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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/06/18 in all areas

  1. witchcraft58a

    Gun picture thread

    this is not another Vector..... But my CQB project which is nearing completion, pretty much scratch build less the g&g gearbox and wiring! I'm really pleased how it came out, it shoots like a lazer although not chrono'd yet.... still got some bits to do inc. retro arms trigger, gearbox overhaul and extended mag release on the right hand side. Been a great learning project! hope you guys like!
    3 points
  2. Druid799

    Gun picture thread

    Bert you been sniffing glue again ?😂😂
    2 points
  3. In other news. I sold all my MEU mags for my TM Strike Warrior and replaced them with new M45A1 mags. For those who don't know, these are MEU mags that do away with the large plastic butt plate and fills the same section up with a enlarged gas tank. Making these new mags last slightly longer gas wise. Brilliant idea considering how its difficult to get through a whole mag unless it was very hot weather. They are also the exact size as the previous mags so no compatibility issues.
    1 point
  4. Well just ordered a Firefly Flathop nub & Prommy Purple and will attempt my very fist 'flathop' in a few days. The whole 'wiring to deans' went ok, so this is the next step.
    1 point
  5. djben9

    Gun picture thread

    where the kitchen sink?!!
    1 point
  6. Final closure, the money is now back in my account and available to spend after 10 working days. Never a word of explanation or apology for the failure to dispatch, to respond, or to cancel the order before PayPal got involved. They could have retained me as a potential customer with a 30 second email. I guess that's literally not worth their time. So noted.
    1 point
  7. M_P

    Gun picture thread

    Got some PTS epm mags this morning for my recoil so took the time for another photo Still needs a rear buis and a few other bits- notably a different stock (probably a CTR) but it's getting there
    1 point
  8. £350 base gun, £16 spring guide, £10 spring = £376 Knackered magazine -£16 Total = £360 Asking price is £325 - that is bonkers. Only ten percent off retail for a used gun with no back up or warranty ? Nope, nope and thrice nope.
    1 point
  9. Just bought a TM CQB-R Got to get rid of that stock asap though, not a huge fan of the emod style
    1 point
  10. My first RIF purchased today
    1 point
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