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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/08/14 in all areas

  1. NickM

    National Airsoft Event

    Just back. 1900 ish players was Urm interesting. For me and my personal view I would say I experienced much less cheating than last year. But with that number of people on site and playing just getting anywhere involved a huge firefight. Lots of bottle necks on the paths. My team played Saturday most of the day then only about half of us went out Sunday for an hour or two. After Only really playing the pit and milsims this year the number of two tones I saw in evidence spoiled things somewhat for me. Not because the player wasn't as good but sometimes it made things awkward for PID'ing targets. Eg. Delta (white tags) with orange two tone (orange is bravo) patrolling towards you. Can only see the gun as it's in front of the tag leading to blue on blue. Or you are sneaking through the brush and the guy down the line with the two tone gets spotted which gets you all shot. There was lots of good sportsmanship on show. I did a sneaky patrol through the ferns next to heartbreak and got 8 others in the back With single pistol shots. Each one either patted me on the shoulder, shook my hand or congratulated me as the went to re spawn. A guy apologised for putting a full auto burst into me from about 5m away. The social side of it is second to none for the airsoft games I have gone to. But unless they find a way to better coordinate the teams and keep the flow going I probably won't go go to many more. Our team is talking about maybe doing every other year and trying some of the other weekenders out.
    5 points
  2. I use Colemans in my GBBRs, the 465g bottles last me about 1.3 or so game days. If I buy green gas on site it's about a tenner a bottle and I need about 3 bottles to last me a day. £30 vs £7.20? You really think propane isn't worth it? Propane just seems to go further.
    3 points
  3. No, but your reply could easily have been misinterpreted. Just FYI, JT Sports, Dye, Sly and Proto are all decent makers of paintball masks (among other kit) that are more than acceptable for airsoft use.
    2 points
  4. well there you go, sorry, had no idea thought it was one of those Chinese companies, never really said they were bad though thanks for clearing that up.
    2 points
  5. Two Tomtac 11.1v 1300m 20c lipo's 15 pound each
    2 points
  6. My old WE g39 and two mags.
    2 points
  7. Killerbeepep

    Gun picture thread

    Combat Machine with custom paint job.
    2 points
  8. dont buy the charger from there its a rip off!!! same charger on component shop where alot of people get batteries from is £7.50, chargers like that dont cut off so you have to remember to take them off after about like 3 hours. better off with this one, a simple smart charger. just plug it all in and it all charge the batteries and then go on to trickle mode once they are done to stop them over charging. http://www.componentshop.co.uk/600ma-smart-charger-for-7-2-8-4-9-6v-battery-packs.html
    2 points
  9. £15 for a speed loader is steep, just because it's a TM. If you're planning on using that 450 hi-cap mag you won't need a speed loader.
    2 points
  10. Ian_Gere

    wow other forums!!!

    The thing to bear in mind is that soldiers don't get paid much, when you consider what they are called on to do for the money (in between long bouts of make-work and playing at it with blanks). The only way you're going to get people to be prepared to risk their lives is 'esprit de corps'. The sad truth is that you can reach a lower common denominator by teaching them to find common ground with each other because they are all against someone/thing else, than you can by trying to teach them all to be for someone/thing. I mean, the queen? Really? Who would risk the steam off their piss for some uber-rich old dear in a big house? The British Government? Lying, expense fiddling, sleaze-meisters doing their best to feather their own nests before they'd lift a finger to help a constituent, and even then they'd only do it for the publicity... A rag on a pole? The bloke next to you? Who is he? He hates lefties, liberals, and walts too, he's alright...
    2 points
  11. Super64

    wow other forums!!!

    Bloody hell, just ready that thread and it's not pretty. You know when they say there are no stupid questions, well I guess we can put that one to bed ;-) Or is it more like there's no stupid question, just a stupid place to ask it? I can see why you asked though. It would be interesting to get feedback from serving and ex-forces about our hobby. I know the site I'm a member of has a number of serving soldiers come along every now and again and they seem to enjoy it. I'm ex-army myself, a number of years ago now, but I really enjoy airsoft and take it for what it is, a hobby, a sport, a way to blow off steam from the day job. No one I know involved in airsoft takes it any more seriously than that and I think with the amount of money we spend on weapons and loadouts we can do whatever the bloody hell we like. I am 100% behind all our armed forces, but unfortunately there are some who are just a bunch of knobs, like there are in any job. Good effort for putting yourself in harms way like that though, I dare you to ask again ;-)
    2 points
  12. b1n0gHo5t


    http://www.taiwangun.com/en/tactical-slings-and-accessories a fair few sling attatchments something may work from here of course this is just for reference's
    1 point
  13. lucky b*stard that is a great price... now I am annoyed
    1 point
  14. soz saw bulldog and had previously done a lengthy - very lengthy reply to somebody getting this: https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/Bulldog-B500A1-AEG-Electric-BB-Gun-Airsoft-Rifle.html anyway - your bulldog is a rebadged SRC Dragon - not bad, but gerbox is plastic casing and inside no bushings - won't last long and trigger is crap will come apart if gears don't shag 1st can also be a bit hot - 350+fps - well mine is plus barrel is a tad pi$$ed so shoots slightly off unless you really adjust sights to extreme left to compensate - jeez wot crap build and the "proper" M4 SRC's aren't built a hell of a lot better - but they make good g36's think your cousin would be better with m4 bulldog/dragon if it is below 350 than a springer at skirmish sites tbh jeans - trainer boots with some ankle support n good tread on sole, thick sweatshirt/hoodie or a thin light old jacket - normal dark colours not bright orange top or illuminous stripe done ya track suit - jeans best though mask - something like this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Paintball-Airsoft-Gear-Full-Face-Eyes-Nose-Wear-Protector-Safety-Guard-Mesh-Mask-/130835959126?pt=UK_Protective_Equipment&hash=item1e766e4d56 yeah not ultra cool but losing eyes/teeth isn't either you can get googles n mask with ghost image n crap but if there is a big gap some sites will say no if too much gap around face/eyes as u18 mesh is perhaps best as no fogging and won't scratch, may need to bend the full face mask a tad to fit face but ideal if you wear glasses n stuff - I use those types coz they do the full face job etc.... about £7 in UK or half that from china run with dark hoodie - hood up and you should be ok if getting a shot in neck etc... certain areas can sting now n then but with that cheap setup you shouldn't get stung too much or bad it don't really hurt - but you gotta feel it to call it so to speak but the fps should ensure nobody gets hurt too badly - many times it is people going ar$e over tit falling over a stump in woods or splat into walls etc....
    1 point
  15. Maybe you should do a bit of research then. JT sports have been around for donkeys years in the paintball world, they make good if not stellar gear. That mask is absolutely fine but will probably fog up quicker than a peados glasses on a rainy day in the playground.
    1 point
  16. made me smile the last part
    1 point
  17. My loadout from the Redwolf Weekender this weekend gone. Loosely US Ranger based, I was missing a few webbing items that hadnt arrived in time so had to use my 6094 plate carrier and normal battle belt, typically they arrived after I got home.... Probably the only time the entire weekend my M4 was working as well, has to resort to my Ak for the rest..... Oh and I love this boonie now
    1 point
  18. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


    That's bloody fantastic work Ian. I would;t mind the bodged look on it,the texture and construction looks like something from a target pistol already and function over form any day. The texture itself looks very grippy and should be great with gloves so I wouldn't worry too much about the look. I would say I would do something like that but I don;t want to ruin my VSR stock,it's already perfect for my hands anyway. Bookmarked the page,wealth of information in your post should be helpful.
    1 point
  19. forget speed loader as been said.... plastic cup - thin cheapo one and the mag held in hand guide the bb's into mag, pinch cup a bit and pour - not difficult to master (well unless you are JambWow coz he is still useless at filling mags ffs) 2 x 450 mags = 900 will last most of morning n leave bag/cup at safe zone gun - great choice the long or slightly shorter version if ya not so tall or use in cqb - all down to choice but raider is a good one http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=6076 battery - you can get 8.4v's in 3+4 config - yours is a 3+1+3 nunchuk but 4+3 (2 stick should work fine) you can consider lipo option but seems like you done some research n aero one will 2tone it all for you so kudos to ya for reading up etc... bb's any decent brand will do to start off - you should get 500 or 1k with G&G gun I think and they are good bb's normally the ones you get with many crap guns are worse than crap gun and will jam - so throw away those - but G&G you should get a nice good pack of bb's mag - 300 or 450 think you get 450 mag like one you are thinking of getting tape them together like dual mag in cod and you won't have to buy/run with loads of pockets pouches etc.... so 900 bb's will keep ya happy for a while (probably sound like you shaking marraca's but other option is mid caps to stop bb rattle - yeah but who cares about quiet stealth stuff lets light 'em up) yup - smart charger n battery - don't forget full face mask - a must for u18's take care of your eyes n crap - most important is safety bit. get that sorted Then go nutz
    1 point
  20. almurry

    National Airsoft Event

    lmfao it was you i was one of the 8 that you shot that was some mighty fine shooting you did there
    1 point
  21. I and sure many others on here will say G&G Carbine or Raider is a great start yup it is a M4 but a very well built one for the money, plastic but not ya usual cheap HongKong rubbish - no sir This is quality Taiwanese Enginnering as Del Boy Trotter would say..... Seriously - M4 with 300 to 450 or so magazines on a well built gun with decent gearbox You may like MP5's but has smaller capacity mags of say 200 or AK47 with bigger 500 or 600 mags or G36 with say 350 - 450-ish mags They are your main choices - a few others like SCAR - ohh I'm not gonna list all types them 4 are the main types people may choose as their primary there are others but once you deviate from the bulk selling lines the price goes up (supply n demand I guess) me I think Raider for about £125 ish is great coz has rails already to mount stuff on be careful not get gas blowback - just a normal £125 G&G CM Raider will do now you gotta buy charger battery mask - probably mesh type, extra mags bb's etc... will probably take you up to £175 aprox your pistol could be used as a last ditch resort but normally pistols need to fire at 200fps rifles at 300fps to 350 - might be only 328fps or 100m/sec at your site it is not a £350 gun with £100 upgrades but will hopefully allow some chance and allow you to have a go and enjoy your day JBBG stuff at a proper site will not allow you to get near somebody picking you off before you can get near enough to shoot them and you will get the hump Airsoft relies on a just a few things: safety - common sense so listen n respect marshals n other players - yup even the bell ends fair play - if you get hit once you are dead - not COD even in the foot you are HIT if in doubt then call it - it ain't a prize competition if we don't try to play fair then may as just stay at home and target shoot in garden so to speak enjoy yourself - don't worry if you K/D is negative, mine still is but often I can get 1 good kill or funny moment that outweighs any bad unfair judgement etc... you will play against regulars, good skilled people who know the layout so you can't expect to dominate on your first outing and it ain't COD - they know you are attacking and they will be expecting you or hunting you so it won't be a breeze soz about the long bit but many are suprised when their first day they are knackered and shot to $hit G&G I have learnt are the best starting guns - even mid range guns I think so it will be a wise decision you won't regret later like crap I have bought in past there are loads of places to buy from but unsure about Irish shipping etc.... Zero One * ProAirsoft * Land Warrior Airsoft * Patrol Base AirsoftWorld.net * FireSupport The * ones deffo sell G&G but atm a lot are out of stock due to summer and a big Airsoft Even over weekend but will give you an idea to look at G&G range - zero one probably and LWA have a massive choice of stuff on their sites so you may look n decide you are more a G36 or AK kind of person do a bit of research looking around and ask if unsure - maybe create a new thread though as this is getting way off topic now so soz to mods if they wanna clean up thread a bit or move stuff other makes are out there like models but G&G M4's are good and parts are easy n cheap to get hold of as they so popular soz for going on - there are numerous other threads and some new to airsoft guides written by much more wiser members have a browse n think about it S D
    1 point
  22. So it just whines and no 'pop' from piston compression or movement? Something stripped. Could be the piston or one of the gears. G&G gears have sometimes had bad batches. Only wya to find out really is to open it up and see.
    1 point
  23. What tickles me is how much the majority of airsofters dislike walts and try to replicate military uniforms in the most respectful way- without wearing badges they don't have the right to or by wearing berets with pins on and a bunch of tits on some forum call us all walting pen pushers. Nowt like sweeping generalizations is there?
    1 point
  24. These responses are obviously only the people who have an axe to grind. There are former soldiers and serving soldiers who are fine with airsoft. I done my bit and left after my first tour (decided I didn't want to be put in that situation again), but I still miss it hence airsoft Its good clean fun and I can sleep at night without nightmares anymore. The people who responded in that link I suspect have self esteem issues and are just defended what is probably the only aspect of their lives that has given them true meaning and confidence. From a psychotherapists point of view I find this all rather interesting
    1 point
  25. Its a reflection on how thick most Army squaddies are....... *Now if that doesn't get a flash from an ex Army lot on here * Seriously, posting on there anything related to airsoft is like sticking your cock in a blender; obvious stupid and going to cause a lot of pain.
    1 point
  26. Don't worry we're not all like that. But can you imagine having to share a room with people like that for a living? I can remember in basic, our training corporals trying to get us to look down on civvies as a lower class of human being. Wherever you go in the world there will always be people who think they are a step above and like to do people down but there was no need for that. If those low lives who made those comments are actually serving (which I doubt is the case), they in particular DO NOT deserve our respect at all and I am ashamed they can been seen a representative of me and my former colleagues dead and alive by some people or even themselves.
    1 point
  27. What I do is a SPORT yes a sport not me pretending to something I know I am not I can't even begin to imagine the horrors our troops have suffered & witnessed, nor do I wish to for one single second. Airsoft could be even helping to build support & respect for our troops, go back a few years and looney extreme far lefties were heavily criticising our troops and deployments. many people were scared or worried about showing support for our troops in case it offended some minorities ffs. Where as we know they are just doing what the politicians drag us into right or wrong they are simply following orders in the name of our country. Even though the MOD has been forced to make drastic cuts that many think too extreme perhaps yup - most of these men & women have my full support gong through hell n back on a regular basis jeez I'm not gonna go too ott or patriotic like in US but at least they do fully respect their armed forces much more than this country has in the past I'm not gonna go on about this much more but here is a thought: I wonder how some of these hostile people would perform at the NAE this weekend ??? would be funny as fvck if these die hard tossers got feckin OWNED by some PRETEND SOLDIERS apart from the hostile bell ends all jumping on the airsoft hate bandwagon thread, big respect to ALL people serving and served in our forces - past n present oh n thread is closed thank god - perhaps they ran out of abuse or maybe they gone to sign up at NAE ???
    1 point
  28. Invisiblesight AN/PEQ15, bank manager not happy! the IR laser is like a lightsaber when viewed through NVG though... so it's kinda worth it
    1 point
  29. Problem with doing a PayPal dispute is that it's for an Airsoft gun. If they find out then you'd get nothing.
    1 point
  30. Yes, you do hate him.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Dan88, please explain your gun camo sir... Is is a wrap or is it painted? looks bloody cool and what I kinda had in mind for my outdoors kit im looking to build!!
    1 point
  33. A few bits I've acquired, I'm new to airsoft so I'm pretty happy so far, got multi cam ubac and trousers,
    1 point
  34. Worst Pratt I ever met was a guy who before every game would brief our team as to how to play that game to best effect. He spoke with assumed authority and oddly spoke with a hatred as if the other team were genuinely the enemy using phrases like "I don't want these cnuts to go home thinking they beat us" and stuff like that. Most of us ignored him but a lot of the younger guys would listen. He even refered to them to they're face as CANNON FODDER to allow the better players to be more effective. Seriously, this guy needs to find a girlfriend or something because airsoft is clearly taking up too much of his little life!!!
    1 point
  35. In my opinion the best players tend to be the quieter people who've played for a while, they'll have a couple of mates possibly with them and have spent good money on decent kit but generally keep to themselves and aren't the loud obnoxious morons that fill so many sites. I don't like to generalise but in this instance I think it's just about right
    1 point
  36. There are always the ones who have bucket loads of kit and seem to change guns for every game. We have one at Skirmish. Nice guy and all the kit and advice you could ever wish for but in the game he's always shouting do this and do that, while he is in cover. Being ex-Forces myself, I find that when the game starts I hold back and see whats going on, make my decision and stick with it. If I get hit, I take my hit and learn from what I did wrong. It does make it easier if you seen where you got hit from and the guy is camping. Revenge is sweet. A good thing happened the other month though. We were playing the fort on the attacking team and everyone was bunched up. Seen as it was kill the VIP, both teams were in attack mode, which is always good. We had a quick huddle for QBO's and ended up advancing in extended line, pick your cover if it gets messy and pick and call your targets. It worked upto a certain distance and we broke down into pairs and chose an entry to go into the fort. One foot on the ground and all that, fire and cover. This was one occasion when people were a little stuck and stayed with the plan. More often than not it goes out the window, but when it works it makes you feel good and gives other people not used to the game an incentive to come back. That's my take on it anyway.
    1 point
  37. There could easily be a whole series of Black Death memes based on this
    1 point
  38. You tend to meet the best sort of players in WW2 games. Last game I went to, our squad was trying to keep the right flank of the other British squad safe and they were taking fire from their left flank (where the Americans should have been). We therefore swung round to outflank the Germans on the right. A head pops out of a bush right by us and asks us very politely if we wouldn't mind not trying to outflank them as the German side had a few people drop out due to illness and gun malfunctions. a ). He could have taken us all out as we hadn't seen him. b ). In what other type of airsoft game would such a request be considered c ). Why can't the Americans stick to the plan?
    1 point
  39. Those players that stick in my mind are the selfless ones .. those who do little things that make your day that much more enjoyable .. those that will lend you a spare mag, ammo or gas in the middle of a firefight to help you continue .. those who stay behind end of the day to help clean up a site, sweep up bb's, collect rubbish to put things back ... those who help noobs with gun problems or queries .... those who give you a sandwich or sausage roll when you have forgotten your lunch box or food .. these people are the ones who will always be the best players to me, the often unknown people will think of others before themselves in order for others to enjoy their day just a little bit extra.
    1 point
  40. ronin677

    Gun picture thread

    SVD's things of beauty
    1 point
  41. Airsoft_Mr B

    Gun picture thread

    Did you try postimage? It works great for me and it's really simple to use.
    1 point
  42. Monty

    Gun picture thread

    The SVD.. LENGTH!!
    1 point
  43. ronin677

    Gun picture thread

    My scope has arrived now just waiting on my custom build wooden kit
    1 point
  44. Some pictures in game of my gear, using a rental gun still waiting for UKARA
    1 point
  45. M_P

    Gun picture thread

    It's getting there
    1 point
  46. GiantKiwi

    Gun picture thread

    A slight rework of the front end on the WE. More is happening, but that is when my bank account isn't looking so empty.. Oh and because the rail is so long, tried to see how many sights could be attached just for the hell of it. (All borrowed from site shop for the photo, hence the tags still on).
    1 point
  47. Poundland Uterus installation kit?
    1 point
  48. It's so ... horrific...
    1 point
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