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Overpowered Ghillies ? Your Thoughts

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The armband can give away a sniper's position, but if that's the rule then everyone must stick to it. It makes our task harder, but not impossible. If the rules are too much to follow then don't play in ghillie or don't play there at all.

Automatic HPA ghillie players should be burned with fire though. :)

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Absolutely cheating as he broke the number 1 rule of airsoft.  Don't be a cunt.

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30 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

Absolutely cheating as he broke the number 1 rule of airsoft.  Don't be a cunt.

That should really just be the number one rule.

8 hours ago, Shamal said:

Yeah found him in 1min lol 👍

Very good though


This guy has been hiding in your fridge for the last two weeks, disguised as an old piece of cheese.

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42 minutes ago, CrackCommandoUnit1972 said:

That should really just be the number one rule.

This guy has been hiding in your fridge for the last two weeks, disguised as an old piece of cheese.

Dammit! You have looked in my fridge!!!



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3 minutes ago, rj1986 said:


That's a lie - like a piece of cheese would be in my fridge for longer than 3 days

depends on the cheese tho.

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If your arm band can give your position away when sniping then quite frankly your shit at being a sniper ! what your wearing has rock all to do with it it’s ALL about your position and your movement(or more appropriately lack of movement !) thats important , we’ve all been to a gameday where you’ve seen some nobber running around the site in a full wookie suit like a demented loon with his arse on fire but most didn’t see the guy in the red check shirt and blue jeans who was using proper field craft to maintain his position . 
Far too many think being a sniper is Get dropped off somewhere , crawl forward 100-150ft As quick as you can , shoot the target , crawl back out of sight get picked up then home for tea and medals ala CoD !
when in-fact the reality Is tabbing in to a location for hrs and hrs , then crawling forward very very slowly for a good couple of hundred yards if not further laying in the same spot for a couple of days ,  pissing in a bottle , shitting in a ziploc bag , getting pissed on by the local farm stock then getting an abort signal and repeating the whole thing in revers !🤦‍♂️

It’s no different at a gameday(just dramatically scaled back) if your field craft is good you can be a sniper , but if it’s not then your just another nobber who thinks he’s the ultimate ‘one shot one hit’ stone cold killa ! 🤣🤣

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But surely I can stand in plain sight with my ghillie and be invisible!? Right? 🤔

On 08/12/2020 at 15:18, Samurai said:

The armband can give away a sniper's position, but if that's the rule then everyone must stick to it. It makes our task harder, but not impossible. If the rules are too much to follow then don't play in ghillie or don't play there at all.

Automatic HPA ghillie players should be burned with fire though. :)

Yeh should be a rule on ghillies only allowed if you’re running bolty or pistol


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On 08/12/2020 at 15:18, Samurai said:

The armband can give away a sniper's position 

Mr Samurai’s comment here goes back to my point , if an arm band can give away your position then you really don’t have a clue about field craft do you ? Odds are your going to be spotted soon enough wether you’ve a dayglow armband or not ? 

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9 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Mr Samurai’s comment here goes back to my point , if an arm band can give away your position then you really don’t have a clue about field craft do you ? Odds are your going to be spotted soon enough wether you’ve a dayglow armband or not ? 


I think the argument tends to be that it makes it much more difficult.


Not impossible to overcome with skill, but more difficult, and in fairness the majority of airsofters likely dont have fieldcraft training.

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2 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


I think the argument tends to be that it makes it much more difficult.


Not impossible to overcome with skill, but more difficult, and in fairness the majority of airsofters likely dont have fieldcraft training.

Both fair points BUT fieldcraft and concealment isn’t exactly a ‘dark art’ really ? Had a quick attack of google foo and I found loads of stuff on the net about it , plus simple common sense says if your wearing a dark gillie suit and your running around the site , lay down on some bleached out grass or next to a building people are going to see you ? all you need is a bit of heavier cover , little bit of a wiggle in under it and boom your invisible to 90% of the players on the field ! 😂 so many players just aren’t even remotely observant but unfortunately this usable advantage is cancelled out by an equal amount of players who seem to be unable to think out of the box when it comes to placing them selves in a good position on the field . Ultimately I think it comes down to rules are there for a reason , and if you think a rule is putting you at a disadvantage then step up your game and make your self a better player so you negate the perceived disadvantage ? 

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I suppose it is a fair point that the rules are there for a reason.


I guess maybe unlike say running hot or not hit calling this sort of thing seems less egregious, but i can see the sentiment particularly when a site is doing non armbands versus armbands.


I know i'm as guilty, half the time i'm not even bothering with a camo jacket any more just green/grey jumper, but my stealth tactics tend to be based on shooting people in the back.

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16 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

half the time i'm not even bothering with a camo jacket any more just green/grey jumper, but my stealth tactics tend to be based on shooting people in the back.

Sounds perfectly fair AND acceptable to me ! 😇😈🤣🤣

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8 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Sounds perfectly fair AND acceptable to me ! 😇😈🤣🤣


It seems to work so far.


Only downside is having about 30s before the guy you just shot respawns behind you

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the same thought this Sunday gone, playing in dense woodland most of the time you spot the enemies by seeing their neon coloured armbands moving though bushes and branches, I can say with  certainty I spotted a lot of my victims this way.



However it seems, by virtue of having spent £40 on a bush-esque overall, ghillie snipers are allowed to instead wear a single band around the ankle... does this mean the camo uniform I wear is considered a lesser camouflage and therefore less deserving of being able to actually help camouflage me? 



What really took the cake was the HPA sporting "ghillie" who, because he had decided to wear a bush as trousers that day, was also doing the "wear a single band around my ankle that is suspiciously covered by my baggy ghillie" despite the fact he wasn't really filling a snipers role, which basically meant he was harder to spot in bushes ect due to the lack of neon. 


The next time I go I think I'm going to just stick a bit of my teams tape on my back and call it s day, if that's not acceptable for some reason ill zip tie some leaves on to my wrists and call it a ghillie so I get the handicap these bushwookies obviously need.

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No armband is going to give you're position away if you know what you are doing. You can sneak up on people with a pink gun if you move right. Its all about being still and obscuring your shape, if its a glowing led arm band just put your right arm under some foliage while you sit and wait. No one should get special armband placement treatment people take airsoft too serious sometimes ive gotten sick of it lately im just wearing normal work clothers when i go atm all this dressing up like soldiers with children makes my head hurt.

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54 minutes ago, padraigthesniper said:

 all this dressing up like soldiers with children makes my head hurt.

Yeah but the dressing up bit is part of the fun. It makes us feel special and let's face it we are all a bit special and as such have special needs. Dont take that away from us! 😉👍

Merry new christmas to one and all 🎄🎅


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No ones denying that you can still stay covert with a armband if you know what you're doing...to a degree. 

But the neon colour is such a obvious giveaway. And ghilles should be limited to basr imo. 


And obviously the loadout is a major part of the fun! 

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I've got the answer, neon gloves, can't shoot without raising your mitts 😏

Obviously the nail varnish isn't mandatory 😜 


Short Fishnet all.jpg

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Having watched a mate dressed up as spider man sneak up on a couple of players I agree that if your position is given away by a little armband, then you need to up your game. Camouflage is no substitute for good field craft. 


As for the guy in the op, all I can say is what a cock. He was specifically told to put it on his arm but didn't so should've been booted off site imo

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2 hours ago, Tommikka said:

And for persistent offenders ....





what even is that?

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Did trekkies actually wear that crap!?🤔

Two more sleeps!🎅🎁🎄



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