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Ffs What Has Happened to Airsoft With This Influx of Single Shot Only Sites. WTF ( Contains Potty Language )

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Hahaha, you just beat me to it FreeFrag.  I also think rate of fire should be closer to the real weapons but unfortunately that's never going to happen.

I tend to use 2x hi-caps to keep mag count down (cheaper and easier to carry) but I still use semi most of the time.


I think full auto in the woods is fine but some people over do it and I hate those stupid high ROF sprayers. 


Last game I went to I got hit by a burst of 7 shots in my back when I came up to a guy and tried to duck behind cover.

Didn't say anything but was annoying.

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At my site we always have one 2hr game which is semi only. It makes the gameplay varied and you have to think carefully on your ammo usage. If you run out it's tough kitties! It just makes the whole experience more enjoyable. Then the rest of the day is the usual mix of semi & auto... The last game is always full auto annihilation  of both teams and that's always fun and full of laughs......

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Those trashing high rof builds I think are mainly talking about the wanker guns and laser beams. My dad built a DSG pistol that shoots around 45rps with a 900 round fat mag but it's got such a short barrel that shoots around 300fps and it's intentionally hideously inaccurate so you need the rof just to hit anything. It's so fun to use that on the odd occasion where someone has been accidentally overshot they take it in good humour and often come to chat about it and have a go afterwards. 

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  On 07/09/2020 at 23:29, PopRocket123 said:

Those trashing high rof builds I think are mainly talking about the wanker guns and laser beams.



And those who use them for effect, which is what I'd expect has resulted in full-auto bans.


Although we could ask the site owners, I guess.

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Laws & rules have always been established around the worst members of society. Like Ricky Gervais character in Afterlife states "I do go around murdering as much as I want" Which is not at all....".


I know people are against drum mags but they are something you can get for real guns and I use one on my Scorpion Evo purely for the convenience of ammo carrying. Not because I've tuned it to fire 60rps and I want to do 30 second bursts of full-auto. It is a shame that we've gotten to the point where we have to be told not to full-auto eachother from a few metres away. 

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  On 07/09/2020 at 17:16, Skara said:

JuSt LeArN tO AiM.


That's the major (bullshit) argument in favour of semi only.


Yeah, as if tiny lightweight plastic pellets were known for their super duper consistency when fired by what's essentially a super expensive glorified musket.


Thank god I'm in a country where we don't have such stupid limitations.



i consider it an acheivement if i can get a gun to be accurate enough where my aim is worse than the gun, needless to say it's a rare acheivement.


there's also the issue of being deflected by leaves, wind etc.


granted i so mostly play semi auto but generally i still like having auto as a backup.


the whole point is escalation, start off sending 1 round, and if that doesn't work keep sending more until you've persuaded the fella to take the walk.



for me i'd summarize the problem i have with folk using auto as such:


case study 1: i'm hiding in a gap in some hedges, fella comes round a corner and my 1 round from the dragonuv misses by inches, i duck down only to catch a burst to the face. because it's had to go through the hedge it doesn't hit that hard although it catches me off-guard enough to get an "oof" reaction. this is fine though because: he was aiming at my stomach, and i only caught it to the face because i ducked, he was shooting through hedges where a single shot might not have made it through he went to apologize the moment he realized what had happened.


case study 2: i'm fighting in a bunker, hell of a lot of folk are pushing from the front which means i don't notice folk sneaking around behind. next thing you know i catch a broadside to the face through the door.

now this pisses me off because i didn't duck, the fella was close enough where he had to be aiming at my face, despite having a full silhouette to choose from.

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That is common sense tho.

I don't have to, it's more like a courtesy I do to people, but up close I automatically switch to semi. I don't even think about it, it comes naturally.


I get your point though, my post was more about the semi only period rule. I find it stupid for longer ranges..

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  On 08/09/2020 at 10:28, Skara said:

That is common sense tho.

I don't have to, it's more like a courtesy I do to people, but up close I automatically switch to semi. I don't even think about it, it comes naturally.


I get your point though, my post was more about the semi only period rule. I find it stupid for longer ranges..



agreed, these days i generally tend to run semi and use trigger spamming instead of auto, means i'm in much more control of how much plastic i'm sending downrange.


that said, i have ran wanker guns in the past, and whilst 40rps might be great for punching through all the foliage it's not really the best option when trying not to be an ass if your shortest burst still sends 3-4 rounds downrange.


of course that came about by assuming my equipment, and not the target, was the reason people weren't calling hits.....

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I have been to sites recently who have enforces Semi only due to overkill and players not playing within the spirit of the game, this I understand.

I have also played at a place with no minimum engagement distance for ANYONE (inc snipers) with no limit of full auto and everyone just peppering each other shouting at people to call their hits while dumping half a hi cap into them whilst they cannot shout hit as they are shouting ouch, or cannot be heard over the super high ROF guns everyone seemed to have had built for this site. 


I know which one I would play at again...




I think Airsoft Plantation have it right, full auto stands but switch to semi under 30m or in certain areas. This is easy to enforce, makes sense (I mean you only need one shot to take someone out) and is fairer on all the players.


During my time playing airsoft I only tend to use semi, I barely use full auto and see no need personally. But I am not adverse to getting shot, I am adverse to the hicapp/drum mag heros who spray the fuck out of everything though. 

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  On 08/09/2020 at 10:48, Albiscuit said:

I have also played at a place with no minimum engagement distance for ANYONE (inc snipers) with no limit of full auto and everyone just peppering each other shouting at people to call their hits while dumping half a hi cap into them whilst they cannot shout hit as they are shouting ouch, or cannot be heard over the super high ROF guns everyone seemed to have had built for this site. 



Where should we be avoiding?

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In all honesty I cannot remember which site it was. I have been to quite a few new ones since lockdown eased. I think I know which one it was but not 100% and do not want to put out the wrong info.


Strangely enough, despite the overkill tendency I do remember I actually enjoyed that day. The site was good, the games were decent and the play not too bad. It did get a bit silly but for the most part it was the site culture, so all the regulars were pretty well used to it, just a few others who didnt get on board with it all.

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  On 07/09/2020 at 20:26, Groot said:

I am all for banning high caps, unless on a support weapon.


Hi caps are good for beginner though, i quickly switched to midcaps but it is nice that out of the box with a hi cap and battery, they can start playing without having to get mid caps and pouches and speedloader, we have an expensive hobby. 

That being said, i disliked mandatory semi only. 




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IMO if a player is going to act like a twat then they should be dealt with accordingly by the site staff rather than introducing blanket rules that affect everyone else

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  On 08/09/2020 at 15:29, Cannonfodder said:

IMO if a player is going to act like a twat then they should be dealt with accordingly by the site staff rather than introducing blanket rules that affect everyone else


Trouble is people tend to think overkill is suitable justice for someone not taking a hit though so they put half a mag into them. Things get rowdy and then it’s semi only rather than just moving on or reporting the player

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  On 08/09/2020 at 16:25, Albiscuit said:

Trouble is people tend to think overkill is suitable justice for someone not taking a hit though so they put half a mag into them. Things get rowdy and then it’s semi only rather than just moving on or reporting the player



although on contrast we also have the "two shots!? you serious mate?" type who think being pinged more than once before they've called a hit is overkill.

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  On 08/09/2020 at 17:43, Adolf Hamster said:


although on contrast we also have the "two shots!? you serious mate?" type who think being pinged more than once before they've called a hit is overkill.


Often also the ones who wear only glasses then moan about being shot it the face. 


Just to clarify I'm not condoning deliberate head shots when the whole body or torso is exposed, just those who peek out from cover only giving their face as a target and start bitching when shot

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  On 08/09/2020 at 18:10, Cannonfodder said:

Often also the ones who wear only glasses then moan about being shot it the face. 


Just to clarify I'm not condoning deliberate head shots when the whole body or torso is exposed, just those who peek out from cover only giving their face as a target and start bitching when shot



Funny enough i'm a glasses only guy.


But as i said earlier its not getting hit in the face is the problem, even on auto, its when someone does it intentionally.


I aim centre of mass of what i see, if thats a face then thats what i shoot at, if i have a full body shot i'll generally be aiming at the stomach

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In an indoor arena, or inside a building; I can see it. You don't want someone to come around a corner and put 10+ rounds into you at close range, that shits gonna suck something serious. But.. if you're going to be playing with a serious CQB focus? Chances are you're running pistols or shotguns anyway.

Outside though? in forests and the like? there's sodding foliage and the like we've got to deal with often deflecting or outright stopping rounds, so putting out rapid bursts of fire is often the most effective way of ensuring a couple get through bushes and the like to hit the target. Especially at the often longer distances you're encountering between players in those scenarios.

I think some of this "Semi Only" mentality is trickling into site admin stuff from the GBBR/Core Milsim crowds. The folks who're only ever carrying small amounts of ammo per game for the sense of 'realism', so can't afford to just let loose with thirty rounds in one pull from a 120+rng magazine like most AEG's can.
That kind of thinking is fine at say a Gas only event, or at a mil-sim... but at your average field, on an average day? folks just want to gear up, get going; and have fun watching tiny plastic balls swarm the sky like gnats in summer.

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  On 09/09/2020 at 05:00, XanderShadow said:

I think some of this "Semi Only" mentality is trickling into site admin stuff from the GBBR/Core Milsim crowds. The folks who're only ever carrying small amounts of ammo per game for the sense of 'realism', so can't afford to just let loose with thirty rounds in one pull from a 120+rng magazine like most AEG's can.



Possibly, and along with others here, I'd be OK with that - I also prefer semi auto (or short bursts at ~10rps) even in woodland.


But if so I'd expect there to be milsimmish exceptions for set-up support guns (rather than a Firehawk with a drug mag).


Absent that, I'd be more minded to assume that it's due to someone getting hosed down by a wanker-gun and crying foul.  Possibly a marshal or the site owner.


Has anyone asked woodland site owners why they have semi-only rules?

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  On 07/09/2020 at 16:29, DrAlexanderTobacco said:

F&O: The Base CQC?



  On 07/09/2020 at 16:30, Groot said:


They also got a bit ancy if you shot for more than a second.

What if you have a slow ROF:P



Well, that explains a lot then. They used to allow full auto as long as you were outside the buildings (and not firing into one). When they changed it to no full auto within 3 feet of as building (which wasn't policed very well) it sucked balls anyway especially as I'd taken my LMG that day!


In principle I have no issue with it but don't tell people it's fine to use support weapons then tell them there's a 3 foot square you can use it in.

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Might be a few miniguns going cheap!


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The site I play (woodland) is full auto everywhere but in buildings is limited to 3 second bursts. I play mainly in semi but it’s nice to switch to auto if behind a bush to actually have a chance to get a bb through or if I’m laying down suppressive fire. There is no bang rule just a gentleman’s surrender which normally ends in a trade. I don’t think I would go if it changed to single shot only. 

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I haven't been playing airsoft for long.

I either play at local CQB arena which is semi only (makes sense as there is no MED and power limits are either 100 m/s or 130 m/s, depending on the day). Even when I play outdoors there tend to be rules like being allowed to carry only 2 or 3 mid caps or having to complete in-game objective to unlock burst/full auto. So I guess I could live without full auto at all. Tho I would love to hear what folks from Germany would say on this subject :D

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