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Status Replies posted by jcheeseright

  1. 34 seconds to watch. 1 to Like, 1 to Sub.


    1. jcheeseright


      I couldn't take 34 seconds of the soundtrack, if I had been previously subbed I'd have probably deleted my youtube account and started again. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. Two things... 1) Bullgear hopup unit on A&K Mk46 bloody awesome...range & accuracy is waaay better than stock. :)


    2)Firesupport?  Thinking of buying a TM and getting it upgraded.  Any thoughts on them over Eagle6/Camo etc? 

    1. jcheeseright


      Anecdotal but I had a TM 416 upgraded by fire support in 2014, new M100 spring, gears (bushings didn't change!) and battery mod.  It's still going now after getting smashed every weekend since.  

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. So AI500 want to book 300 players at Stanta (because they need 300 to make it financially viable - like fuck do they) I fully expect if that event takes place for the Airsoft community to lose Stanta again.

    1. jcheeseright


      No way do they need 300 people, Stirling used to run the site at 100 and I'm sure they made a decent profit. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. So AI500 want to book 300 players at Stanta (because they need 300 to make it financially viable - like fuck do they) I fully expect if that event takes place for the Airsoft community to lose Stanta again.

    1. jcheeseright


      300 people at STANTA!? That'll be a laugh, no one will be able to move! 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. In order to get this:1267467749c9fda323fa12beb59f33f49d37288d

    To look like this:


    Was I supposed to order another piece or am I just too stupid to figure out how to set it up like that?

    1. jcheeseright


      You unclip the harness and then clip it on to the plate carrier? 


      It's not a massive task 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Fml thought it would be a good day but my evo is goosed fires once after connecting battery then 2 beeps and a red light in mag well. 




  7. Hi,


    can you reply to my question on my for sale thread please? Your question implies it would not be able to collect an item that is advertised as collection only.





    1. jcheeseright


      If you're doing down that route it's against standing orders for every military base in the country to have an Airsoft gun in your accommodation and it should be signed into the armoury when not in use.  I presume any potential buyers will be taken to the armoury with the OOD/OO/Whatever to conduct the sale/ handover in person? 

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  8. Anybody got a helmet recommendation for someone with a large bonce? Size 63cm... 

    1. jcheeseright


      Any L/XL real helmet should do the job.  If you're after a chinese knock off you're pretty much out of luck. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Anyone using NVG's, make sure you protect your lens!  I had my 'sacrificial' lens shot out yesterday...good thing I bought 5 of them. :)

  10. Anyone using NVG's, make sure you protect your lens!  I had my 'sacrificial' lens shot out yesterday...good thing I bought 5 of them. :)

    1. jcheeseright


      Yeah, they're good to stop dust and scratches but not impact.  Have a chat to the tactical optician (he's on Facebook), he'll sort you out with a polycarbonate lens and flip up cover. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. Anyone using NVG's, make sure you protect your lens!  I had my 'sacrificial' lens shot out yesterday...good thing I bought 5 of them. :)

    1. jcheeseright


      why is your lens protection not BB proof?! get some lexan in there!


    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Question!  Realistically, how long could you run an AEG on 11.1's before things go tits up without a mosfet?  I've seen multiple AEG's running without them and people say it's fine...but seen a lot of info saying you should run a mosfet.  For a gun which is lets say £200-300..is it not just better to run it till it breaks and if it does then upgrade, rather than spend another £100+ on a titan etc..

    1. jcheeseright


      Potentially forever, it's one of those 'hkw long is a piece of string?' questions. So much *could* go wrong, but no one part is guaranteed to die. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. How good is this grouping? Seems doggoshit. Gun was resting on a chair.20181130_222139.thumb.jpg.44c71b095fe7e6a41c2034061002c8f3.jpg

    1. jcheeseright


      At 10m that's pretty turd.  You should be looking at more like a 50p size group at that distance for a well set up gun. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Is this a free float hand guard?


    And does anyone know if it would fit on an MWS? ( @ak2m4 ? )



    1. jcheeseright


      MWS has an airsoft spec upper, not real spec, so no, it won't fit. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. What's with all the bronze rails I keep seeing on M4s? 


    I'm sure somebody explained it to me but I just can't remember.. 

    1. jcheeseright


      Can't bake the TM rails, they're painted not anodised.  G&P are bakeable though! 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. What's with all the bronze rails I keep seeing on M4s? 


    I'm sure somebody explained it to me but I just can't remember.. 

    1. jcheeseright


      Surely the whole point of cloning a military rifle is to be unoriginal?  

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. What's with all the bronze rails I keep seeing on M4s? 


    I'm sure somebody explained it to me but I just can't remember.. 

    1. jcheeseright


      The american military issues their block 2 SOPMOD program rifles with FDE Daniel Defense rails.  Lots of companies make replicas that are more bronze than FDE. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. Suddenly i feel like i need a night game, this has nothing whatsoever to do with acquiring an nv scope from here, nothing at all.....

    1. jcheeseright


      You will absolutely want IR, even with Gen3 I quite often use IR to light up dark spots.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  19. If anyone has vacancies at their place of work and wouldn't mind helping out a fellow I'd appreciate a recommendation of any roles going at present. 


    Cheers in advance....

  20. Suddenly i feel like i need a night game, this has nothing whatsoever to do with acquiring an nv scope from here, nothing at all.....

  21. So with a bolt recoil off the menu as they aren't supposed to be great.  Ics mars or a g&g tr model. Will admit the mars looks nicely different in a subtle way

    1. jcheeseright


      if your local shop don't stock the items you're after then they don't support you... why would you compromise on the product you want based upon a store's available stock? 


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. Purchased Royal Mail Guaranteed before 1pm delivery three times now and not once has it ever arrived the next day, let alone before 1pm! Waste of money

  23. Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi - excellent film

    1. jcheeseright


      you're biased, I want to hear he sith opinion. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  24. I want an Airsoft site membership card with my photo and membership number on it.... UKARA should look at doing that rather than having a number you can no longer check

    1. jcheeseright


      The UKARA database is just a list of site memberships, you are not a UKARA member!  

      Why would a retailer's association dish out ID cards to non-members?

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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