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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/06/24 in all areas

  1. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/126545155341?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=GnkRJ9EMRna&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=HBkmeejIT0S&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY this one did make me chuckle 🤭
    5 points
  2. gavinkempsell

    Gun picture thread

    Can you tell what it is yet? A trip to B&Q and a bit of fettling to be done then... "Build it, they will come".
    4 points
  3. You often get strange BB's acting different, it's not an accurate science as many variables. I'm certainly in the "don't overthink it" camp. You're flying close to the sun there though. A Guarder sp100 spring is roughly equivalent to a M110. As @Cannonfodder says try another chrono and see. You can spend ££ trying to eliminate the odd inconsistency however often better to just leave it alone and enjoy.
    4 points
  4. Egon_247

    Gun picture thread

    On my quest, still.... Welrod aap. 😁🤣
    4 points
  5. https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/massive-gun-collection_i62683
    4 points
  6. Probably my last game day for a while because I'm probably going onto anticoagulants on Tuesday which means no airsoft until the procedure is done and the recovery is over. Unfortunately it went out with a bit of a whimper though. I took my G&P m14 and KJW m40a5 along with the intent of using the m14 with the m40a5 as a backup in case it wasn't shooting great. Suffice to say, it wasn't shooting great. The power is exactly where I want it and it's incredibly quiet for an AEG, but I think it needs a new hop rubber as the BBs just weren't really hopping very well, so the range was a bit poor. So why didn't I go back to the safe zone and grab my m40a5? Because I had no motivation to, basically. Worthing Airsoft at the moment is a pointless site to use anything with an MED at as there are only a few, very limited spots where you can actually use it. Furthermore, some of the spots that were fine now have twiggy bits in the way, which is wonderful for sending your shots off course, which isn't as much of a problem for semi or full auto guns as you can usually punch through, but single shot bolt actions? Not so much. Anyway, not much to really say. First game was a king of the hill style game over the Tower base; I took a flanking route and discovered the bottom of the site is currently unplayable. It took the entire game for me to fight my way through the foliage. When we flipped sides, I went to my normal spot and that's where I realised the m14 just wasn't firing well. The scope mount was slightly off so all my shots looked like they were going to the left, and the hop up wasn't working well so I was struggling to hit 50m. Combine that with the aforementioned twiggy bits and I had quite a few frustrating moments where I caught someone completely unawares only for my shots to either fall short or hit a twig and go to Narnia, giving them the opportunity to seek cover and get out of my line of sight. Anyway, now I have a few months of no gameplay, so I'm going to spend these game days on the range making sure my guns that need a bit of tweaking are sufficiently tweaked and also might put some DOPE cards together for my main bolt actions (KJW m40a5 and m700) and my DMRs (MWS and the MTW when I get it). It'd be nice to know reliably where to aim to hit targets out to 85m and beyond with a measure of accuracy. I did plink a little with the m40a5 today on the range and it was performing flawlessly as usual; hitting the 75m with pretty much every shot and even reaching to the 85m, but with less accuracy for sure; it's amazing how much difference that extra 10m makes.
    3 points
  7. I want you to make me an offer but I am not telling you what you are making an offer for.
    3 points
  8. Rory

    What have you made?

    Found an old ASG tri shot in a bag under some stuff in the garage. Was never a fan of the pistol grip, so took it off and decided to make a stock that suits my “larger than usual “ chip shovels (hands, for those struggling). MDF core, then built around it with foam pipe cladding and paper maiche to make the skeleton. Got some wooden packers on the pistol grip, and waiting on some tape and resin to finish it off. Will post a finished pic soon
    3 points
  9. GazChap


    Hey guys! I'm new to this forum, not new to airsoft! I first started playing around 2004, ended up amassing quite the collection of airsoft replicas that I eventually sold off when the VCRA came in in 2007, and then didn't really carry on playing. Major life changes in recent months have made me want to get back into it, so I've been to a couple of games at HC2 (West Midlands Airsoft) in the past couple of months, my second game being today. It's good to be playing again, even if I am much older and nowhere near as fit! I'll hopefully be playing again there within the next month or so, getting my UKARA membership and then I can look to get some more modern gear (I'm playing with my very old replicas, which the guys at WMA are servicing for me over time) and then I can look to get to a few other different sites too.
    2 points
  10. I wonder if those are the same BBs I sold my MP5 SD6 with about 20 years ago.
    2 points
  11. Close to the sun indeed, didn’t realise at the time just how close to the limit the Guarder 100 would take me. I’ve kept the factory spring in my game day kit so I can do a quick change should I fail chrono. Oh I’ve no plans to try and chase any more consistency, it shoots fine irrespective of the numbers. This thread is really just for curiosity sake, the result of a quiet afternoon when I probably should have been fixing my garden fence but instead decided to play with my toys. I am yes, as you say shifting the muzzle around can make quite a difference so for each group of shots I keep it pretty much static.
    2 points
  12. I'm paid for my time, plus I don't pay to play (one day marshalling = one free game day if I understand correctly), and invites to private events.
    2 points
  13. This was pretty much what they said. Thanks for the advice, this is really what I was after. Top tier post. Going to hopefully try it out next Sunday, see if I fit in and fit the job. If it's a no, it's no loss, I'll just happily keep playing.
    2 points
  14. I’ve kept my AEG in a hard case in the attic and up to a few weeks ago it didn’t get very hot up there but that has changed. I played today and while it is still hopping the BBs well I thought it curved more today than before. What is your advice? Can I leave an AEG in the attic in a padded hard case when it can get quite hot up there or is that a no-no?
    1 point
  15. Largely yes. Some of the biggest influences post WW2, Cold War and upto GWOT was the amount of kit the US punted out in assistance. Alice kit was really wide spread. I think in the 1990’s there was a lot of influence from makers like Lowe Alpine bringing in modern mountaineer style packs. * The Eagle 3 day pack and CFP90 are pretty much copies of civilian items for example. US SF liked this sort of kit but not so popular with regular, pretty conservative, procurement which went with the molle 1 pack for fuck sake. 😱 Europe had quite a few manufacturers and pretty much went their one way. * Bearing in mind WW2 bergens we’re civilian pack copies and some of the uniform designs were taken from recreational ski and mountain wear. So the cycle continues.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Good to hear. Unfortunately I've seen it happen before where people have started off just helping out and soon ended up basically running the site while the owner sat around doing fuck all
    1 point
  18. yep Guarder certainly caught out a few people with their springs. Funny enough when I initially started selling them I emailed the manufacturer many times asking if they could confirm what BB weight they rated their spring with, they said to me 0.2g which didn't make sense. After coming across way too many stories of broken springs and people with the same issue as yourself I ended up getting my own springs made.
    1 point
  19. go to PCBway and go to the 3D printing section. you can choose Aluminum (AlSi10Mg). They check the file for errors and then send you a quote. takes about 1 week to produce and about 2 to 3 weeks to reach the UK. Prices are not too bad to be honest and expect the bigger parts to be more expensive. You can upload and get them to quote with actually buying so you can back out if it's too pricy. I've used them a few times and they have always been spot on.
    1 point
  20. 307 fps on .28 is about 1.2j so still inside legal limit. Sporadic air seal change is a possibility, a BB may be fractionally different in size for example , changing how it behaves in the hop rubber. Are you holding the muzzle in exactly the same position relatice to the chrono every time ? I hind altering the angle or distance from the chrono can change readings some times.
    1 point
  21. The parts are for a Ruger Mini 14. The gun is locked together by the trigger guard locking into the upper receiver. The 3D printed receiver locking tabs are just not strong enough in any plastic.
    1 point
  22. If you're unsure whether it's the chrono then try borrowing one next time you're on site and doing the test again over lunchtime.
    1 point
  23. I'm kind of playing devil's advocate here. What are they offering for your time? If nothing then I'd say no as you'd be giving them free labour while missing out on playing time. Also beware that once every so often doesn't slowly turn into every weekend
    1 point
  24. To be fair, that's a lot of potentially empty boxes.
    1 point
  25. Correct; the terrible CYMA mosfet does not use cycle detection.
    1 point
  26. Cut off lever is installed, so it can't be a magnet, or at least said "magnet" isn't used to detect the sector gear's position, there would be two redundant systems that at one point would conflict resulting in silly things happening. That, my friend, is just the tappet plate cam, you can see it on the shs sector as well, although much smaller. Afaik there is only one system that uses magnets to track the sector gear and it's the Ares EFCS (electronic fucky cunty shit) and that would be a whole new can of worms, so yeah you're good to go, swap them gears and have fun
    1 point
  27. duly noted and link saved. thanks for the heads up
    1 point
  28. Spartan09

    VFC M249 Thread

    yeah, the para stock is a worth while mod... as for the CO2 mag, so far i can only comment on visuals as i havent got any 88g CO2 cartridges to try it out. got some arriving mid week, so i will try it out next weekend and yeah, i only got the invoice after i got the notification it cleared customs.... and im expecting another invoice for a second parcel on the way from Evike with a new outer barrel for my john wick hicapa.... which i had to fill out another firearms declaration form for...
    1 point
  29. Indeed, silicone is used to make bakeware, so unless you're tandooring chicken on your rafters, it's not going to be an issue.
    1 point
  30. Finished this build 👍🏽 RWA urban combat 2.0 in tinted black cherry. steel threaded barrel with 417 compensator. all the matching AGA furniture. AGA stippled grip with the big A Full steel internals.
    1 point
  31. Reef

    Cocking Effort VSR10

    Met Mr Hewes today and spent 20min’s talking to him. He’s honestly a top bloke and exactly like he is on film. The FV4005 is an impressive bit of kit. As for the VSR, fitted the parts yesterday afternoon, was more fiddly than hard to do. The rifle works but yet to test it outside of the garden so don’t know if it’s made a difference. Thanks for all the advice👍
    1 point
  32. Can’t imagine it’s a problem. I think most hop rubbers are made of silicone which can tolerate temperatures much higher than your loft is ever going to reach. Assuming your house doesn’t catch fire.
    1 point
  33. Not quite airsoft but fires darts at 250 fps 50m range slab and alchemist
    1 point
  34. I bought 2 pints of milk in Lidl today... It was an impulse buy, I only went in for an angle grinder, a wet suit and an 18ft ladder!
    1 point
  35. Yeah from what I've read about on other forums and discord groups usually you have to stretch the bolt stop spring to prevent it from preemptively catching the bolt
    1 point
  36. heroshark


    1 point
  37. Having a new issue with my old APFG MCX (the black one not the LT), it locks back on every shot regardless if it's at the last round, even my drum mag that straight up has no bolt lock tab it's causing the gun to lock back. Can't think of anything except to stretch the spring (or switch out to a stronger one) in the lower that applies pressure on the bolt catch... 😕 wonder if it's just the heat causing the recoil to bounce everything up while it's cycling.
    1 point
  38. Player: "I was shooting that guy behind that bush!!" Me: "Which bush?" Player: "There!" *pointing at thick foliage about 30 metres away* Me: *deep sigh* "What weight BBs are you using?" Player: ".2s, why?" Me: *internal even deeper sigh* "Okay, so......"
    1 point
  39. On one occasion, one of the other marshals was playing for the day and, armed with my MP5K, was prone on a track that led along one side of half of the site. He was picking off opposing players on the track who were certain that they were hitting him. I walked up to where he was and observed that their BBs were falling about 4m short of his position. I shouted to them confirming that they were not hitting him. They stated that they must be, so I called a ceasefire in that area, told one of them to go and stand next to him and then told the rest to try to shoot him. That finally convinced them that they were not ranging him. They had the grace to apologise.
    1 point
  40. I like to act as a firebreak for those by saying "It's airsoft, he's probably saying the same about you."
    1 point
  41. Ain't that the truth. One guy gripes to a friend about someone he's absolutely sure he hit, his friend gripes to someone else, and suddenly there's a witch hunt. And 9 times out of 10 the player in question IS calling hits, it's just the griping player doesn't understand that he's not shooting lasers.
    1 point
  42. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    So it's getting there. Just need to find a way to replicate the correct paint type. And alter the bolt.
    1 point
  43. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    VFC G45 with 3 leak free mag, 249 all in


    1 point
  44. Apologies, totally unfamiliar with this platform still figuring out layout... appreciate you pointing out pictures elsewhere, though i thought i was direct response to 1 person, I was posting to, not the whole page??! Airsoft supposed to be fun game, so fun paintwork, something different , after all we cant all be squeal team 6 😁🤔🤣
    1 point
  45. Just for laugh My G&G CM16
    1 point
  46. Depending on what it's going on I recommend either brown or chilli mayo
    1 point
  47. DanBow

    What have you made?

    Need a couple of barrel socks so got my sewing machine out. Mine is just a plain camo thing but did something nicer for my daughter.
    1 point
  48. I just trade marked a padded bra that never loses its shape. I call it Mammary Foam®
    1 point
  49. lukeB

    M4 Externals


    • For sale
    • Used

    Complete front from a new cyma CM98a. M4 Receiver is a new Dboys from powair (https://www.powair6.com/en/aeg-body/13238-dboy-m4-metal-body.html) - note: no charging handle, may want some better receiver pins Comes with a cut down gearbox shell for use with HPA. Was destined for a HPA build but ended up buying another MTW. For an extra £15 I can include a cyma standard v2 gearbox shell, motor, cyma rear wired mosfet, and internals to make an aeg. Collection from Oldbury, B68


    1 point
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