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  1. well i heard Helikon arent making anything in ATACS any more.....hope what i heard was wrong :(

    1. Adam3088


      Perfect time to convert to Polish Woodland then!

    2. djben9


      I guess....just looking at mil 1st colour charts! haha

  2. Anyone ever bought anything from deal extreme??

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      yup - ok but slow as f*ck for shipping

    2. sp00n


      yeah i ordered a pso-1 from them, and for 2 weeks now the tracking number has been stuck on "item is pre-advised" >.<

    3. sp00n


      and would you believe it, less then 24hrs AFTER putting a post on deal extreme's Facebook, my item is now at the courier's sorting center!!!!

  3. ive done it...i hope....not bought anything over the weekend!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      That is if I can find the f*cker - Mrs Duck was clever and hid my cards saying about more important stuff like food, bills, pressies for others - bah humbug

    3. Jedi_Master


      Still a day to go. I could not stay away from UK Tacical deals (again) so no spend November was a non starter. Have been buying grey clothing frpm 5.11 Tacical's Storm range. Suppose I should do some Xmas shopping but my idea of clothing is a little different from the wife.

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      LWA send me reminders, latest one is free shipping to tempt me, but no code or still charged for shipping. Good excuse not to buy yet more crap. Bloody hard to say no though with offers around

  4. Trying....trying....trying not to buy anything.....on iPad which is good as it keeps crashing out!!!

    1. Jedi_Master


      November is a month of restraint, nothing I actually need just things I like the look of. Hopefully I will resist until the new year and refine my next shopping list.

  5. Grr so many events coming up I want to go to and I cannot plan anything atm.

  6. After a cheap m4 package, anyone got anything good going? Only after something for a project

    1. iBrowniee x

      iBrowniee x

      Go on to wolf armouries they do a ICS m4 package for £144

    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      What do you want in the package? There are A&K M4s on TaiwanGun for ~£120+

    3. airsoftwarrior147


      Got a load if ics parts that will make a gun but needs assembling(i can do this) but i believe there maybe a gearbox issue

  7. Milsim 2nd May at Longmoor if anyone fancies it. Can wear anything as long as its not Multicam. Thats the other team. Multicam mixed with a little Multicam. Yuck

  8. Any of you bought anything from Tinywind? http://www.tinywind.com/. Interested to know what you think of them, because they have offered to sponsor my team. Don't want to be affiliated with a bad company, like.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DX115FALCON


      A few shoutouts. Thats about it. " we are looking for partners who can help to promote us via social networks or other tools. "

    3. Lozart


      Bought some bits. Decent price and service but took forever to arrive.

    4. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      hmm well seems like win:win for them, you buy stuff from them and spend time effort advertising them. guess it'll be down to whether you think the savings from using them and their discount codes are worth your effort spamming their name around

  9. Why cant I post anything ughr????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      check spam or junk box - all folders. my googlemail & my isp's seems to think this place belongs with my viagra offers and places stuff in spam spam spam spam - bloody vikings

    3. team flex

      team flex

      clear cache maybe?

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      or failing that try it on a different browser/pc/fone

      I've known some sites not work to well for some setups. This place has started to lock up when browsing on my fone just recently

  10. Its possible to buy their helmets at: https://bestprotection.de/shop/en/Body-Armour/Protection-Helmets/Combat-Helmets/ I cant find any info about them, the quality, etc. just what is written on the website.
  11. Hi, Has anyone bought anything of Will Burnett? I Sent him money for one of his guns on saturday last week, he said he was going to post it wednesday and let me know, its now sunday and he hasn't said anything Is he like this with late postage? or should i sort something out with paypal? Its just im a bit worried thats he got my money and ran If anyone knows him could you please get him to contact me Thanks
  12. Is bluestone 42 or our girl anything like "the real thing" as in life in Afghanistan?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Bottledtorment


      Old issue helmets (MK6 IIRC), Wrong PC and boots.

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      They wear all different types of horrible sh*tty nock off multicam. I think it's TMC actually, and costs more than surplus MTP stuff so I dunno why they did that. Apparently Our Girl used fuckin Hueys as well, seriously wat. Firing dead rats at locals and bum sweets? Wow sounds like a laugh but so much for having good relations with them and all that

    4. Caliber


      American friend of mine wrapped some tank shells with toilet paper coated in gasoline and fired them down range with his crew in an Abrams. Dangerous but sounds fun.

  13. Anyone know anything about the Socom Gear R700 gas rifle? Can't find much on Google.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. DEDSEC


      Interesting. Might be a project for me. Money is very limited so when I get some cash on payday I'll maybe start a M700 project?


      The barrel I feel will be the hardest part. A 6.10mm though that's awful! Haha defiantly the first thing I'll try and change.

    3. TacMaster


      If you can get access to a machine shop then you're set, it's really easy to take the rifle apart and replace stuff.

    4. DEDSEC


      That's where I'll struggle. I work in an office and live in the countryside so unless the office I work at is secretly MI5 with an underground lab with a metalwork room, I ain't getting no machines.


      Then again I could always pop into my sons high school? They have a whole wood and metalwork department?

  14. Anyone on here actually used Ali Express? For anything? Put off by lack of PayPal

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jay83


      Only problem is that like all China stuff you buy you gotta wait anything from 2 weeks to 5 weeks. But f*ck it for the cheapness who cares. They sell M4 Ris fronts for £12!! Thats crazy cheap. Fast jump helmets from £20, Peq boxes, 5.11 rip of clothing, you name it.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      aye - off topic bought loads of console stuff from there - crazy price but credit card not paypal. But you just buy from a seller with good feedback/rating etc....

    4. clumpyedge


      i buy most of my combat gear from




  15. I don't suppose anyone has heard anything about the madbull/socom gear KSG?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. geoffreym


      Same here, but short of a "Not dead" update beginning of the year, nothing.

    3. M_P


      They announced it like to years ago. They said it would cost under £100 if I remember correctly, probably dead tbh

    4. geoffreym


      I remember it being announced in 2012, but red wolf did a teaser in january? Kinda brought back some hope.

  16. Is ANYTHING in stock at LWA?! I think everything I've looked at they don't have in. It's no problem because I'm not buying anything yet

    1. Russe11


      No, we got there 1st and bought all the good stuff :D

  17. Has anyone heard anything about the new indoor site in Aberdeen? If so, please let me know if it is any good!

    1. CES_williamson


      yep, its going to be indoors and in aberdeen.

    2. Russe11


      In Aberdeen, anything indoors is good cos Summer is still freezing :D


  18. Landwarrior have redesigned their web site, now I can't find anything!

    1. TomC


      Looks lots better though!

    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      I had never been on it on my computer until last night and I thought that I might have just been looking at the mobile / tablet version. I agree it does look better though.

    3. Nickona


      the multicam model they have on the left is hilarious!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mack


      Just wanted to warn people before they got stung

    3. Moose87


      yer i saw that and that he had dropped it to 65. was like wtf?? is he stupid enough to think people wouldnt notice??

    4. two_zero


      "85 quid for a custom m4" doesn't say much thou, there's plenty of "custom m4s" I would not pay anything near £85 for^^


  21. Thinking of ordering an AEG from Hong Kong. Is there anything I need to do other than order it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Esoterick


      Yeah, I'm not sure if I am better off waiting till January for Redwolf to get more in and get my local to import it for me or find another HK supplier.

    3. THE FNG

      THE FNG

      TBH mate; if you order from HK today, you might still be waiting in January cus the shipping usually takes several weeks. Add on top of that Christmas post delays etc.

    4. Esoterick


      Yeah that is a good point, I originally figured going through a retailer would eliminate all the hassle from my end. My only other option would be to get a VFC HK 417 or M27 instead of the 416 but it isn't exactly what I want.... Hard to be patient when I don't own an AEG currently lol.

  22. Anyone know anything about Bournemouth?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proffrink


      Same here; live in Christchurch. What do you want to know?

    3. Finius


      Pretty much anything and everything useful, airsoftwise and general living wise. Work are relocating my there next month.

    4. M_P


      It's nice enough, ground zero woodland is in ringwood which isn't far, not sure where their urban site is but I'd have thought it'd be close-ish too. Combat south and ucap have sites more towards portsmouth but that's a bit of a trek if you dont have your own transport. Can't really give any tips on whats around but the beach won't be too far :)

      Not sure what actual airsoft shops there are close as z1 doesnt have a walk in store. I'm sure there's othe...

  23. Had a pretty good birthday, first time I've not asked for anything airsoft related since I was 13 lol!

    1. AK47frizzle


      happy birthday if i'm not too late! In your 20s or still in your teens?

  24. Haven't bought anything for a while... I need to get my act together.

    1. proffrink


      You're a disgrace to airsoft

    2. M_P


      Believe it or not Sam, I cant see that happening :)

  25. Beware of this guy. I did a swap with him sent him 2 items and never got anything back. Next step police. https://www.facebook.com/ben.robinson.1671897?fref=ts

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. SpecialForce


      ukara is for retailers and his father seemed legit and provided me with sufficient defence. going to report him tomorrow. sad story.


    3. CES_williamson


      ah okay yeah i meant some kind of defense, yeah it is sad when someone does that, i did send the kid a Facebook message but he ignored it

    4. SpecialForce


      Yea I've sent him plenty, and wonder if he really is that daft pulling something like this and thinking the repercussions wont affect him at all. I've got all the proof in my hands thats why I was so lax about it in the first place. I would advise anyone who does a swap to use several methods of communication and ideally fb connection so you wont, in the worst case, report it to the police with useless info and little evidence.

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