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Another Scumbag to Watch Out for


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Great job Graham!


@L3wisDwould you mind taking a look at my last message (about the PP scam) and see if you can pin it somewhere?

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Scammers can burn in hell for what they do to people for all I care, you live by the sword you die by the sword, post everything up and cause him maximum ball ache.

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17 minutes ago, Skara said:

Great job Graham!


@L3wisDwould you mind taking a look at my last message (about the PP scam) and see if you can pin it somewhere?


I'll see what I can do. Must admit I've not heard of that technique before.


Also, please keep your wits about you - Apparently Stephen Glennie is back to his old tricks YET AGAIN on Z1, under another new screen name of Airsoft4U.


Don't so swaps with any Northern Ireland post code if you can help it!

Apologies to any genuine northern Ireland Airsofters, but Glennie has fucked it for the lot of you.

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2 minutes ago, L3wisD said:

Don't so swaps with any Northern Ireland post code if you can help it!

@Adolf Hamsterexposed.

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1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:


ffs shut up dude, i had them fooled with the long con :ph34r:

I figured it out ages back, clearly AdolfHamster is an anagram of Glennieisatheivingcnut 🤔

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9 hours ago, L3wisD said:


I'll see what I can do. Must admit I've not heard of that technique before.


Also, please keep your wits about you - Apparently Stephen Glennie is back to his old tricks YET AGAIN on Z1, under another new screen name of Airsoft4U.


Don't so swaps with any Northern Ireland post code if you can help it!

Apologies to any genuine northern Ireland Airsofters, but Glennie has fucked it for the lot of you.

This just got posted on zin, apparently Glennie has another username here (or more ?), DeeDee.


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There’s a PTS Mega Arms listed in the swaps section here under the name Deedee. If it’s confirmed dodgy can it be removed?


I think this is another example of why we need a dedicated thread where these scams can be posted. Dodgy usernames and listings can be added and users can check through the post before buying. Just a thought.



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1 hour ago, Super64 said:

users can check through the post before buying


They can, but they won't.


I do agree with spotting them, but it's probably better i@L3wisD et al just nuke them from orbit.


Better to kill 99 innocent airsofters than to let one Stephen Glennie list freely, sadly.

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On 20/10/2020 at 22:55, Rogerborg said:


Going through https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/transfer/homepage/request and requesting money from another version of myself it appears to be a F&F payment - there's no mention of fees at either end.


That's distinct from an invoice https://www.paypal.com/invoice/create which is what I send and ask people to send, and which does attract fees and has the protections.


Although I'm way less than 99% sure of that.


I tried with my business account to my personal account and it tried to clobber me with a £0.33 fee but personal to personal looks like zero fees - interesting.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The best way to differentiate between a legit bloke and a scumbag is to talk on the phone. 

I bought a AEG from @MikeYank and we chatted for about an hour about airsoft in general before we even got round to discussing the RIF


defence provided

not a scammer

new oppo acquired to skirmish with when lockdown is over


If they have are pulling a fast one then they won’t want to speak on the phone. 

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  • 5 months later...

He’s also operating on Used Airsoft, under the name of Hugo Perkins with a Santander bank acct atm, which I have the details of, and phone number 07767320406

Unfortunately I transferred some cash to him before googling him, he then came back saying he’s got 2 bank accounts and he thinks the money went in to that one, obviously trying to get me to pay again. I’ve told him that  if the guns not sent I’ll be passing his details and the conversation (on WhatsApp which might encode end to end but there’s a copy I’ll happily show the police on my phone) to the police.

I’ll update as it unfolds

Interesting he’s going to DPD it to me without my address and I’m not really sure I want to give him my address

Edited by Smee
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34 minutes ago, Smee said:

He’s also operating on Used Airsoft, under the name of Hugo Perkins with a Santander bank acct atm of which I have the details of.

Unfortunately I transferred some cash to him before googling him, he then came back saying he’s got 2 bank accounts and he thinks the money went in to that one, obviously trying to get me to pay again. I’ve told him that  if the guns not sent I’ll be passing his details and the conversation (on WhatsApp which might encode end to end but there’s a copy I’ll happily show the police on my phone) to the police.

I’ll update as it unfolds

Interesting he’s going to DPD it to me without my address and I’m not really sure I want to give him my address

Dude, irrespective, never, ever do bank transfer, or f&f on PayPal.

as for your address, if he is trying to send you a rif, he can't do it without an address, obviously if your concerned about giving him an address that matches your bank transfer details, which I get, then give him a friends or relatives address (with their permission), ideally someone who's home a lot so there's less chance of him claiming "it's been delivered, your problem now" if it doesn't materialise.

good luck, keep us posted👍

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11 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


i felt there was insufficient emphasis on this sentence.



i posted on his item that he was a scammer and contacted the site to let them know, he seemed to get a bit upset that I’d sussed him out and he couldn’t do his big “reveal” he obviously gets off on it. He said I wasn’t getting the RIF and I could cry to my mummy about the £35.. I have reported him on fraud website with his phone number and bank account details hopefully that will do some good but I won’t hold my breath.


My takeaway from this is don’t do bank transfer, ask for a photo of the item with something as proof, and google a name before paying. Luckily it was only a small amount and I walk away slightly poorer but wiser (and hoping that some day I cross paths with the little toe rag)

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Don't feel too bad, there are some very plausible scammers out there who will put in a fair amount of effort to build up trust.


My rule now is no chat, just ask sellers to email me a PayPal invoice listing the item, postage and expected delivery date, and the total that they want me to pay via goods-and-services.


If they can't or won't do that, walk away.  Don't get caught up in any "Yeah, mate, actually..." tall tales or back-and-forth on postage and fees with lazy twunts.



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