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Everything posted by Skara

  1. So, in these days I ordered: 2x Vector Optics Maverick dot; 2x TTI AAP drum magwell; 5x AW glock red gas router; 1x ALG Defense 6 Seconds mount repro; A bunch of viton o-rings and x-rings; 1x AT size waterproof paper holder thingy (to store folded maps and documents); 1x DD MFR XS (RIS III) 9" repro and most likely some other thing I totally forgot about..
  2. Cool, so leave the internals alone until they die (hopefully never) and just get the cosmetic stuff. I think I already have a ML rubber + I-Key in there, I'll check later and if not, I should have a few lying around On a side note, I was browsing on Airsoft World and found out they have an EU warehouse in Slovenia, though the website looks ultra shady as they don't take PP but only credit card payments. Can anyone confirm they're actually legit or am I going to get scammed giga hard? I will also order the 6 seconds mount from AliExpress, the one I've seen states that it's made for TM/WE glocks. EDIT: Airsoftzone seems to have them in stock and I trust it as it's part of TMH, company that owns both Claw Gear and Invader Gear from which I have already made a couple of orders.
  3. Hey boiiiiis, I have this old and battered TM Glock 17 that I got from a friend for a whopping €25 two years ago (yep, bought him a LiPo battery and he gave me the gun) and it's been sitting in a drawer ever since, fires nice but the trigger has a weird problem that doesn't affect operation. I'm considering spending some shekels on it by building a race gun-sort of thinamajig. The plan is to change out a few bits like the trigger for a TTI (yup, love me a TTI trigger), add a magwell and a repro ALG Defense 6 seconds mount because reasons. Internally I am still not sure, maybe a CowCow hammer set? Yay or nay? Anything I should take care of while I crack it open? Pic for attention ❤️ EDIT: Forgot to add that this gun won't get skirmished, it's just for plinking or the odd summer night cqb game if I don't feel like using my AAPs.
  4. tfw you cheated chrono so hard you're being sent straight to the frontline
  5. Iirc G&G makes a polymer version at a lower price, but can't remember the name. Either way £300 for an ARP seems a little over the top for me, if you don't mind teching you can get more performance for less. You might want to take a look at the King Arms series of PDWs, I have the 9mm version and a full overhaul wasn't too expensive, I think I spent around €300 on mine between gun and upgrades, though I already had some parts.
  6. One week before a fun 21h event and my ankle decides to commit sudoku.


    Feels good to be a wreck at 30yo....


    Edit: of course the good ankle, not the one with 30 tons of titanium still in it -.-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shamal


      Bottle and bag. Luxury 😂



    3. Tactical Pith Helmet

      Tactical Pith Helmet

      Can you play in a less physical role?


      Last game I did a chap twisted his ankle first day in and ran all the coms for the rest of the week.  

    4. Skara


      Unfortunately not, our role is to hike around the place doing shit.

      I do feel much better than yesterday to be fair, at least I didn't wake up cursing every deity known to man like I did yesterday.


      Ankle is still swollen and looks like a melon, I have no idea how it happened, I just woke up like that. I guess I strained my Achilles's tendon because rocking my foot back and forth hurts like a bitch.

  7. Just got these in the mail. Claw Gear Mk2 Operator Pants in RAL 7013 (colour is off in the picture, it's the middle ground between OD and RG), now I *might* need some internal knee pads.
  8. 38" is bang on for my body, still a tiny bit of slack. 32" inseam is a touch long but I can live with it (I wish they made a 30" inseam, would've been perfect)
  9. So they go straight up to 60m then veer left? Or does the BB gradually move along its path?
  10. Does anyone know the inner diameter of the Geissele mk16 SMR handguard?
  11. Maybe that's the issue. Care to write down a parts list? Maybe your hop rubber is slightly tilted or the TDC isn't applying proper pressure.
  12. Almost two months later, an update! Life's been a twat and didn't have much disposable income until last week, but I kept looking at the various options. In the end I went with the Claw Gear Mk II Combat Operator Pants because of the stretchy material on the butt, zipper ankle closure and lack of extra, unnecessary pockets. At €140 they're not even that expensive, right within my initial budget (teammates kept recommending SOD gear, but it's right on par with Crye regarding price and, as previously stated, if I had to spend that much I would have gone with Crye.). I did take a gamble on sizing, ordered a 38/32 which is, theoretically, a perfect fit for me. If it ends up being a little tight, I'll take it as an incentive to lose some weight A size 40 would be definitely too large, even for me.
  13. dis ❤️ https://liveqordie.com/mini-fix-pistol/
  14. I'd love to see an airsoft Mini Fix!!!!!!
  15. Funny enough, I have a CQB bolt action in the works more like a wallhanger/plinker kind of gun, but still
  16. 0.8J as per TM standard. Cool gimmick stock but it's still a TM vsr, with an utter wank 45° trigger and a cylinder that needs drilling to access.
  17. That's my balcony and it's been raining like crazy for the last 4 days
  18. Low quality incomplete family photo ❤️
  19. It's the soul of the last bb warrior he claimed, forever wandering in that glass as a reminder for everyone to call their hits
  20. Well you see more warhead motors because a) they're the new kid on the block and b) the other options are shit (Option no.1 motors are well known for shitting themselves and the other was a G&P motor I think that's literally impossible to find). The AliExpress brushless airsoft motors are just as expensive as a Warhead so I don't see the point of buying those. I have two warheads, one of which is currently in Denmark for repairs as I snapped one of the tabs (they're giga flimsy and WH is aware of that). I wish they were cheaper, especially for the performance increase I'm getting out of them compared to my €30 SHS HT brushed motors (1/2 extra RPS in full auto). But I definitely do not fall under that 90% of airsofters I mentioned earlier, I'm part of that 10% who actually dicks around with guns and the even smaller percentage of people who don't really mind spending a small fortune (solely because I can afford it atm) on gun shaped toys. Dis is going in my signature, and yes i'm a wanker at heart
  21. To me it looks like we're trying to find a solution for a problem that does not exist. Like having multiple, pre set firing modes, in my 12 years of playing I have never gotten into an engagement and thought "oh, how I wish I had a 6 rounds burst for that guy and then a 3 and a half rounds one for that cheeky cunt behind that tree" A Gate Titan will give you some degree of customisation when it comes to firing modes, for example you can program it to have semi-binary-burst/auto which is something I did for a while before reverting back to my good old safe-binary-auto. Though I'm sure many people won't even bother and will just set active brake to adaptive (very bad for your motor) and precocking to adaptive as well. Just like brushless motors, they're a niche because 90% of the people don't need them, and the 10% who do are prepared to dish out some serious cash.
  22. So I ordered one delta mike snood which was posted the day after, a week later I ordered a thing on AliExpress.

    DM snood is still at customs, the AliExpress parcel is on delivery.



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Skara


      All the AliExpress orders I've made always go through the Netherlands, I think it's one way to avoid national customs or something like that.

    3. ak2m4


      Last week I sent a very small package (250g) to Italy via UPS, cost nearly £50 to send! (Holy Fuck).  Crazy to think that previous month I visited Milan and flight only cost me just £15 🙂

    4. Ussli


      I do top1 in a small category of AliExpress. The choice of transportation channels is different. Most are tax-included. Taxes are displayed when you pay. Often the declared value is low. Reduce taxes.

  23. That's because you can't give a Ferrari to someone who's just got his license unless you want to attend his funeral the next day or so
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