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Status Replies posted by Speedbird_666

  1. Just a message to say that I will be stepping down from the forum.

    On the 13th I lost my wife and best friend.


    Thank you all for listening to my silly comments and crap jokes over the years. Life seems to have lost its humour for me.


    Fire off a few for me and remember, call your hits 👍





    1. Speedbird_666


      I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Nigel.


      The forum will not be the same without you - take care mate.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  2. Just found out someone (aged 25) in our office always watches TV with the subtitles on. General consensus is that this is a bit left-field.

    Straw poll so far suggests this is specific to the 22-30 age range.


    Do you?

    1. Speedbird_666


      *edit* Stupid forum software - I only clicked the button once dammit!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  3. Just found out someone (aged 25) in our office always watches TV with the subtitles on. General consensus is that this is a bit left-field.

    Straw poll so far suggests this is specific to the 22-30 age range.


    Do you?

    1. Speedbird_666


      Subtitles on video games for me. I struggle to play a narrative based game without them - currently revisiting Fallout 4 after 6-7 years and it's the first thing in the options that I enabled. 


      TV/Movies, not so much.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. Well, mods/admins are going to busy cleaning all that spam up :D

    1. Speedbird_666


      Working on it! I've nuked a bunch of accounts throughout the day.

  5. I’d like to know why you sold me something almost a month ago and haven’t posted it out yet? Along with ignoring my messages despite being online.

    1. Speedbird_666


      Paid with PayPal? File a dispute and call it done.



    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. Someone please help me (with my mental illnesses)...


    I'm buying a Land Rover!

    1. Speedbird_666


      I think it is quite funny that British Chelsea tractors are seen as status symbols in Italy, of all places... 😜



    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  7. Whats the skinny on Bulldog and Condor Plate Carriers, are they typical AliExpress Rebrand/fare, or something more?

    1. Speedbird_666


      Had a few Bulldog bits, still use the ECU2 Trousers - had them nearly 10 years now. Bulldog LMR chest rig I had was well made - no complaints about it's contruction.


      I think they at one point used the same OEM as Invader Gear as some of the stuff was near-identical in design. Not sure if that's still the case but the Invader Gear Reaper QRB looks very, very similar to the Kinetic - only differing in small details that could have been specified by the respective companies.


      I would bet my left testicle that Bulldog is not UK Made. But it's decent enough kit - better than the normal Viper fare.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Any ideas as to how to stop these fogging up? Anti fog spray and shaving foam doesn't seem to do the trick



    1. Speedbird_666


      Used to use fogtech DX - which was ok-ish until one day it completely failed (high heat/humidity), and I couldn't see a damned thing most of the gameday.


      Fans are the way to go - especially as I wear glasses inside a set of goggles. I wouldn't go back to wipes/sprays. Near as dammit zero fogging even on 30deg game days. Amazeballs.





    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Imagine you're starting a new airsoft site. What would you get for rental rifles?


    Whatever you pick, it would have to be:

    - Good value.

    - Sturdy enough to withstand new and inexperienced players.

    - Average performance and range with great consistency.

    - Extremely reliable.

    -Built well enough to not require fussing over and servicing every day.

    - Ideally, just works straight out of the box.


    What would you pick? 

    (Yes, this is a roundabout way of saying I'm in the market for a new gun and I need advice lol)

    1. Speedbird_666


      At one point Ground Zero were handing out G&G GEC36s as their site guns. Pretty expensive way of equipping your site (at current prices), but they were best buds with G&G 'back in the day' so I assume they got them cheap. Rock solid G36 variant- seemed to be tougher than the indomitable JG G36. 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. I have a whole spare boneyard CYMA M1A1 Thompson if anybody is after parts

    1. Speedbird_666


      @Majestyk - pop it in the Boneyard section of the classifieds - it'll be a lot easier to sell as a complete(ish) boken gun than trying to strip, advertise, sell then post parts individually.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. FORUM MODERATORS: Can sale items marked as completed have the 'message seller' button removed, or after a while be deleted.  I have had repeated emails asking if a shotgun I sold 2 years ago is still available.  2 in the last couple of months...


    1. Speedbird_666


      Agreed - I sold some Peltors ages ago and still get messages about them. I try now to edit the listing with SOLD in font size 72 before marking it as complete - at least when I remember to do so.


      There is a forum feedback section - might be worth posting in there.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Are Ohshiboom still operating their site? Just ordered a 12 gauge adapter from there but the site looks like it hasn't been updated in a long time.

    1. Speedbird_666


      Q and Ed sold Ohshiboom back in 2018 I believe - with ownership being assumed by the parent company of Airsoft Direct.


      Prior to selling - they were running the business alongside their full time jobs I believe.




    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  13. God bless ya Queenie. Good job done. Now have a well earned rest.

    1. Speedbird_666


      Gotta admit, I've had a lump in my throat for the last hour since since the announcement.


      What an amazing job she's done over the last 70 years.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Great weekend at the nae/naf.


    Got stung in mouth by wasp who was drinking from the same tinnie as me.Went to first aid point and had a couple of anti histamine tabs.

    Took a tumble in the jungle and cut arm on tree branches. Went to first aid point. Cleaned and dressed. 

    Medic said if I back a third time I get a free coffee 🙂


    Met some great guys and talked until early hours.


    Sunday was a very productive day with lots of satisfying creeping and hit giving.


    Great play,great food and cold beer. 

    Exhausted by happy😁




    1. Speedbird_666


      Glad you had a great time mate - even with the injuries! 🙂

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Was the site down for everyone yesterday?  Judging by the lack of new posts for a good chunk of the time, I'm guessing it was.

  16. Ive had a Bunch of PM's in regards to items for sale. My emails havent notified me! Im really sorry and have responded to everyone

    1. Speedbird_666


      @Cipher-032 Seems to be an issue for some of us. There is a thread about it here:


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. https://cqb-airsoft.co.uk/

    Anyone tried this site? Heading over on Thursday with some friends to have a game.

    1. Speedbird_666


      Never heard of the site until recently. Looks small in the videos I can find on YouTube, but with a 20 player cap it looks like it could be loads of fun. Post up a review once you’ve been! 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. So zero one have the A&K pkm in stock........ for nearly £700 😪

    1. Speedbird_666


      Funnily enough just got back from the Z1 showroom. There was a wood-furniture MG on display but I didn't pay much attention TBH.


      Some of their pricing is just mental. If a UK distributor doesn't set a MAP for a product, they seem to just google other UK vendors prices and add another 15-20%.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. First time playing in 3 years and tooth shot out 😍

    1. Speedbird_666


      Wears paintball goggles in profile pic - gets tooth shot out.....




    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  20. Fuck Combat Union.

    Fuck E&L.


    Fuck me for buying both.

    1. Speedbird_666


      Have you tried penetrating oil around the hop unit/outer barrel? Won't do the hop rubber much good if it seeps in, but it might help the metal-on-metal parts free up.


      I wonder if there's some galvanic corrosion between the barrel and hop unit. Do E&L use steel outer barrels? I had an E&L for a short time but never checked the barrel.


      I would use an old inner barrel, maybe cut down a bit, insert muzzle-end and gently, but rapidly tap the inner barrel/hop backwards with a small hammer to break the hop/outer barrel seizure at least.

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  21. Keep sending the reports of spam

    1. Speedbird_666


      Seems to be quite prolific at the moment, along with the recent disgruntled former member posting gay porn. Any plans to appoint additional Moderators @Jedi_Master?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  22. You still heading down to the Bunker tomorrow @Shamal?

    1. Speedbird_666


      @Shamal Yep - I'm booked in for tomorrow, did the online disclaimer thingy too.


      Do you know what time the gates open? Was planning to get there around 8:30ish.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  23. You still heading down to the Bunker tomorrow @Shamal?

    1. Speedbird_666


      @Shamal Got my permission slip stamped by the missus so I'll be there to pop my Bunker cherry. 😁


      It'll be the first time in 5 years I've been to a site without an 'entourage' of either my two boys or 'hanger-ons' I end up normally taking.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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