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Everything posted by Skara

  1. I now have two Currently waiting for my non-loctite random thread locker to cure
  2. In my defense I don't have a drum mag yet so at worst it's 50 BBs
  3. There are a few 3d printed thingamabobs you attach to regular syringe style speedloaders that let you unload mags... Or you can be like me and pop one BB at the time until you lose the will to live
  4. The ARP-9 comes with 18:1 gears so in theory even the ultra high speed 52k one would work, obviously you're looking at silly RPS numbers like 27/30 RPS on a 7.4 and FUCK YOU on a 11.1.. At those numbers you'll need to do some short stroking here and there and maybe replace the piston (if you're still running the stock plastic one) + heavier spring to compensate. I just got two High Speed ones (36k) which I will be testing tomorrow. Actually the G&G Ifrit the ARP comes with is a pretty decent motor! Nice balance between RPM and torque, when I had the ARP-9 I was kinda surprised by the performance! Although, it's a bit pricy at €50 so I'm not sure I'd recommend it given that there are on par alternatives for less. It all depends on what you want from your gun, if you want "trigger response" then I'd suggest a ZCI 22tpa High Torque, if you want dank ROF then a SHS High Torque might be the one for you, or maybe you want to look at the ASG Boost offerings.. Apparently the german shop Begadi has some giga cool motors too, but you guys being UK based might be a problem with customs and import fees. I would stay away from those motors marketed as "High Speed" because they draw an awful lot of amps thus tend to kill normal sized batteries, they don't have much torque so they struggle with tougher springs and generally they get warm (read scalding hot) pretty quickly.
  5. A custom made vsr with all the bells and whistles available. There is not a single "standard" rifle that is perfect out of the box, not even the SRS/TAC41. Vsr because you can't beat the ergonomics + low weight. And because if you break something you don't have to buy dedicated parts.
  6. Reject Proprietary (ARP-9/X-9) Embrace cross compatibility. King Arms 9mm PDW. Takes MP5 mags, the only proprietary parts are the lower receiver (for obvious reasons) and the magazine release latch, the rest is 101% compatible with whatever you throw at it
  7. 1x Warhead Industries High Speed 36k black (long) 1x Warhead Industries High Speed 36k black (short) Because fuck money, right?
  8. Cheers guys! The "new idea" hype has died down a little bit, I tried to gather information on the various warheads but couldn't really find much.. So I mailed Warhead and they got back to me and, according to them, I am looking at the current performance with the standard speed, and 27/40 with the high speed (both black)! For this kind of money I don't think the Base is actually worth it, there's "only" a €25 difference between the two. So I think I'm gonna order the high speed, and most likely buy a long shaft one too to slap into my tournament M4 and play around with.. I'd have to modify the tappet plate, of course, so maybe shave it down 2/3 millimetres to ensure the gun(s) feed properly at 40 RPS. Also the standards are in pre order atm on the European store, one more reason to get them faster motors
  9. Morning boiiiis, My AK motor died after idk, less than 4k rounds put through, I tried to repair it but a) I'm not very good at electric/electronic stuff and b) the motor is beyond salvation (one of the neo magnets popped out of the can and the commutator seems to be ultra deaded). Time to get a new motor, unfortunately my "local" retailers (read San Marino stores) don't have anything interesting in stock at reasonable prices and I thought that if I was going to spend money anyway, might as well get a brushless! As of now there are only three options for bushless (hue) motors: • Option no.1 which I know nothing about other than being quite expensive at €160/170 • Expert something that are known for not being compatible with MOSFETs • Warhead Industries Black/Base motors, highly praised by our Lord and Saviour @Armourpiercing (Smol EDIT: leaning towards the Warhead Industries offerings) The plan is to stay on the current level of wankness, so with 13/12:1 gears, 16tpa 30k motors and Gate Titan/Perun Hybrid I'm around 22/23 RPS on a 7.4v battery, I might stretch to 24/25 but that's the limit for sustained full auto fire (read magdumping a bush cuz I can't aim). Should I splurge money on these motors? Which version would you recommend?
  10. The E&L curse continues!


    Apparently now the motor is dead. As in the mosfet thinks it's unplugged.

    At first I thought the mosfet crapped itself, but then plugged a different motor in and it worked fine, but I can't use that one as it's a long axis motor.


    And I thought the AAP was turning into a money pit......

  11. All boots fit different. It's one of those things you just can't buy online unless you have tried them (by tried I mean having used them for at least a month), especially boots can make or break your day. Spend some extra money and buy them from a store you can go to!! With that being said, for the last 10 years I've been wearing Crispi boots. Okay it's an Italian brand so it might not be available over there but damn they're comfortable and durable (my last pair, which was also my first pair of Crispis, lasted 8 years and has gone through a fuckton of kilometres including basically half the Santiago de Compostela trail in Spain).
  12. Thanks guys for your suggestions! I'm gonna be using them, apart from regular game days every now and then, for long events, 24h+ where there is a lot of hiking involved (I have an event in May which is about 21h and I fully expect to walk around for at least 40 kilometres if not way more), so plain BDUs are out of question. I have a couple of hiking pants but to be completely honest I don't trust them with walking through very very thick vegetation and thorns, they might last but I'm not taking chances, because spending two days naked isn't fun lol. So, as of now, I have looked at Uf Pro's P-40 all terrain pants, Claw Gear's offerings, OPS stealth pants and Pentagon Wolf combat pants. There is a more expensive option and that is S.O.D. Legion trousers, a couple of teammates have them and they look really nice, but they're way up there in terms of price and I feel like if I have to splurge, might as well get a pair of Cryes or Patagonia (or the likes).
  13. Open top pouches need to be good, otherwise you're going to lose all sorts of things.. Not worth losing a €30 magazine because you saved €10 in buying a shit pouch over a good one
  14. FUCKING FINALLY! Found a King Arms PDW stock in FDE, 2nd hand for €27 posted... I have never paid something so quick lol
  15. 105cm waist (ish), 74cm inseam. Should translate to 38-40/30 according to Uf Pro's website.
  16. Yo, I'll cut straight to the point: My fat arse needs a new pair of trousers, in ranger green. Here's a quick list of requirements: • Internal kneepads (as an alternative just pockets for some soft ones) • Plenty of movement range • Accepts a FRV tailoring inner belt (2") • Preferably not repros/Airsoft products • Not too many pockets • Ranger Green of course, or some variation Now, I also happen to have short legs (my inseam is around 74/75cm, 30 inches) because why would I have a regular sized body when I can be a literal sack of shit Budget is around €150, I can stretch to 250 but that's the absolute limit so Crye Precision is out of my league. Any suggestions?
  17. For the sake of commodity, it makes sense to have multiple of X platform, you have ONE set of mags, ONE rig and cross compatibility between upgrades and spares (that is a stretch because apart from gearbox specific stuff like tappet plates and mosfets, most guns use the same exact internal components).. But let's be honest, you don't really need more than two, one long and one short. Maybe a third to keep as a loaner. Most of the times you can get away with a single gun (say 10" barrel) for both woodland and cqb games. I have two M4s, both in the 9.5/10" range, for tournament purposes (we all use M4s so we can exchange mags). In theory I only need one but then again, if it shits itself I have a spare. I could use a very short one for cqb but a) I never play CQB and b) I have a King Arms PDW for that, which can be turned into a 5.56 rifle once the proprietary lower dies with a very simple receiver swap. Once you start having two/three different platforms (say M4, AK and MP5) it becomes a somewhat logistic nightmare because you then need either dedicated rigs or something you can swap inserts/pouches/placards like a Spiritus Systems chassis or one of the latest plate carriers.
  18. Yeah for us is more like: We are 4 people and there is one defender, once he fires he might hit the first but the other 3 need to literally bukkake him in plastic. Defense knows where we are, so being sneaky doesn't work anymore and we need to get the overmatch.. Unfortunately people still think BBs are evil and must be avoided at all costs
  19. Absolutely, if you scroll back a couple of pages you'll see my old SMG setup just be aware that the top rail on the mamba sits half a centimetre lower than the bridge rail, which is mainly why I moved on the stupid expensive TTI kit.
  20. Forgot to post about the actual game So this Sunday we were 8 on the field, cold, but clear morning. decided to run the kit I'm gonna be using on mid May's 21h event and I'm glad I did because now half the shit is gonna stay home I've reduced the number of mags from 6 to 3 (2+1), won't bring the mayflower rig but the TMR, will ditch the belt and will store the mk23 in my backpack until the night phase, where it will become my primary. I'm also bringing a larger pack, 9 litres might not be enough for water, clothes (waterproof top + fleece) and mk23+mags+gas. as far as the actual game, I had a big oof moment where I was defending and an attacker walked right past me without seeing me, I fired 4 shots with the mk23 and the first two hit the only fucking piece of shit sapling between us, the third zipped past his head and when the 4th was flying, he had already seen me so we traded kills -.- other than that it was a fun day, I enjoy low numbers way more than 20+ players days, I get way more space to move around and make plays and the low numbers (either 10 or 13) are what we have in tournaments, so it's good training in addition to much quicker games and the chance to teach new kids a thing or two.. this Sunday, for example, it was radio comms, when to use it, how to use it and how to set it up in a way where you can't accidentally operate the PTT so everyone can hear how much of a short breathed fuck you are Because literally, last time one guy had his rifle sling pushing on his PTT and all we heard was boars having an orgy. Next Sunday it'll be shooting back when being shot at, cuz I see way too many people duck in cover instead of fighting back lol
  21. Yeah that is a major issue, we got lucky because the landowner is super nice and never, ever asked us a penny in the 10 odd years we've been playing on his property.
  22. Yup, I mostly post two things in my thread: Really good/fun games, or shit days where everything goes wrong. The "Joe average" days where nothing particularly fun/good/bad/whatever happens I usually don't write about. Also I am pretty sure you guys have these issues as well, but since it's the site owner's responsibility to kick idiots out and not yours (as paying customers), you probably don't even notice it, I think it's also due to the large numbers of people you have on site. We're a small community so everything feels amplified, I'm pretty confident that if I had, say, 100 people in my club I wouldn't post that much about kicking cunts off because it would be "normal administration"
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