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Status Updates posted by Asomodai

  1. Anyone got some straight M16VN style mid caps for sale? Just need a few for Saturday. 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. MisterG


      I bought two, how about £15 for both?

    3. Asomodai


      Sounds good mate. Are you at the mall Saturday for the AFUK game?

    4. MisterG


      Yep, I'll bring them Saturday

  2. Anyone heading to a bank holiday Monday skirmish from London area? Desperate to play but not fancying the Public transport offerings outside of the capital! I can travel to you inside the M25!


    I know Driver Wood have a game on.

  3. Anyone in the South East playing Airsoft this Saturday? Looking to meet other players on the regular as the guys I usually play with have basically sworn off of it now! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Egon_247


      Me and the kids are going to apocalypse tomorrow for the "under 18's" day. 

      Less intense than the Sundays. 😂

    3. Asomodai


      @Egon_247i do love a bit of Apoc. Just a complete pain to get to on on public transport! I think I have resigned myself to a day of Driver Wood on my lonesome tomorrow

    4. Egon_247


      Well,as it turned out, i was a dick head yesterday and had to apologise to a bush wookie for turning him into a human BB magnet. I was a naughty boy.

      Where about do you live? If youre local to dartford, maybe we can squeeze you in the car with the kids and kit some time?

  4. Anyone know a cheap surplus place that can do next day delivery? Want a summer loadout for Sunday. 

    1. Jelliffe99


      Try ringing Endicotts. They have always been good to me


    2. L3wisD


      Sainsbury's 😎


      Camo shorts & Tan t-shirt.


  5. Anyone know an Airsoft site open for Bank Holiday Monday in the South East? I could only find Red Alert, which is a bit too far from London for me. 

    1. The captain

      The captain

      Did you find anything? I'm looking around but can't find anything!

    2. Asomodai


      I am afraid not. I only know of Red Alert. But without transport I can't get there!

  6. Anyone off to play Airsoft in the South East and London on the 25th/26th? Would be good to meet up and natter. 

    1. MrWilson


      I might be if invited. I could use a break from sorting this site out ;)

    2. Cr0-Magnon


      Got a site in mind?

    3. Asomodai


      At the moment I am looking at Airsoft Billericay as I can get to it fairly easy on Public Transport and they have spaces. 


      Nice long distance site with lots of cover. 


      I have been looking at other sites that still have spaces which I can get to the closest main railway station, but would need to rely on Uber (If one is around early Sunday) Or a lift. 


      Dogtag near Gatwick, Dragons Lair near Ongar, Incursion Dorking (Has very limited spaces left), Gunman Eversley is available both Saturday and Sunday. AWA Herts and Doomsday in Swanley are also open. 


      Whichever we choose we need to jump on it!

  7. Anyone playing Airsoft tomorrow (Saturday 01/09/23), that passes through the London TFL network? Desperate for a game but train cancellations have destroyed any hope of getting their by myself and need a lift if one is going! 



    1. ak2m4


      Good old TFL, I'd pick you up by can't drive non-compliant car without incurring a nice £12.50 Khan charge 😞

  8. Anyone playing in/around London/South East tomorrow that wants a hanger on? At a loose end after football got cancelled...

  9. Anyone playing this Bank Holiday Saturday around the South East? 

  10. Are there any sites open on this Bank Holiday Monday in the South East?

    1. LMKipper


      I was looking myself the other day and I can't see any ☹️

  11. As long as I can catch my train in time... I am taking the SE Tour reviews to the South West for 4 games in 4 days at 4 different sites! Starting tonight in Gloucester and then Bristol thereafter!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. clumpyedge


      Be interesting to hear the strikeforce one considering its prior rep

    3. Lozart


      @clumpyedge it was....ok when I went. They'd just introduced the burst of full auto thing and it was getting badly abused. Other than that I had a laugh. Some of the worst bruises I've ever had mind (and that includes all those times of playing at The Mall)

    4. Asomodai


      Sadly I cant go to the 4th skirmish as it's full. So finishing up the third skirmish and going home!

  12. Bah I really screwed up with my barrel size for the sniper rifle. Anyone want to buy a practically unused day old Maple Leaf VSR 510mm Crazy jet barrel? 😄

  13. Because Airsoft is full of smashing glass and walking through open flames I decided to purchase a Russian KMPP Anti-Cut suit. It's like an oven made of my own body heat. 

    May be an image of indoor


  14. Booked in for Mayhem in Romfords special game day on the 29th of December. Will be there with the Wolf Armoury boys if anyone else wants to come along! 

    1. BibbsOnTour


      I'm already at South Coast CQB! Would have come along if not as I haven't been there before!

  15. Can anyone link me to high tension replacement springs for AEG Mid Cap magazines? Need some so my DTD M4 Magazine adapter will feed properly with my mags. Cheers!

    1. skintrade
    2. Asomodai


      @skintrade Thanks for that. 


      I tried the DTD adapter with some known high speed mags and still only getting 5 shot. DTD are sorting me out with a polished Mag Adapter for me to try! Kudos to them!

  16. Can anyone point me to a pre drilled and cut Sorbothane supplier in the UK? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lozart


      I always use the Airlab ones.

    3. Asomodai


      Cheers for your help gents. I am looking at the Ak2M4 ones at the moment. If I end up buying a high torque motor for my Cyma build i'll get the sorbo from there as well :)

    4. Lozart


      Bear in mind that Sorbothane isn't very rugged so the AK2M4 ones will need facing with something. I think @Sitting Duck used to use a rubber washer, might be worth an ask.

  17. Decided on what rifle to get next, but the pound is doing terribly against the Euro. Going to have to hold off for now and hope the exchange rate gets a little better... But there are only 2 left in the entire EU!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Well, since you went there, Sterling has been over-valued for decades.

      Here's our 10 year balance of trade.  Note that in February this year it was over £7 billion, just in one month - the wrong way.



      That reflects money leaving our economy, and ultimately it only comes back in when DeM MusLaMiCs (or the Russians and Chinese) purchase up our infrastructure for rent-seeking purposes, which just leads to even more money flowing out.


      Those of us who work in exports (you're welcome) would like to see Sterling come down a fair bit yet to make us more competitive in a global consumer market that values low price over high quality.


      It doesn't have to be that way: historically we've had period of trade surplus.



      I'm sorry if the long overdue correction to Sterling makes toy gun purchases or booze cruises in Shagaluf more expensive, but it's an inevitable result of living in a high cost, high tax economy with an inflated currency.


      Also, send 'em all back, mine the channel, mandatory gammon three meals a day, and so on.

    3. Asomodai


      @Rogerborg I am aware of that. Interest rates have been artificially low for a very long time to try and increase growth, but it's just not effective anymore and we are trapped as an economy. 


      In terms of buying a toy gun, this is still a good time to buy... so we'll see. 

  18. Decided to take this Instagram lark a bit more seriously. Add me on https://www.instagram.com/asomodai_airsoft/

    If you want to see some of my ugly collection and "Action" shots. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Asomodai
    3. Albiscuit


      Makes a change from 90% of airsofters who blank or blurr their faces like they are in the SF or something :D 


      Always seemed pointless and laughable to me.. Just put on a face mask if your THAT much of a secret squirrel (or so ugly you need to hide) :P  

    4. Georgeturner2001


      It’s for the Impression😂

  19. Dont suppose you have the M60 or MK43 outer barrel do you? :D

    1. Uleu


      Oh man sadly I don't, I just have a bunch of spare parts I replaced on my main 60, sorry for the bummer pal!

  20. Ebay currently has 10% off deal for the day and it applies to the real steel FAMAS top rail. It's still £145 that I don't have, but I have been eyeing it for almost a year now. It will need some fettling to get it on either of my FAMAS but I have the kit needed to do it. Got til midnight to decide! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rail-p-g-m-famas-professionnel-militaire-armée/141934353042?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649

  21. Going to be herding wife and mates girlfriend around their first skirmish this Sunday at Skirmish Billericay. Anyone else coming out? Would have been Plantation but they aren't playing this Sunday. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Asomodai


      @Albiscuit just a small chance. There will be some thunder and lightning though! 

    3. Battle_Buddy


      Does that mean i'm not invited?


      Going to be herding wife and mates girlfriend 


    4. Asomodai


      @Battle_Buddy well I'm not herding you around am I? You're a grown up and I'd hope you know what you're doing! 😉

  22. Good news! Plugged my F2K in for the first time since November and the Perun ETU+++ Mosfet appears to be dead, no lights, no signs of life. The stock G&G one still works... but its not the same! :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Asomodai


      @Steveocee Jakub at Perun has sorted me out. Sending me a replacement after showing him a few photographs. He and the others at Perun seem quite disturbed as to what happened as they haven't seen it happen before with the ETU!

      I was already a big fan of Perun before. (I am credited with turning Luke at Negative onto them when I sent in my XM8 with one to fit). But even more so now! 



    3. Misery


      i was same bud jakubs a top bloke there customer service is unreal!

    4. ak2m4


      respect to jakub and perun, always happy to help me whenever I have any issues.

  23. Had a very interesting day at Red 1 The Fort today. Review will be forthcoming within 24 hours. Unfortunately it was so cold that the Tavor wouldn't fire more then 25 shots even with red gas! 

  24. Had an excellent game of airsoft today at a new site. Can't wait to write the review!  Definitely in the top 3 for me!

    1. Robert James

      Robert James

      Gutted I missed it. I was booked in with another 2 guys but we had to bail as my mates sister was taken into hospital seriously ill. Glad it was good and looking forward to the review

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