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Airsofting in the heat


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How unbearable is it? I gave last weekend a miss because I sweat enough with my plate carrier on as it is? My friend and I were considering a CQB venue but I'm concerned unless air conditioned that may infact be worse then outdoor right now

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Lightweight loadouts are king. I went airsofting on Sunday and had no issues whatsoever, but I was running a very lightweight loadout. Trousers, t-shirt, belt kit, no rig as I was using my VSR but could've run a lightweight chest rig if I needed to, and a simple cobra hood instead of a full ghillie. Keeping at least your back uncovered by extra layers, backpacks or load-bearing kit really helps you to keep cool as it allows you to sweat, then that sweat to evaporate which is how your body cools itself. If you have too many layers, you sweat but then that sweat gets trapped in those layers and you don't cool off as effectively (don't cite me on this, I am no scientist but this is what I've found through experience). I wouldn't want to play CQB unless there was some sort of environmental control to keep the temperature down and to cycle the air as it's going to get really, really stuffy in there really, really quickly; woodland is far better when it's hot because the air doesn't get stale and stuffy like it would at an indoor venue, due to being outdoors.


The most important thing, so important that I give it its own paragraph, is keeping hydrated. Your body uses water to keep your body temperature at healthy levels, so while dehydration is really bad, it's worse in the heat and can lead to heatstroke (which can be life-threatening faster than dehydration!). I think I went through about 6 or 7 litres of water on Sunday.


Fortunately, it typically it doesn't get too bad in this country. When I did airsoft in the south of Spain, we'd have to finish by 2pm because it just starts getting dangerously hot (hottest day when I lived in Spain I think was about 45 degrees celcius)

Edited by Impulse
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As mentioned already, stay hydrated. I played on saturday and got through around 5 litres (which for me is a lot). I took a few litres frozen as well which meant I had lovely ice cold water. Something I would recommend considering with the hydration is some sort of electrolyte drink, I have literally sweated most of them out before and been exhausted from that as without the salts and minerals it's hard on the body to function, SIS in most tescos have tabs you can add to water, you can find them with the running gels, protein bars/powders. Try to avoid caffeine and energy drinks. 


I may have poured some of the water over my head to help keep me cool! It was a filmsim game at gunman tuddenham and the pace is a bit slower than a skirmish, lovely little chill time, sitting in the shade, feeling the breeze, even had a hare come up to about 2 feet away. 


Then think sensibly about your gear choices and clothes, chest rigs/belt kits etc are more comfortable in the heat that plate carriers. Don't be the guy wearing a hoody and wool balaclava (yes there were a few on saturday), if you are still getting tired - take a break. I know the site well and took the chance to wear high top vans instead of chunky combat boots, felt so much nicer for it. That was a risk but one I felt was worth it. Hats etc all help. 


Would also suggest sun tan lotion and bug repellant 

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Glad to see people being sensible, there was a pack of youths trying to survive on cans of a monster type drink last time out in the heat and they all dropped with headaches.


I'm always surprised at peoples lack awareness of kit and prep for conditions. So many have nice kit but don't have hydration on/in it.


Drink lots over the days before and keep sipping slowly throughout the day. I have bladders in all my kit and usually leave additional water in a spawn bag, with gas and bbs, with more in the van too.

Edited by concretesnail
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Key point to take away is; water. Stay hydrated and you’d be surprised how much of a difference it makes.
Take as much as you can carry, but I’d be looking to drink probably at least a litre an hour, possibly more. 


Frequent breaks somewhere out of the sun if possible, be mindful that even shaded areas can get hot. 


We’re all guilty of carrying ‘extras’ on our kit which in all reality we probably won’t need. Have a good look at what you’d normally take and then cut it down. Do you need those spare 6 magazines or can you manage with 3? Are you really going to need that sidearm?


As others have said, suncream and top it up regularly. Personally I don’t think there’s anything worse than waking up the next day and finding that I’m burnt. 

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Hydration, Hydration, Hydration! (Possibly the most disturbing Phil and Kirsty spin-off!)


Spartan Woodland was bearable on Sunday. Light weight clothing, minimal load-out (I even took the AK with a high-cap incase I wanted to ditch the chest rig and GBBR mags....turned out ok) Marshal team were good at keeping the games shorter and giving a good turn-around time to re-hydrate. Cooler with ice packs for lunch and drinks was essential and worth it!


I did take some extra instant cold packs in the first aid kit incase one of the "running around wearing all the gear and only drinking Monster" crew had a "I feel a bit funny" spell but everyone was refreshingly sensible.


Remember, if you don't need to piss you aren't drinking enough!

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Was out on Sunday, 1 hour 15 minute breakthrough type style. Managed ok with plate carrier, 3 mags and rif. No issues with drinking in between, bit of sugar to keep those levels up. Sourcing a hydration pack for taking out.



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42 minutes ago, Sneaky said:

The day before I go airsofting, I put my hydration pouch in the freezer.  Works a treat everytime.


 I was paranoid about it bursting so chickened out. 

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22 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:


 I was paranoid about it bursting so chickened out. 


I put a 3 litre platypus bladder in the freezer saturday night and took it to work yesterday (mainly for the commute rather than when I'm at work), it stayed icy all day and I actually took it to bed with me last night as a cold water bottle. Wrapped it in a t-shirt and just laid it on my chest.

No bursting or splitting, or on the other one that's in the freezer now, though I made sure not to fill it 100% full.

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1 hour ago, Dan Robinson said:


 I was paranoid about it bursting so chickened out. 

Does not burst, not enough expansion for that to happen ,try it.

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14 hours ago, Emergencychimps said:

Something I would recommend considering with the hydration is some sort of electrolyte drink


Water + pork pies and peanuts.



5 hours ago, jtame said:

bit of sugar to keep those levels up


Eh, if you have no body fat.  Simple carbs are just extra fuel on the fire for the rest of us.


I guess this gets us back to the "Why don't sites provide free / at cost water" handbag fight again. [Winds up for a swing]

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I kin luv irn-bru, but not the diet shite🤮

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32 minutes ago, Tackle said:

I kin luv irn-bru, but not the diet shite🤮


Diet Irn-Bru is piss. Irn-Bru XTRA is where it's at!

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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

guess this gets us back to the "Why don't sites provide free / at cost water" handbag fight again. [Winds up for a swing]

With SWMBO or out of the country I have access to a Louise Viton.... The DMR of handbags. 


Pucker up beeatch, and I'll Amber Heard you. 😜

Edited by Dan Robinson
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I take a gallon of water with me to leave at respawn.  The last two games, lazy fuckers have drunk the lot.  I don't mind helping a man out, but leaving me dry is taking the piss, especially mid-viral borne pandemic.  


I had more in the van, but next game I'm spitting in the bastard loudly and demonstrably before game on...


Figure a litre plus an hour in this and you'll be fine if you know the signs of heatstroke to watch out for.



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12 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

The last two games, lazy fuckers have drunk the lot.  I don't mind helping a man out, but leaving me dry is taking the piss, especially mid-viral borne pandemic.


Wait, what?  People have been drinking from your bottle?  Even if they thought it was site-supplied, that's manky.

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yea i already bring a few 2l bottles of water with so thats fine, think ill just swap the plate carrier for a lighter chest rig looks like the weather is cooling down anyway. yea fuck having random people drink from my water bottle, even more so during covid times

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I carry a spare mouthpiece so if anyone is desparate and needs to suck on my bladder pipe mid game I let them 🤣🤣

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12 minutes ago, Shamal said:

I carry a spare mouthpiece so if anyone is desparate and needs to suck on my bladder pipe mid game I let them 🤣🤣


Couldn't have someone else suckling at my bladder pipe, I'd feel like one of the guests on Eurotrash.

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