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Status Updates posted by Hudson

  1. Well the VZ58 finally got it's first actual game out yesterday; more than 6 months after I bought it! Not too bad, but it definitely needed a new bucking.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Hudson


      I'm dubious enough as it is of Ares internals without putting an 11.1v in them! ;)

    3. sp00n


      Lmao :D :D :D


      good point, think if mine ever dose give up i am going to P* jack it

    4. Hudson


      If I can motivate my fat lazy arse, I want to do a disassembly video for the 58.

      Do you know if any exist already, so I have an excuse not to do it? :P

  2. Facebook airsoft groups: Where I.Q.s are small and Egos are huge! XD

    1. Show previous comments  15 more


      ImTriggerHappy, you are a bad human being

    3. ImTriggerHappy


      Thats a lot more polite than what most people call me.

  3. Remember kids, the higher your FPS; the better you are!!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Waaa? I've read a review where someone tested the power of his gun by shooting his dog... dafuq?

    3. two_zero


      how else would you know if it's strong enough to inflict pain on a dog? duh!

    4. two_zero


      just kiddin'!!

  4. Got my new shiny VZ58! Dear God the battery space is a massive ball-ache though!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      at just over £4 - get a file/dremmel and MAKE them fit

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      bummer - then it might have to to be the vapex ones

      as one I listed were long 116mm

    4. Hudson


      I don't think there's any way you *could* dremel or file, tbh.

      The way the thing's designed, if you take anything off the areas that *would* increase space you're going straight into a structural part, and then that opens up a whole new can of worms!


      Thanks for the help, but I think I'm just going to have to struggle on with what I have at present; at least unless someone makes an entire top cover that's actually a LiPo! ;)

  5. How in the hell can a spring guide just disappear?? >:(

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Hudson


      Eh, I wouldn't be taking it back anyhow tbh.


      I'll stick with my own tech-work from now on; it's about the only way I get stuff working properly! ;)

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      always the way when my other half makes me tidy up my mess as she calls it, then I can never locate the stuff again for yonks. Ah bless 'em


    4. Hudson


      It's not mess; it's organised chaos. I know where each & every part is until it gets tidied! ;)

  6. Non airsoft related; but is anyone familiar with trading/sale/purchase laws with regards to Ebay/distance selling? Got a friend having a bit of trouble with a likely scammer and would like some help. Professional knowledge ideally; no 'a friend told me this' etc. Thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Hudson


      Aye, that's pretty much what we've been telling them. Advised them to go down to citizens advice anyway, to get a professional opinion.

      Thanks for the help guys.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Stroppy seller - I'd say forward their details to trading standards but they won't do much on just one notification. But all the same wish they get a visit if selling fake goods at near real prices and buyers getting tucked up after paying good money

    4. GiantKiwi


      Distance Selling Regs have been phased out and replaced with Consumer Contracts Regulations and Consumer Rights Act, but basically a combination of the 2 mean the seller has zero chance of this making it past an initial hearing in court.


  7. "Brand New in box. Needs a new gearbox. And a barrel. And a body. And box."

    1. Show previous comments  10 more


      The amount of times I've seen "full metal" and they really mean the slide or something in terms of a pistol...

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      you guys need to stop shopping at JustBBguns then, I stopped ages ago - well last week to be exact...

      Oooohhhh another QUALITY B500a1 offer, go on then about time I got a pro gun



      Definitely top quality there, Duck!

  8. Spent most of yesterday kitting up for shooting today, and it ended up having to be cancelled due to low numbers. Yay. :(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. AshOnSnow


      It's a fairly large site - old abandoned WW2 RAF training ground. It's got 5 main areas of contact between the two teams, so at 120, that's 60 on each team, split across the 5 areas which takes it down to 12 per squad, minus 4 on each who are doddling back to respawn, so each little concentrated battle only becomes 8 on 8 (give or take, the Grasslands area usually has a little more as it's a larger space).


      Parking is tricky though!

    3. Hudson


      What site is it?

    4. AshOnSnow


      Coms Site 3

  9. Ohhh Facebook sales groups. You *are* good for a laugh sometimes.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Hudson


      That is, apart from getting bullshit everywhere!

    3. RiseOfTheDerp


      The universe implodes

    4. RiseOfTheDerp


      The universe implodes

  10. Why is it that some people expect site chronos to adjust to their RIFs and not the other way round?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      NEVER try to cheat chrono - often they give you mag to test but even then they can just speed fill 6 or so 0.20's into most mags, so really don't ever think of trying at my local site

  11. Hooray! First day out with it and my new type 89 died before I even made it to the safety brief. 🙃😭

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Hudson


      Found that shapeways do a replacement part, but the cheapest shipping is almost £15.


      What the actual fuck. 😑

    3. Rogerborg


      Massive, pendulous oofs.


      What brand should we be avoiding?  I'm only seeing TM Type 89s.

    4. Hudson


      It's a Tercel, which I think is just another rebranding of the Jing Gong or Both Elephant.


      I don't think it's the brand itself necessarily, as I had one about ten years ago for a while and had no problems.

      I think it's just age, it'd been sat in storage for a while according to the advert.


      I wouldn't even have needed to open it up, but it was doing over 380fps when I got it. 🙃😅

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      lol - quick change spring :D

    3. Hudson


      Yup. Absolutely gutted. A two hour drive each way, to boot. >_<


      If it hadn't been made by Ares, I would have just done it myself; but from experience I'm highly skeptical of Ares' longevity and so I wanted to not invalidate the warranty or anything, but seeing as I had to pay regardless, I'd have been as well off doing it myself. Pah!

    4. Hudson


      Still; I'll know for next time!

  12. I'm looking at giving some .30 ammo a try for general AEG usage; are there any new-ish brands out that are worth a look before I go for some blasters?

  13. Decided to take a risk on Ares & order a VZ58...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SgtTalbert


      My ASG MK43 is a rebranded Ares, had 12,000 bb's roughly so far....never missed a beat and always feeds and as I've said before, nearly matches my TM recoil for range. My vz.58 also shoots well and hops .28 very well

    3. Hudson


      Well it'll be staying completely stock until it eventually dies, so I'll see how long it lasts.

    4. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      will prob be alright, even the dodgiest guns can't have a very high % of guns sold having issues

  14. Had a play around with my mate's Airsoft AA12, pretty impressive but by god, it's a bulky sonovabitch!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hudson
    3. CES_williamson


      doesnt look that bad! when you an get a video of it please do it will be interesting !

    4. Hudson


      *If* and when I do. It depends if he gets round to getting it back up & running; but there's not much to see.

      It fires I *think* 5 shots at a time out to a 20/25m range.

  15. Urgh. 15 year olds trying to buy my RIFs. >:(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hudson


      I kind of feel a bit bad now; the kid got banned from the groups...oh dear how sad, never mind.

    3. Governor


      First, be smart from the very beginning. Pulverize all teeth, burn off fingerprints, and disfigure the face. Forcing a DNA test to establish identity (if it ever comes to that) might introduce the legal/forensic hurdle that saves your ass down the line. An unidentifiable body can, in a pinch, be dressed in thrift store clothes and dropped in a bad part of town where the police are less likely to question it. I don't reommend that disposal method, I'm just saying an easily identifiable...

    4. SeniorSpaz87


      Bury the body parts at least 2m underground, vertically, with a dead fox or something equivalent at least 2 feet above the body. Satellites use ground penetrating radar to look for 5-6ft horizontal shallow holes in the ground. And the fox is for if a police dog finds the body; investigators will find the animal and assume that's what the dog smelt (dogs are trained to find buried bodies, whatever the species)

  16. UKARA set minimum engagement distances now apparently?


    That's news to me. 🤔 🤔 🤔 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Skara


      Maybe he meant 50 feet...

      You know, when you use an inferior unit for measures that relies on fuck all logic :P


      Let's just say the head marshal hates snipers.


      on a serious note, sites should figure out at what distance a heavy bb fired at 2.3J drops its energy to a "safe" level (say 1J). Your 20m bog standard MED was calculated on a 0.20g bb being fired at 500 fps, we all know that heavy bbs retain their energy for a longer time/distance and that nobody with at least one working brain cell would use 0.2s in a 2.3J gun.

    3. Hudson


      No, he definitely meant metres. "I was in the army, I know distances!" 🤪


      Like I say, I've no problem with sites running any rules they want, just the passing bullshit off as fact. 😂

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      @Skara i did run the math on it, a 2.5j shot with a 0.2gbb has 0.39j at 20m, with a 0.5g bb you're talking 1.27j, which lines up surprisingly well with a 1.3j limit for auto/non MED pews



  17. PC blew up tonight. Boo. :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GiantKiwi


      @Lozart - It is if its a noname cheapo brand :P

    3. Lozart


      I usually find, the cheaper the PSU, the more likely it is to spike and wipe out the HDD too. That's why I have a Corsair HX1050....

    4. proffrink


      Like Lozart says: If your PSU goes then it usually takes at least the motherboard with it.


      Might just be heat though. Clean them fans and radiators yearly, people. And don't use generic case fans (with a few exceptions) unless you like poor air flow.

  18. I got nearly 380fps out of an M90 spring. This was supposed to be a downgrade! >:[

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      new box/gin must have bore up cylinder, tbb and all perfect seals etc....

      old box maybe worn seals, cyl volume ratio out etc.... so performed not so good

      But 30 over limit or 50 increase from 1 box to other - jeez is quite a lot

      you sure it was a m90 ?

    3. Hudson


      That's what it says on the box!

      Going to swap it all out into a quick change box so at least I won't need to disassemble it fully in future.

    4. Hudson


      And no, just a standard cylinder!

  19. It's somewhat amusing that almost *every* gun I see for sale nowadays is advertised as 'Out-shooting/shoots father/out-performs every other gun on site'.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ian_Gere


      I'd have liked to have shot my father with any of my airsoft guns. Seriously.

    3. Mr Monkey Nuts

      Mr Monkey Nuts

      nevr skirmished, comes with 8 tatty hi caps and a smashed red dot

    4. Hudson


      & Ex two tone. Will include 8000 bulldog BBs free. ;)

  20. Anybody else had problems getting a Pro-Win M4 hop unit to fit? It won't go by about 1 or 2mm; I'm presuming due to the flat shape of the top section, as opposed to the slanted shape of normal hop units, perhaps?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hudson


      The army one is compatible.

    3. Max2000


      I think the problem in yours is that your outer barrel "chamber" is too short and that's why the prowin doesn't fit.


    4. Hudson


      I'll give that a check and see. Cheers!

  21. Is it all youngsters nowadays that need spoon feeding, or just airsofters? >_

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Raggedy_man


      As a complete new guy with no friends that do it I have found it a little daunting but the folks on the forum have been fantastic. Mind you some people surprise me that they survived to adulthood...

    3. Aengus
    4. Hudson


      It's not ignorance that annoys me; there's always something you don't know after all.

      It's when people are just so lazy & unwilling to expend the slightest bit of effort or thought and insist on having everything done for them that I get annoyed!

  22. £450 for an ICS 551? Seriously...?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Monty


      Months ago, yeah.

    3. Hudson


      Does it matter how long ago it was? It was still a ridiculous price to start with...

    4. Esoterick


      That sort of pricing always makes me dubious if the seller will check for a defence.

  23. Quick question: Does anyone know offhand what size the spade connectors for motors are?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hudson


      If it is 2.8mm that's perfect. Can get them for 16p each in that case.

    3. Lozart


      Component shop sell small ones for 16p a throw but they're not gold plated (although that's actually NOT an issue for motor connections BTW). They're 1/8" hence 2.8mm as SD said.

    4. Hudson


      Cheers guys. :)

  24. Just to check: Under 18s buying & using pyrotechnics on site. It *is* illegal, right?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hudson


      Really? Huh. I would have thought otherwise!

      Ah well, I don't go there, so no great worry to me either way!


      Cheers guys.

    3. CES_williamson


      when i was under 18, you can get an over 18 to buy the pyro's off site for you and give them to you(like gifting a RIF, no money or services to be exchanged) and use them on, i think its the sale of them which is the issue as its selling pyrotechnics/fireworks to a minor, hence a lot of sites ban under 18's from "buying" pyros but not many specify the age to use!

    4. Sacarathe


      Given issues of consent to the health and safety risk posed by pyro, I doubt it's a sales issue. It's much more likely to be an issue where an non-adult cannot waive responsibility for any injury liability from the adults/company responsible.

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