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Bad Publicity?


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8 hours ago, Niktimes3 said:

The guy from the Facebook group he’s stuff abot KM has removed from YouTube 

The Nazi fan? Good.

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Wow, Ive been away from airsoft for a while and return to find that the energy may be changing because of one players actions..


I think that despite members of this great forum striving for changes regarding KM to prevent any damages to this hobby It simply out of our hands generally.  The sensible* options for members of sites are;

  1. spread factual information, giving evidence as to why KM is bad for the sport and should remove himself from playing the game.
  2. Speak to game site owners and cast voting on his approval/denial to play at those sites. 
  3. If there is a UK airsoft organisations/association/legal HQ then contact them and ask for them to help.  The FA don't tolerate avoidable fouls in football so why should airsoft allow it?(currently headshots are allowed though right?)
  4. You could contact KM directly both in person or via email as explain your concerns.  He is only human like you and I and although I haven't met him I am confident that he can read, write and knows right from wrong.

The only way that KM will cease from playing airsoft is if a national ban is placed on him and for this to happen there would need to be a lot of paperwork, meetings between sites, organisations and even some manufacturers.  Think of it as a very teeny version of Brexit which must be fair towards all parties and thoroughly investigated, giving each side a chance to give their thoughts and options to resolve the issues.


That said..

       I think KM brings a product line to the market that has been missing and I wish him all of the success in continuing with his KMCS/crafting/sniper products.  There are always two sides to every coin and I understand that currently we can shoot ANY PART of a players body so technically he isn't breaking any rules(unless recently some sites have changed their rules in which case I am unaware of).  A lot of us are wearing so much kit to comply with our fantasies that we cannot feel/hear the bb strike us in a more appropriate placement of our body which is frustrating for us all, not just KM.


*Sensible : Make a new site rule that if you are hit on the head it doesn't count.  I'm sure he will stop.


I want airsoft to be fair any enjoyable for all players so if we can lets collaborate and resolve this matter so that we can all go back to playing this amazing hobby once the government allows us to.  


Have a great day.



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7 minutes ago, Airsoft123 said:

*Sensible : Make a new site rule that if you are hit on the head it doesn't count.  I'm sure he will stop.


can't say i agree with that.


when you're dealing with cover you can almost guarantee that headshots are a necessity because all the target profile you're gonna have to shoot at is their gun, maybe some arm/shoulder, with the head being the biggest target.


the problem is not headshots in general, it's unnecessary headshots ie intentionally aiming for the face/head when you have other parts of the body to shoot at.


km may very well not be aiming intentionally for headshots as often as it appears in his videos, however he is portraying himself to be a player that intentionally goes for the head.

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   I agree with some points and thank you for raising the fact that KM openly aims for the head, rather than opting for another body part.  Although you may not agree with it I think it will detract him from making those hits, especially if they're considered as non lethal in the game and looked down upon by site owners/carry penalties.


many thanks


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The problem is that whilst yes it will detract from km and other folk who follow the same attitude, it will also detract from regular players significantly.


For example it will allow tactics such as peeking over cover with impunity which is gonna cause as many arguments/annoyances as it solves.


End of the day the specific tactics aren't the problem, its how people employ them and wether or not it's done in a dickish way.

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Be careful with what you wish for


The problem with headshots isn’t people like Kicking Mustang, it’s inadequate PPE


Currently the minimum requirement for airsoft eye protection is impact protection for the eyes.

I hate seeing the glasses style of eye protection, I haven’t seen an eye hit, but I have seen BBs get into the glasses.

The minimum that I personally feel that there should be is goggle type protection that covers the eyes and seals the area around the eyes


Younger players are required to wear full face protection, adults are responsible for themselves and can wear the minimum protection.  
It’s then your choice as an adult, you know that no matter what the rules are about headshots that a BB might hit a head

someone could break the rule and deliberately go for the head, you might move before the BB arrives or it doesn’t fly in a perfectly straight line from a player with perfect eyesight with perfect sights fitted to a perfect airsoft gun


Mustang is being a dickhead, for clicks and monetisation. He is not the only dickhead in the world, and any anti Mustang campaign will still leave other dickheads around 

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14 minutes ago, Tommikka said:

someone could break the rule and deliberately go for the head, you might move before the BB arrives or it doesn’t fly in a perfectly straight line from a player with perfect eyesight with perfect sights fitted to a perfect airsoft gun


2 example pretty much sum up my views on headshots:


scenario 1- woodland area sneaking through the bushes, meet another player along the path. i'm at left hand concealement and i can't shoot for shit left handed so i figure i'll tuck myself into the hedge wait for the other guy to move out of cover towards me.

other player fires a burst through the hedge, and it makes it's mark (hedge was not as dense as i'd thought), however whilst he'd aimed for where he reckoned me stomach would be because i've tucked down deeper i catch it straight to the noggin.

he issues a quick sorry, i point out i'd crouched into it, end of story.


scenario 2- outside area with a few bunkers, i'm frantically defending against a lot of players attacking from the front, don't notice the sneaky bugger coming round behind. he has a clear view of me through the door of the bunker and lets fly- an extended auto blast right into the face at a relatively short distance. he could have aimed anywhere but chose the face.


in both cases i'm catching a burst to the bonce, but the context is the important thing.


the objective at the end of the day is to get the other player to notice, and therefore call the hit. but there is a subset of players who seem to think that's not enough and they need to go above and beyond. they may try to justify it to themselves by claiming it's to "deal with cheaters" or whatever but in my experience that's a hollow argument as someone who's dead set on not calling a hit won't call it no matter how hard, how much, or where you hit them but someone who's honest will call the lightest of glancing blows.


calling players that take exception to this weak isn't really the way forward. i'm paying money to have fun, i'm not paying money to be someone else's punching bag or to undergo more pain than is necessary, if i was into that i'd play paintball or take up boxing instead.

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53 minutes ago, Skara said:


The problem is that you all should stop bitching about getting shot in the face, you're literally feeding KM's weird pain fetish with more and more content to put out.

Wear your fucking face pro and quit acting like manchildren

This all day, bravo Skara.


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Simple rule at most sites I played at: don't aim for the head IF there are other parts showing.


If someone jumps out from behind a door or wall and you snapshot them in the face, fair play. Likewise, if they are playing pop-up pirate and only showing the head, go of it.

But you have time and line of sight on something else, go for that.


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1 hour ago, rj1986 said:

Simple rule at most sites I played at: don't aim for the head IF there are other parts showing.


If someone jumps out from behind a door or wall and you snapshot them in the face, fair play. Likewise, if they are playing pop-up pirate and only showing the head, go of it.

But you have time and line of sight on something else, go for that.



never played anywhere that had it stated as a rule, but it's how i've always done it.


center of mass of what you see, makes sense if only for the purpose of maximized hit probability.

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I've played at a few sites where its mentioned in the briefing. Even if it isn't I'll aim for whatever is the biggest target, but that's partly because I make imperial stormtroopers look like Jerry Miculek

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9 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

I make imperial stormtroopers look like Jerry Miculek




9 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

I've played at a few sites where its mentioned in the briefing. 

I play at two RIFT airsoft sites, and they do mention it in their briefings to aim for the torso if its available,  but that a head in a window is fair game if thats all you can see of the enemy...


They also state in the briefing that theres a "no run from grenades" rule too...   i think other sites should operate that rule too..  to save the frustration of the enemy sprinting away from a good grenade placement to be outside the kill radius, wasting your grenade and your money...


(Im a little biased though, as i use the yellow TAG hand grenades.. that work out about £5 per bang)

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16 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


a man that can make a revolver look like a submachine gun

That's nothing, Nuprol can make a turd 💩 look like a rifle.




(It's still a turd though lol🤣)

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22 minutes ago, Spartan09 said:


They also state in the briefing that theres a "no run from grenades" rule too...   i think other sites should operate that rule too..  to save the frustration of the enemy sprinting away from a good grenade placement to be outside the kill radius, wasting your grenade and your money...



My first thoughts are that I don’t like a ‘no runaway’ rule

But it could depend on some specifics.

In a building etc, I would count kills within the whole room, unless particularly large or with valid hard cover such as walls.  If you can duck into the next room etc before it blows then I’d say that’s fair.

Outside I would expect a grenade to have a range - even if it’s a BB grenade, that within x distance you’re blown up.  That’s still an easy cause for argument even when people aren’t running away, as distance judgement varies widely ..... and can depend on whether being in or out is to your favour or not



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4 minutes ago, Tackle said:

That's nothing, Nuprol can make a turd 💩 look like a rifle.




(It's still a turd though lol🤣)

hey...   nothing wrong with nuprols.  
i grant you that they are not top-of-the-line rifles, but they perform well out of the box.

nothing wrong with my nuprol pioneer defender, i only changed the hop unit so that i could run tracer BBs at CQB sites with an inernal tracer unit, as opposed to using a suppressor type tracer (that would have lengthened the barrel)

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47 minutes ago, Spartan09 said:

hey...   nothing wrong with nuprols.  
i grant you that they are not top-of-the-line rifles, but they perform well out of the box.

nothing wrong with my nuprol pioneer defender, i only changed the hop unit so that i could run tracer BBs at CQB sites with an inernal tracer unit, as opposed to using a suppressor type tracer (that would have lengthened the barrel)

Lol, sorry bud, I knew I'd trigger someone, didn't think it'd be that quick 🤣

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Nuprol? Did someone mention that word? Don’t get me started on Nuprol RZR turd bbs and MWS.... grrrrrrrr 


Oh look they work nicely with an MWS sir. Buy a bottle. Ha bloody ha! Grrrr

11 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

I've played at a few sites where its mentioned in the briefing. Even if it isn't I'll aim for whatever is the biggest target, but that's partly because I make imperial stormtroopers look like Jerry Miculek

Aye aye dissing a stormtrooper 😱. That’s fighting talk. Hold on  you’re part of the rebel alliance and a traitor to the galactic empire. We will set KM onto your case 😂

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On 15/02/2021 at 08:04, Airsoft123 said:


He is only human like you and I and although I haven't met him I am confident that he can read, write and knows right from wrong.




 I have met him and I am not so sure on that.  There were distinct furrows in the ground near where he walked....

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18 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

I've played at a few sites where its mentioned in the briefing. Even if it isn't I'll aim for whatever is the biggest target, but that's partly because I make imperial stormtroopers look like Jerry Miculek

If you could make the average airsofter look like Lena Miculek, I'd pay your entry fee to my local... 


Image result for lena miculek

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2 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:


With that witches chin she should swap the shotgun for a broomstick

And just like that, TriggerHappy is back from the dead :D

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