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What Have You Learned About Airsoft Recently?


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9 minutes ago, Madhouse said:

Yep, can certainly see how it gets expensive - I need this one for outdoors, this one for CQB, this one for that loadout ……… 😁


Truth is they all do the same thing, all roughly to the same standard.  Once you realise that you save money.  I am at the stage now where I only buy GBBRs and only ones that are sufficiently niche.  Like the upcoming FAL for instance

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42 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

Truth is they all do the same thing, all roughly to the same standard.  Once you realise that you save money.  

Now for me this is the very truth of the hobby I try to avoid , if I let this truth out of its box I’m never gonna buy a gun I like the look off ever again id just run the simplest M4 with a box mag and that’ll be it ! When I choose a new gun(immaterial if it’s ‘new’ or 2/3/4th hand or what ever) I have to like the look of it first , if I need to ‘tweak’ it a bit for optimum performance ? That’s not a problem I will do something with it if I have too . I’ve always been ‘form over function’ with all my guns . 

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22 hours ago, Madhouse said:

Today I learned the retailers don’t seem to be particularly bothered about UKARA, seemed to be that just showing that I’ve been/booked to go Airsofting is fine for them.


Good, that's the letter of the law - selling "for the purpose of".  A future booking says more about your intentions than past behaviour.  Their risk, their choice, there's nothing dodgy going on.  Enjoy. :D


Today I learned that even when you're at a site that chronos in Joules (huzzah), and even when you personally set the chrono to your BB weight, and even when you point out the Joules figure on it to a marshal, he might still say "Hang on a second..." and look up the FPS number versus BB mass on his phone.  I mean, I don't mind the thoroughness, but... it's right there on the chrono. :blink:

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Today I learned that people can take two 0.3s to the face from a sniper rifle, bleed, and shrug them off like nothing happened :D

And that trying to carry 2 guns and a pistol is a cunt.

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1 hour ago, Skara said:

Today I learned that people can take two 0.3s to the face from a sniper rifle, bleed, and shrug them off like nothing happened :D


there does come a point where it bridges from annoying to impressive.


worst i heard of (although didn't witness) was someone shrugging off a close range rinsing with a 40-mike.

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19 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


there does come a point where it bridges from annoying to impressive.


worst i heard of (although didn't witness) was someone shrugging off a close range rinsing with a 40-mike.

Reminds me of a video Airsoft Cam Man did a while back. There was a fuckabout game at the end of the day. Basically you didn't have to call your hit until you couldn't bear the pain anymore. 

Edited by PopRocket123
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It was hilarious tbf.

1st shot was an awful near miss because I had my rifle slightly canted, but he didn't seem to realize he was under fire.

2nd shot was deflected by a twig and went in his cheek.

3rd shot was square on his nose.


All this from 30m tops so the BB had plenty of energy, it's not like I was a mile away.


Was cocking the 4th shot but then a teammate took him out.


I'm happy though, finally the vsr had the chance to show its worth (please note that I am shit at sniping so even getting one shot off is an achievement for me).

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1 hour ago, PopRocket123 said:

Reminds me of a video Airsoft Cam Man did a while back. There was a fuckabout game at the end of the day. Basically you didn't have to call your hit until you couldn't bear the pain anymore. 


Yeah i really dislike those games ever since seeing 2 fellas dump their entire ammo stock into each others arms point blank and walk off coated in blood.

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16 hours ago, Skara said:

Today I learned that people can take two 0.3s to the face from a sniper rifle, bleed, and shrug them off like nothing happened :D

And that trying to carry 2 guns and a pistol is a cunt.


That's some pretty serious teflon player action. I've yet to see someone take two shots to the face from my VSR and not call it, but they're .48s at 2.3J. I've definitely seen people shrug off multiple body shots though, even at that weight and power.


And you just need a smaller 2nd gun. I bought a Cyma mp5k and it's not too difficult carrying both it and the VSR, though I'll agree it gets difficult with a larger secondary rifle. I did it with my 416 and it worked, but it was much harder and I'm 6'5 and heavily built, so two guns isn't as big on me.

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Mmm, I used to do steel historical reenactment, and lost teeth and fingernails to that without complaint.  But the goal was always to minimise pain and injury, and due to the hand-to-hand nature of the activity, anyone who couldn't or wouldn't restrain themselves was very quickly identified and invited to sod off.


Airsoft however lends itself to rogues, with some degree of anonymity and plausible deniability, and the ability to inflict pain without serious injuries meaning it's usually shrugged off.


I'd really like to see much more pro-active marshalling on MEDs, overkill, or shooting dead players: and no, it's not "just part of the game", it's the difference between everyone having a good day, and only the sociopaths going home with a grin on their faces.

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31 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

I'm kind of playing devil's advocate here, but often I find the shooting of dead players happens because said player isn't making it clear they're hit and out of the game. For example at my last game I saw a group of players get hit and one of them still had his gun up and shouldered. One short burst later and he's bitching about being shot when already dead. Thinking about it he was probably just dicking about with his mates, but if you want to do that then don't do it in the middle of an active game area


I'm going to agree here. If someone isn't making it obvious they're hit, I'll just put one into the plate carrier to be sure. Some players will casually walk down a path, hands still down on their gun, in the hopes that everyone will think they're dead and not shoot, then shoot everyone in the back when they get past, and one shot to the chest really isn't a big deal, especially since most people wear a chest rig or plate carrier that absorbs most of the hit. I've never had anyone moan about it to me, and I'm usually slinging .48s at 2.3J.


I think a single shot is different to lighting someone up because you think they might be playing dead. However, if they still have their gun shouldered in the game area then they are in no position to moan. To me I'd see them as still in the game until the hand goes up and they call out "hit"

Edited by Impulse
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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

I'd really like to see much more pro-active marshalling on MEDs, overkill, or shooting dead players: and no, it's not "just part of the game", it's the difference between everyone having a good day, and only the sociopaths going home with a grin on their faces.


i do agree there, yes all those cases can have legitimate whoopsies, shit does indeed happen. the problem is identifying when it crosses that line for example between an extra couple of rounds that were already in the air to holding the trigger down even after the hand goes up.


1 hour ago, Cannonfodder said:

I'm kind of playing devil's advocate here, but often I find the shooting of dead players happens because said player isn't making it clear they're hit and out of the game. For example at my last game I saw a group of players get hit and one of them still had his gun up and shouldered. One short burst later and he's bitching about being shot when already dead. Thinking about it he was probably just dicking about with his mates, but if you want to do that then don't do it in the middle of an active game area


yep, and it is responsible for a lot of issues. reminds me of the fake dead walk discussion we had on here a while back about abusing people's trust by walking around with the demeanor of someone who's not currently playing.


for sure you're gonna get tagged, ask any marshal how many times they've been dandering along to catch a round because someone saw a hat moving through the hedges and fired even the high-vis won't always help. i'll openly admit to having been on the sending and receiving ends of that sort of mistake more times than i can remember. it's not generally something worth getting worked up about.


of course there's a line between one round to somewhere padded just to be sure and jumping straight into a full broadside or deciding to go directly for the squishy bits, which is what folk do if they can't trust that someone who looks dead (hand up or no) is in fact dead.

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Well, yesterday I learned that playing with a BASR is a hell of a lot different than with my m4. forgetting that i have a rate of fire that'll make my grandads sex life look fast paced. did make the day more interesting though but I am glad I still took the M4 so i could switch out during the day.


1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:


deciding to go directly for the squishy bits, which is what folk do if they can't trust that someone who looks dead (hand up or no) is in fact dead.


This is why i like using chest rigs. I hate the idea of not realising ive been shot due to having too much gear on resulting in forcing someone to aim for my face to get my attention. 

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On 27/06/2021 at 16:59, EvilMonkee said:

Truth is they all do the same thing, all roughly to the same standard.

@proffrink hey, as the admin you can perminatly delete comments right? I just feel this comment attacks too many of us 😂

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7 hours ago, Impulse said:

And you just need a smaller 2nd gun. I bought a Cyma mp5k and it's not too difficult carrying both it and the VSR, though I'll agree it gets difficult with a larger secondary rifle. I did it with my 416 and it worked, but it was much harder and I'm 6'5 and heavily built, so two guns isn't as big on me.

It wasn't a full sized rifle, I had my AAP smg/dmr with me, which is the size of a MP9 more or less. My whole kit was bodged up in a hurry though, next time i'll be more prepared.

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A few things:

1) at least 10% of the players never listen to the marshals, especially the game brief and begin playing there own 'thing'. 

2) Being shot in the neck by a 500fps rif from 10m away on the Adams apple really hurts. (judging distance lessons required for that super mega gucci bearded ghillie up player). 

3) my 5+yr old g&g r8L outlasted and out ranged some very expensive RIFS this weekend so high prices don't aways equal high happiness/quality. 

4) everyone is always up for a good time and most players are more than happy to help. 

5) it's addictive, fun and is a positive way to spend a day keeping active. 

6)the pigeon chest/sparrow legs complex is high before first game (when photos are taken for social media use)however, by midday most are burning the last remnants of their reserves of monster energy and macdonald meals and look like zombies (and then quit early). 

7) finally, marshals are not always right.  


This may sound like I'm dripping but this is me on a good day. 




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18 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

I'm kind of playing devil's advocate here, but often I find the shooting of dead players happens because said player isn't making it clear they're hit and out of the game.


Oh, that often happens, but I'm kvetching about taking a skin-breaking burst in the side of the face after shouting, waving, then walking away with my gun held over my head and still waving, with no other players anywhere near me.  Sometimes it really is just a case of a complete nobwaffle deciding to send another burst downrange for giggles.




12 hours ago, Airsoft123 said:

1) at least 10% of the players never listen to the marshals, especially the game brief and begin playing there own 'thing'. 


But they had some classic bantz, finished that really crucial phone call, and got to smoke the best cigarette ever




6)the pigeon chest/sparrow legs complex is high before first game (when photos are taken for social media use)however, by midday most are burning the last remnants of their reserves of monster energy and macdonald meals and look like zombies (and then quit early). 


Hah, I'm rocking the keto bro lifestyle now.  Carbs are Satan's spooge, get them behind thee.


Memeing aside, I really would recommend low carbs, it's amazing how addictive and unnecessary they are, and how much better you can feel and perform without sugar rushes and crashes.


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For about four decades I was dead on 10 stone fighting weight, then injury (and enforced inaction) and age (sob) caught up and I ballooned.  A high protein low carb no sugar diet has me back to normal(ish).   Tonight I started back on the heavy bag...   I'll be back in black in a few weeks.   I feel far better now now as it is.  Thoroughly agree Rogerborg!





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11 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


Oh, that often happens, but I'm kvetching about taking a skin-breaking burst in the side of the face after shouting, waving, then walking away with my gun held over my head and still waving, with no other players anywhere near me.  Sometimes it really is just a case of a complete nobwaffle deciding to send another burst downrange for giggles.


Fair enough. Doing that is just being a twat


12 hours ago, Airsoft123 said:

5+yr old g&g r8L outlasted and out ranged some very expensive RIFS this weekend so high prices don't aways equal high happiness/quality. 

So true. I find it also has the bonus of making me feel extra smug when I've shot them with a rif that cost 10% of theirs

12 hours ago, Airsoft123 said:

The pigeon chest/sparrow legs complex is high before first game (when photos are taken for social media use)however, by midday most are burning the last remnants of their reserves of monster energy and macdonald meals and look like zombies (and then quit early). 


I hate those "energy" drinks as they taste like shit and all they do is put people on a caffeine high, followed by a crash so they end up feeling worse. At least if you stick with the proper sports drinks you get to replace lost electrolytes etc

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20 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

I hate those "energy" drinks as they taste like shit and all they do is put people on a caffeine high, followed by a crash so they end up feeling worse.

They suck up water harder than a low quality whore sucks dicks.


A few years ago i made the huge mistake of drinking a monster energy can before a tournament and ended up with cramps and mild dehydration halfway through.




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