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The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread


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13 minutes ago, Skullchewer said:

Well, yesterday we had 108 players on the field. 

Everyone seemed to have a great day...

... except me. 


Marshaling the second game of the day, waking down a hill, stepped on a thick fallen branch that was concealed in long grass. 

The branch rolled, along with my ankle. 

I felt my foot fold, but my weight was on that side, so I let myself fall, though according to those watching I fell "gracefully" 🤣

I also heard a POP as my foot folded.  😬


Embarrassingly a weapons down was called. I stayed sat down, tested my ankle rotation, and all seemed good so I got up with some assistance, and hobbled off. 

I marshalled one more game, and spent the rest of the day sat down at mags and tags, as there were people in and out of the safe zone all day, so it was a good use of my time without having to walk. 


At end of day I took my boot off, and my ankle immediately swelled. 

I'm thinking now that "ah, I'll walk it off" may not have been the best idea.


Thankfully I don't have to be back on site till Wednesday, but right now I'm thinking I may need to go get it looked at. It's more painful than it was. 

Oh well!



Get it looked at sharpish, if its a talus bone injury the can be bastards to put right, but if caught early enough then a simple boot can avoid lengthy surgical options.

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Best to get it checked out & sooner the better.


Never a better time to have a bag of peas in the freezer either, cold compress wrapped in a tea towel will help the swelling but don't leave it on too long.

Edited by gavinkempsell
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11 minutes ago, Tackle said:

Get it looked at sharpish, if its a talus bone injury the can be bastards to put right, but if caught early enough then a simple boot can avoid lengthy surgical options.

I have to agree with that; get thee to a hospital asap.

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Back at the Stan again this sunday, 8 from our regular team (Sherwood Sentinels) and then another 6 including my Son in Law and Grandson so we made up not far off half of the players booked on for the day.


Played the usual selection of games, pushback, the case game and then kill confirmed (final game of the day was infected but I never play those) for the most part the day went pretty well, we were dominating a little and this usually leads to bitching and today was no exception. What we are starting to find is that opposition are not used to or expecting a co-ordinated organised team coming at them with a plan and this leads to assumption you must be running god mode.


Apparently a couple of people left at lunchtime saying they had a decent day but have since been spouting how rubbish it is and they will never be back, for those people you just need to be better, if you genuinely have a problem raise it with the marshals there and then, at least they have a chance to address your issues.


There were a couple of speedsofters there who were copping a lot of flak for running hot and not hit taking, but I played on their team and against them and had no issue at all, they were even randomly Chrono'd and came in well under the limit. People just like a target to moan about sometimes.


I know I have said it before but it is worth saying again, if you haven't tried the Stan since it re-opened give it a go, night games every other friday night (lots of fun in the dark) and every Sunday. also check out their socials (bias to declare here as my Son has just started managing them for them :) )




Friday night squad, we are back again this friday :)






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Went out to RIFT the battery yesterday, and had another awesome day, despite the heat and humidity, so I was grateful for the short games with breaks in between.


As I had finally got the spare mags that were on back order arrive a few weeks ago, I decided to run my Krytac Kriss Vector as my main weapon, with my TM Lycoris Recoil as a sidearm, with my KWA Beretta 93r coming out briefly for a game too.


Got to site and got set up pretty quickly so I could have a go at setting the hop on the vector before chrono opened.


Initially I started on red team, but got moved over to blue team in the afternoon along with a few others to rebalanced the teams after a few people dropped out, presumably due to the heat.


Hit taking was excellent from what I saw, and there was plenty of good sportsmanship from both sides in calling trades and fist bumping or congratulating players for good shots etc.


Ran into a couple of snags with my equipment on the day which now need sorting..


The first was my smoke generator suppressor.  I noticed that the muzzle flash was inconsistent and the smoke generator was no longer producing smoke, despite the fan triggering, so I think it's now officially dead,  which is annoying as it looked amazing on my other guns loke the VFC M249...  so it was retired and I salvaged the Acetech Brighter-C tracer unit I had fitted into it to give it tracer function so that I could continue using tracer bbs (desperately needed in the dimly lit areas)


And finally,  I had a red dot I borrowed from another gun to put on the vector shot out, leaving me unable to see much through the broken glass. As I didn't have an allen key on me to remove it, I was forced to guestimate my shots from the tracers for most of a game before I was able to remove it during a break in the safe zone and resorting to iron sights for the rest of the day...  so now I need a new red dot.


All in all, it was a great day,  and i hope to get to this site many more times before it gets redeveloped in a couple of years time.

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Make sure they transplant your balls to your ear so at least you'll look 'normal'

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3 minutes ago, Skullchewer said:

To those saying I should get my ankle checked, I am. Going to a&e.


We'll await the update in 48 hours.

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58 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


We'll await the update in 48 hours.

Lol, only 48 hours, I admire your optimism 🤣

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On 24/06/2024 at 20:45, Rogerborg said:


We'll await the update in 48 hours.


Well, he was still limping about with a stick on Sunday!


Speaking of which, cracking day at Red Alert! Took the new Gordy clone out for its first proper run and discovered that (at least on the 11.1v I was running it with) it doesn't like most of my midcaps but runs perfectly happily on a hicap. New tappet spring and delay chip for that one I think!


The morning was a bit drizzly, but spirits were high, first game wasn't the usual infection style name game but rather the whole morning was a themed drug dealers/gun runners objective based taste of the Battlesim Lite style days. Great fun but a bit of advanced notice would have been appreciated so I could have brought some way of keeping hydrated for two hours out in the humid woods! We (Red team) won that one fairly convincingly, I took a tactical tumble running in to help cover an objective (no serious injuries other than pride, thankfully) but we managed to get ALL THE DRUGSSS!!!!!!


After a rather lovely lunch of chicken curry, it was back to more regular short skirmish type games One including some MASSIVE cuddly toys). The knees finally cried enough after that so the last short game of the day was missed. A fair number left through the day (some kicky ball thing was on the telly apparently) but the day started out with 102 players. Decent play all round, decent marshalling (even from hopalong @Skullchewer) and I finally met @GAMBLE too!

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Yeah, the two hour game blind sided everyone. 

That was the biggest feedback, from me too! 

"Oh your ankle hurts? Walk for two hours."

But feedback in overall was good. 


Good to see you again, and that one big contraband extraction you guys did was epic. 🤣


Come to the Simlite on the 28th.

We are also trialing evening games soon. 

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21 hours ago, Skullchewer said:


Come to the Simlite on the 28th.



Planning to!

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Sunday gone, took myself and the young one the Red1 Chiselhurst - i made a point of asking on the socials if i could bring him as he is still only 10 and red1 so much closer to home than driver wood, they say its good - so now i have an actual commutable site for us! 


Sign in continues a plomp and im thinking ' this is quiet' only around 30odd players on site, Crono opens up on time and all players are corraled into the range for the task - good - my ics finally works during a crono process and i only need to fix the feeding issue (i have to hold the mag in tight). The lads tm also passes. but and here i had to pause, no tags... nothing to mark this particular bb slinger as passed....turns out this was not a biggy as they took the crono into the game and i did see some spot checks happen. last player comes out folloed by marshel that was cronoing, 'safety breif happens - fairly standard, it finishes and immediatly its 'bomb up and get out there' - love that.


next up, teams....'everyone that knows the site this side nd everyone that doesnt on that side'.....'those are the teams' this gets a chuckle, nervious from some, and againi have to give a pause to my thinking, but they continue 'right x from that side over here and x from this side there' which in the end seemd to fuel those of us not super familier with the site.


games - good overall but need tweaking in places 

1st game capture the flag - but there are many many flags scattered around the cqb parts of the site (town and western for those tht know). the flags were varous shapes and sizes, in trees, buildings and bushes, got the blood pumping and all of us a little more familier with those parts of the site.


2nd game, a longer one and a fall back game, the marshals stated that it was designed as a meat grinder that we had to go in a certain way, i'm fine with that, when the marshal  says the defenders will fall back 30m when killed i thought 'man these guys dont know what 30m looks like' to prove my point, that was the next question, the one in a gillie suit, but he is a different kettle). 


so game kicks of its predicably a real slogg for the attackers (us) to get into the village, there are some reall sneaky gits on the other team hiding in ridiculous places and getting a number of kills for those pushing forward, gits (and well played to them).

I started a fire, well my grenade did - towards the end of the village, there is a clear bottle neck with a number of enemies holed up and we couldn't get into the next room to get at them, i over heard a guy on my team say stuff like 'im giving you a chance to come out and surrender' and 'we will get you' 'don't make us come in there'


the reply was a commendible 'come and get us' 

so i did what any raesonable person would do - i handed our player a flash bang. the 'oh shit!' from the enemy was satisfying enough even though i didn't lob it. 

We move on  - a few moments later its smoking heavily and calls of 'fire, fire' ring out. Again the marshal earnt thier pay by stamping it out.


now, this 30m fall back - enemy players were not failling back 30m, they were going behind a building ortwo and then stopping so it felt like the other team were much more numirous. we continue to slogg though. now the plan for this game was to use most of the site, the cqb village the trnches and the fob at the bottom, however due to the above reasons we got as about halfway and the marshal called a break to reload and hydrate 

this wouldhave flowed much better if it was more 1 life per zone, even if you counted the bridge/fire pit as a zone, it could then have been a timed game to which team could do it quicker. i did feed that back them. 


lunch as a decent affair with burgers or dogs with the option of onion and cheese with the important condiments which the lad wolfed down.


warm up game again, Pilots - two team member are in center of town go rescue - which we did - which the enemy didnt. 


these shoter smaller games were where i had the most fun, lots of contact micro tactics and fire teams working very well. 


a stand out moment during lunch, my boys tm died, screches like a banshee and red1 were kind enough to find a spare rental for him for the rest of the day, he really enjoyed the clapsable stock so i may use that as en excuse to get another gun, for him of course....


Overall a good day with active marshalling and great firefights and no mention of hit taking issues. We will go back





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Just got back from the first (and most likely only) night game of the season, took the opportunity to try out the new 5" abomination and the new thermal optic.


I'm genuinely impressed by the rifle, I didn't expect such degree of consistency from such a short barrel, in many occasions I literally threaded the needle by making silly shots through tiny gaps in the foliage.


Thermal delivered as expected, maybe a bit too much at first as the screen was overwhelmed by heated rocks and roots that had sat under the sun all day, making the image a bit confused, but once we went deeper in the woods where the sun didn't roast the ground as much.... Well.... It kinda felt like cheating, in one game I completely mopped the floor with the attackers, spotting them from far away and letting off small bursts when they were in range.. so much so that in the last two games I didn't even turn it on as it didn't feel right to be the only one who could see..


In any case, I will use it again next time, gotta understand and exploit its potential and most important, its limitations in different scenarios.


One thing I didn't do (not on purpose) was to take some time and teach new people how to approach night games, while it's preferable to not walk on clear paths during daytime, at night it's the opposite, way less noise generated and unless skylining it's very difficult to actually see someone without nods/thermal/torches..


Kit used:

Belt kit

Small pack

Lightweight summer hiking trousers 

Short sleeve shirt


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Well that's the mags all gassed up, pews in cases ready to load in the car & webbing all sorted out for tomorrow.


batteries getting charged... hope I don't forget the buggers.


p.s. my jacket & trousers might be a snug fit. :(

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p.s. my jacket & trousers might be a snug fit. 


Too many pies my mate. Still it's either you or me and it's not gonna be me☹️ 😂😂

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Posted (edited)
19 minutes ago, Shamal said:

Too many pies my mate. Still it's either you or me and it's not gonna be me☹️ 😂😂

I'm sure you'll get to sample some one day, don't give up hope.

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17 minutes ago, gavinkempsell said:

I'm sure you'll get to sample some one day, don't give up hope.

Mate, time is not something I have a lot of.

Now you feel bad don'tch. 😂

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6 minutes ago, Shamal said:

Now you feel bad don'tch. 😂

erm... sounds like a greasy scotch pie might be the worst thing you could eat, I wouldn't want to enable your speedy demise.

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Ooo you got an answer for everything aint'cha.

What'ch mean ' speedy demise' you don't get out of it that easy! 😂😂

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Back at Fireball squadron today. As it was quite damp and cool it was really nice playing conditions in my opinion. 

Rocked up gopniked up and thought I was the coolest player on the field. ( I wasn’t but I can be delusional sometimes ). 

Was a great skirmish and really well marshalled which is something I guess I’m lucky to come to expect. 

Thanks to the bad influence of @gavinkempselli was hanging out my arse for most of the morning humping around what felt like a ton of AK but it’s glorious. Once I realised that how stupid I was being I switched over to a more manageable weighted rifle and spent a bit more time getting shot. (Bridge of the nose today, which didn’t hurt as much as I was expecting). 

Would highly recommend Fireball to anyone and it’s always nice escaping the house for a few hours and shooting people in bushes. 

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7 minutes ago, GenuineGerman said:

Back at Fireball squadron today. As it was quite damp and cool it was really nice playing conditions in my opinion. 

Rocked up gopniked up and thought I was the coolest player on the field. ( I wasn’t but I can be delusional sometimes ). 

Was a great skirmish and really well marshalled which is something I guess I’m lucky to come to expect. 

Thanks to the bad influence of @gavinkempselli was hanging out my arse for most of the morning humping around what felt like a ton of AK but it’s glorious. Once I realised that how stupid I was being I switched over to a more manageable weighted rifle and spent a bit more time getting shot. (Bridge of the nose today, which didn’t hurt as much as I was expecting). 

Would highly recommend Fireball to anyone and it’s always nice escaping the house for a few hours and shooting people in bushes. 

Nice post. But what is 'gopniked'🤔

Well it is a hefty bit of ordnance lol.

Thinking about it though there may be a valid reason for gun caddies. Lol


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1 hour ago, Shamal said:

Nice post. But what is 'gopniked'🤔

Well it is a hefty bit of ordnance lol.

Thinking about it though there may be a valid reason for gun caddies. Lol


I preset a gopnik 😂


Now gun caddies, you are on to something with that. 


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