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General election


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Its getting near that time and politics is always a interesting topic. So who are we voting for and why?


I'm voting SNP because going on last nights debate Nicola sturgeon is the only one that wants to change things for the poor and has the backbone to do so. The greens woman was pretty poor although her party's main points are similar to the SNP. Miliband Cameron and clegg are terrible people fronting terrible party's that want to keep the rich rich and the poor down in the gutter. The £8 minimum wage might attract some people but will it be so attractive when you get taxed more and walk out with less than now. As for Farage what a racist cunt, he wants to stop people coming here and contributing to the UK. He disagrees with the Barnett formula which actually pays Scotland less money than Scotland pays to Westminster. He doesn't want the UK to help the poor anywhere in the world by cutting forgein aid, UKIP can get to fuck.

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If I was back home I'd be voting for the SNP, cos well Braveheart. Jokes aside, I think it's worth the gamble to see Scotland actually put first for once, (I don't see the SNP having priorities in Brighton or something lol).


This'll be my first year voting, I'm not voting for labour because of the stuff they pulled back home. I'm far from a Tory, and I don't think UKIP really relates with me.


Anyone know if I can vote for the SNP whilst living in London?

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The SNP want to better Scotland but also want to help the rest of the UK along the way so if the got any power Brighton would be just as important as Glasgow. We're supposed to be a United Kingdom not London and the poor bits.


If you can't vote SNP vote green they seem decent just a bit lightweight.

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All politicians are the same. The only thing they want is power and money for themselves. Politics is a big ego trip. None of them care a shit about ordinary people, except when it comes to election time and if they could they'd get rid of elections altogether. But don't believe all the crap from Labour about being on the side of the working man. They are basically Communist and like all commies they just want to control everything (I know having been a Labour party member in the past). Ed Ballsup will be a total disaster as Chancellor and under him taxes for everyone will need rise to pay for their total inability to understand economics. And when taxes rise, investment drops and wealth creating jobs are destroyed. Gordon Brown totally destroyed the UK pensions industry during New Labour's first term in office and everyone who has a job today will have a far poorer retirement because of his stupidity (remember his selling Britain's gold at rock bottom prices!!).


The Tories are hardly any better, but they do understand that private enterprise is what actually creates wealth in any economy and wealth creates jobs. Without profits there is no money to invest in improving products or working conditions or creating more jobs. Government jobs (local & national) may put money in some peoples pockets, but if every job was a government job then before long there would be no jobs as they would be no money to pay for them.


As for the SNP, what a pity that September's vote was no, as otherwise we could do without them having any say in the way the majority of the people in the UK are governed. Their only interest is Scotland, so unless anything discussed in Westminster has a direct effect on Scottish interests they should have no say whatsoever on things south of the border.


The Greens are irrelevant. Their ideas would send this country back to before the Industrial revolution. Just look at the alternative energy policies. Wind power is a total waste of time and money as it cannot be relied upon when needed. Wave power would have been a much better bet, as at least you can rely on the fact that the tides will rise and fall twice a day. You cannot say that with wind. And due to green policies we're closing coal fired power stations and closing nuclear plants so fast that in a few years we'll be back to the 1970s with rolling power cuts because there just isn't enough spare generating capacity in this country. Just hope we don't have a really bad winter in the next few years.


Climbs off soap box and goes back to watching the telly!! :angry:

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i'll bite


have a look here >> http://www.parliament.uk/briefing-papers/sn04033.pdf This is a .pdf from parliament/westminster which shows on average ppl living in Scotland get more per head spent on them (15%) soo you pay Westminster more and get more back ... why can't we all just get the same!


as for farage, i don't consider him racist, he speaks the truth as far as i can see, if the truth is racist then soo be it. He wants to stop ppl coming here living on the dole in mansions getting handouts/paid more then i earn and contributing nothing at all, if you listened he wanted a similar thing to Australians point immigration system.


why should we give foreign aid to a country (lets take India for this example) that has just sent a space mission to mars ... we cannot afford to do that! And alot of the other countries only use the money to spend it on arms, while there people are starving ... we seem to give more every year, yet every year more are starving, notice a pattern??


as for sturgeon, it amazes me only a while ago how she was trying her damnedest to get Scotland out of the UK ... now she wants to run it .... No .. just No


cameron/miliband are almost the same ... its like which colour do you like best blue or red???

clegg is just a cameron wannabe imho


I hate Europe, The UK pay lots into it, yet rarely see anything out of it, you go Ireland and almost ever bit of motorway has a nice signpost "funded by the European community"


Its time for a change. I will be voting UKIP

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  On 03/04/2015 at 20:49, RR01 said:

All politicians are the same. The only thing they want is power and money for themselves. Politics is a big ego trip. None of them care a sh*t about ordinary people, except when it comes to election time and if they could they'd get rid of elections altogether. But don't believe all the crap from Labour about being on the side of the working man. They are basically Communist and like all commies they just want to control everything (I know having been a Labour party member in the past). Ed Ballsup will be a total disaster as Chancellor and under him taxes for everyone will need rise to pay for their total inability to understand economics. And when taxes rise, investment drops and wealth creating jobs are destroyed. Gordon Brown totally destroyed the UK pensions industry during New Labour's first term in office and everyone who has a job today will have a far poorer retirement because of his stupidity (remember his selling Britain's gold at rock bottom prices!!).


The Tories are hardly any better, but they do understand that private enterprise is what actually creates wealth in any economy and wealth creates jobs. Without profits there is no money to invest in improving products or working conditions or creating more jobs. Government jobs (local & national) may put money in some peoples pockets, but if every job was a government job then before long there would be no jobs as they would be no money to pay for them.


As for the SNP, what a pity that September's vote was no, as otherwise we could do without them having any say in the way the majority of the people in the UK are governed. Their only interest is Scotland, so unless anything discussed in Westminster has a direct effect on Scottish interests they should have no say whatsoever on things south of the border.


The Greens are irrelevant. Their ideas would send this country back to before the Industrial revolution. Just look at the alternative energy policies. Wind power is a total waste of time and money as it cannot be relied upon when needed. Wave power would have been a much better bet, as at least you can rely on the fact that the tides will rise and fall twice a day. You cannot say that with wind. And due to green policies we're closing coal fired power stations and closing nuclear plants so fast that in a few years we'll be back to the 1970s with rolling power cuts because there just isn't enough spare generating capacity in this country. Just hope we don't have a really bad winter in the next few years.


Climbs off soap box and goes back to watching the telly!! :angry:

Ok Sorry but your wrong. Wind power is a very reliable method of providing energy. Scotland produces more energy than we need thanks in part to them. Also if labour was communist which they are the polar opposite they would want to stop the class devide and be all about common ownership and being on the side of the working man, see Tommy sherridan. Why shouldn't the SNP or plaid Cymru for that matter not have a say in how the UK is run? Are Scotland and Wales not apart of the UK? Your also missing the point that the SNP represent a country in the UK and the want that country to prosper so if the UK prospers Scotland will prosper. The Torries have made the UK go backwards more national debt more cuts yet the rich get let off lightly. It's a bad state of affairs if people go hungry or without a roof over there head when you have companies avoiding paying billions in tax and getting away with it. The cost of HS2 alone £4BILLION could stop millions of kids living in poverty but this torrie government would rather a faster train to London and we're paying for it here and won't see any benefit.

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In terms of airsoft the only current concern I think is the greens who would ban RIFs completely. I haven't seen any other parties make any particular moves one way or the other for our sport.

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  On 03/04/2015 at 20:50, sp00n said:

i'll bite


have a look here >> http://www.parliament.uk/briefing-papers/sn04033.pdf This is a .pdf from parliament/westminster which shows on average ppl living in Scotland get more per head spent on them (15%) soo you pay Westminster more and get more back ... why can't we all just get the same!


as for farage, i don't consider him racist, he speaks the truth as far as i can see, if the truth is racist then soo be it. He wants to stop ppl coming here living on the dole in mansions getting handouts/paid more then i earn and contributing nothing at all, if you listened he wanted a similar thing to Australians point immigration system.


why should we give foreign aid to a country (lets take India for this example) that has just sent a space mission to mars ... we cannot afford to do that! And alot of the other countries only use the money to spend it on arms, while there people are starving ... we seem to give more every year, yet every year more are starving, notice a pattern??


as for sturgeon, it amazes me only a while ago how she was trying her damnedest to get Scotland out of the UK ... now she wants to run it .... No .. just No


cameron/miliband are almost the same ... its like which colour do you like best blue or red???

clegg is just a cameron wannabe imho


I hate Europe, The UK pay lots into it, yet rarely see anything out of it, you go Ireland and almost ever bit of motorway has a nice signpost "funded by the European community"


Its time for a change. I will be voting UKIP

Scotland has 5.5million people.unemployment sits under 150,000 so we have a higher % of the population in employment than the rest of the UK.English people have been spoon fed the lie that Scotland gets handouts from England when it is in fact the other way around. Why do you think Scotland was a important part of the Union in September but now we are a threat to the UK? The big 3 shit themselves when the yes camp came out on top in a poll. The 3 of them came up the next day to Glasgow and Edinburgh to support the no campaign. Sturgeon doesn't want to run the UK and as she is first minister she can't but the SNP wants a fair society for everyone everywhere but what's wrong with the UK being run from Edinburgh Cardiff or Belfast most scots wanted out because they don't want ruled from London. English people are scared incase the SNP get a say on matters but don't care they have dictated to Scotland for 300 years. Nigel Farage's answer to everything is cutting immigration are we going to cut migration aswell? we need immigrants they put more into the UK than they take out but they are a easy group to pick on. Farage has nothing important to say apart from stop immigration.

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  On 03/04/2015 at 21:28, BrightCandle said:

In terms of airsoft the only current concern I think is the greens who would ban RIFs completely. I haven't seen any other parties make any particular moves one way or the other for our sport.

Labour are going to give everyone a free mystery box :D


It might be a ICS l85 or a 10% tax increase.

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  On 03/04/2015 at 21:57, JamesAirsofterAgent said:

**Grabs popcorn**

Just aquickie and probably not gonna get any yes's; would you vote for a commie parliament IF it worked as it does in theory?

Yes. But it would never work because communism would require a totally selfless government and once people get a taste of control and power they always want more and become dictators not leaders.
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  On 03/04/2015 at 21:57, JamesAirsofterAgent said:

**Grabs popcorn**

Just aquickie and probably not gonna get any yes's; would you vote for a commie parliament IF it worked as it does in theory?

Yes. My friend was born into communism and told me when you were 18 you had a small house and a job and you could afford to live. Now the average wage is 400 pm and after rent and bills you have nothing. perception of communism is everything is state controlled and its a bleak life for the workers. Sounds like the UK today apart from we have food banks and higher unemployment.

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  On 03/04/2015 at 21:42, Jambo88 said:

Scotland has 5.5million people.unemployment sits under 150,000 so we have a higher % of the population in employment than the rest of the UK.English people have been spoon fed the lie that Scotland gets handouts from England when it is in fact the other way around. Why do you think Scotland was a important part of the Union in September but now we are a threat to the UK? The big 3 sh*t themselves when the yes camp came out on top in a poll. The 3 of them came up the next day to Glasgow and Edinburgh to support the no campaign. Sturgeon doesn't want to run the UK and as she is first minister she can't but the SNP wants a fair society for everyone everywhere but what's wrong with the UK being run from Edinburgh Cardiff or Belfast most scots wanted out because they don't want ruled from London. English people are scared incase the SNP get a say on matters but don't care they have dictated to Scotland for 300 years. Nigel Farage's answer to everything is cutting immigration are we going to cut migration aswell? we need immigrants they put more into the UK than they take out but they are a easy group to pick on. Farage has nothing important to say apart from stop immigration.


Like you say Scotland is a part of the UK, its like my arm ... i like my arm, its part of me ... i don't want it to leave me ;) i like Scotland, i like that its part of the UK, why would anyone want you to leave???


off topic a bit but why do you need a regional government? seriously i have never understood that. PM if its along answer i don't want to derail this thread


my issue with sturgeon is one minute she wants to be out of the UK ... next she wants to be in uk government in some form.


as for where its run from, its run from the national capital ... which isn't any or the cities you listed, hell in my view it should be run from the dead center of the UK.


you keep saying that Scotland has things dictated to them, have you ever thought it might be the people you elect that's the problem ... isn't gordon brown a scot?? he didn't do a lot for you when he was PM for a brief period as far as i am aware (feel free to correct me if i am wrong here).


from what you are saying it sounds like you need to stop and listen to everything farage says.


if you don't think immigration is a problem, that's fine. ignore that part .. but listen to the other stuff too.

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I am voting for labor, only because they are going to reduce university fee's.

If i wasn't at university i would be voting conservative however...i think Cameron is a better leader but labor has the better ideals

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  On 03/04/2015 at 22:12, Josh95 said:

I am voting for labor, only because they are going to reduce university fee's.

If i wasn't at university i would be voting conservative however...i think Cameron is a better leader but labor has the better ideals

You do realise that if you lower university fees then the tax payers put more money in. What is needed is more done to create jobs for graduates and less pointless degrees that dont lead to real jobs. Then university grads can pay back the loans easier and also put more back into the economy.
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Wasn't gonna reply as this is airsofting but wtf it is quiet......


Am or was one of Maggie's kids - yes Thatcher the milk snatcher

you go out, get best basic form of education, get a job, work hard and hopefully stand on your own two feet/home etc....


Wish Scotland got their yes vote tbh - if somebody really wants out in any partnership/relationship there really is not much you can do to make them stay

But ironic that everybody can start to pull away from UK with their own little country (always wondered when England would get a chance to opt out of UK)

Seriously we - the UK are the UK because of being together and why pull it all apart

yes everybody pays more or they pay less - heck how much I have paid in taxes but when I got made redundant I claimed very little back

they wouldn't listen about mortgage - they said your wife still works - didn't ask how much she earned or anything....

Luckily that time I got a job, a crappy $hit job but a job all the same within a month selling myself well short for a while

(but though that was a while back - '92 in fact and still trying to recover from last boom/bust - but was lucky I guess)


No I don't love the Tories like I used to, they have squeezed everybody but if you the country are in financial $hit

Then the last thing you do is take out a friggin' payday loan from Wonga - you have to cut back like family holidays, defense, welfare reduction etc....


I don't agree with Labour and the Blair & Brown pact - trust me m8 I'll let you have a go (and f*ck it up)

or the so called fair proportional representation bollox of how Ed Milliband came out on top

(yeah don't tell me the unions voting method so much better - do you realise how some unions are more f*cking corrupt than the politicians

You wouldn't believe the backhanders and scams that were ALWAYS pulled in Fleet St with NGA & SOGAT unions on papers and how very little

no I'd say F All those bastids gave a $hit about the rest of us working in pi$$pot printers for a fraction of what them greedy lot was getting

the stories and stunts they all pulled yet they were gobsmacked when they finally got f*cked over by Murdoch and all came crashing down

You can't hold papers/advertisments/newspapers to ransom for ever and take the pi$$ forever - something had/did give - plus the printers

were betrayed by some of the electrician union who ran those new presses at wapping the next day - yeah solidarity there my brothers)



Scotland did well - Nicola Sturgeon came across really well and we need to grow our way out of this

Yeah - with what ffs - how we gonna just chuck grass seeds about coz we are still in $hit still so we ain't chucking money around

I think Obahma is a good leader ffs but I can't vote for him from down South England...



I don't want Fracking either, I think UKIP lost what headway it was making with the AIDS treatment story but a lot of people are thinking

hang on a sec - "some" of that stuff does make a bit of sense to be fair but don't think they are all racist nutters

But do they have any other proposals other than get out of Europe and ease up a bit on immigration ????

Still some of their "milder" policies are being at least looked at by the main parties - only coz it may cost those parties dearly

not in money but in what they need - YOUR VOTE. That is the only reason they are kind of saying about looking at immigration/Europe


I do NOT want to see a Labour & SNP running the whole country - which could happen

(yeah nice one labour - think ya tucked yourself up there and even the more traditional labour people don't trust you - that is funny)


I feel Lib Dem and Tories should be given another term to see if they can finish the job rather than another lot come in and blame others

whilst they paper over the cracks so to speak. Lib Dem's have lost a lot of ground but feel they do what Clegg says and helps to keep the

Tories in check a little


Will I vote Tory like I have done previously or will I say to hell and vote UKIP like I did for Euro....

I dunno, I have been hit a little by the cuts, don't agree with fracking but unsure if UKIP will do much more than drag us out of europe


Which coming out of Europe can't be a mega bad deal like some say, in fact some financial analysts say it could be a good thing

Oh and America & China ain't in Europe but they still trade with the world - what did we do before we joined Europe but kept the £

Don't take everything you read to be gospel chaps on we must remain in Europe or the ar$e falls out of UK

Remember the Millenium Bug and everything was gonna go tits up, planes drop out of sky at midnight everybody panic.....

Ergh - think we scraped through just about ok on that one




Make up YOUR own mind, read up but take what YOU read at first glance with a pinch of salt, even the media is tainted depending on what/where you read


Go with YOUR gut feeling or what YOUR heart tells ya - if your party gets elected and makes a bigger mess than what we are in now...


DON'T blame THEM but the people who elected them - which YOU played a part in btw


WE CAN'T KEEP BLAMING EVERYBODY ELSE FOR UK's PROBLEMS - We need to own up and accept we are all responsible in some tiny way

we all overspent, we voted all the previous ar$eholes in, and stop moaning but get off our ar$es and ALL of us work to get out of this


No it ain't a speech for me to move into No10, and soz to anybody on here who is really in $hit and hit much harder times thatn most of us

(we moan but really we are still doing ok if you can somehow pay the bills (most of them) and food on table/wolves from door etc...)

soz to anybody who really is in $hit - I am sure it ain't as easy as many think it is to get a job and keep it - best of luck to those of you


be glad when its all over - just hope we don't get into a bigger mess when the dust settles - peace to all of you - yeah even SNP - kidding all of ya

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  On 03/04/2015 at 21:57, JamesAirsofterAgent said:

**Grabs popcorn**

Just aquickie and probably not gonna get any yes's; would you vote for a commie parliament IF it worked as it does in theory?


yeah lets see how many of the opposition get shot in westminster

actually that ain't a bad idea - go go Putinn

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  On 03/04/2015 at 22:24, ImTriggerHappy said:

You do realise that if you lower university fees then the tax payers put more money in. What is needed is more done to create jobs for graduates and less pointless degrees that dont lead to real jobs. Then university grads can pay back the loans easier and also put more back into the economy.


Well they got 30 yrs to pay it back or its written off - so that is one f*ckin long "Gap" year

but yeah we need decent proper courses and jobs for them to come out to

(as long as they are not lazy bastids like how a number of us have become over the years - myself included)

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  On 03/04/2015 at 22:08, sp00n said:


Like you say Scotland is a part of the UK, its like my arm ... i like my arm, its part of me ... i don't want it to leave me ;) i like Scotland, i like that its part of the UK, why would anyone want you to leave???


off topic a bit but why do you need a regional government? seriously i have never understood that. PM if its along answer i don't want to derail this thread


my issue with sturgeon is one minute she wants to be out of the UK ... next she wants to be in uk government in some form.


as for where its run from, its run from the national capital ... which isn't any or the cities you listed, hell in my view it should be run from the dead center of the UK.


you keep saying that Scotland has things dictated to them, have you ever thought it might be the people you elect that's the problem ... isn't gordon brown a scot?? he didn't do a lot for you when he was PM for a brief period as far as i am aware (feel free to correct me if i am wrong here).


from what you are saying it sounds like you need to stop and listen to everything farage says.


if you don't think immigration is a problem, that's fine. ignore that part .. but listen to the other stuff too.

If it wasn't for hollyrood Scotland would have been battered by thatcher like cuts. The SNP has helped make the NHS here better than the rest of the UK by increasing spending. We get free prescriptions and higher education that's why we need a government in Edinburgh. Also sturgeon isn't standing as a MP so won't have any say in English politics were sending big salmond down for that.


It doesn't matter who Scotland votes for because we're small and less than 1/10th the population of England. The Tories have 1 Westminster seat in Scotland. A area in the borders voted them in that has a low population but they are the party that rules the UK. Also Tony Blair was scottish but as I said the UK runs for the benefit of London. being apart of the Union is the same as the UK being in the EU because Brussels controls Westminster and Westminster controls Scotland so either way it's us that gets spit roasted.


I watched that debate on stv and every question farage answered started off with cutting immigration. Watch it it's on catch up. He is another Nick griffen I watched something the other week on CH4 and he was interviewed and he said he wants British people to get jobs over forgeiners but he forgets British people are pretty lazy and a lot of people would turn down a job picking fruit or cleaning toilets but under a points system those people that do those jobs won't get in. The freedom of movement is brilliant I have lived in Kraków because of freedom of movement I have met very good friends from over Europe but he wants to stop that. Britain is built on diversity and he wants to end that.

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They're all tits, it's a case of picking the best of a bad bunch. Not a huge fan of any of them, don't even like listening to them for the most part although I can listen to Farage even though I think the majority of the stuff that comes out his mouth is bollocks.


My take on it is that those who don't have a problem with things now will vote Conservative, those who don't like it will vote labour and the fruitcakes/loonies ;) will vote UKIP.

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The greatest Irony I found with the debate was the section on the NHS. Milliband was cutting into Cameron over 'ruining' the NHS. Next minute the Welsh lady turned round and ripped into Milliband pointing out it was his party that cut spending in Wales...


Ill probably vote conservative as the local MP seems to actually be a stand up guy who is not afraid to go against even his own party. UKIP certainly make a very good argument and Europe has been a cancer to us as far as our exports are concerned. However Cameron has promised a referendum anyway and if he does not deliver he can kiss my vote goodbye next time.

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Not sure if I'm going mad - oh waiting I'm nearly there


  On 03/04/2015 at 22:54, M_P said:

They're all tits, it's a case of picking the best of a bad bunch. Not a huge fan of any of them, don't even like listening to them for the most part although I can listen to Farage even though I think the majority of the stuff that comes out his mouth is bollocks.


My take on it is that those who don't have a problem with things now will vote Conservative, those who don't like it will vote labour and the fruitcakes/loonies ;) will vote UKIP.


Not sure if I'm going mad - oh wait I forgot I'm already mad

bastid dementia - what was I saying ????

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  On 03/04/2015 at 22:38, Jambo88 said:

If it wasn't for hollyrood Scotland would have been battered by thatcher like cuts. The SNP has helped make the NHS here better than the rest of the UK by increasing spending. We get free prescriptions and higher education that's why we need a government in Edinburgh. Also sturgeon isn't standing as a MP so won't have any say in English politics were sending big salmond down for that.


It doesn't matter who Scotland votes for because we're small and less than 1/10th the population of England. The Tories have 1 Westminster seat in Scotland. A area in the borders voted them in that has a low population but they are the party that rules the UK. Also Tony Blair was scottish but as I said the UK runs for the benefit of London. being apart of the Union is the same as the UK being in the EU because Brussels controls Westminster and Westminster controls Scotland so either way it's us that gets spit roasted.


I watched that debate on stv and every question farage answered started off with cutting immigration. Watch it it's on catch up. He is another Nick griffen I watched something the other week on CH4 and he was interviewed and he said he wants British people to get jobs over forgeiners but he forgets British people are pretty lazy and a lot of people would turn down a job picking fruit or cleaning toilets but under a points system those people that do those jobs won't get in. The freedom of movement is brilliant I have lived in Kraków because of freedom of movement I have met very good friends from over Europe but he wants to stop that. Britain is built on diversity and he wants to end that.

Actually Britain was built on conquest and nicking everything of value once we did.
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