Last weekend's 9h night tournament was a blast!
We were missing one member (so we were 5 instead of 6), nonetheless we went balls deep and did almost everything!
The tournament itself was very interesting since in order to locate/complete some objectives we had to find information inside other objectives (namely Objective 4, its coordinates were found inside Objective 3, E1's coordinates were found in either E4 or E2 and the rest was distributed throughout the AO).
Storyboard was that we had to help a sniper called "Silent Arrow" in eliminating a drug lord, by recovering information around the AO so we could tell him which person to kill.
(map for reference with all the objectives marked)
At the start (11:00 PM) our guns were taken away and transported to an unknown location (AEG on the map), we were then given a small cartographic exercise in order to find the coordinates, hiked from the HQ to AEG, collected our gear and proceeded to C2, then E4 and E2, since they were limited to a very short time frame (30 mins each, 01:00-01:30 E4, 01:30-02:00 E2), here we had to wait for a car to leave small boxes along the road (marked in green), those boxes contained very useful information regarding other objectives, mainly coordinates and items we needed.
If one team was not able to recover those two packages within the given time limit, they would have had to hike back to the HQ and ask for them, with a point penalty of 500 points per package (which means being last, since 1000 points equal two combat type objectives).
This is where we had our only engagement with a patrol which lasted a whopping 15 seconds, we got spotted because another team, who was sitting in the tree line next to us, ran away creating a lot of noise so the patrol got alerted. When we opened fire they melted, but still, 100 points lost -.- (another 200 if you lose the engagement)
With those two packages retrieved, we headed back to the HQ so we could input the coordinates in our GPS devices and plot a sensible route. The main goal was to reach C1 as fast as possible because it was the objective with the strictest time frame (03:00-03:30), unfortunately we fucked up navigation and barely missed it, so we decided to do Obj.2, here we had to injure (by shooting him in semi auto in non vital parts, essentially arms and legs) a dude, extract him and blow up a building. Barely completed it, we messed the extraction part because we didn't have enough time.
After that, we skipped WP4 and went to WP3, WP2, WP15, stumbled upon Obj.4 (had to insert a chip inside a laptop without being seen by the defenders), WP5, attacked Obj.3 where we had to blow up a laboratory, then moved counter clockwise through WP11, WP6, Objective 1 where we had to exfiltrate a case of radioactive material and take a picture of a scientist, after telling him apart from the rest (they all had images of chess pieces on them, it was relatively easy because he had a king), skipped WP7 because we didn't realize we were that close, went WP14, E7 and E1.
At E1 we found the sniper, who was an archer IRL and he had setup a shooting range with four dummies at a good 35 metres, we gave him the correct name and he fucking pierced the dummy with an arrow from that distance. Kudos, that was a fucking good shot! (We were later informed that he was competing in the national archery championship, so yeah).
On our way back to the HQ we went to C3 and then finished at 07:35 AM.
Back at HQ we did a small debrief with the organizers and noticed that they had given us 5000 points in total, we thought we were like last, or second to last, since we had skipped a few waypoints, skipped C1, almost fucked up Obj.2 and we were the last team to finish..
Fast forward 20 minutes, results were out.. Last team (of 6) did 3250 points, then 3 more teams with less than 3500, hype started to build up and then, drum rolls, the 2nd team got 3850 points!!!!
Well colour me impressed! Never thought we could have had such a large gap from the 2nd!
Unfortunately I forgot to turn on track recording on my GPS, but my mate's said we hiked around 23 kilometres, in 8 and a half hours, not too bad!
Kit wise, a last minute change I made was to bring the Mayflower instead of the TMR, and it was a really good choice, the thing is 100x more comfortable and lighter despite the overall larger signature and capacity.
What let me down was the backpack, 3 hours in and it started digging into my shoulders despite having only two litres of water, one bag of BBs and one NVG monocular in its protective soft pouch, along with spare batteries and a tiny bit of food so I'm gonna have to look around for a replacement.
And a stronger insect repellent, my arms are filled with bites it looks like i have a plague of some sort!
Group picture before starting (mhm, tinted lens in pitch black conditions, fucking 1000000iq play )