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Rant time - deliberate damage to someone elses RIF.


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1 minute ago, Lozart said:

Was it you that recommended the BFG stock adaptor?

 I suggested a couple of parts from Blue Force Gear and I also suggested looking at Urban ERT Slings had on offer.

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Just now, FreeFrag.UK said:

 I suggested a couple of parts from Blue Force Gear and I also suggested looking at Urban ERT Slings had on offer.


Cool, I was chatting to him on messenger and he mentioned that someone had suggested it. Good shout, might get one for my M14!

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42 minutes ago, snuff said:

I think most airsofters would,I also would've picked it up if I had seen it lying on the ground TBH.


agreed, i'd probably have propped it up against the tree it was next to.

42 minutes ago, snuff said:

I think most airsofters would,I also would've picked it up if I had seen it lying on the ground TBH.


agreed, i'd probably have propped it up against the tree it was next to.

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1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:


agreed, i'd probably have propped it up against the tree it was next to.


agreed, i'd probably have propped it up against the tree it was next to.

Would you, by any chance, have propped it up against the tree it was next to?

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7 hours ago, osteoshot said:

Is this a genuine comment.

we are obviously not watching and hearing the same footage




So, because he laughs and places his feet on the gun, admittedly in a strange way, he is guilty? You can see his eyes can you? You can hear what he is laughing at? I wonder if he is putting his feet like that to peer round the tree with his gun up? 


I'm not saying he is definitely innocent because nobody other than him knows, but, I personally can see an accident. Whenever I place my gun down, its leaning against a wall, not on the floor tucked on a root of tree which is of similar colour. 


After watching it again now, for the however many times, it sounds like he is talking about being shot at or shooting someone in the back and saying it hurts then laughs, so if he focusing on shooting someone, or thinks he can see something, thats maybe why he pushes up against the tree,  the realises there is nobody to shoot and walks off.


Regardless of what everyone may think, its my opinion, unless the guy comes out and says yea i did it on purpose, it won't change.

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To me yes it looks on purpose but I have to say who sets a rifle down like that?both times? I'm near surprised earlier on in footage when in the building it wasn't stepped on then. When he sets it at the base of the tree its running across roots. Its a surprise that it doesn't snap in two. Tbh i wouldn't be surprised if this was a set up for views....


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30 minutes ago, Robert James said:

So, because he laughs and places his feet on the gun, admittedly in a strange way, he is guilty?


On the balance of probability, yes.  This is the court of public opinion, not the International Criminal Court.


Even if we assume that he stood on it accidentally, I don't buy for a second that he could have been unaware of it.


If I stood on someone's gun accidentally, I'd find them, let them know, and offer to fix it or have it fixed if it was damaged.


Wouldn't you?

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Yeah like when you open your car door in a car park and accidentally bash the car next to you. 🤭🤭


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23 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

If I stood on someone's gun accidentally, I'd find them, let them know, and offer to fix it or have it fixed if it was damaged.


Wouldn't you?

oh absolutely, if I couldn't find them, I'd pick up the gun take to a marshall and explain. However, my point is that maybe he thinks he is standing on the root of the tree, or a branch or something.


I dont personally look at every thing I put my foot on in airsoft, when I'm running or walking towards another player. Especially if I think I can see someone or something. The only time I tend to look at what I'm walking on is when I'm trying to be stealthy or when I'm doing CQB because you tend to stand on a grenade at some point, but it feels different on the foot compared to a tree root in the forest. 

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2 hours ago, Robert James said:

I dont personally look at every thing I put my foot on in airsoft, when I'm running or walking towards another player. Especially if I think I can see someone or something. The only time I tend to look at what I'm walking on is when I'm trying to be stealthy or when I'm doing CQB because you tend to stand on a grenade at some point, but it feels different on the foot compared to a tree root in the forest. 


I don't think any of us look where we're placing every single step but this is where tactile feedback comes into the equation along with other forms of sensory input. The simple fact is that a gun will feel very different to earth underfoot. Especially when you can clearly hear the M14 creaking under the guys weight. I'm sorry but your line of argument for justification just doesn't follow any semblance of logic. If you don't think that stepping onto a gun would feel different to stepping onto uneven earth then you might want to test it by stepping onto your VSR for a similar feel to the give the M14 probably went through.


I understand what you're saying but the physics and sensations involved simply don't tally. That is unless you're either dead from the neck down or alternatively dead from the neck up.

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4 minutes ago, FreeFrag.UK said:


I don't think any of us look where we're placing every single step but this is where tactile feedback comes into the equation along with other forms of sensory input. The simple fact is that a gun will feel very different to earth underfoot. Especially when you can clearly hear the M14 creaking under the guys weight. I'm sorry but your line of argument for justification just doesn't follow on semblance of logic. If you don't think that stepping onto a gun would feel different to stepping onto uneven earth then you might want to test it by stepping onto your VSR for a similar feel to the give the M14 probably went through.


I understand what you're saying but the physics and sensations involved simply don't tally. That is unless you're either dead from the neck down or alternatively dead from the neck up.

No you are right, a gun doesn't feel the same. But the guy is talking, so sound maybe mixed with the talking plus being in a forest, perhaps he thought he had stood on a branch? Whilst adrenaline is pumping around your body, your hearing will be slightly less, plus the fact that he is wearing a mask that will also cover up sound. If im in a forest, i hear a crack, id assume its a branch. 


Also, as stated above, this is a forum where opinions can be shared. Nobody can be 100% sure he did or didn't do this purposefully. So, as I said, this is my opinion, stop trying to change it. 

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@Robert James - I'm simply trying to highlight various points of consideration in your assessment. You're entitled to your opinion and I've not made any claims to contradict your right to an opinion. The simple fact is that even with the various factors you have mentioned the sensation of stepping onto a gun, especially a rifle, will feel very different to stepping on anything else onsite. Further to this I'd like to reiterate my point concerning tactile feedback, the sensations transmitted by stepping onto the gun will feel dramatically different and the guy hardly seems to be in a hurry to step off it. In fact the chap in question was all too happy to place his other foot on it with little to no hesitation and in such a manner that he was perfectly stable on the gun. There's also a hell of a difference between the sounds produced by branches, roots and other naturally occurring materials when compared to the sounds the gun produces (there's a distinction between creaking through stress and the crack of twigs and branches).


I appreciate that you're trying to provide an alternative theory but as @Rogerborg rightly said, the odds just don't stack  up and yes, this  is merely public opinion which is by no means infallible.


This is merely a discussion and if points made sway your opinion then surely there is no harm in this, just as there would be no harm should your argument sway others. Opinions should be based on reasoning, logic and where possible facts. Admittedly in this situation we don't have the whole picture so it is a case of balancing the information available with known factors.


If you can't accept people voicing arguments and lines of reason which may challenge your opinion then it might be best to step away from the conversation. I realise this may sound a bit controversial but this is simply a discussion which has been respectful and without confrontation. Should a discussion descend to a point where it enters the realm of personal attacks, bear baiting or bullying tactics to challenge someone's opinion then it becomes an issue but up until then point it is just normal social discourse.

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55 minutes ago, FreeFrag.UK said:

That is unless you're either dead from the neck down or alternatively dead from the neck up.


10 minutes ago, FreeFrag.UK said:

@Robert James - I'm simply trying to highlight various points of consideration in your assessment. You're entitled to your opinion and I've not made any claims to contradict your right to an opinion. The simple fact is that even with the various factors you have mentioned the sensation of stepping onto a gun, especially a rifle, will feel very different to stepping on anything else onsite. Further to this I'd like to reiterate my point concerning tactile feedback, the sensations transmitted by stepping onto the gun will feel dramatically different and the guy hardly seems to be in a hurry to step off it. In fact the chap in question was all too happy to place his other foot on it with little to no hesitation and in such a manner that he was perfectly stable on the gun. There's also a hell of a difference between the sounds produced by branches, roots and other naturally occurring materials when compared to the sounds the gun produces (there's a distinction between creaking through stress and the crack of twigs and branches).


I appreciate that you're trying to provide an alternative theory but as @Rogerborg rightly said, the odds just don't stack  up and yes, this  is merely public opinion which is by no means infallible.


This is merely a discussion and if points made sway your opinion then surely there is no harm in this, just as there would be no harm should your argument sway others. Opinions should be based on reasoning, logic and where possible facts. Admittedly in this situation we don't have the whole picture so it is a case of balancing the information available with known factors.


If you can't accept people voicing arguments and lines of reason which may challenge your opinion then it might be best to step away from the conversation. I realise this may sound a bit controversial but this is simply a discussion which has been respectful and without confrontation. Should a discussion descend to a point where it enters the realm of personal attacks, bear baiting or bullying tactics to challenge someone's opinion then it becomes an issue but up until then point it is just normal social discourse.

agree with what you're saying, in most parts. Ive got no issue with people saying they think I'm wrong etc, however your comment about dead from the neck down, whilst it probably wasn't directed at me, no need for it. Plus someone else asking if my comment was genuine earlier. I give a different opinion on something and get laughed at or being told it doesn't feel the same unless youre dead from the neck down, isn't the nicest, nor was it needed. But, I've said my opinion, now I see no reason to carry on commenting on this specific thread. 


Freefrag, if that's not what you were getting at (with the neck down comment), like I said perhaps it wasnt directed at me. Please accept my apologies, sometimes its hard to tell what someone/how someone is writing something without tone. 

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@Robert James - My comment concerning being "dead from x" wasn't a personal attack. I resorted to an idiom, which I'm all too used to using, that was referring to the chap who saw fit to step on the M14, not yourself.


No apology is necessary, I appreciate that tone isn't always evident.

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55 minutes ago, L3wisD said:

Yeah, just seen him named and shamed on Reddit.


I'm sure we won't, but please can we avoid outing him on here please. There's not even 100% proof the named chap is the guy in the video yet. 


Agreed, the court of public opinion doesnt exactly have the greatest track record of getting it right and the only thing worse than what this guy did is falsely lampooning some poor bugger for the crime.


The guy who did it deserves the banhammer but lets let the site do that after doing their due diligence.

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Agreed, and I wish the site had been given some more time to handle it before it went public.


In the end, all that actually matters is that whoever it was is identified and given the heave-ho.


That can be done by site owners, it doesn't have to be a public witch hunt.

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2 hours ago, L3wisD said:

Yeah, just seen him named and shamed on Reddit.


I'm sure we won't, but please can we avoid outing him on here please. There's not even 100% proof the named chap is the guy in the video yet. 


That Reddit post has now been taken down at Sim's request. The guys details have been passed to Dogtag and they're going to speak to him.

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Kicking Mustang also shared this incident on IG stories.


At first he was all "burn the witch", now he's moved onto the "life isn't being fair to this dude, an airsoft ban would do, please bois don't go batshit crazy on him" line of thought.


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3 minutes ago, Skara said:

Kicking Mustang also shared this incident on IG stories.


At first he was all "burn the witch", now he's moved onto the "life isn't being fair to this dude, an airsoft ban would do, please bois don't go batshit crazy on him" line of thought.


Prob because it's a fellow bolt action wanker getting stick, I wonder if he'd be so mellow if he'd checked his own guncam footage & saw someone doing a Riverdance impression on his rifle 😏

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Just now, Tackle said:

Prob because it's a fellow bolt action wanker getting stick, I wonder if he'd be so mellow if he'd checked his own guncam footage & saw someone doing a Riverdance impression on his rifle 😏


He'd probably go back to commenting on how "toxic" the UK airsoft community is.

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3 hours ago, L3wisD said:

Yeah, just seen him named and shamed on Reddit.


I'm sure we won't, but please can we avoid outing him on here please. There's not even 100% proof the named chap is the guy in the video yet. 

If you want confirmation PM me 

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