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Ban Hammer - member permanently banned

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  • Head Moderator

For some of you it will not come as a surprise that Duff @Duff has now been permanently banned from the forum. This is a permanent ban and can not be appealed.


This is the first occasion that we have ever had to permanently ban a member of AF-UK (spammers excluded of course) and felt that it warranted an announcement. This decision was not taken lightly (again, we take every measure to not have to ban someone) but in this case - despite numerous warnings - it's evident that he was unable to follow both many of the written rules on not derailing topics and playing nicely but also some of the unwritten agreements between members to not take the biscuit when it comes to our relatively open policies on language and aggression.


We've received numerous reports on this member from every corner on the forum (actually a record high for any member here) as well as a number of PMs from various members (new and old). It's obvious that - despite what points Duff may have been trying to make - that his  approach is incompatible with enough of the forum membership that we're just not going to give him any more chances.


It may be worth - at this point - reminding you all to take heed of the reactions that you get from other members. If you're always the centre of controversy it might be worth re-evaluating at least how you approach speaking to other forum users. There is absolutely no need to be abusive on these forums. No one is asking you to change your stance on a particular subject to fit in with a common consensus, but we will warn (and ban) people who consistently take the piss with straining relationships on the forums, and derailing otherwise productive threads. The vast, vast majority of you understand and respect this balance and hopefully recognise the fact that apart from herding content into the right sections that the moderation team prefers to stay hands-off when it comes to the actual wording of content.


Thank you.





Duff is the first permanent ban on AFUK due to his attitude and behaviour not being compatible with the values of the forum. Constantly ignoring the forum rules and guidelines. Abusive and aggressive posting is not acceptable.




Ban Hammer maintaining standards.png

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well, i did know he'd had a few spats with other folk on here, although never had any issues myself. that said i've seen folk get kicked out for much much less on other forums.


guess it pays us all to remember that there's a still a line and the banhammer waits in the darkness beyond hungry for souls.

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Duff's always been chill towards me but I have noticed there's been a few occasions where the conversation have got a bit too heated. If he's been warned multiple times to take it down a notch then that's on him.


Surprised it's the first perma ban though. This forum has been active for years! 



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There are many things I could write here but the decision has been already been made. 


For the the record I know duff pretty well IRL having skirmished with him many times. He’s not the person some people here would have you believe, or that some of his comments here may lead you to believe. He’s a decent bloke that simply doesn’t bite his tounge and makes no apologies for it. I believe there are some here who have gone out of there way to wind him up knowing he’ll bite and hoping this will be the result. It appears they have succeeded.  

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5 hours ago, E21A said:

There are many things I could write here but the decision has been already been made. 


For the the record I know duff pretty well IRL having skirmished with him many times. He’s not the person some people here would have you believe, or that some of his comments here may lead you to believe. He’s a decent bloke that simply doesn’t bite his tounge and makes no apologies for it. I believe there are some here who have gone out of there way to wind him up knowing he’ll bite and hoping this will be the result. It appears they have succeeded.  



That and calling one of the admin team a c**t will be the end of anyone really.


Personally didn't have that many interactions with him but when you resort on numerous occasions to physical threats of violence and continued aggressive word play not really sure what people expect to happen. I've seen this type of person before who doesn't hold their tongue both on and off the internet and nine times out of ten someone will teach them the error of their ways in one form or another. There's being bold (enough to not bite you tongue and make no apologies for it - as you say) then there's being a d**k for the sake of being a d**k out of some sort of over inflated ego.

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Didn't know the guy other than his posts here, but at times couldn't help but think that if he was that aggressively opinionated in the "real world", he'd spend a lot of time picking up his teeth lol.

I won't miss his spamming of every thread either.

Maybe he'll have more fun on the fb airsoft pages😉


PS: had he had a temporary ban previously ?, as he seemed to be missing/quiet for a while.

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  • Head Moderator
7 minutes ago, Tackle said:

PS: had he had a temporary ban previously ?, as he seemed to be missing/quiet for a while.


Whilst it is not normal forum policy to discuss Moderator warnings and action regarding individual members, this case is an exceptional one. Yes,  he was previously restricted from posting for 4 weeks in August and given a final warning.

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35 minutes ago, Tackle said:

Didn't know the guy other than his posts here, but at times couldn't help but think that if he was that aggressively opinionated in the "real world", he'd spend a lot of time picking up his teeth lol.

I won't miss his spamming of every thread either.

Maybe he'll have more fun on the fb airsoft pages😉


PS: had he had a temporary ban previously ?, as he seemed to be missing/quiet for a while.


He is that opinionated in the real world, he’s no keyboard warrior. 

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  • Moderators
40 minutes ago, E21A said:


He is that opinionated in the real world, he’s no keyboard warrior. 

Lol, clearly he's never read this:



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  • Root Admin
12 hours ago, Gepard said:

Surprised it's the first perma ban though. This forum has been active for years! 



First perma ban that Jedi or I can remember as moderators, so at least 2 years. I don't remember seeing any as a member before. Don't even think that Nazi chap got one in the end - just was very quickly ostracised and never returned.

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Never knew the guy apart from real life. Never had a problem with him personally.


He did come across as acerbic if he didn't agree with you. I was surprised at a few of his comments and wondered why he didn't rein it in a bit as they served no purpose, comedic or otherwise. 



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Sad it had to come to this


My own opinion is he often pushed people's buttons shall we say....

My own dispute/spat I will freely admit I went OTT and tore him off an ENOURMOUS strip

I wasn't in a jovial mood but that is no excuse though, but tried to put it aside afterwards


Having a few years on some others has mellowed me, but alas not 101% of the time

I am humble enough to admit I over-reacted a bit imho, feeling a bit shocked when I first heard


However when more details & history were revealed it comes as no surprise at the decision taken


I fully 101% support the mods decision & action taken


I think we can all learn a little from this, banter is fun but must ensure this banter/joking attitude is relayed correctly

Written text can be difficult to decipher the sarcasm meant at times & the non-offensive intention it may have meant


Me personally I shall try to lengthen my own fuse - sounds like an advert for viagra

(seriously - stay on topic)

Ahem I shall try to ensure I remain a bit more mellow, not take things too personal, not bite too quickly

and be careful to whom I apply my sarcastic wit to maybe, possible smileys etc.....


We still need a bit of banter - life is way too serious at times

but remind ourselves maybe, how our post might be mis-interpreted ???


Hopefully the bloke might mellow, think we was all a lot more brash/blunt in our younger days

I could have also wound my neck in a bit too and admit I wasn't a fine example of maturity too


Sorry to mods & AF-UK that it came to this, bit of drama & learn from it etc....

(must keep posts shorter & peace to all)

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17 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

What the fuck are you on about?🤔


Don't you Facebook?


Every time some thuggish chav meets a sticky end, his massive inevitably declare him to be legend, who's now flying high with the angels.  If they could only spell any of the above.


I are being remembermosting for our fallen soljer.

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13 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


Don't you Facebook?


Every time some thuggish chav meets a sticky end, his massive inevitably declare him to be legend, who's now flying high with the angels.  If they could only spell any of the above.


I are being remembermosting for our fallen soljer.



I do facebook but selectively. 

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5 hours ago, MrGlitter69 said:

(In the name of banter)

is it bad im reading this in the form of a eulogy?


Let his page be buried under the future postings of us pewers.

Says the man who espoused diversity and inclusion in Airsoft and then went and used a piss taking picture of a Down’s syndrome suffer as his avatar ? 


Never met Duff in person but conversed a lot with the guy via messages , and yes he is a loudmouth opinionated obnoxious gobshite , BUT you do know we’re you stand with him if he don’t like you he’ll tell you straight to your face , a rarity on the internet ?  there’s far too many on all forums/Facebook groups that are quite frankly slimy two faced spunktrumpet’s that wouldn’t warrant being pissed on if they were on fire , we all know them they’ll make the snide remarks or bait you till you bite then play the wounded party once you do .

Me personally couldn’t give a flying fornication about ANYTHING said on the internet wether at me or someone else (the one caveat being never family or disability) so to be honest I’d rather a gobshite than a snake any day of the week . 

Then again I’m old fashioned and I expect men to act like men and not some sad little pussy giving it the ‘big I am’ from behind there keyboard , life moves on and the dinosaurs get left behind , say’la’vie .

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8 hours ago, clumpyedge said:

Does a banning only go to e-mail level or IP address?

That would be telling for the mods to answer that!


Blocking on a forum can go to email and/or IP address, also the user ID.  But they are only specific criteria.  An ban implies the individual is not welcome, irrespective of using any new email address or change of IP


A person can get around blocking and create a new account, but act in a suspicious way then they can be spotted. (Though there are circumstances where a ‘ban’ is a workaround to a new account with a fresh start, that wouldn’t be the case if moderators felt the need to explain a permanent ban!)

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9 hours ago, Sitting Duck said:



I fully 101% support the mods decision & action taken




Well I support it 102%. 🧐


🤪🤣 couldn’t resist I’m sorry. Please see the emojis before you ban me 💩

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