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Status Replies posted by StayOnTarget

  1. Hi Guys. I'm not going to be about much. Father-in-law has passed away so I'm needed elsewhere.


    See you all in a bit.

  2. Got my UKARA finally! Wooo


    1. StayOnTarget


      Oh excellent I'm sure I speak for everyone on this forum when i say....we cant wait to spend your money😁🖖

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  3. Accurate depiction of Moderators VS Spammers:



  4. Accurate depiction of Moderators VS Spammers:



  5. Accurate depiction of Moderators VS Spammers:



  6. That great feeling when your Custom @rocketdogbert Glock arrives in the post 😎

  7. TM Hi Capa Gold Match has arrived.... now to spend what i spent on the gun, on upgrades....

  8. Sensible me: Testing the waters of getting back into airsoft, buys a £140 AEG. Also me: Spends £500 on gear in three weeks.

  9. So far Lucky 13 is my fav on Love,Death and Robots,thanks mate for recommending it 👍

  10. So far Lucky 13 is my fav on Love,Death and Robots,thanks mate for recommending it 👍

  11. Got any movie suggestions for me to watch on a Friday night chaps? 


    I've spent the last half hour scrolling through recent flicks and Reddit's top 250 and just can't decide.

    1. StayOnTarget


      L3wisD is in really deep shit with my wife,he recommended Love,Death and Robots and since then I've done fuck all around the house so to get myself out of the shit I've showed her this post pointing out "not my fault its his". While on the Airsoft field I consider myself a man of honour off the field however is a different matter😁

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  12. Got any movie suggestions for me to watch on a Friday night chaps? 


    I've spent the last half hour scrolling through recent flicks and Reddit's top 250 and just can't decide.

    1. StayOnTarget


      Siege of Jadotville fucking rocks I loved that thanks for the reminder as for Love Death Robots never heard of it but it sounds right up my alley,loved Altered Carbon season 1 couldn't wait for season 2 so got the audio books a bit different to the tv show but just as engaging I did however find the sex scenes in the books a tad embarrassing to listen to I'm far from being a prude but having some bloke read a scene to me was erm uncomfortable now if it had been Emily Blunt...SHWING!!!

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  13. Got any movie suggestions for me to watch on a Friday night chaps? 


    I've spent the last half hour scrolling through recent flicks and Reddit's top 250 and just can't decide.

    1. StayOnTarget


      Ah missed you last night but Triple Frontier,Polar are popcorners and Shot Caller is one of my favs or Upgrade,Extinction and Hell or High Water all very good flicks


      Wind River,Den of Thieves and 13 Hours also most excellent

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  14. Buy cheap, buy twice.


    Been telling that to a new team member, he bought a lot of cheap Chinese crap and he's now been annoying for a whole week, texting me and other teammates trying to leech good gear at low prices..

    As if he doesn't have a well paying job already 😕

    1. StayOnTarget


      Holy shit thats just silly cheap for what you get,nice one!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. Buy cheap, buy twice.


    Been telling that to a new team member, he bought a lot of cheap Chinese crap and he's now been annoying for a whole week, texting me and other teammates trying to leech good gear at low prices..

    As if he doesn't have a well paying job already 😕

    1. StayOnTarget


      Alright L3wiD I'ver got one for you £350 pound budget 2 lower priced RIFS or 1 mid level one? And yes you've got mags ammo batteries etc👍

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. Buy cheap, buy twice.


    Been telling that to a new team member, he bought a lot of cheap Chinese crap and he's now been annoying for a whole week, texting me and other teammates trying to leech good gear at low prices..

    As if he doesn't have a well paying job already 😕

    1. StayOnTarget


      Yep buy what you can afford,if you have a budget spend the lot dont skimp,I had big plans to buy a cheap AEG and then tech it up myself but was let down by retailer so thought fuck it what can I get for my max budget and bought a Krytac LVOA,I had a few quid left over from xmas wage so bought a CYMA AK its spot on except its hotter than the sun so had to spend a few bob on a spring to downgrade it 🖖

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. Finally started shooting the CM16 just to test it today but I've a few problems:

    Out of the box, it shoots really low and left. I adjusted the rear sights a bit and tried messing around with the hopup (which goes the opposite way to the instructions supplied it seems) but its still pretty inaccurate at a little less than 10m. Any advice?

    Also I probably put around 100ish rounds through it, should I put the battery on charge again before tomorrow?


    1. StayOnTarget


      Yep welcome to airsoft where one of everything is not enough and neither is tow or three for that matter(just kidding) defo get some more mags and a back up battery though,if your watching the pennies and haven't got any camo look at helikon trousers very hard wearing pretty cheap and on the leg pockets the insides have elastic loops in them that you can use as mag pouches(rifle not pistol)👍 oh have a look on BZtactical I get mys BBs from there been using Tippman .25 .28 .30 good price and zero issues🖖

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  18. Remember our friend from the £700 swat loadout? There's a new video of him and his friends putting loaded magazines in guns in the safe zone.



    Jesus wept...


    Bonus points if you spot the guy looking down the barrel of his loaded revolver without eye protection on.




    1. StayOnTarget


      The best thing we can all do is hit that Block this channel button on YouTube,the more views he gets the more you'll just encourage him and his mates to do more stupid things.There are plenty of great videos on YouTube why waste your precious time on that rubbish? BTW has anyone seen the video of the cat who stands up for the Russian national anthem😁


    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  19. Seen the MDR?



    1. StayOnTarget


      Personally it looks like I could be signing my divorce papers...thats one sexy pew pew

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. hmmm, should my next purchase be a nice new body for the m4 (king arms reciever is getting a bit knackered) or a nice ak?

    1. StayOnTarget


      Oh thats just begging to be sanded down maybe some Annie Sloan chalk paint,I'm thinking a nice paris grey then a antique white gently sanded in places to allow the grey to come trough and finally lime waxed to finish? 


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  21. hmmm, should my next purchase be a nice new body for the m4 (king arms reciever is getting a bit knackered) or a nice ak?

    1. StayOnTarget


      Depends what look you're going for,for me its the modern Spetsnaz look,each to their own eh🖖

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. hmmm, should my next purchase be a nice new body for the m4 (king arms reciever is getting a bit knackered) or a nice ak?

    1. StayOnTarget


      I'll be using my new AK next weekend but just on general testing I'm really liking it


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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