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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/02/24 in all areas

  1. If it's not selling and you're keen to move it on, make sure your ad is the best it can be. Your gun just isn't desirable the way you've presented it. For a start the backend is three times longer than the front, you get to include ten photos. At least show it fully retracted in some of those. If you have a garden away from prying eyes, take advantage of that and get some close-ups in natural light, so people can accurately assess the condition. Currently I'm lumping you in with all the others we see who've bought a gun off a mate, who bought it off a bloke on a site. You're not really sure what the base gun is or when the work was done. You don't even seem to realise that it's too powerful to be used, all this doesn't instill confidence in the prospective buyer. If all that doesn't work, you should bring the price down incrementally. I could buy a brand new CYMA Platinum delivered to my door (you make no mention of postage), or several other mid to high-end RIF's, for what you're currently asking. All the best.
    4 points
  2. That elite guy was me.... certainly wouldn't describe myself as "elite". 1. Pretty sure I only used the word fucking once (I could be wrong, it wasn't a part of the evening that was memorable for me). Apologies that it upset you. 2. I told you for your benefit, not mine. That little ir light onboard is just about useable indoors, outdoors all it is pretty useless other than having a shining light on your head to tell the enemy where you are.....like a target. You'd have zero chance of sneaking round on anyone with it on. 3. Telling you, disadvantaged me. I could have not told you and you then could have been a nice early warning system for when we were under attack by being the first person to get hit when the expected attack started. By you knowing an turning it off, it meant that was less likely to be the case and upped my chances of being the first target. 4. Telling you exposed my position more, by making me move each time I spoke to you, talking at an above whisper volume etc. It was already quite an exposed spot. I knew that the guys in the other team are pretty darn good. If I'm such an elite/elistest person, why tell you? And when you responded that that it was off, why would I tell you it's on, if its off? All of the above aside, I am genuinely sorry that something I did took the shine off of an otherwise good evening for you. I was trying to help and obviously it didn't land well, it wasn't the way it was intended. I've been using night vision for airsoft for around 10 years now. Check out this video (from about halfway through) with some good suggestions on how to get more comfortable with yours. It's weird but shooting is only a small bit of using them. If you'd like, more than happy to meet up and do some practice bits and pieces, chat through gear, practice etc using your nods out of a game environment. Just DM me if this is of interest.
    4 points
  3. Had this printed for me. But the correct simrad rail for the British L115A3 sniper rifle. Spent ages smoothing it down, as was made from mfj. Then painted it to look metal.
    3 points
  4. Sat with my mrs and watched the film La La Land again last night There were moments it brought me to tears I think my periods due
    2 points
  5. Calling out 90% of airsofters right here 😂
    2 points
  6. I'd guess groups claiming to represent airsoft would post to faceache as that's where they have the biggest audience. Unfortunately though size isn't everything (stop giggling at the back). I'd rather spend time on a smaller forum like this where the quality of information is higher, than the average airsoft group on social media which are full of morons who think they know everything
    2 points
  7. Carry them like a hero 😁
    2 points
  8. How to you carry your 209 Primers on the field? Printed by myself if anyone needs or wants one, Carried 10 primers
    1 point
  9. Hello, I love vorsk, I have had a vorsk pistol for a while and its held up well so far. Only a few parts broke which were covered under warrant. Now I want to get one of their glocks. So I am tempted by the red match EU17. https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/vorsk-eu17-vented-gas-blowback-pistol-in-red-black.html And by the red match EU18. https://www.defconairsoft.co.uk/product/vorsk-eu8-vented-red-match/ I am more swaying to the EU17 but whats with the huge price difference? (EU17 £130 EU18 £90) Is the EU18 made of less quality parts or something? If anything I though the EU18 would be more expensive. Or is it because the EU18 is less desirable? Just need the communities opinion before I make this purchase. Thanks
    1 point
  10. n00b1982

    Gun picture thread

    Not posted in a while and not great with pics 😂 GHK Mk12 Mod1 Forged Edition, kitted out to look like the Line Survivor build used by Marcus Lattrell. Hogue Grip M3 Scope Replica KAC rail covers KAC Style Vert grip Somogear PEQ2a VFC KAC Style Bipod Mount Harris 9-13” bipod Zparts Muzzle break with Zparts Suppressor Nearest clone ARMS scope rings I could find
    1 point
  11. This user big brother seems dodgy. 4 posts since 2019 and all promoting this website
    1 point
  12. Was back at Worthing for a cold one this weekend. We had to leave very early because the guy who gives us a lift was asked to help sort the car park, which is usually pandemonium, as it was going to be a very busy, very fully booked day today. He says it's the last time as they really need to get a marshall to sort it out, as he used to do it when he was a marshall, but stepped away from it a year or so ago so that he can play more as he's getting older. Anyway, I wasn't sure if he was bringing his grandson along, but knew he was bringing the wet weather kit, so I only took one rifle bag today (well, two, but one was going to a tech), as I didn't want to take up too much space in the car. This meant that the m700 came along, as it's my favourite gun and I was still riding off the high of last weekend when the weather was nice. This was potentially a mistake, but I'm undecided on it. Also, the reason it was fully booked was because it was one of the ongoing narrative game days, which is a bit like a blend of skirmish and filmsim. There were two teams, traditional cartel and another not-cartel who work with the government, but there was also a third element out today which was a press crew; two guys in press gear with two guys and a ghillie sniper as protection. They only fired if fired upon, or if the marshalls told them to shoot at one team that was doing too well, and when hit they would go down to a knee for 30 seconds before getting back in the game. After standing around the safe zone for a long time because we arrived at 7:30am (left my house at 6:45am, and the other two were closer to 6:30am), we went out into the game. The first issue of the day was here, as with this game everyone who was wearing a loud, Hawaiian style shirt were put on the cartel team. The issue here is that a LOT of the regulars came in costume and so the teams weren't very well balanced. Me and my friend were on the not-cartel team and it was going decently for about 30 mins. Our team pushed forward and were doing well. However, then when people got hit and respawned back in, they stopped pushing up. I very quickly found myself as the front line, which with a bolt action sniper rifle wasn't the best. Manged to stay hidden and pick people off, including the leader of the enemy cartel, but eventually I had to fall back because the pressure was getting high and I was starting to get surrounded. Moved back to another position and dug in, but again I quickly found myself being the front line again. One guy on the other team ran up and killed off about 6 of my team who were just huddled behind a building doing nothing and while I took him and another who pushed up out with my mk23, I was eventually overrun by more players as I was alone again. It felt a bit like I was pushing a stone up a hill as none of my team seemed to be doing much. Headed back to respawn and even though by this point there was only a few mins left, I went back to try and cause some havoc. Crawled up behind a low layer of foliage, using it to screen my advance along a flank and taking out the enemy player watching that flank (I love how quiet the m700 is...) and managed to get into a position where I managed to take three more players out with the mk23. However, at this point the morning was over and it was lunch time. Our team had zero objectives and the enemy team had crushed just about all of their ones. The game continued after lunch, but I can't comment too much on that as I decided to not play the afternoon. The forecast was wet and running a gas m700 in this temperature is already enough of a challenge, so I packed up. Was definitely the correct choice to get my wet kit off and put my warm kit and waterproof jacket on, as the wind picked up and it started to rain, getting heavier over time. Definitely did not want to play in that today. I heard that the not-cartel team continued to get their asses kicked through the afternoon. However, that was generally my only criticism with how the game was run; the team balance was horribly off. Outside of this, the game was well thought out and was fun to play and while frustrating at times, I still had fun. The multi-objective, full-site gameplay was good and I way prefer these sorts of games to the simple attack and defend type games that are prevalent at skirmish days across the country. Hit calling, from what I saw, was generally pretty good and I only had one instance of a guy very obviously not taking his hits, because I hit him in the face (that was all that was showing!) and watched him recoil back from the shot, but then he just retreated back behind cover. Every other player I shot took their hits and I didn't observe anyone near me not taking theirs, so the sportsmanship was top notch! The issue with players not playing and sitting about 90m away from the other team and trying to shoot at them is just an inevitable part of airsoft, but they were almost all on one team today and that team got royally thrashed The other issue was my gun. When the weather is this cold, the gas bolt actions just... drop in power. With every shot. Which throws your hop up setting off. It was a pain in the backside trying to adjust for it and was one of the contributing factors why I didn't play in the afternoon; I just couldn't be bothered to deal with it any longer. I love my gas m700, but for it to be consistent it needs about 15 celcius. 10 - 12 celcius is okay, but 6 - 7 celcius like today is too low. If it's cold next game day I'm just going to take my SR-25 and run that. Anyway, I'll leave it there. Amazing day that was only marred by poor team balance. Everything else was great!
    1 point
  13. To be clear, Vorsk is a Nuprol sub-brand, like Raven. That means it's the cheapest 3rd party vendor trash, plus sparkle and marketing. That's not to say that they're bad value. £80 for the EU18 Match pistols actually make sense, especially when you factor in the optic, magwell and 14mm CCW adapter. But "good" is a stretch. Once you're into 3 figures, I'd suggest looking at Tokyo Marui instead.
    1 point
  14. Hi, When I go prone with my Krytac the magazines are a bit too high and the gun basically rests on the mags. Do you have any recommendations for low profile M4 mags? I’ve seen the EPM-1 S but Negative Airsoft doesn’t rate them because of their strong spring (he recommends the EPM but there is no low profile version of it).
    1 point
  15. Or ≠ instead. Christ though this is one of my pet peeves. Call yourself "official", then undermine your image of "officialness" by being unable to capitalise properly. "UK Airsoft - Official". It's not hard! I don't trust any organisation who are that lazy when titling themselves thus on social media. Really grinds my gears lmao
    1 point
  16. 100% agree with this. The standard of banter and actually useful (borne out of real experience) advice and information on here, beats anything I've seen on FB. FB groups are quite toxic on the whole, I'm not sure I'd want anything created and administrated on/via FB being the governing body or voice of the sport.
    1 point
  17. The CYMA MP5K motor plate fits perfectly... https://i.imgur.com/7ScBKmn.jpg ... so that's me off to buy a GATE Titan v3 then and not tell my wife 😬
    1 point
  18. Currents, 7.4 and 11.1 22tpa xt 17 and 25 BL xt. 15.5 and 20.5. Ah I forgot to take precocking off...wondered why auto was so similar to semi if not a little more. The BL is much faster, esp at 7.4v in comparison, but I haven't sorted my feeding issue. BL motor isn't fitted properly I can tell, I'll have to have look see when I've a bit more time.
    1 point
  19. You need some sort of electronic commutation and sensors plus a lil computer to work out when to commutate. The main difficulty in making the BL motor like a brushed motor is that the BL needs power to work, MOSFETs have a polarity and the board needs electrical protection that Brushed ones don't. There's a circuit on the board to supply power to the electronics and the tab voltage will go via the MOSFETs to the windings switched at the right time to make the motor spin the right way using the sensors on the endbell. Made the right way you can power the device with PWM, switch the MOSFETs on and let the windings see the PWM signal. It is likely however that fault conditions will be detected if the averaged voltage drops in the PSU. MOSFETs must have enough voltage, from the PSU via the controller not the tabs, to fully turn on or they get hot and magic smoke escapes so this condition is avoided. The PSU should be polarity protected but the MOSFETs can't be because of the diodes protecting the MOSFET from the motor. I noticed the perun load the motor to detect it making it try to turn. If other ETUs don't do this correctly for BL motors that's not the motors fault. ETUs need to bear in mind brushless motors exist. BL motors can brake themselves with a change in timing and probably do, which will always make AB a problem on them. If the AB MOSFET on the ETU shorts the motor it will stop doing things and no braking will occur when the MOSFETs are off. If the motor is shorted in pulses, to lessen the effect of the braking then the MOSFET may remain on if the PSU still has power and there may be braking. If braking is effected by reversing the polarity then this is bad news and magic smoke may escape. BL motors may detect shorts to prevent damage and stop working with any AB. If AB is to be effected on a BL motor the motor should do it, and could with the right programming and circuit. I notice the board has a 78L05 regulator on it and some other PSU bit around the +tab. That reg has a minimum input voltage of 7v (there will be wiggle room) to regulate 5v out.
    1 point
  20. Congratulations!! Your first post made it to “Mack’s dreamers of the week” page 😂 https://airsoft-forums.uk/topic/26578-macks-airsoft-dreamers-of-the-week-thread/page/276/#comments
    1 point
  21. did my first nvg night game and it was a mix for me. i was trying to get used to using the things and managed to get in to the first objective. seems i got put with the "elite". Some guy in front was looking about and then said you IR is on so looked on the nods and it said IR off. i replied its saying off. the response from him "its fucking on i can fucking see it" alright mate jheez. decided to move off and see the other location wasn't getting on with the nods but carried on till turn around. started the game moved up to the location till 3 guys got wiped in front fell back and the nightmare hit, eye pro took a whack from a branch enough to break the arm. (gutted) get them on temp and moved to safe zone. had to change the setup and go with a balaclava and goggles. nvg was set to these so drop that. got back in and didn't have a clue what was happening. team was going off and had scattered. decided to tuck in and just pot shot the objective. game ended and we moved on to building clearance. this point i knew where i wanted to be and got to the location to defend and stuck it out. i enjoyed that as i was holding a couple of guys back and using the torch to blind them. got a hit and moved to respawn and then returned to get team killed. managed to hold the team back before game over we turned it around and attacked game we well and we pushed passed the last team game. the night was interesting to say the least but a learning curve. A little annoyed with the comment and the glasses breaking but is what it is.
    1 point
  22. Two-tone being sold at more than 80% of retail. Is this so highly sought after, even in two-tone, that its resale value percentage is above that of your typical RIF?
    1 point
  23. The motor has to follow the same form factor as existing motors and a single case for long and short motors makes sense, at least for the smaller producers. I don't think there's a case for a reversable motor, unless you can think of a reason why you'd want such a thing. Brushless motors can't be very dumb, they need the controller, the large flat chip, to do the sums to make it turn etc. You need additional wiring terminals to do anything via the ETU because 1, the ETU expects to deliver only voltage to the motor terminals, and 2, the motor expects to see voltage only to the motor terminals. You may find the motor controller already brakes the motor to control the back EMF at motor stop. Given the right message the motor can spin any way you want it to but you'd need some sort of interface to achieve it and the controller programming and it needs power.
    1 point
  24. Mookster63

    TM Sig226 Custom

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    I bought this custom pistol from Elite shooting years ago now. It cost £390, based on a TM Sig, has had metal slide and outer barrel added, upgraded hop unit, tight bore barrel. it has been an excellent and reliable side arm, well used but functions perfectly. comes with 5 mags, rubber grips and case. Not sure if I still have the original grips


    1 point
  25. @ak2m4 Winding count: I don't know how much exactly but I would imagine this is similarly balanced between torque and max RPM, what is the highest winding you can get for a say max 30k RPM? Because it seems to me 30k is high enough even for high ROF builds before you run into problem with other things not catching up Magnets: it seems Chihai is moving towards higher grades with higher temperature ratings which makes sense, so ideally you want highest grade with highest temperature rating, but I imagine this is only limited by cost. What are price differences of say N35/N52/N35H/N45SH/N45UH? Bearings: I think if you have an integrated CNC tower like what Chihai is doing, you can probably copy their three bearing config (like this), I don't imagine more bearings are automatically better and I think the three bearing might already be optimal Electronics/firmware: for airsoft it might actually be better to have a "dumb" motor that only has basic current limit, because of mosfet compatibility, I think the trend of putting more features into the motors might not be sustainable because there are only more and more ETUs in airsoft The bells and whistles would only make sense if people are using brushless without mosfet, but more often than not that is not the case To be "dumb" I mean 1. it needs to pass some current at rest so it is visible to the mosfet when plugged in (not sure about this) 2. work with lower range voltages because of voltage sag in airsoft batteries 3. able to work with reverse polarity 4. able to work with PWM input 5. able to work with 3+4 6. no startup delay, not sure how to achieve this, you want to keep the controller powered at rest so it doesn't need time to wake up, maybe with a capacitor as suggested 7. I don't really see the use case for speed control, if it is not using the maximum speed the magnet and winding can output maybe it has room to put in more winding for more torque, and if you have different speed models you can individually tweak this, and probably sell more (like Warhead), and arguably speed control should be something done at ETU level, the motor should be dumb and just let ETU do its job, the motor should just be responsible for spinning and IMO the electronic should mimic the behaviour of a brushed motor as much as possible
    1 point
  26. I've spent years with pressure groups, political parties etc. Organisation works better than numbers every time. Ever heard of the Taxpayers Alliance? It's 'Britain's non-political grassroots voice of the taxpayer.' It's actually two disgruntled ex-members of one party who seem to get prime press coverage whenever they damn well like. Alternatively, try and get on the executive of Just Stop Oil or Femen...
    1 point
  27. I talk to my plants and they grow better. I talk to my cows and they produce more milk. It's in one ear and out the udder!
    1 point
  28. It's possible on most, winding counts and magnet a definite yes, position of bearings hmmmm not sure, where are you thinking? They're a RC motor factory and this is their first venture into Airsoft, my guess is a fair amount of the components they buy from a factory. At the very least I can ask and they will say yes or no, or that will cost £££ extra. At the moment they have only just got back from their new year break so still waiting on the full specs. My overall aim is to have a reliable brushless motor under £80
    1 point
  29. Cannonfodder

    Strange bipod

    I'm guessing the hole in the middle is how it attaches to the gun, perhaps using a qd stud. A few more pics would probably help
    1 point
  30. zizivert

    Hi from france

    2j, more or less 460fps with 0,2g BB. Most of the time rules are these: Until 330fps no rules to engage, full and semi. Between 330-380fps 10 or 15m it depend. Between 370-400, semi only exept m249, m60, etc… Over 400fps, snipe. During CQB game: until 330fps no rules. between 330-360fps, stairs/doors check/opening with handgun. For few "hardcore" game, same limits for all, the legal limit, snipe/aeg/gbbr.
    1 point
  31. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    That actually works quite well 😄
    1 point
  32. EDcase

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Was it in front or behind you? 🤣
    1 point
  33. Shamal

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    I went for a run yesterday.I didn't intend to but the fucking ice cream van wouldn't stop!
    1 point
  34. People talk but rarely see the positives in his impact on Airsoft. Just think of all those "like new" two tone bolt action rifles that fill the classifieds of many spaces. Most wouldn't be able to make it to Mack's without him 🤫
    1 point
  35. DanBow

    Tell Us a Gag. Please!

    Another man threw sodium chloride on her. That's assault!
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. This is the reason so many ads from new players end up on Mack's when they try to sell their first gun and why I won't buy from them
    1 point
  38. Well, you are being suckered by bbgnus4less unscrupulous marketing strategy …… Their pricing is high for some items from the offset so as they can legally show a massive reduction eventually, fooling a novice player/purchaser into thinking there is a genuine saving there Looks like Defcon are on the right page I Haven’t analysed the specs of either of the replicas to compare products for pros n cons But the former of the two retailers, seldomly comes up with a bargain 😉
    1 point
  39. lokkers

    Slim Timed BFG

    I'd avoid SWAT like the plague. We ordered two VTGs in 2018 and never received them, nor a refund despite calling and emailing. Luckily I could claim back the money via Barclaycard, but my friend lost his money.
    0 points
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