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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. I know man, spent 3 years in denial that the mg42 just needed the hpa conversion tweakee and it was nothing to do with it being really impractical to actually use......
  2. it's an interesting idea, if you've got the kit to do it to a decent standard (read: it'll fit and work) then i can see a lot of merit in this at that kind of price. of course wether or not the economics work out to allow you to do this for that kind of money is a different story, you've either got a lot of expensive machines sitting around or are going to be putting a lot of man-hours in. that said, if you've got the kit lying around, custom machined parts at reasonable prices would be a godsend for certain folks of the serial tinkering persuasion.
  3. yeah but it's coffee, it'll still taste like you just scraped the burnt bits off your toast into a mug and mixed it with water. gimme a nice chai or earl grey any day
  4. because no matter how much you deny it, even to yourself, you get a kick out of players being scared of you cos you're carrying a big ass gat.
  5. by hands-free i'm assuming you're meaning head mounted? as above any system that needs an illuminator to work (digital or gen 1) is going to be an issue for airsoft given the chances of someone else having night vision (and serious kit at that). the thermal might be beneficial depending on how good the resolution is, are we talking a blob at 20 metres or being able to spot flecks of heat hidden through bushes at a decent distance? it's also worth bearing in mind that anyone not running night vision in an airsoft game is gonna have a bright-ass torch strapped to their gun which they can and will be shining in your face, so not having the unit damaged or user blinded by that is a consideration.
  6. if you get the air seal issues sorted out (a nice low shot-shot variation on the chrono) then a stronger spring wouldn't be a bad shout if you've got a bit of headroom before hitting the site limit. you'll also need to do that if you're short-stroking.
  7. if it's happening badly then it tends to be pretty obvious with a drop in fps in auto (right before the even more obvious symptom where the piston spits its teeth all over the inside of the box) in the lighter cases it can be kinda hard to diagnose, tbh on 20rps at 1j i wouldn't have said you'd be getting it even with a full stroke cylinder.
  8. make sure to get the length right, whilst you can cut/file down a nozzle to the right length unless you're using a decent lathe to do it you'll almost always end up with sealing issues (which defeats the purpose of the better nozzle)
  9. that's a new one to me, been using alu/brass nozzles for years never had a bucking shred that wasn't the result of some hair-brained tinkering i was doing. not that there's anything wrong with polymer nozzles (outside of high fps applications) either.
  10. isn't that just the thing with the specna's though, they started off pretty damn good then went downhill? yep they both work. i normally go for the maple leaf macaron+omega nub, however some guns can have feeding issues with the slightly longer feedlips on the ml stuff so the PDI W would be my go-to for those situations. g&g green is decent, really depends how heavy the ammo you wanna use is. yeah but them 2m is exactly where buggers like me are standing it's true though, all it takes is the site's chrono after years of living in a damp shed and filled with the schrapnel of innumerable tube strikes to be innaccurate and the site will go "nope you're 1fps over get out of here you filthy cheating scum" being a little bit under is preferable to not being allowed to play. overspin is the motor/gears having enough momentum to haul your gears around for a second time, PME is the sector spinning so fast it does a full circuit before the piston has finished moving forwards. overspin isn't strictly a problem, although it is generally a sign that the box is spinning fast, which is the same root cause as PME. overspin can be fixed with mosfets that use active braking. if you're planning on short stroking and are worried about volume take a look at the port on the cylinder- you need the piston to be going at least that far back.
  11. i was under the impression RIF was pretty much anything covid karen would look at and think "that's a gun", except pre 1875 designs (ie not very good guns) for example the aps uar, as whilst we might go "well technically...." but the whole point is that a non-gun nerd would still identify it as such as for air guns, surely their defence for being an RIF is by dint of being firearms, ie it's not imitating it simply is.
  12. is it worth contacting border force to ask what the problem is? if it's as simple as they haven't put your ukara number on the package they might be fine once you've told them? otherwise wasn't it @Asomodai had one of his guns seized and eventually got it?
  13. 20rps should be fine then. yep that's your problem right there. you could try a PDI W-hold, it's my go-to bucking for when the maple leaf stuff has feeding issues.
  14. What was the fps before? If the springs intact and you havent messed with short stroking/thrust bearings then it shouldnt be dropping energy. I'd be looking first at air seal, specifically the hop as thats what you changed, a change in feed lip length could be losing you compression. Double spinning isnt in itself an issue, but might indicate she's going a tad fast, whats the rof in auto? Fps drop on auto (but not semi) is a sign of pme if your pushing her too fast. Been a while since i've run an shs ht but if memory serves they're much faster than the term high torque would imply, certainly on 11.1 i can see it pme'ing not so sure on 7.4, this is more ducks territory. If your aim is trigger response (or more accurately lock time- how long between pulling the trigger and the round going downrange) then you'd be better off looking at mosfets with precocking like the gate warfet, it'll make the semi auto nice and snappy but not require excessive auto rate of fire and cure the overspin at the same time.
  15. It sounds like a connection issue, either between the fcu and the triggerboard or the triggerboard and the solenoid. If the fcu is saying fire when the trigger is pulled we know at least the switch and fcu are working ok.
  16. Suppose now i think about it this might not be the worst idea. Wether it drops the fps enough and/or deals with the overvoluming (although on an aeg overvolume isn't too bad) at the desired length is the question though. Still reckon a dedicated assault gun would be better, you'd get auto and much less faff to swap configs. Plus who doesnt need an excuse to get a second gun?
  17. heard the wide bores were decent if you could get the volume for them, they tend to be more suggested to pair up with hpa systems than aeg's. not surprising it's dropping the fps, it's an intentional air leak after all.
  18. i do agree there, yes all those cases can have legitimate whoopsies, shit does indeed happen. the problem is identifying when it crosses that line for example between an extra couple of rounds that were already in the air to holding the trigger down even after the hand goes up. yep, and it is responsible for a lot of issues. reminds me of the fake dead walk discussion we had on here a while back about abusing people's trust by walking around with the demeanor of someone who's not currently playing. for sure you're gonna get tagged, ask any marshal how many times they've been dandering along to catch a round because someone saw a hat moving through the hedges and fired even the high-vis won't always help. i'll openly admit to having been on the sending and receiving ends of that sort of mistake more times than i can remember. it's not generally something worth getting worked up about. of course there's a line between one round to somewhere padded just to be sure and jumping straight into a full broadside or deciding to go directly for the squishy bits, which is what folk do if they can't trust that someone who looks dead (hand up or no) is in fact dead.
  19. it's a character trait i don't understand. i mean if you wanted to out macho the other guy surely you'd be doing paintball instead? it's why statements like "oh don't be a wuss" really annoy me when talking about things like intentional headshots in this game, like disliking pain is somehow a character flaw.
  20. If it was an hpa yes, you could swap uppers and just remember the pressure/fcu settings for each config. But aeg it's more hassle than its worth.
  21. Yeah i really dislike those games ever since seeing 2 fellas dump their entire ammo stock into each others arms point blank and walk off coated in blood.
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