we are all back to work/school/uni etc..... I asked somebody at work this question: " What ya getting this Christmas ??? " " PISSED " So if ya old enough to buy a 2-tone/RIF then hope you have a great New Year at the very least I'm signing off until New Year and going on a festive break so have a bloomin marvelous & Merry Christmas and start your New Year with a bit of a hangover - no driving & no showing off your aeg whilst pi$$ed unless you are getting new TV in January sales - seriously (ha me serious ???) Have a good one, stay safe & see ya in New Year S D
    1 point
  15. possibly, its very smooth neat though! Doesn't hit the throat as hard as some.
    1 point
  16. geoffreym

    Recommended Glock 17?

    I can confirm that these holsters can hold and have a good positive retention, even on a desert eagle, allows you to get one holster for all your pistols. http://www.uktactical.com/search.aspx?SearchTerm=universal+pistol&SearchTerm_Vldt=%0D%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09%09%09%09%5Breq%5D%5Blen%3D3%5D%5Bblankalert%3DPlease+enter+something+to+search+for%21%5D%0D%0A%09%09%09%09%09%09%09%09%09 the only pistol that it doesn't fit (that I've tried) is the MK23
    1 point
  17. straffham

    Ed, Let's play a game

    ARSE you beat me to it lol I'm more worried about whoever found "that" image of the guy with guns, as to what websites he was trawling,, kudos to him lol!
    1 point
  18. I was in the pandora shop yesterday I feel your pain. I got hit for a pair of ugg boots aswell.
    1 point
  19. Currently chillaxing with a neat Jim Beam Maple Bourbon, lovely warm syruppy flavours, perfect for Christmas!
    1 point
  20. I work in law and can tell you this is the case, 9/10 burglars want to break in undetected, take the stuff and leave without being caught. If they suspect anyone is coming in or has woken up they will always run rather than face a confrontation as 1) they can be identified (by picture or ID parade) , 2) a home owner is likly to be the living S**T out of them, 3) any tussle between them and the home-owner is likely to leave forensic (DNA or hair etc) traces on the home-owner which can be retrieved and analysed and finally 4) a lot of them are cowards and drug addled weaklings trying to fund a habit so would rather avoid the bother of confrontation. The 1/10 burglars are the ones entering the property with the explicit intent of harming you especially if you get up to nefarious activities and have rubbed someone up the wrong way, you don't necessarily have to steal in order to burgle, being a trespasser and causing GBH or Criminal Damage still counts as a burglary. Either way a burglar entering a home and stealing stuff is just a burglary but actually harming the home owner is aggravated which could add an additional 10 years to the sentence (if the courts were harsh (not that they ever are)).
    1 point
  21. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


    Marathon'd preppers with some mates not long ago,rather entertaining to watch especially for /k/ommandos like me When it comes to prepping for me? I've a 3L Jar of Salo,somewhere I think. Be graaand with that.
    1 point
  22. Crumbla146

    G&G Auto Magazines

    160rnd M4 mags how are they loaded? with a spring?
    1 point
  23. Airsoft-Ed

    Ed, Let's play a game

    It's AR based if anything. Probably the ARS47u lol. Though actually, I think the S denotes a folding stock, and that one doesn't fold... So an AR47u...gly.
    1 point
  24. Jambo88

    Law on buying a RIF

    My order was dispatched this morning. So either they painted it very late last night or it was in stock.
    1 point
  25. Chock

    Recommended Glock 17?

    Be careful about the retaining strap not holding the pistol securely in the holster, this is especially the case with heavy long barrelled pistols, since they will often not sit very deep in the holster, meaning all the weight is up near the grip. That's asking for the thing to fall out if the retaining strap is not good and snug and you are running about. I managed to completely break a brand new GBB 1911 pistol (which I'd literally only fired three shots from) by doing that exact same thing; the pistol took a swan dive out of my holster and the beavertail safety broke free, spilling the trigger spring et all out, most of which was never to be seen again, rendering the pistol useless without buying a crapload of spare parts.
    1 point
  26. TheGrover

    Law on buying a RIF

    Chock, The firearms act explicitly forbids carrying an imitation firearm in public, so you cannot walk down the street with an airsoft gun even if it is well two-toned, so people should DEFINITELY not do that
    1 point
  27. Yup, I certainly recommend aegcartasia, I got a five percent discount card with my last couple of orders from them too. They average about 10 days to get stuff to me, which ain't bad. They are my 'go to' site for airsoft magazines because of the prices, for example, my last order from them was for five E&C 160 round M4 magazines, and that cost me £23.31 (that's including postage) i.e. each mag cost me £4.66 in total, which is mega dirt cheap.
    1 point
  28. I think if you know your gun you can get away without anything protecting it (you would know if it didn't feel/sound right and have sense not to hold trigger down) or sense the grip is getting f*cking warm or warmer than usual But most of us like to think there is something there to limit any possible damage though think I have had more than just one fuse blow and nowt is wrong when new fuse fitted (they can be a pain tripping out if too low fuse in there some have 10a, 20a or 30a on some fet blade fuse) and if fuses blow often people put in a higher fuse "just to see" not too bad on gun but do that crap in house and you may regret shoving a 13a fuse in TV plug (5a) or lamp (3a) Totally understand peeps saying they prefer fuse in there but OP has fet with better fuse built in and might be tight on room so think he is well ok to remove it in this case & like I said there are some tiny basic fets with built in thermal fuse so can do away with fuse in MP5 if he wants to fit those fets
    1 point
  29. waste of a perfectly good tiger Krak head burglar ain't a good diet for such a majestic animal
    1 point
  30. It could be classed as an offence under Sec 16A of the Firearms Act 1968; So, even though a person has entered you premises illegally you would still be committing an offence if the person thought that the firearm was real and believed unlawful violence would be used against them. There are defences to using lethal force, but I personally think you would be on thin ice if you used an airsoft RIF as a "deterrent" in this sort of scenario.
    1 point
  31. Ian_Gere

    Cheap Gear From Russia?

    Sergey from Syndicate Workshop has a webby now, here.
    1 point
  32. Happy

    Law on buying a RIF

    They should have ID'd her before saying no. Possibly the person on the counter was having a crap day (it is Christmas after all). No excuse for not selling it to her though. If I refused a £200 sale in my job you bet my manager would want to know a damn good reason why.
    1 point
  33. Shizbazki


    Try these guys: https://grabgraphics.wordpress.com/ Both the owners are personal friends of mine and have done excellent embroidery for my Squadron in the Air Training Corps. Though i will add that its only the two of them that work at it so lead times could be a while and they both work full time jobs outside of the embroidery business but its no harm to ask.
    1 point
  34. M_P

    P226 ELECTRIC!

    Get a gas one, better performance and will work in the cold if you get the right one. Less disappointing to shoot too.
    1 point
  35. Why a DD rail on an A1?
    1 point
  36. If you did shoot someone with a shotgun or a crossbow, unless that person was carrying something with which they could reasonably be expected to succeed in killing you were they to attack, you would quite rightly be going to jail for murder. The fact that they are in your house is neither here nor there, as it should be. Being afraid because you have watched too much TV is no excuse for ending somebody's life. Just imagine what the consequences would be if 'Castle Doctrine', the idea that your home is inviolate and you can kill anyone whom you claim was an intruder with impunity, was the law. You could invite someone into your home, after secretly breaking a window from the outside, and kill them - there are psychopaths who would consider that a legitimate way to advance their career, bankers and their ilk. I mean yeah, bankers so fuck 'em, but you get the idea...
    1 point
  37. It would look good with something yellow on it... JCB
    1 point
  38. I.. I Don't even........ Ughh Chinglish is great until you try to understand something and subsequently fall into a useless heap, crying yourself to sleep because you need to know what is said but just can't understand...
    1 point
  39. With today's standards in the law, chances are you'd be the one in trouble and not the intruder One thing I was told when I did my training for a security licence was this 'You can harm (self defence) an intruder within reason if you can prove they posed a genuine threat to you and/or your family, the intruder was being intimadating, harassing you and few other things We're not america where you can legaly shoot an intruder (I believe not in all states though) so I assume you may be charged for brandishing a weapon and all consequences that come with "a deadly weapon" situation Problem is people sue each other these days and you'd be the one getting shafted by the justice (cough cough and pmsl) system
    1 point
  40. M_P


    I watched the national Geographic series on peppers, was quite interesting, especially the way different people went about it. Then the stereotypical American guy shot his own finger off lol.
    1 point
  41. Most Russian ex-army stuff is pretty good in my experience, in fact, I've got one of the heavily lined winter camo coats with a fur collar, which is lined with some kind of blanket-like material, and it is the warmest thing I've ever worn in my life. You can go out in sub zero temperatures wearing that thing, and you'll be sweating it's that warm. Paid sixty quid for it about 25 years ago, and it's probably the best sixty quid I've ever spent, still looks like new, which gives you some idea of how decent it is quality-wise. I don't wear it for airsoft, I wear it as my normal winter coat. Toasty warm
    1 point
  42. Wait... What's that you say? Ed's been spotted with an AR15 free float rail on his AK??!!
    1 point
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